Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}

By xoautumnbratxo

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Aurora Ealis is a Bounty Hunter who thinks that it's best to be alone in life. With no one to care for, loss... More

Author's Note #1
Rescued By The Batch
Gone Again
Just A Bounty Hunter
Battle Scars
The Bounty Hunters
Feelings On Felucia
Common Ground
Devil's Deal
I Don't Trust You
Blind Betrayal
The Poison Chosen Especially For Aurora
The Tension is Strong With These Two
It's Not A Date
Return To Kamino
Kamino Lost
Death Of A Princess
Spoils Of War
Ruins Of War
A Risqué Mission
Shooting Stars
A Bounty On The Bounty Hunter
Kidnapping A Queen
Haunted By The Past
Boyfriends and interrogations
Truth and Consequences
Just A Dance
The Crossing
Red Bandana's
Making Amends
We Shouldn't Feel This Way
Gone With The Wind
A Thing Of The Past
First Day To The Rest Of Our Lives
Tipping Point
A Day To Remember
The Summit
Plan 99
The Aftermath
Rotation 96
Paths Unknown Pt. 1
Paths Unknown Pt. 2
A Different Approach
The Return
The Calm
Bad Territory
The Harbinger
Point Of No Return
Into the Breach
Flash Strike
The Cavalry Has Arrived Pt. 1
The Cavalry Has Arrived Pt. 2
Author's Note #2
The Original Ending

What Happens Now?

373 9 17
By xoautumnbratxo

*Reader discretion is advised for this chapter*

The Marauder landed on the topside of Coruscant. Wrecker and Omega climbed off the ship first. Hunter moved to the cots to change. He was putting his blacks on for his armor. Facing the gunner's mount he pulled his shirt off and grabbed the blacks. Someone walked up behind him.

"Yes?" Hunter said.

The sound of a data pad made Hunter aware it was Tech. "Hunter, there is something I wish to discuss-" There was a brief pause. "What happened to your back?"

"What?" Hunter turned to face his brother. "What do you mean?"

"Your back is covered in scratch marks." Tech moved to get back behind Hunter. "What happened?"

"It's nothing Tech." Hunter quickly said. "We have other things to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? You might need medical attention." Tech stated, as he continued to inspect Hunter's back. "Hunter, these could be serious. They look like claw marks, specifically human, they look like the markings from fingernails-" Tech paused again. "Hunter, did you and Aurora have sex?"

Hunter let out a cough and spun around to face Tech again. He brought his blacks to cover his chest as if it was going to help. "What? No!"

Tech raised an eyebrow. "Hunter, those are fingernail marks from a human and judging from the small size of the markings. I am led to believe they are from a female, and from knowing the fact that you admitted to kissing Aurora. You and Aurora had sex."

Hunter scoffed. "You got all that from some scratches on my back?"

"And the two of you weren't necessarily quiet the other night on Cantonica." Tech shrugged.

"Oh like you know so much about sex." Hunter glared at Tech, who adjusted his goggles and gave Hunter a weird look. "Actually, don't tell me I don't want to know."

"Hunter! Tech!" Omega yelled from outside the ship. "Are you two coming?"

"We best go before the others see the nighttime activities on your back." Tech said and turned around, walking to the door.

"Tech!" Hunter yelled as he walked out.


The group had all exited the ship. In the short distance they saw the building that Aurora's ex owned. Tech typed on his data pad as Wrecker cracked the muscles in his neck. Hunter knelt down to Omega.

"You need to be extra careful when we enter this place, do you understand?" Hunter asked.

"I understand." Omega nodded.

Hunter stood up right as Tech walked over to him. "Do we actually have a plan?" He asked.

"Go in blasting, get Aurora, get out." Hunter shrugged.

"That sounds easy enough." Tech sarcastically said.

"Do you have any ideas?" Hunter asked.

"I do not." Tech said.

"Alright then." Hunter said, placing his helmet on his head. "I'll go in first, everyone stay behind me and Omega you stay right with the group." The others all put their helmets on as well.

After running the short distance to the building. Hunter peered around the corner and didn't see anyone guarding the entrance.

"No one at the entrance?" Tech observed.

