My bestfriends sister (part2)

By yanna202016

198K 5.5K 8.6K

Part of my brothers best friend. They went their separate ways but can they keep it that way? More

Part 2 intro
Why would you do that?
Back to school
New girl
Say yes
Old friend
First tat
Happy holiday
Not funny is it?
To the good stuff
Im not mad
Let's vote
Tea party
Meet my family
Halloween party
Happy Halloween
In the ocean
Port 1
Port 2
Expect the unexpected
Why you aint tell me?
Thats just my baby daddy
Act right
Gender reveal
Valentines day
Valentines Day 2
Baby shower
Lets talk about it
You're weird
Im back
Bad kid
Together again
Another baby?
Tasha k
Welcome baby
Get back and get slapped
And wow
Start of a dead beat?

21 years and sad

3.9K 104 231
By yanna202016

Mookie (21)
Saturday November 4th

Today's my birthday and I'm really not feeling it. I'd usually throw a party and go out with the kids but shit ain't the same anymore. I'm so worried about Taliece being hundreds of miles away and this court shit with meya I can't even be happy to see another age. On top of all of this I'm not feeling this friendship with Moriah. I feel like she's getting the wrong idea about everything and I don't want to lead her on and it be another big thing. I'm tempted to ghost her ass at this point. I got too much going on and she don't need a nigga like me.

"Happy 21st Birthday my sweet older brother" Wyllo grinned as he walked up to me in the kitchen and hugged me.

"Thank you" I nodded hugging him back.

"I made you a cake" he cheesed pulling a cake out of the refrigerator. All this smiling he doing got me scared.

"Using what?"

"Cake mix be grateful I even went out my way for you" he quickly mugged.

"Thank you Wyllo" I smiled. He stood there staring at me with a big smile on his face. Fuck else do he want from me? "Why is you still standing here?"

"Aren't you gonna eat the cake?"he asked turning his head to the side.


"But  I wanna see your reaction to my cake"

"I don't want cake right now" I declined pushing the cake away from me.

"Eat the damn cake Mokani" he scolded pushing it back towards me.

"I'm good"

Wyllo walked up to me bawling my shirt up and pulling me closer to him. This nigga is on one this morning.

"I said. eat. the damn. cake" he worded like he was sounded out the letters.

"I don't trust your cake"

"Fine" he sighed letting me go. He took 3 steps out of the kitchen then stopped at the entry way and turned his head with an evil grin. "The cake was all peanut butter anyways" he grinned and walked off upstairs.

I'm so fucking glad I ain't eat that cake. This mf tried to kill me on my birthday. Shit is a shame. I sat at the island in the kitchen for a few waiting on a happy birthday text from Taliece. She's always the first one to tell me happy birthday and Meya always runs in my room waking me up with a personal drawing giving me kisses. I still got her pictures saved in a folder somewhere.

"ITS A REAL NIGGA BIRTHDAY TODAY!" Lo yelled busting through my front door with Mar cash and Taz following behind her.


"Happy birthday Brody" Taz laughed shaking his as he dapped me up.

"Happy birthday my nigga. He finally legal to drink" cash smiled patting me on the back.

"He been legal" Taz said cocking his head back giving cash a stink face.

"Yea yea oouu cake" Mar cooed with drool dripping from his mouth. I didn't even pay his ass any mind.

"So what we doing tonight?" Cash asked leaning against my counter across from me.

"Ion know. I'm not really feeling it today" I shrugged.

"Fuck you mean?" Lo questioned mugging me.

"Aye can I get a piece of cake?" Mar asked while he pulled a knife and plate out of the drawer and cabinet.

"Yea go ahead" I nodded still keeping my attention and the conversation.

"Nigga you're 21 we gotta do something" cash insisted.

"Ion wanna do nothing"

"Fuck got you depressed?" Taz asked scrunching up his face.

"Nun shit not the same no-more. It's just another year" I shrugged off.

While I listened to everyone questions being thrown at me I could hear mar struggling to eat the peanut butter cake Wyllo made. He's been smacking his tongue for a minute now and ain't even attempt to spit it out or get some water.

