PAW Patrol: The Human Collabo...

By TerryNetusil

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Disclaimer: I do not own all the characters besides my OG's. The PAW Patrol is property of Spin Master. In th... More

Introduction to Hoffman and Strahm
Chapter 1: Hoffman's arrival
Chapter 2: I have a story to tell-(Flashback Chapter)
Chapter 3: The Loser's Club
Chapter 4: A New Mother Figure
Chapter 5: Giving Gasket and Dwayne a Choice
Chapter 6: A talk with Chase and Rocky
Chapter 7: Terry tests the Copycat
Chapter 8: Rocky and Chase talk to the girls
Chapter 9: Reconstruction
Chapter 10: The arrival of The Loser's Club
Chapter 11: Sweetie opens up
Some Quick Announcements
Chapter 12: The girlfriends in the Talent Show
Chapter 13: Jackson Questions his Choice
Chapter 14: A Camping Date with Rocky and Gasket
Chapter 15: An Unwanted Visitor, Part 1
Chapter 16: An Unwanted Visitor, Part 2
Chapter 17: A Jungle Trip
Chapter 18: Reaching the Tomb
Chapter 19: All Hands and Paws on Deck
Chapter 20: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 21: Codi tests her past
Chapter 22: Codi Saves a Life
Chapter 23: All is Revealed
Chapter 25: An interview with Coral
Chapter 26: The Past of the Ladybird
Chapter 27: 2 Family Reunions
Chapter 28: Amanda's Final Message
Chapter 29: A Heston Re-encounter.
Chapter 30: Hello Abigail
Chapter 31: The Tower Trap
Chapter 32: Victoria's Lesson
Chapter 33: Game Over

Chapter 24: Meeting the Mer-pups

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By TerryNetusil

As the next night arrives after Codi's redemption, the Pups and Ryder remembered that a Mer-Moon was supposed to arrive at this time. Terry and the Loser's Club took notice of the pups excitement, and wondered what was going on.

Terry: Pups, what is going on?

Zuma: The Magical Mer-Moon is about to happen tonight, Dude.

Chase: And this is the time of when the Mer-pups come out to play.

Emily: We have heard about the Mer-pups. But has far as we know, they only exist in fiction and folklore.

Cubby: Do all of you expect us to believe into something that has not been proven to be true?

Chase: Hey, I was skeptical of this legend being true myself.

Marshall: But we saw the Mer-pups with our own eyes.

Rocky: We even saw their home town of Puplantis.

Owen: Hmm, I don't know, Pups.

Daronde': We also know about the legend of Puplantis, but the entire thing still sounds fishy to us. (Clears Throat) Pardon the pun.

Ryder: But you can believe me and even Capt Turbot. We went on Mer-pup adventures before, and even he and Mayor Goodway saw Puplantis themselves.

Terry: I see. Guys, do not try to believe that something in folklore would not exist in the present. Ryder and the Pups seem to be telling us the truth, so I think we should listen. Besides, if they truly did encounter Puplantis and the Mer-pups, then this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for us as well.

Daronde': I guess you do have a point, bro.

Samuel: Terry is right. If Puplantis and the Mer-pups are true, then I can do more research.

Marshall: Also, Everest. You were not able to meet the Mer-pups before, so this is a big opportunity for you too.

Everest: Okay, babe. I can go with you.

Terry: But I do need to know though, are there any enemies that you made while you were down there?

Skye: Well, there is one.

Skye then informs Terry about Moby's case of what he wants.

Terry: I see. You know, Skye. I have found many of our enemies so far to being able to have sloppy motives that often do not have any payoff. But for Moby's case, there is something that seems to make his motivation stand out more than the others. Unlike Harold or the Copycat, who wanted to be gained with respect, Moby seems to just want peace and quiet. I think that many of us can relate to that. There are certain things that happen in our lives, but we don't always want that to happen over and over constantly. It is as if Moby does not care if he is in this case "Royalty" with the Merpups. It looks like that he just wants to live a normal pup life, but does not appreciate what he already has. It is as if he wants to be 'home alone' because he can't trust anyone in what I consider 'The Mer-pup Family." Skye, I might need you to talk to Coral, so that I can give Moby the therapy he needs.

