Scarlet Truther's Revenge (Th...

By Mesha4200

2.3K 31 41

So far part 1 of the story was intense. If you think that was something, wait until you read part 2 of the tr... More

flashback and Prologue
Planning on the day before school starts
Seeing Master Fu and Scarlet Truther's return (again)
Exploring the Island, thinking about what to do, and something on the Island
A new volcano lair and talking about their plan
Monday: First day of school, getting ready for school, and new brooch
Meeting some new teachers, visiting Mr. Damocles, bakery shift, and new villains
Hotel hire help, setting the teleporter, and getting Earthquake Queen
In Mr. Thomas' class and Earthquake Queen in Paris, France
Heroes vs Earthquake Queen
Resuming back to class and heading to lunch
Lunchtime, coming home from the pharmacy, and setting up the next plan
Mrs. Jones science class, having lunch and heading back to work, and work done
Mr. Bentley's class, Hotel shift, and Riposte and Oni-Chan's appearance
Heroes vs Riposte and Oni-Chan
Riposte and Oni-Chan aftermath, end of the school day, and going to Master Fu's
Heading home, soccer tryouts, and Elizabeth akumatized
Heroes vs Foot Bawler
Foot Bawler aftermath, Melanie heads home, and closing up the bakery
Planning for dinner, Scarlet Truther get Plant Fiend next, and spreading power
Phone call from Gina, Othiteka's home, and getting Plant Fiend
Heroes vs Plant Fiend
Plant Fiend aftermath, Master Fu's concerns, and dinnertime
Tuesday morning prep, getting ready for school, and hallways
Flustered Zoe, working at the Hotel, and attendance
Math textbook check out, thinking of ways to improve the bakery, and math lesson
End of class and passing time, working, and creating Sapotis
First Geography lesson, first drama lesson, Hotel work, and call from Rolland
Lunchtime and sending Sapotis to Paris, France
Heroes vs Sapotis
Sapotis aftermath, heading back to lunch, and heading to Mrs. Jones' class
Textbook check-out for science, first science lesson, and cheese shop
Class dismiss, finish Hotel shift, and John akumatized
Getting recruits and Heroes vs Doctor Fondue part 1
Getting Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee
Heroes vs Doctor Fondue part 2
Doctor Fondue aftermath, returning back to society, and Juicy Juice bar stop
Textbook check out (History class), engaged couple, and getting ready to leave
Closing the bakery, getting Madame Rouge, and getting inviting friends over
Doing homework, planning dinner, and sending Madame Rouge and Phobia out
Heroes vs Madame Rouge and Phobia
Madame Rouge and Phobia aftermath, back to society (again), and Felix's talk
Dinnertime, news from Mulan, and Scarlet Truther's shrine of villains
Wednesday: getting ready for school, talking to the couple, and leaving
Meeting with friends, making new friends, and planning for the next attack
Math lesson, deciding on a cake flavor, and getting Captain Hardrock
Learning about weather, Rolland's visit, zoe's talk, and school lessons
Drama class lecture, lunchtime, break time, and sending Captain Hardrock
End of lunch, heading to Mrs. Howards' class, and emergency
Heroes vs Captain Hardrock
Captain Hardrock aftermath, back to society, and school montage
Bakery shift, Lukanette time, and getting the Witches of East Paris
Heading home, Improv project, plans for dinner, and sending the Witches to Paris
Heroes vs Witches of East Paris
Witches of East Paris aftermath, dinner, and talking to the Guardians
Thursday: Bathroom gossip, Ms. Trussel's class, and on zoom class
Bakery delivery route, finishing off math lecture, and annoying music
Math lesson, Mr. Thomas' class time, complain, and Katie akumatized
Heroes vs Earworm part 1
Getting Polymouse, Carapace, and Caprikid
Heroes vs Earworm part 2
Earworm aftermath, finishing off class, and end of zoom
Science lecture, helping out, phone call, and getting Monseuir of Disguise
End of science lecture, lunchtime, and new villains in Paris
Heroes vs Dormammu and the H.I.V.E.
Dormammu and H.I.V.E. Aftermath, training Roxy, and back to work
Thinking about dinner and dessert, attendance, and bakery shift
Making a grocery list, passing time, getting Frozer, and attendances
Last of the classes, end of the school day, Sabrina dilemma, and sending Frozer
Heroes vs Frozer
Frozer aftermath, doing homework, talking to Chloe, and juice date