"Says the one who throws a big ass party every year." Lo scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Shit" Mar choked lowly.

" what's wrong with you nigga?" Taz asked again.

"Ion wanna talk about it"

"Fine by me" Lo shrugged.

"Shut yo bitch ass up" I mugged.

"Mcht talk to me. What's really going on?" Taz asked sucking his teeth at Lo.

"Nigga is you good?" I asked checking on Mar who was still choking on the peanut butter cake.

"No mf tf you put in this cake? A Popeyes biscuit?" He coughed swallowing hard af.

"Wyllo made the cake. He made it with peanut butter dumb ass"

"The fact he sat there and choked on that shit and ain't even ask for help" cash laughed.

"That cake not for you fatass. Thats what happen when you think with your stomach and not your head big back" wyllo mugged snatching the piece of cake away from Mar. he must have been standing nearby to know when to come down.

"Fuck you tryna kill your brother?" Taz asked laughing.

"Fuck him he tried to kill me" Mar complained struggling to swallow.

"Maybe you were my intended target" Wyllo grinned.

"Wyllo what's wrong with your brother?" Lo asked.

"Who am I talking to today? A young lady or a young man?"

"You stay coming for somebody" Lo huffed sucking her teeth. I don't know who this boy get his mouth from but his shit is reckless.

"I'm dead" cash laughed.

"Are you laughing?"

"Nah" he responded quickly stopping his laugh.

"What's wrong with Mookie?" Taz asked.

"The hell if I know? Let me know when yall rey head out. I'm coming with yall" wyllo mugged then gave everyone a smile before heading back upstairs.

I wish these mfs would leave me alone. I don't want to be bothered.

"You got some bad news or something?" Taz asked still trying to figure out my problem.

I let out a deep sigh before speaking my mind. I might as well. "With everything going on I'm just not in the mood to celebrate. I haven't even heard from Taliece today. She's always the first one to tell me happy birthday and meya ain't here to give me her drawing."

"It's still early you still got time. Maybe she's in class"

"It's Saturday" I straight faced.

"Oh yea..." he nodded.

"I haven't heard from her in 2 days as a matter a fact. I'm scared for her"

"Monty looking out for her right?" He questioned.


"So? She's good. Monty ain't gonna let nothing happen to her. Well atleast I would hope not"

"Monty worried about what's between her legs than her safety. I'm not putting my trust into a mf that's fucking my sister" I expressed not realizing that still applied to him.

"Damn that's a low blow" Lo mumbled shaking her head.

"I'm not throwing shots at you I'm just saying"

"It's good. I get what you're trying to say"

"My bae could never. She always answer the phone for me" Lo bragged.

"Lo this is not the time" cash said.

"My fault" she said throwing her hands up.

"She gonna text you. Stop stressing about that shit." Taz said.

"Can we go out to eat atleast? A nigga hungry" cash whines rubbing his stomach.

"I don't care. Tell wyllo to come on"

"I heard the word hungry and was already ready" wyllo smiled walking back into the kitchen.

"And you calling me big back?" Mar emphasized.

"Look at your back. It's literally eating your shirt" Wyllo joked pointing out his tshirt that sat in the folds of his back.

"Mar just keep quiet at this point" Taz laughed shaking his head.

"Where are we eating at?" Wyllo asked rubbing his hands together.

"Hooters. I'm tryna see some ass" cash nodded sapping Mar up. Fucking perverts.

"You have a Lo. Look at her" Wyllo pointed out chuckling.

"Stop fucking playing with me" Lo mugged.

While they figured out where they wanted to eat, my phone started ringing. I got a FaceTime call from Moriah which I didn't feel like answering.

"Hello?" I answered dryly.

"Hey happy birthday" she spoke with much excitement in her voice.

"Thank you"

"What you doing today?" She asked.

"Taz and them Rey take me out to eat for lunch I guess"

"Ok. Do you want to go out for dinner and top golf later?"