Skye: Okay, I will let my cousin know.

Samuel: I must know though, Skye. If you can consider you and Coral as family members, then didn't you try a DNA Test to confirm it?

Skye: Come to think of it, no. We just knew the lyrics of the same song we heard at a young age.

Terry: I see. It seems like I have another investigation I need to do. Skye, did you ever ask Coral about her life before she became a Mer-pup?

Skye: No.

Terry: Got that. Samuel, we will have to collect hair samples from Skye and Coral to find out if they have some connection with each other. If we can find out if they are family, we can also find out about Skye and Coral's pasts. We know how Skye ended up encountering Ryder outside the barn on the outskirts of Adventure Bay, but we need to know what happened before she got there and see if it's connected to Coral.

Samuel: Okay. Leave the DNA testing to me.

Emily: And I take it that while Samuel does that, you will be talking to Coral to get more information out of her?

Terry: You are correct, love.

Ryder: Okay. Let's head over to the Flounder. Capt Turbot will be waiting for us.

The team got over to the docks just in time for Capt Turbot to take off.

Capt Turbot: Okay Teens, this will perhaps be the most terrific tale that you will get to total telling in time.

Owen: Not that we don't believe you, Capt Turbot. But we still have our doubts to whether or not if you, Ryder, and the pups are telling the truth about the Mer-pups. We heard about them, but as far as we know, they are only fictional.

Terry: Actually, I believe that you are all onto something. Me and Samuel are hoping that we could find more things to learn.

Samuel: Yes. In fact, Terry is going to have to interview Coral as well as talk to Moby. But while he does that, I will have to collect some DNA samples from Skye and Coral.

Capt Turbot: Smart. It is imperative that we see a complete conformation of the cousin relation of the cockapoos.

Just then, Coral along with the mother and baby Mer-pup have shown up to the Flounder.

Coral: Hello, Ryder. Oh I see that you have brought some new friends. Hello.

Terry: So you must be Coral. Skye and the Pups did tell us much about you. For our introduction, My name is Detective Terry Hoffman. These are my friends Daronde', Samuel, Cubby, Owen, and my girlfriend Emily.

Owen: So the Mer-pups do exist in the present.

Chase: Told you.

Everest: Hello. Coral. We have not been properly introduced. My name is Everest.

Coral: Nice on meeting all of you.

Samuel: Coral, could you come on deck for a second?

Coral: Sure. What are you going to do?

Terry: Samuel here, needs to collect some hair samples from you, so we can do a DNA test. He already got Skye's DNA. We just need yours as well.

Coral: Ah, I see. But why would you need to have a look and me and my cousin's DNA?

Samuel then takes a strand of hair from Coral.

Samuel: We need to do a test, because we have to find out if you and Skye are family members. You might know the lyrics of the same song, but that is not enough to know for sure.

Terry: But that is not the only issue here. We also need to have more information about your parents. We know about Skye's backstory, but not by much. We have to look into both of your parents, and see if they are connected somehow. Samuel can handle the DNA. But you can leave the parents search to me. Coral, if you can tell me what you know about your previous life before moving to Puplantis, I can do further research about your parents. But if they are still around, we will have to find them. I am sure that they could be worried about where you are. Same goes for Skye. But I also need to talk to Moby. Do you know where he is?

Coral: He is most likely in his underwater lair. I can show you, and are free to see him, but I don't know if he will listen to you. Moby isn't much to visitors.

Terry: Nonetheless, he still has to listen to what I have to say. Moby might be a shut-in, but everything is impermanent. Now pups, shall we enter?

Pups: Yes.