"Why is no one guarding the entrance?" Omega asked.

"Maybe he's cocky." Wrecker mentioned.

"Or it could be a trap." Hunter said, taking his blaster from his holster. "Everyone be on guard."

With Hunter going first. The group moved towards the entrance, making sure to stay right up against the building. Once next to the door, Hunter paused and held his hand up. The others stopping behind him. He listened for a few moments and he didn't hear anything. He nodded for Tech, who ran to the other side and grabbed the door and opened it. Hunter jumped out and held his blaster up with Wrecker coming up behind him.

But the front entrance was empty.

Hunter took a couple steps in, he knew the halls were empty, he motioned for the others to follow and the group slowly made their way through the halls, but the halls were quiet.

All a little too quiet for Hunter's liking.

The group came up to a big open archway and they all lined up next to it. They pressed themselves against the wall.

"Hunter, is that you?" A male voice called out. "Did you think I would really leave my humble abode unguarded? Step out from the shadows and let's have a talk, friend."

Hunter looked at the others and Tech shrugged. Still holding his blaster, he and the others stepped through the archway. He looked around seeing men holding their blasters, but not pointing at them. His eyes moved to the front of the room and saw a man standing in front of a chair. Hunter recognized him immediately from the article, the man with jet black hair and his gold facial markings. Hunter pointed his blaster at him.

"Ah, ah, ah." The man gestured. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not." Hunter grumbled.

"You're just going to have to trust me." The man smiled at Hunter and Hunter couldn't help but feel uneasy, something about that threat made Hunter hesitate. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Stryker and don't worry I know who you are."

"Then you know why I'm here." Hunter said.

"Yes, a hunter coming for his prey I believe." Stryker said. "Sorry mate, she's mine."

"She doesn't belong to anyone." Hunter informed him.

"She belongs to me!" Stryker yelled. Things got tensely quiet before Stryker cleared his throat. "Excuse me, my apologies, I did not mean to raise my voice. It has previously been brought to my attention that I have some anger issues."

"I don't care." Hunter said.

The man tugged on his shirt and smiled again. Hunter finally noticed the blood stained into the shirt and began to worry. "But you should, you have no idea what I am capable of doing when I am angry."

"What have you done to her?" Hunter asked.

Stryker chuckled. "Nothing she didn't deserve, bad girls get punished." He held an arm out. Hunter followed and saw a side door. "Shall we have her join the party? Bring her in!"

The door opened and a big man walked through. He held onto a woman and she struggled against him. His arm across her stomach, her mouth gagged, arms bound, and against her temple was a blaster he was holding against her. When she saw them in the middle of the room her eyes widened. She continued to struggle and she tried to scream but all anyone heard was muffled screaming. Hunter saw the bruises, marks, and dried blood and he started seeing red.

"Aurora!" Omega yelled.

"Let her go." Hunter turned back to Stryker.

"Hunter, you do not have a clue the things I've done, the things I've sacrificed for her." Stryker held an arm out and his guard dragged her over to him, but before he grabbed her he turned around and grabbed something from his seat. He looked back at the group and tossed the object to the ground, the object clattering as it settled near Hunter. He saw it was a mask that looked similar to that of a crescent moon. "You see, I am her savior, the only one who has and always will care about her. Besides, you don't want her. She's a used whore" He grabbed her arm and pulled her in front of him, keeping her close. Hunter knew he was using her as a human shield. Stryker wrapped a hand around her and grabbed her chin. Hunter saw the flash of something shiny and saw he pulled a dagger out and lightly dragged it down her cheek. "Nobody likes used goods, Hunter."

Aurora tried to say something but the gage kept anyone from understanding her.

"Fine, fine." Stryker grabbed the gage and yanked it down. "What do you want to say, woman?"

"Hunter!" Aurora ignored Stryker. "Please, do not hesitate for me! Kill him! Promise me you will kill him!"

"Aurora I-" Hunter wasn't sure what to say.

"It's alright, I won't be upset." Aurora nodded.

Stryker roughly grabbed her chin again. "Again with the need to kill yourself! Haven't you been punished enough!" He yelled in her ear, causing Aurora to visibly try and flinch from him. He turned to Hunter. "You probably put that idea in her head!" He saw the look on Hunter's face from Aurora's words. "Oh, you didn't know. Naughty, naughty girl. Let's say this, Aurora stays with me and I will let you all go willingly as a token of my good will."