"can Taz and Wyllo come along?" I asked quickly shooting them a look.

"Uuhh yea sure why not. I'll pick you guys up at 7:00?" She confirmed sounding unsure about her answer.

"I'll just meet you there. Text me where we eating at"

"Mcht we gonna come pick you up Moriah" Taz said into the phone as he snatched it towards him.

"I'm not picking her up" I mumbled to him.

"You don't have to" Moriah declined.

"Imma pick you up Moriah. Il be there at 6:50 sharp"

"Ok" she laughed.

"Ard see you later" I said.

"See you la" she said but I hung up before she could finish.

"Bro why is you treating her like that?" Taz mugged punching me in my shoulder blade. He should be the last one to ask me why I'm treating a female a certain way, like he ain't just fly another bitch out when he has a girlfriend.

"I'm not treating her like anything"

"You are though. She's trying to take you out for your birthday and you acting like a dickhead. Fuck me and Wyllo need to go for?" He questioned.

"Bro she got this idea of us getting back together and working on us but I don't want that right now. I told her we can just be friends but I don't think she's comprehending that." I expressed to him. This would feel more like a date night to me.

"I don't think she's slow Mookie. She knows what you said. You're not used to having a female friend that's not a dyke"

"And you're not used to having a faithful relationship" I snapped at him.

"Besides the one with Taliece" Mar blurted out with a mouth full of peanut butter.

"She was never my girl stop bringing that shit up" Taz mugged .

"If yall not coming with me then imma tell her I'm not going"

"Idgaf where I go I just want to go eat so can we go do that?" Wyllo complained.

"Stop eating the fucking cake fatass" I said sternly scolding Mar.

"This shit lowkey hitting" he nodded.

"It's peanut butter" we all said at the same time.

"Bro get tf out my house." I sighed pushing everyone out.

"Whatever you was smoking I want that" Lo laughed.

"I gotchu" Mar nodded.

We all headed out the house and took 2 separate cars. I rode with Taz and Wyllo in his truck while everyone else rode with Mar in his car.

- later that day 6:56pm

Lunch was cool or what not but I wanted to go and lay down. As soon as Taz dropped me and Wyllo off back home that's exactly what I did and took a nap.

"Wake you ass up" Taz yelled kicking my mattress.

"Mcht come one bro" I huffed pulling the covers over my head to cover myself from the bright lights.

"Get up and get ready"

"For what?" I asked with an attitude.

"Fuck you forget?"

"I don't feel like going"

"It's too late for that. Get up and get dressed. She's upstairs waiting for you." He smiled and walked off.

I got up out of bed and hopped in the shower again. I did a quick wash up then got out and brushed my teeth. I checked my phone to see if Taliece texted or called but I still got nothing. Once I was done I threw on a pair of jeans with my mans hoodie from his clothing brand. The shit was hard and I matched that shit with my black Uggs.

I put on some cologne and deodorant then made my way upstairs. Moriah was all smiles and she had on a cute fit on but again I was not feeling it.

"Hey happy birthday I got you something" she smiled holding out smedium size gift bag.

"Ion want it" I declined shaking my head.

"Why?" She asked twisting her lips.🫤

"I don't want you spending your money on me. Use it for yourself"

"It's fine. I wanted to get you something" she smiled again.

"If he don't want I'll take it" Wyllo insisted.

"Bro take the damn gift" Taz huffed snatching the bag from Moriah hand and slamming it into my chest.

"Aren't you gonna look at it?" She hinted. Must be something very special.

I let out a deep sigh before opening the bag. I'm trying to be nice but shits not working. When I opened the bag it was another bag inside with a box in it. I know she ain't get me what I think she got me.

"What is this?" I asked before opening the watch box.

"look at it and see"

I took the watch out the box and it was this custom Rolex Ive told her about. She ain't have to do that. This is what I be talking about though. She do more for me than I could ever do for her.

"Moriah?" I called out in shock. I was happy on the inside but this shit felt like I'm using her.

