The Diaries of Palestine Part...

By LeenaMustafa6

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I'll update daily here about the latest news on Gaza and Palestine, I'll document and translate every news I... More

new year's eve
the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri


7 5 0
By LeenaMustafa6

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Islamic Resistance in Iraq: We targeted the Hemo base, which houses American forces, west of Qamishli Airport in Syria

#Urgent |  Red Crescent: We condemn the occupation’s targeting of our ambulance and the martyrdom of 4 of our crews, and we demand immediate action to protect our crews.

#update |  The occupation forces heavily fire flare bombs in the center and west of Khan Yunis

#Urgent |  An Israeli air strike north of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  The occupation forces close the entrance to the Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in the town of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem to ensure the passage of a settlers’ march at the beginning of the Hebrew month.

#Follow |  Government media in Gaza: The occupation uses policies of genocide, starvation, and burning homes and property with the aim of displacing our people.

#Follow |  Government media in Gaza: All the plans that the occupation is hatching with its agents and allies to displace our people will not succeed.

#Urgent |  Young men throw hand grenades towards the “Karmei Tzur” settlement established on the lands of the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

#Urgent |  A young man was injured by bullet fragments in the back during the occupation forces’ storming of the town of Ya’bad, south of Jenin

#Urgent |  Martyrs and wounded in the targeting of a house belonging to the Abu Hatab family, northwest of Rafah, in the Oraiba area, south of the Gaza Strip

#Urgent|  WHO Regional Director:

We face great challenges on the ground inside Gaza due to the fuel shortage and the obstacles placed by the occupation army.

- We have not been able to reach hospitals in the Gaza Strip for more than two weeks.

Our teams are deployed in all areas south of the Gaza Strip, and we cooperate with other organizations to deliver aid to the Palestinians.

- 93% of the citizens of the Gaza Strip suffer from food insecurity, and there are risks of the spread of diseases and epidemics in the Strip.

#Follow |  The arrival of 7 martyrs to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis from this morning until now

#Urgent |  Injured in artillery shelling in the Al-Thawabta area, northeast of Rafah

#update |  Four martyrs arrived at Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital as a result of the targeting of a house for the Abu Hatab family, north of Rafah

#Video |  The funeral of the martyr Fahim Al-Khatib, who died as a result of being wounded by occupation bullets in Ramallah two days ago.

#Follow |  Hamas leader Taher al-Nunu:

The United States is part of the war on Gaza, which has not achieved any of its military or political goals

- Talking about prisoners will only be completed by ending the aggression and stopping the genocide against our people

The case against the occupation before international justice is very important if the court deals fairly

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  A statement issued by the government media office in Gaza:

▪️ The “Israeli” occupation uses policies of genocide, starvation, and burning homes and property with the aim of displacing our Palestinian people outside the Gaza Strip.

▪️The Minister of Communications of the “Israeli” occupation once again announced the true intention of the occupation behind waging a genocidal war against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which is to displace our Palestinian people and expel them out of Palestine and out of the Gaza Strip.

▪️The “Israeli” minister said that “Israel” must use a precise practical plan by following policies of genocide, starvation and thirst, burning homes and various properties, applying pressure with all possible force, creating a repellent environment, and imposing difficult conditions in order to achieve the goal of displacing the Palestinians abroad.

  ▪️With all confidence and certainty, not all the world’s plans will succeed, nor all the malicious schemes that the occupation is weaving with its agents and allies in the dark of the night in order to displace our Palestinian people, who prove every day that they are a great people who cling to their land, their sanctities, and their just cause, and even make great sacrifices of martyrs for that sake.  Wounded, detainees, blood, and great capabilities.

▪️ We call on all countries of the Arab and Islamic world and all countries of the free world to denounce and condemn these statements and those malicious plans and intentions that were repeated by ministers and officials of the “Israeli” occupation, and we call on the international community and the United States of America to put pressure on the occupation to stop the comprehensive genocidal war against our Palestinian people and to stop  The waterfall of blood and stopping the killing of civilians, children and women, since they are the ones who give him the green light and approval for the genocidal war and participate in it.