"She's not going anywhere with you." Hunter said. An idea popped into Aurora's head. She made eye contact with Hunter and slowly nodded. He had no idea what she was planning but knew she had something in mind. "One last warning, let her go."

"In your dreams." Stryker said.

"No." Aurora said, still staring at Hunter. "In your dreams!" She threw her head back, connecting it with Stryker's nose. A loud cracking sound echoed throughout the building and everyone looked at the two of them. He loosened his grip on her and Aurora slipped through his grasp.

"You bitch!" He yelled and right as she stood up. He slapped her hard across the face, causing her to lose her balance and she fell to the ground.

"Hands off her!" Hunter yelled and charged forward firing his blaster. Stryker ducked as Hunter fired his blaster. The others started firing at his guards, and in turn, they started firing as well. Aurora backed herself against Stryker's chair and watched as the firefight went on. She peaked around and saw Hunter and Stryker fist fighting. Stryker's fist connected with the side of Hunter's face and Stryker jumped on top of him and pinned him down. His hands wrapped out his neck and Aurora saw Hunter getting choked.

Aurora started to breathe heavily. "I have to help." She told herself. "Get up and help him." But she hesitated, she was scared. Tears formed in her eyes. "He's going to die if you don't save him!" She leaned back, she wanted nothing more than to just stay there and hide. She was so afraid, but she managed to take a deep breath. They came for her, to rescue her. Hunter came to rescue her, even after she ran from him. She had to help. She leaned over to the front of the chair and pushed the button on the arm rest. A compartment opened and a blaster sat on the rack. With her hands still bound she got up and saw Stryker on top of Hunter. She stood up and took a couple steps forward and didn't even hesitate, raising the blaster, Aurora shot Stryker in the back. He gasped out and Hunter tossed him aside, also gasping for air. His own hand going to his neck as of it was going to help him breathe better.

Stryker rolled over and saw that it was Aurora who had shot him. "A-Aurora?" He gasped out, choking on his blood. "Why? I love-" Blood started to come from his lip.

She held the blaster up to his head. "You should've let me go." She shot him again in the head. His body falling limp. The rest of the batch gunned down the rest of the guards. She lowered her blaster. She was shaking and tears were in her eyes. She let go of the blaster in her hands and it clattered to the ground. Aurora looked down at the mask at her feet. She leaned over and delicately picked it up.

Hunter finally caught his breath and stood up as the others made their way to him. He looked at Aurora and saw her shaking badly. She was getting ready to collapse but Hunter ran over to her and quickly caught her.

He had his arm wrapped around her back and his other hand cupped the side of her face, he studied all the cuts, bruises, and dried blood on her face. "Aurora, are you okay?"

"Aurora!" Omega gasped as the group followed Hunter.

She leaned into his chest, letting out a deep sigh. No she wasn't. "Can we just leave?" She whispered.

"Of course," Hunter nodded. Aurora tried to take a step forward. She was unsteady on her feet. Hunter tightened his grip on her.

"I'll be fine once I get moving, Hunter." She told him.

Hunter still put his other hand by her legs and picked her up bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck instinctively. "I know you will be, but I got you." He whispered in her ear. She rested her head on his shoulder and they walked up to the others.

"Will she be alright?" She heard Omega ask.

"She will be." Hunter said and everyone started walking towards the doors. Aurora looked behind them one more time and saw Stryker's lifeless body on the ground. In her hand that was wrapped behind Hunter's neck was her mask, she hung onto it tight. A couple tears rolled down her cheeks. She rested her head again on Hunter's shoulder as the group made their way back to the ship.


"I'm glad she's out of there and safe." Fennec Shand said. She was on the hologram standing in front of Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega.

"She's resting now, but is there anything we should worry about?" Hunter asked.

Fennec put a hand on her chin. "When I first got her out of there, she had shut down on me. I had to force literal food down her throat."

"We're gonna force food down her throat?" Omega looked at Hunter.