"I know you really wanted that watch and you couldn't get your hands on it no matter how hard you tried and I had a friend who gave me a good deal on it since he had one and I bought it for you."

"How much?" I asked still in shock.


"I'm Rey pay you back how much you paid for it?"

"No mookie keep your money. That's your gift" she insisted shaking her head.

"Again if he don't want it I'll take it" Wyllo said.

I slowly turned my head towards Wyllo and gave him a death stare. If he don't shut his ass up for fucking once.

"Ard... thank you. Even though you shouldn't of"

"You're welcome" she cheesed giving me a hug but I could only just look at her with a straight face.

"OH MY GOOOD. Can we go now? I'm hungry" wyllo whined loudly.

"You just ate not too long ago" Taz responded.

"So tf what"

We all headed out the door and jumped into taz truck. He rarely drives this mf but when he do I be feeling like one of those rich drug dealers. Moriah wanted to take me to some place called Bahama breeze. I've never heard of it so it better be good.

Once Taz found a parking spot we all got out and made our way to the restaurant. Moriah tried to hold my hand while we walked across the parking lot but I ain't want too. I don't want her thinking we're getting back together.

"Why you don't want to hold my hand?" She asked pouting.

"You're not a baby"

"I want to feel safe while we walk" she shrugged.

"You're surrounded by three niggas you don't feel safe enough?" I questioned. Sometimes you just gotta make it make sense.

"Mcht I'll hold your hand Moriah" Wyllo said sucking his teeth.

"Thank you Wyllo" she smiled grabbing ahold of his hand.

We were quickly sat at a table as soon as we walked in. I made Wyllo sit next to me before Moriah could get a chance to pick the seat next to me. Taz sat across from me and Moriah sat across from Wyllo.

"Welcome to Bahama breeze I'm your server lexi. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" The girl asked.

"Can I get the ultimate piña colada" Moriah ordered.

"I want the same thing" Taz agreed.

"With or without alcohol" the server asked while she wrote everything down.

"With" Taz nodded.

"And for you two?"

"Imma get the ultimate pineapple" I replied still looking over the menu.

"Can I get a strawberry lemon breeze?" Wyllo said.

"Coming right up . Can I get you guys any appetizers while you wait?"

" no we're good" I declined.

"Speak for yourself. Can I get the jerk chicken wings?" Wyllo ordered with his greedy ass.

"Anything else?"

"Nope" he said shaking his head.

"I'll be right back with your drinks" the girl smiled and walked off.

"Aye? Why you ain't tell me Moriah had a fatass?" Wyllo whispered to me. Why would I tell him that? He should see it outside of her jeans.

"Go on somewhere Wyllo" I chuckled.

"If you not gonna treat her right I'll be glad to make her my girl"

"One she's not my girl two she's a grown ass woman and three you wouldn't even be able to handle her. You'd Fuck around and cry" I told him. He's used to these little girls. He don't fuck on grown women.

"I got a third leg she wouldn't be able to handle me." He said getting cocky.

"Wyllo please go head" I laughed.

"Watch this. So... Moriah?"

"Wyllo?" She called back.

"I like the way my name flows off your tongue" he smiled licking his lips.

"Omg" she laughed rolling her eyes at him.

"I think you picked the wrong brother to fuck wit. Dinner on me but I gotta get your number by the end of the night"

"You're a little boy. I wouldn't do that to you" she laughed off.

"Ok wyll I see you" Taz encouraged.

"Don't encourage that shit" I mugged.

"Mcht we gonna figure that out later" Wyllo smirked.

"Bye" Moriah laughed.

The girl later came back with our drinks and we ordered our food after. Dinner was cool, I've had better but the food was pretty good.

"Is this all on tab?" Our server asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

" Me and his is together and you can put theirs together" Moriah expressed informing the girl that she's paying for my food.

"Ok. I'll bring that right out to you"

"Taz I hope you got enough money or we gonna be in the back bussin suds" Wyllo sighed pretending like his wallet was empty when in-fact he has money.