#Urgent |  The occupation forces fire flare bombs in the airspace west of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

#Follow |  Statement by the head of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory, Rami Abdo, on the eve of the International Court of Justice session tomorrow:

- South Africa was left alone in filing the case before the court, and no country joined with it, and the declaration of some countries’ support does not advance or delay and is merely a populist position and nothing more.

The positions of the judges are historically influenced by the position of their countries, and there are 8 countries out of 15 on the court that have previously sided with the occupation, in addition to the negative positions of some of its judges regarding the authority of the court to determine whether what “Israel” is committing is genocide or not.

- The court will not issue an immediate decision on whether the occupation committed genocide or not. Rather, the goal is to implement a temporary judicial ruling for a ceasefire, and this also requires time.

- Over the past few days, the occupation has worked to export positions from the judicial advisor and the army to avoid any condemnation, but the most important thing remains that the crime of genocide has been established in history as an accusation against the occupation that cannot be denied.

#Follow |  Zionist opposition leader Yair Lapid: Never before in the country’s history has there been such an irresponsible government as the current one, and the new budget is full of harmful cuts.

#Urgent |  Euro-Mediterranean Monitor: We submitted to the South African legal team and the Office of the High Commissioner a memorandum on the most prominent mass graves in Gaza.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  🔻Resistance actions in the West Bank during the last 24 hours and within the Battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood” 1/10/2024:

*Total acts of resistance: 12

· Armed clashes and shooting: 3
· Explosive devices: 3
· The outbreak of confrontations and stone throwing: 6

Shuafat Camp: Clashes erupt and stones are thrown.

- Aboud: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

- Jenin: Armed clashes, shooting at reconnaissance aircraft, and the detonation of explosive devices, in addition to the outbreak of confrontations and stone throwing.

- Balata camp: armed clashes, explosive devices, clashes and stone throwing.
- Tal: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

- Sheikhs: Confrontations erupt and stones are thrown.

🔻Qualitative operations:
- Armed clashes and detonation of explosive devices
During the occupation forces' storming of the city of Jenin.

- Armed clashes and the detonation of explosive devices during the storming of the city of Nablus and Balata camp.

#Video |  Occupation forces storm the town of Ya'bad, Jenin District

#Follow |  Yemeni Armed Forces: We target "Israeli" ships until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted

#Follow |  Yemeni Armed Forces: Whoever obstructs our operations will face a response

#Follow |  Yemeni Armed Forces:

- International navigation is safe and America must stop misleading the world

We warn against falling into America’s trap by militarizing the Red Sea in the service of the “Israeli” occupation.

#Urgent |  The young man, Fahim Ahmed Al-Khatib, from Beitunia, died as a result of his injury by occupation bullets during the storming of Ramallah two days ago.

#Follow |  Chief of Staff of the Occupation Army, Herzi Halevy: The fighting in Gaza is complex and there is an enemy that has been preparing in an organized manner for a long time.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Two martyrs were transferred to the European Hospital as a result of the occupation forces targeting eastern Khan Yunis with artillery

#Urgent |  Zionist artillery shelling targets the vicinity of the towns of Maroun al-Ras and Aitaroun in southern Lebanon

#Follow |  UNRWA:

- The total number of UNRWA employees who
Killed since the beginning of hostilities amounted to 146

- 150 thousand people were forced to move away from our facilities due to “Israeli” evacuation orders in the central region and Khan Yunis.

#Follow |  Farhan Musa Alqam - writer and political analyst:

Netanyahu realizes that submitting to the will of the Zionist street means the end of the war and the end of his political career

- Netanyahu raised the ceiling of his demands on the army in order to have the longest term in power

The American administration is more extreme towards Gaza than the occupation government

- The American administration is the decision maker in this aggression against the Palestinian people and still insists that there be no ceasefire in Gaza.