Adrien's talk, telling them about the phone call, and juice bar arrival
Writing out invitations, planning the party, dinner prep, and new strategy
Other family dinners and watching TV before bed
Friday: Juleka's birthday, getting ready for school, and talk with the Guardians
Wishing Juleka happy birthday, first lesson (Ms. Trussel), and bakery business
End of math class, passing time, Juleka's birthday plan, and grocery shopping
Geography lesson, acting exercises, order calls, and thinking of a present
Passing time, getting the Tar Monster, and telling Juleka to invite Owen
End of Zoom class, Anarka's cake pickup, and class lectures
Lunchtime, picking up the mail, and sending the Tar Monster to Paris
Heroes vs The Tar Monster part 1
Getting help (All help)
Getting Felix as Night Crawler and Heroes vs Tar Monster part 2
Tar monster aftermath, back to lunch, end of lunchtime, and back to work
End of lunchtime, hallways, bakery shift, and a box of stray kittens
Class montage, phone call from Felix, and firefighter interview
End of class, passing time, last classes, and assigned position
Bakery shift, end of grocery shopping, end of middle school, and Skye akumatized
Heroes vs Sirenica part 1
Getting Carapace, Rooster Bold, and Purple Tigress
Heroes vs Sirencia part 2
Sirenica aftermath, learning a lesson, and catching up on last bit of class
End of school, wrapping up Juleka's present, getting Reverser, and meeting
Heading back home, Zowen movie time, Ms. Lingo bakery stop, and surprise
Gift shopping, Sabrina's nervousness, and Reverser's arrival in Paris
Heroes vs Reverser part 1
Getting Nathaniel (Caprikid)
Heroes vs Reverser part 2
Reverser aftermath, back to society, party checklist, and dinner montage
Saturday: getting ready for the day, breakfast, and leaving for training
Training, getting ready montage, party setup, and getting the cake
Training session over, planning a villain attack, and cake tasting
Going to the Liberty, Sabrina nervous, and getting Desiree
Saying happy birthday to Juleka, planned spa trip, and thinking
Playing Twister, building confidence, and sending Desiree to Paris
Heroes vs Desiree
Desiree aftermath, heading back to the party, and shy Sabrina
End of spa day, opening up more, back to work, and complicated figure skater
Playing musical chair, relaxed Chloe, and Tatiana akumatized
Heroes vs Glacia
Glacia aftermath, back to the party, back to work, and specialist arival
Setting up the cake, closing up the bakery, and phone call from Gina
Bringing the cake out, singing happy birthday, and summoning Style Queen
Dinner prep, playing with kittens, and Style Queen in Paris
Heroes vs Style Queen part 1
Heroes vs Style Queen part 2
Style Queen aftermath, opening presents, and Lukanette walking home
Leaving for the first wedding, Scarlet Truther's plan, and Sabrina meeting Chloe
First wedding ceremony, playing with kittens, and training session part 1
Wedding aftermath, training part 2, and getting Mime Colony
Wedding wrap-up, end of training, and Delmar stopping by
Heading home to the bakery, message from Luka, and Mime Colony in Paris
Heroes vs Mime Colony
Mime Colony aftermath, second wedding setup, and Kitty Section band rehearsal
Second wedding reception, Andre's return, and Felix and Delmar's talk
Cutting the cake, Sabrina's talk, bug museum, and day at the park
End of wedding, movie date, heading to Master Fu's, and Mr. Allard akumatized
Heroes vs Hive Mind
Hive mind aftermath, training with Master Fu, and plans for dinner
Meeting with Sabrina, ordering Japanese food for lunch, and planning next attack
Outing time, meeting with Luka, and getting Malediktator
Heroes vs Malediktator part 1
Getting Queen Bee
Heroes vs Malediktator part 2
Malediktator aftermath, leaving the date, and getting dinner ready
Othiteka coming home and dinnertime montage
Monday: getting ready for the day, ready for work, and phone call from Marianne
Meeting with friends, pen pal message, Bakery shift, and planning attack
Math test, Felix face timing his friends, Timmy's school, and biology class
End of first period class, Chloe's talk, and delivery calls
Eavsdropping, trip to the principal's office, second period, and deliveries
Second class ends, more bakery routes and orders, and getting Dragons ready
Three 3rd period classes, computer lab, and lunch for Marin