"No we are not." Hunter told her and looked back at Fennec. "We aren't doing that."

"Suit yourself." Fennec shrugged her shoulders. "It took her a long time to come back from the dark parts of her mind. Just be patient." She paused. "And if you know of a place that she knows is safe maybe bring her there. It may help."

Hunter stayed silent, thinking of a place.

"Well we do know of one." Tech stepped in.

"Try it then." Fennec said. "And remember, don't force her to talk about what happened. That'll only push her away."

Hunter nodded but it was Omega who spoke up. "Thank you, Fennec. For helping us get Aurora back. We owe you."

"How about we are even." Fennec said, looking at Omega, with a smile on her face. "Aurora likes you kid. I can see why." She pushed a button and her hologram disappeared. Tech moved to the controls of the Marauder.

"To Felucia I take it?" Omega asked, looking at Hunter. 

"Yes." Hunter nodded and followed Tech. "To Felucia."


The flight to Felucia was at best an awkward one. No one knew what to do or even say. The group all stayed in the bridge. Aurora had woken up but she kept to herself in the middle of the ship. She cleaned herself up the best she could. She was typing away on her data pad.

"We are entering the Felucia System." Tech said from the bridge. He and Hunter worked on heading to Aurora's pin-pointed location. The Marauder settled on the ground below. The group all got up but Aurora lingered on the cots.

Outside the ship, the group saw the sun getting ready to set. "So what do we do here?" Omega asked.

"Why don't you all go into that little village, look for supplies and such." Hunter suggested. "I'm going to stay here and try to talk to Aurora."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Wrecker asked.

Omega jumped up and down with excitement. "Can we go see that woman Aurora calls mama? She's nice and gave me something called chocolate!"

"Uh sure?" Hunter raised an eyebrow and turned to Tech. "Don't let her have too much."

"Understood." Tech nodded. "Good luck with her."

"Oh Tech!" Hunter said. "Before you go there's something I want to ask you."

Aurora finally stood up from the cots and placed her data pad on it. She made her way to the exit and saw Hunter handing something to Tech. She carefully made her way down the steps and went in the opposite direction of them, towards the lake. Facing the water she focused her mind on the sounds of the waterfall. She was so focused she didn't hear someone walk up behind her.

"Hey." A soft voice called out to her and Aurora turned her head. Aurora didn't say anything as Hunter moved next to her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm-uh-I'm fine." Aurora looked back out to the water.

"Right." Hunter turned his head and studied the bruises along her neck and cheeks. Aurora turned to face him when she noticed he was staring. "Aurora, I understand everything now, and I don't even know where to start." He paused. "But I'm so sorry."

"I never wanted you to see that part of me. How weak I was." Aurora admitted.

"Aurora, I don't think you're weak at all." Hunter stated. "You're a survivor. Something tells me what I saw was only the beginning of what he's done to you."

"Please don't..." Aurora whispered, shaking her head. "Please don't ask. You won't like it."

Hunter grabbed her hand. "What did he do to you?" He whispered.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "My life, believe it or not when it was just Kristopher and I was much more simple." Aurora sat on the ground and Hunter sat next to her. "But as I got older the other men he worked with started taking notice."

"I know." Hunter nodded as he recalled this conversation.

"No, you don't." Aurora shook her head. "I was alone one day. One of the men found me and he..." She took a deep breath. "He groped me. Kristopher found out and slaughtered the man. I was sold again. I was only supposed to be a bartender."

"But you weren't?"

She shook her head again. "I was a pretty face, could earn credits. It wasn't long before I was working the pole. I met Fennec as well. For the most part she kept me balanced." She grabbed a rock, tossing it into the water. "A client introduced me to spice and I got hooked. Really, really bad. It was ruining my life."


"A young man walks into the bar one night. I'm probably the highest I've ever been. Fennec and I just gotten into a fight and I did not care if I were to have died that night." She sighed. "This man saw just how broken I was. Bastard had a silver tongue. I fell for everything he was selling me. That or I was just too damn high. He said he would get me out. I made him get Fennec out too but we went separate ways for a little bit."

"So you went to Coruscant with him." Hunter stated.