#Urgent |  Islamic Resistance in Iraq: We targeted, with a drone, a base for American forces near Erbil airport

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft bombed a house in Block “C” east of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Injuries arrived at Al Awda Hospital as a result of the occupation’s bombing of various areas in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Illumination bombs were fired by Zionist artillery northwest of Khan Yunis Governorate

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation government is deceiving itself regarding what is being circulated about an initiative to calm the street

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The Jewish issue was created by European racism and does not exist in our region

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The idea of disarming the resistance is naive and does not take into account the facts of the matter

#Follow |  Summary (6) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by leader Osama Hamdan this Wednesday evening, keeping pace with developments in the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

- The positions expressed by Secretary Blinken regarding the lawsuit in the International Court of Justice, and his statement that “this step distracts efforts to contain the escalation,” and that the genocide lawsuit is “baseless”;  It is an American attempt to obscure the reality of the crimes committed by the occupation in Gaza, and it is an attempt to obstruct the tools of international justice from carrying out their role.

In this context, we wonder:  Did the occupation kill about 30,000 civilians, most of whom were children and women, without justification?!!  Is the policy of starvation, thirst, and cutting off water sources for the residents of the Gaza Strip unfounded?!!  Is the destruction of 70% of the Gaza Strip groundless?!!  Is the destruction of 30 hospitals and the killing of doctors and journalists unfounded?!!  .. It is the hypocrisy, lies, and double standards policy of the Biden administration involved in this genocide.

- Mercy, glory and immortality to the martyrs of our people and nation in all arenas of the homeland and abroad, a speedy recovery for the wounded and sick, freedom for the prisoners and detainees, and victory and pride for our people and our resistance.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: Talk about the emergence and departure of the resistance is just an illusion

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The situation in the Gaza Strip is more complex and better than the occupation thinks

#Follow |  19 martyrs during the day in Khan Yunis as a result of the ongoing occupation aggression

#Video |  Al-Aqsa Brigades publishes scenes of its fighters’ clashes with the occupation near Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Two martyrs were transferred to the European Hospital as a result of the occupation forces targeting eastern Khan Yunis with artillery

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Follow |  Summary (4) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by the movement’s leader, Osama Hamdan, this Wednesday evening, keeping pace with developments in the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

- The American administration, through its officials, continues to adopt the occupation’s misleading narrative and its false propaganda, in its attempts to justify the genocide committed by the terrorist occupation army against civilians, by saying that the Palestinian resistance is concentrated among civilians.  In an open policy to wash the hands of the occupation of the blood of children, women and the elderly of Gaza, whose number exceeded thirty thousand martyrs and missing persons under the rubble.

- About Blinken’s statement that many countries in the region are ready to invest in the future of Gaza;  We reiterate that the Palestinian people are the masters of their decisions, and are concerned with self-determination according to their national vision, in order to achieve their major goals of freedom and liberation from occupation, and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

- We affirm the position of our people welcoming any Arab and Islamic effort that supports the cause of our people, supports the resistance, and ends the aggression and removes the occupation and the effects of its barbaric aggression against our people, our land, and our Islamic and Christian sanctities.

- We call on the American administration once again to stop its policies that are obstructing efforts to end the war of extermination waged by the occupation in Gaza, and to work immediately to stop this criminal aggression, and to stop tampering with international laws and regulations, for the benefit of the Nazi-Zionist entity.

Regarding the session of the United Nations General Assembly, yesterday, Tuesday, regarding the discussion of the use of the veto by the United States of America in the Security Council on December 22, 2023 against the decision to stop the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip, we affirm that the American administration continues to exercise all forms of  Support for this Zionist aggression in order to continue and prolong it, in service of the occupation and a partner in its crime and aggression.

#Follow |  Summary (5) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by the movement’s leader, Osama Hamdan, this evening, Wednesday, in keeping with developments in the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip:

- The American administration bears political, legal, moral and humanitarian responsibility for the suffering, pain, killing and displacement of more than two million Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip.

- The failure of the American administration to issue resolutions from the UN Security Council to stop the aggression, and to challenge the will and positions of 153 countries in the United Nations General Assembly demanding to stop the aggression, makes this administration a pariah and sponsor of Zionist terrorism.

The positions of this administration and its support for the occupation and its crimes will increase its isolation and loss, politically, diplomatically, popularly, and its alleged moral image, and confirm its relationship with and sponsorship of all forms of terrorism in the world.