Terry: And fellow teenagers, are you ready for the sight of our lives?

Teens: Yes.

Then the Pups on the ship dive into the water with the Mer-pups.

Cubby: Honestly Rocky, I was curious as to how you could take the risk of getting wet just for this.

Rocky: Getting wet isn't so bad when you have a fish tail.

Emily: This does get me curious about one thing though. Is it possible for the Mer-pup Magic to affect humans?

Coral: No. At least not the usual way. But there is a legend in the library that I can show you.

Terry: You have got my full attention. I am willing to hear it.

The team suits up, makes their way to Puplantis. As they arrive, the Pups and Teens make their way to the underwater library of Puplantis. It is there that the teams read about a legend on the Sapphire Staff of Puplantis.

Coral: The legend says that the Sapphire inside the Staff can use the Mer-pup Magic to work the transformation on both Pups and other animals. Not just humans. But that's not all. The Staff was also responsible for creating the pearls that give us the Magic needed to give Puplantis life. But it says here that in ancient times, when the people first discovered Puplantis, they got greedy when they saw what the Staff can do. The first king of the Mer-pups knew that it would be risky if the Staff fell into the wrong hands. So he sealed the Staff with him in his final resting place. This Tomb is a location where only those who enter must have help from a Land and Mer-pup in order to get it.

Terry: I've seen worse. We can take this type of adventure, but not today. Right now, I want to focus on helping you and Moby. Now, where is he?

Coral then gives Terry the location of Moby's lair.

Terry: Okay. I will head off to see him, and I will rejoin you later.

Terry then heads off to Moby's lair. He finds Moby sitting on his chair all alone with no one except the squid beside him.

Moby: (sighs) Honestly McSquidly, I don't see a reason as why I can go to stop the Mer-pups again. I can never have peace and quiet. I also still want to help. I feel like I want to put my inventions to a better purpose, but I don't know what to do.

Terry then steps up.

Terry: Hello Moby. My name is Detective Terry Hoffman. Perhaps I can help you out.

Moby: Woah! How did you get in here?

Terry: Right now, that is not a good question to ask. The better one would be this one. Why aren't you with your family?

Moby: I have no one to consider as my family.

Terry: That is not true, Moby. You already have your family. You have the Mer-pups. They all care about your well-being. I recommend that you give them a chance.

Moby: Why would I do that? Their singing and dancing annoys me. Even though I am a Mer-pup, I never asked for this. I am always on my own, and no one cares.

Terry: I do. Listen to me, Moby. Despite you not wanting the celebrations, you still need to be out there with everyone else. I get the fact that you want peace and quiet, but you never want it as a permanent thing.

Moby: And why not?

Terry: Because you will still be on your own even though you want to be loved. This is just like being 'Home Alone'. There are some points to where being on your own tends to give you a lot of freedom. But when you are alone, it is not as much fun as you think. You will still want to be loved, but you will have no one to give you that. I know this feeling just as much as you do.

Moby: How could you understand what I am going through?

Terry: It is because of my parents passing away. When they passed, I bounced from one family to another. But they were not true family members to me. I know they wanted to help, but there was something about them that never stuck with me. I never asked for this either, but I have to live with it, because I might have nothing left after it is gone. Even though my life had it's flaws, I couldn't have asked for anything better. That is what you need to do as well, Moby. We each make sacrifices to get what we want in life. But now you have to make that choice. Family always comes first. Do not forget that.

Moby: (Sighs) I will think about it, Okay Terry?

Terry: At least I tried to help. Farewell, Moby. Make what you think is the right choice.

Terry then exits the cave and heads back to Coral.

Coral: So how did it go?

Terry: Moby said that he would think about it. But I can't say that he will make the right choice. We will have to leave it up to him to decide.

Coral: I understand. Now, shouldn't you be interviewing me?

Terry: Thank you for reminding me, Coral.

Terry then heads off to Coral's home where he can interview her about her past.

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