"Yea. Fennec followed but kept her distance." Aurora nodded. "The funny thing is that he never hid who he really was from me. I was just too stupid. Always thought that this was just life. He hit me the first night I was there because I asked for spice."

"He hit you?"

"He did more than hit me." There were tears in her eyes but Aurora couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "He forced me to get cleaned. Tortured the spice out of me. I thought he loved me. I mean maybe he did. He saved my life, I was grateful and I fell hard for him. Each time I made a mistake and caused him to lash out I made excuses for him. Thought I deserved it." Aurora wiped her tears. "He's hit me, whipped me, choked, cut, burned, whatever kind of beating you could think of he did to me. His prisoners were treated better than I was."

"How long did you endure this for?"

"Years. Kriffing years." She paused. "When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified at first. Bringing in a child, his child, couldn't have been a good thing, but I started thinking more and more about it. Maybe a child could fix everything. A stupid sentiment now but I had hoped this child would get him to stop hitting me, and that's terrible to say out loud I know but I was so scared at this point of my life. I was just trying to survive."


Aurora's eyes started watering again. "I was on my way to tell him the good news. I happily knocked on that stupid door. I didn't know he was meeting important senators that day. I pulled him from that meeting. He was angry, screaming, I'm sure those senators heard it all. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't let me speak." She took a breath, trying to keep herself from crying. "He shook me by my shoulders. I begged him not to. He smacked me in the face and said I needed to be taught a lesson." Her voice shook. "He pushed me down the stairs and I... and I knew right away I had lost the-" Her voice cracked. "It-it was my fault." She choked out.

"Aurora, that is not your fault." Hunter told her. Aurora had started crying and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to him. He kissed her forehead. "That will never be your fault."

"If I hadn't interrupted him-"

Hunter cut her off. "No, do not think like that. Aurora I mean it." He pulled away and looked at her. "That is not your fault. You knew you had to get out and you did just that. You're never ever going back there again."

Aurora wiped her nose on her sleeve once she had calmed down. "You now know who Aurora Ealis really is." She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for." Hunter said

She looked down. "You know, me being taken away from you had made me realize that I wished I had never left you, but I just-I got so scared as to what this might bring us. I didn't know what to do." She gestured between the two of them.

"You mean this unspoken thing?" He said with a smile, Aurora shot a look at him but a small smile hinted at her lips.

"I hate you." She said, her smiling growing bigger. Hunter stood up and pulled Aurora to her feet. He continued holding her.

Hunter moved his hand to her cheek. "I understand your worries and I want you to know we can go as slow as you want to. I'm willing to wait a millennium for you."

"Hunter, I-" Aurora looked at him speechless for a moment. "I don't-I don't know what to say. I've challenged you, fought you every step of the way. Why?"

Hunter brought his other hand to her other cheek. He leaned down and Aurora leaned in. Hunter softly kissed her before pulling back. "That is exactly why I fell in love with you."

"What?" Aurora pulled back, her mouth slightly opened. "Even after everything I just told you?"

Hunter let his hands fall when Aurora pulled back. "I'm not hiding it anymore, how I feel about you. There is just no other way to say it, but the truth." He stepped closer to her. "I love you, Aurora Ealis."

Aurora took another back. "I-I-I-" She stuttered. "I don't know-" She looked away. Her face growing red.

"Aurora?" Hunter stepped closer to her.

"Hunter! Aurora!" The two of them heard Omega yell in the distance. "I brought you guys chocolate!"

Without another word Aurora turned away from Hunter and quickly made her way to Omega. Hunter was hot on her heels.

"And get this!" Wrecker said laughing and shoulder punched Tech. "Tech's girlfriend reached out to us!"

"Girlfriend?" Aurora questioned, biting into the small chocolate bar Omega shared with her.

Tech straightened himself up and dusted the non-existent dirt off his chest plate. "Phee Genoa is not my girlfriend, Wrecker." He grabbed his data pad. "She had reached out to us and requested our assistance in something."

"Of course she did." Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Should we help her?" Omega asked.

"I suppose we should." Hunter shrugged. "Tech, did you get her coordinates?"

After Tech typed on his data pad, he looked up and adjusted his goggles. "Yes I did."

"Let's go help the pirate then." Aurora said.

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