We welcome and appreciate the positions of all countries that supported the courageous, historic and honorable position of the Republic of South Africa in filing this lawsuit against the Nazi occupation.

We call on the International Court of Justice not to yield to the dictates and pressures of the American administration, which is a partner and bears responsibility for the continuation of the genocidal war that is still being committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The American administration still looks at matters in Gaza through an “Israeli” lens.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: We welcome any effort in support of our people and in favor of ending the aggression

#Follow |  Summary (3) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by leader Osama Hamdan this Wednesday evening, keeping pace with developments in the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

- It is also required that fuel enter hospitals, bakeries, water pumping stations, and sewage stations, and operate civil work facilities that were destroyed by the occupation.  This is an urgent responsibility and an urgent priority for Ms. Kaag, and all concerned countries, governments and international institutions, to stop this barbaric Nazi aggression against our people.

- For more than 3 full months, this Nazi enemy has not achieved any of its aggressive goals. By escalating its brutal crimes against innocent civilians, children and women, it is trying to achieve an image of an alleged victory, but it has not been achieved, and it will not be achieved, thanks to God, and then with the steadfastness and valor of our people.  Our resistance.

- The Nazi occupation’s marketing, in partnership with the American administration, of what is called “the transition to the third phase of the war” comes in the context of false and exposed black propaganda by our people and our resistance, and a desperate attempt to pass it off as an achievement at the expense of the blood of our people, in light of the continuation of all forms of massacres and crimes against our people.

- The prisoners of the Zionist enemy held by the resistance will not return alive to their families, unless Netanyahu and his war leaders respond to the conditions of the resistance, the first of which is a comprehensive and complete cessation of their aggression against the Gaza Strip.

- With each of his five tours to the region, Blinken comes to sell the illusion to all the countries he meets, while he looks with one eye, adopting the occupation narrative, and supporting his agenda of liquidating the Palestinian cause and exterminating its people.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: Only the Palestinians have the right to self-determination and establish their state with Jerusalem as its capital

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The failure of the American administration to issue a decision to stop the aggression destroys its alleged moral image

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: We call on the International Court of Justice not to yield to the pressure sought by the American administration

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation is trying to achieve an image of victory, but it withdrew in defeat from northern Gaza

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation’s marketing of the transition to the third phase of the war is false and blatant propaganda

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The enemy failed to achieve any of its goals, and its prisoners will not return unless it responds to the conditions of resistance.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The enemy’s prisoners will not return unless the conditions of resistance are met, the first of which is stopping the aggression

#Follow |  Summary (2) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by leader Osama Hamdan this Wednesday evening, keeping pace with developments in the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

- This Nazi occupation did not allow a crime without committing it, in flagrant violation of all laws, customs, conventions and international humanitarian law.  From mass killing, forced displacement, arresting innocent civilians, stripping them naked, torturing them, and photographing them, and systematic targeting of children, killing, kidnapping, and women, and sniping civilians after removing them from shelters, and the destruction of all components of human life in the Gaza Strip, from hospitals and shelter centers affiliated with UNRWA, schools, universities, mosques, churches, and service centers, and even  Exhuming and bulldozing graves, desecrating the bodies of martyrs, and stealing their organs.

- Our people in all of the Gaza Strip are still facing the risk of death every day, with the increasing number of displaced people, the lack of suitable shelters for life, and the paucity and scarcity of aid reaching all areas of the Strip.

- The catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip portends a significant increase in the number of martyrs, wounded, sick and displaced people. Whoever does not die from bombing, burning and sniping with Zionist-American weapons will die of hunger, thirst and disease.

- We expect from Mrs. Sigrid Kaag, who last Monday began her mission assigned to her by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, as Chief Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza;  Urgent action and serious work will end the suffering of Palestinian civilians in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and overcome all pressures and dictates of the occupation.