"No YOU gonna be bussin suds" taz emphasized. No matter what you say Taz gonna make sure you're not talking about him.

"No I ain't. Unlock your car right now"

"Can't take you nowhere" he laughed shaking his head.

The girl came back with the bill and handed one to Moriah and the other to Taz. I walked over and snatched the book out of her hand and threw her card into her lap. I'm not letting her pay for a mf thing for me.

"What are you doing?" She questioned picking her card up.

"Paying" I answered as I pulled my wallet out.

"Stop forreal, it's your birthday you shouldn't be paying"

" Ngl yo ass been pissing me off all night. I got it" I told her sounding kind of mean but fuck it.

Moriah went quiet and got straight onto her phone. The way Taz was looking at me I knew we about to get into it when we leave out of her but idgaf. I still ain't get a text from my sister and Moriah still ain't getting the hint. I paid my check and so did Taz then we headed out making our way to the car.

"Mookie what's wrong? You've been acting weird since I called you." Moriah asked pulling me back, stopping me from walking.

"You know we just friends right?"

"Yea...I get that but.." she said with long pauses.

"No you don't get it. Don't stand here and act like you're trying to just be my friend when you're not. Me and you both know that."

"How can I just be ok with us being friends without getting my feelings involved?" She asked. I don't know but she better figure it out quick.

"If you can't keep your feelings out of it then we don't need to be friends. I told you how I felt and what I wanted. I don't want a relationship with you right now. And take that fucking watch back or let me buy it off of you. Stop spending your money on me and making these big ass gestures." I expressed again. Why do you gotta be mean for a female to understand?

"It's not a gesture. You wanted the watch and I found it for you."

"I appreciate that but I can buy that shit myself. Cut this shit out Moriah forreal"

I left her where she stood and continued walking back to the car. I still got feelings for her but now just ain't the time for this shit.

Taz pov

Moriah had a sad look on her face with tears in her eyes. This nigga Mookie been treating her like shit all night and all she trying to do is make sure he enjoys his birthday.

"Why you crying?" I asked pulling her to the side as she walked past me.

"You can take me home. I don't wanna go to top golf" she sniffled trying to hold back her tears.

"Why? Whatever Mookie said don't pay his ass no mind. He's been on one all day"

"It's not gonna be the same anymore and I don't want to overstep my boundaries. You guys can go" she cried wiping the tears from her face.

"Mcht you got me and Wyllo. We more fun than his cry baby ass."

"You sure?" She questioned.

"Yea you can chill with us. And I know I'm an ain't shit nigga but I know how treat a girl when I want too and he's been going through a lot so don't think because y'all went through whatever y'all went through he hates you when I know he don't. Stop crying over his ugly ass. You too pretty to be crying. Don't take this as me flirting with you either. I got my own love problems" I said comforting her and her tears away. Y'all look at me being a gentle giant.

"With who?" She asked chuckling.

"Some girl I fell out with let's just say that." I shortened. Can't mention no names around here.

"Ok. Thank you for the advice" she said giving me a small smile.

"No problem and imma talk to him... with my hands" I nodded.

"Oh god" she laughed.

Me and Moriah walked back to the car. She hopped in the front seat while Wyllo and Mookie sat in the back. We decided to go bowling instead. It would be more fun in my eyes.

"Free for all no teams" Wyllo said as we walked up the counter.

"You're gonna lose either way" I shrugged.

"I just want to roll the ball so idc" Moriah responded.

"It's ok baby imma help you win" Wyllo smirked licking his lips. It's Mr.steal your girl tonight. Mookie better watch out.

"Get out my face boy" she laughed mushing him.

"You bowling Mookie?" I asked.

"I guess" he shrugged scrolling through his phone.

"Yes or no mf"

"Yea" he nodded with an attitude.

I paid for the four of us and got our shoes. We had the end lanes to ourselves so you know a nigga Rey be lit and reckless.

We were 4 bowls in and me and Wyllo were tied, Moriah was ahead Mookie because this nigga wasn't even trying. It was me Moriah then Wyllo then Mookie.