Getting Chloe, the Queen Bee

10 0 2
By Mesha4200

In Master Fu's house, Master Fu reads a book as there was a gong with a mallet in the back of the room, then he heard the door knocked. 

Master Fu: (lowering the book) Come in. *The door opened, Marinette walked in, and Tikki hovered next to Marinette. * Marinette, what brings you by?

Marinette: Master, Style Queen is in Paris, it's not an akumatized  villain, but a clone villain. So far, she's invincible and nothing not even our powers are affected by her. My lucky charm told me to come here.

Master Fu: (closing the book) Well now you know the lucky charm is never wrong. *He goes to the phonograph, pushes on the two Dragon eyes, a code pad appears, he puts in the code, the phonograph is opened, and makes the miracle box open. * You know what you have to do. *Marinette nodded her head yes. *

Marinette: I do.

Master Fu: Pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over, you will retrieve the Miraculous from them.

Marinette: (slowly reach for a miraculous) I need someone who can actually immobilize my opponent. *She stopped and picked up the Bee miraculous. * Like this.

Master Fu: The Bee miraculous, the power of action. Good luck on this mission, Marinette.

Marinette: I'll need it, Master. Come on, Tikki. *She and Tikki left his house and went to the alley. *

Tikki: Think Chloe can do this? Even though it's not her mom as Style Queen?

Marinette: I'll just tell her it's not her real mom as Style Queen, but a clone. She'll understand, I'm sure of it. But, we'll worry about it later. Time to find Chloe. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms back to Ladybug, she throws her yo-yo out, swings away, and finds Chloe. Outside of the Le Sorbonne, Andre, Chloe, Chelsea, and Chandler were walking out of there after the movie was over. *

Andre: Did you all enjoy the movie.

Chandler: Elemental was a good movie.

Chelsea: I liked it when Ember and Wade kissed.

Chloe: (rolling her eyes, groaning silently) 'Gag alert.'

Andre: How did you like the movie, Chloe?

Chloe: (looking at her nails, crossing her arms) It was okay. I didn't expect us to sit through seeing the whole end credit.

Chandler: I just like the music playing on the end credits. 

Chloe: 'That would be the last time I'd ever go to the movies with my siblings and father.'

Andre: (looking around) What is all this? 

Chandler: I don't know. *Chelsea hugged her dad's leg in fear. That's when they heard evil laughter in the air. *

Style Queen: Ladybug, wherever you are, you can't hide forever. Your little heroes can't hold me back anymore.  *Soon, she teleported, started roaming across the streets, and she appeared standing behind Andre and his kids. *

Andre: Audrey? When did you get back into town? *Style Queen turned around and faced them. * 

Style Queen: I am not Audrey. *She points her scepter out, Chelsea and Chandler huddle next to Andre in fear. * I am nothing to you and you will be nothing to me!

Chelsea: Daddy.

Andre: (comforts Chelsea) It's okay, Chelsea. 

Chloe: Mom, why are you doing this?

Style Queen: (turning to Chloe) I'm not your mom! Stop calling me that or I'm gonna fire you. 

Chloe: That can't be mom, she's still in New York. Right, daddy?

Andre: (pulling his phone out, scrolling through his contact list) Hold on, honey. *He called Audrey on his phone. The other line rang and it was picked up. *

Audrey: (through the phone) Yes, Andre?

Andre: (on the phone) Uh Audrey, my darling... out of curiosity. You're still in New York and not in Paris, are you?

Audrey: (on the phone, walking back and forth) Anthony, uh, Andre, what kind of question is that? Of course I'm still in New York. I thought we acknowledged that this morning. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. 

Andre: (on the phone) Thanks for clearing that up, Audrey. Uh, see you when you get back from New York. I love you.

Audrey: (through the phone) Yeah, yeah. See you later. *Andre hung up the phone and looked at his kids. * 

Andre: Okay, so that confirms that your mother is still in New York, not here. So it's not her.

Chandler: Okay.

Chloe: (facepalm) Ugh, just great. 

Andre: Look, I don't know who you are, but I will not have you doing this to my fair city whatsoever. So stop this madness at once. *Style Queen groaned angrily and got ready to fire off her scepter. * 

Style Queen: Time to shut you up for good. You're fired! You're fired! And you're fired! *She blasted her scepter and turned Andre, Chelsea, and Chandler into piles of gold, leaving Chloe alone. *

Chloe: No, daddy! Chelsea! Chandler!

Style Queen: You wanna be fired too?

Chloe: Uh, no, no. That won't be necessary, Style Queen. In fact, I'll just pretend this never happened. Honest.

Style Queen: You know too much. And do you wanna know what I do to people who know too much? I fire them. *Just then, Ladybug swooped in, grabbed Chloe, and swung away. * Ugh! You are an annoying cockroach! UGH!!!!!! 

On top of a roof, Ladybug landed and put Chloe down.

Ladybug: Are you okay?

Chloe: Yeah. I'm okay. 

Ladybug: About Style Queen...

Chloe: She's a fake? Don't worry, my dad called my mom to confirm if it's the real deal, but she's in New York. 

Ladybug: At least we both know it's a clone version of Style Queen. I want to know will you help us defeat an invincible super villain?

Chloe: You know I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

Ladybug: Okay. *She pulled out the small black box, handed it to Chloe, she opened it, a bright light appeared, and Pollen appeared. *

Pollen: At your service, my Queen. *Chloe put the hair comb in her hair. * 

Chloe: Pollen, buzz on! *She transforms into Queen Bee. *

Ladybug: (sprout her wings) Let's go. *She flies away. *

Queen Bee (sprout her wings too) Right behind you. *She flies next to Ladybug in the air. * 

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