What is urgently required is the flow of adequate aid to all areas of the Gaza Strip, especially the northern areas that have reached the point of actual famine.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Watch a Zionist foot force being lured into one of the tunnels and trapped in a tight ambush in the Sheikh Radwan area at the end of last month
#Al-Aqsa Flood

#Urgent |  Zionist warplanes launch violent raids north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Follow |  Red Crescent: 6 martyrs as a result of the occupation targeting the Red Crescent ambulance vehicle in Deir al-Balah, four of whom are members of the association’s crews: ambulance driver Youssef Abu Muammar, paramedic Fadi Fouad Al-Maani, first responder Islam Abu Riyala, volunteer photographer Fouad Abu Khammash, in addition to two injuries who were in  Ambulance vehicle and were killed as a result of the targeting.

#Urgent |  Al-Quds Brigades: A little while later... Scenes of our Mujahideen and the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades bombing with mortar lava a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles in the north of the Gaza Strip.

#Watch...a Zionist foot force was lured into one of the tunnels and trapped in a tight ambush in the Sheikh Radwan area at the end of last month
#Al-Aqsa Flood

#Image |  The martyr Fouad Abu Khammash, who was killed along with his colleagues when an ambulance was targeted in Deir al-Balah

#Image |  She couldn't hold back her tears as she said her last farewell.
*A Palestinian woman bids farewell to her martyr son, who died today as a result of the ongoing Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

#Video |  Scenes from the mortar lava used by the Al-Quds Brigades and the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades bombed gatherings of enemy soldiers and vehicles in the north of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Hamas: Our people are patient and holding on to the embers despite the massacres committed against them since 96 days of aggression.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The number of martyrs in the West Bank has reached more than 350 martyrs since the beginning of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation did not claim a crime without committing it in flagrant violation of international law

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation ran over a martyr in Jenin in front of the world and continues to commit crimes

#Urgent |  Osama Hamdan: The occupation forces targeted children in Gaza, killing and kidnapping them

#Urgent |  Summary (1) of the highlights of the Hamas movement’s press conference held by leader Osama Hamdan in the meantime:

- We stand with great pride and honor in front of the legendary state of steadfastness that our people in the Gaza Strip are witnessing, as they are steadfast, holding on to the embers of pain, hunger, and deprivation, and bearing the crimes and massacres that are committed against them on a daily basis, despite their ugliness.

- We send a message of blessing, pride and praise to the men of the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades and all the heroes of the Palestinian resistance who continue to rub the noses of the officers and soldiers of the occupation army and insult their faces, and make their leaders pay the price for their occupation of our land, and the price for their crimes against our people, our land and our sanctities.

For the 96th day, the occupation continues its Nazi aggression and genocidal war, which it wages with all brutality, criminality and sadism, against more than two million Palestinian citizens of the Gaza Strip, using all types of internationally prohibited weapons and bombs, sent entirely from the United States of America.

The crimes of the Nazi occupation were not limited to the Gaza Strip only, as they eAl-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We are engaged in fierce clashes with the enemy in the Al-Qaddim axis in Al-Maghazi camp in central Gaza, and we have recorded confirmed casualties there.

#Urgent |  Al-Qassam Brigades: Shortly, on Al Jazeera News Channel, scenes from  luring an enemy army force into a precise ambush and blowing up a tunnel hole in it in the Sheikh Radwan area in Gaza City at the end of last month.
#Al-Aqsa Flood

#Urgent|  Al-Quds Brigades: We placed a Zionist foot force in a tight ambush on the advance axis east of Gaza and detonated a minefield, confirming that its members were killed or wounded.

#Urgent |  Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor:

We submitted to the South African legal team and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights a memorandum monitoring the most prominent mass graves that were established in the Gaza Strip in the midst of the crime of genocide carried out by “Israel.”

The memorandum included a preliminary, documented monitoring of dates, numbers, and information for dozens of mass graves that were established in the Gaza Strip as a result of the huge numbers of victims in the Zionist attacks.

The memorandum comes on the eve of the International Court of Justice holding two public hearings on Thursday and Friday (11 and 12 January) regarding the lawsuit filed by South Africa against “Israel” regarding the situation in Gaza.

🔻Euro-Med provided the South African legal team with other information memos about the mass killings, targeting of the health sector, and the results of the continuation of the crime of genocide in the sector after the complaint was submitted.
xtended and continued throughout the West Bank and the occupied city of Jerusalem, through the siege of cities and camps, deliberate cold-blooded assassinations, arrests, and the systematic destruction of homes and infrastructure.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  6 martyrs, including paramedics, died in an occupation bombing of an ambulance on Salah al-Din Street in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Manar Khalil Abu Hamad, 47 years old, was killed in a bombing by drones in the town of Abasan Al Kabira, east of Khan Yunis.

#Urgent |  Injuries during clashes in the town of Aboud, northwest of Ramallah

#Watch: A military helicopter landing carrying a number of wounded enemy soldiers.
Translated by: The hoopoe

#Urgent |  Civil society organizations in Libya:

🔻We call for joining South Africa’s lawsuit to prosecute the occupation in the International Court of Justice

We call on the Libyan government to take action in international forums to hold the occupation accountable for its crimes in Gaza.

#Urgent |  Hezbollah: The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Al-Jardah point with missile weapons, and a direct hit was made.  ‌

#Follow |  Occupation forces arrest a young man from Shuafat camp before withdrawing

#Urgent |  The Authority for Prisoners and Missing Persons Affairs in the Zionist entity: We call on the War Council to approve any deal that leads to the release of prisoners detained in Gaza.

#Urgent |  Hezbollah: We targeted the Al-Jardah point with missile weapons and achieved a direct hit.

#Urgent |  Martyrs of medical personnel who were recovered in Al-Maghazi:
Fadi Fouad concerned
Youssef Abu Muammar
Fouad Abu Khammash, photographer
Islam Abu Riala

#watched |  A paramedic collapsed after 4 of his colleagues were killed;  Following the occupation’s targeting of a Red Crescent ambulance on Salah al-Din Street in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  3 injuries during confrontations with the occupation in the village of Aboud, west of Ramallah

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Sirens sound in Arab Al-Aramsha, Western Galilee

#Urgent |  The occupation army blows up homes in central Khan Yunis

#Urgent |  Lebanese Hezbollah: We targeted the “Al-Marj” site, which belongs to the Zionist occupation army, with appropriate weapons, and we were directly hit.  ‏

#Video |  Scenes showing the extent of the widespread destruction in the Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip due to the ongoing occupation aggression and the incursion of its vehicles into the camp.

#Urgent |  Sirens sound in the Gaza Strip

🔻Al-Qassam Brigades destroy enemy concentrations penetrating the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, with mortar shells.

#Urgent |  A Zionist raid targeting the town of Hanin in the central sector of southern Lebanon

Government Media Office: The number of journalist martyrs has risen to (115 journalists) since the start of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, after the rise of fellow journalists:

🎙️ Martyr journalist Ahmed Badir
🎙️ Martyr journalist Sherif Okasha
🎙️ Martyr journalist Heba Al-Abadla

May God have mercy on our fellow martyred journalists, and make them dwell in His spacious gardens, and may God bless the hearts of their loved ones, and sincere condolences to the Palestinian journalistic family and to the families of the honorable martyrs.
Government Media Office
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 AD

#Urgent |  Civil Defense in South Lebanon: A citizen was killed in a Zionist bombing that targeted the town of Kafr Kila

#Urgent |  Volunteer journalist for the Palestinian Red Crescent, Fawad Abu Khammash, was martyred after being targeted on Salah al-Din Street in the central Gaza Strip a short while ago.

#Urgent |  8 martyrs, including journalist Ahmed Badir, correspondent of Al-Hadaf Gate, by targeting a house opposite the gate of Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah

#Urgent |  Targeting Red Crescent ambulances on Salah al-Din Street near Al-Maghazi, killing 5 martyrs, including paramedics and ambulance officers.

#Urgent |  Red Crescent: 4 of our crews were martyred as a result of the occupation targeting an ambulance vehicle on Salah al-Din Street, at the entrance to Deir al-Balah in the middle of the Strip.

#Urgent |  6 martyrs, including paramedics, died in an occupation bombing of an ambulance on Salah al-Din Street in the central Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Manar Khalil Abu Hamad, 47 years old, was killed in a bombing by drones in the town of Abasan Al Kabira, east of Khan Yunis.

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