"Bro if you don't put some effort into your bowl imma" I tried to finish but Wyllo finished for me.

"Let my bowling ball go in the opposite direction" Wyllo threatened.

"Yea what he said" I agree.

"I am putting effort into it"

"Nigga you only got 7 points what kind of effort is that?" I questioned. He's like 90 points behind everyone else.

"Wyllo it's your go" Moriah said walking back to her seat after her turn.

Moriah took a seat at the further end of the booth so she wouldn't have to make any contact with Mookie. I'm just happy that she's enjoying her time instead of wasting it.

"Why am I treating your girl better than you and I got a bitch?" I asked privately.

"If she wasn't here maybe I'd have more fun"

"Bro stop checking your fucking phone. You'll get the message when she sends it and if she don't then she don't" I hugged snatching his phone away.

"What if something happened to her?"

I started to say fuck Taliece but that would be insensitive of me and hypocritical.

"Monty would have said something"

"What if he's the one that did it?" He asked. Good point.

"If she don't say something by tomorrow morning then we can go to the police"

"How about now?" He insisted. If he was gonna act like this then why let her go to school in Florida?

"It's your go Mookie" Wyllo said.

Mookie got up and rolled his first ball with complete laziness. His second bowl he actually tried a little bit. The first round I won and Wyllo wasn't too happy about that but this second go around Mookie actually participated.

"Which body part do you wash first?" Wyllo asked while we waited for Mookie to finish his bowl. That question was so random.

"My legs why?"

"You really a weird ass nigga" he laughed.

"Mcht what? You're supposed to wash your legs first"

"No nigga you was your arms first!" He said getting loud.

"How tf you gonna tell me?" I asked.

"Any normal person washes their arms first"

"How many rags you wash up with then?" I asked back. He wanna play this hygiene game he only use one rag.

"1" he answered and I was in pure shock.

"You dirty bitch. You use the same rag for your ass on your body?" I asked.

"Yes and my face the soap is cleaning the rag" he explained. Hell no HELL. NO.

"You're disgusting" I gagged.

"You're joking right?" Moriah asked overhearing the conversation.

"Obviously I'm joking. I use three rags. Since you got all these questions what color rags do you use?" Wyllo asked.

"Any rag as long as it's clean"

"No bitch you're supposed to use white because the dye from the colored rags are gonna get into your skin" he mugged.

"I'm not listening to a nigga who wipes back to front" I clapped back.

"I'm not listening to a nigga who eats the ice first"

"Can both of y'all stfu?" Mookie mugged shutting us both up.

"How many rags do you use to wash your ass?" Wyllo asked.

"2 now go bowl" he answered pushing Wyllo.

"He lying" I said sucking my teeth.

"I know Moriah uses a different rag for every body part and she be exfoliating" Wyllo nodded smiling at her.

"I use three rags face body and private. I do exfoliate my skin too."she confirmed. We live a clean and hygienic female.

"See she a clean bitch your girlfriend could never" Wyllo said throwing shots at me and that had me thinking.

"Now that I think about it... I think that bitch eat soap" I blurted out.

"Huh?" Wyllo said scrunching up his face.

"Her breath be smelling like Irish spring sometimes"

"Oh nah" Moriah laughed.

"How many rags she use?" Wyllo asked.

"I don't know. The ones I be seeing be dry and bent up" I shrugged. She never stink to me though so what do she be washing up with?

"And you be fucking her?" Wyllo said with a disgusted look.

"I make her take a shower"

"Do better" he replied slapping the back of my head.

For the rest of the night we played another 2 games before calling it quits and heading home. Moriah and Mookie hasn't even made eye contact with each since we left the restaurant.

"Thank you for the ride" Moriah thanked as she got her stuff together. I dropped her off first so she didn't have to continue to be miserable.

"No problem"

I watched as Moriah got out the car grabbing the gift bag and her purse. Mookie so busy having an attitude he not even gonna walk her to the door.

"Nigga?" I called out looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"What?" He mugged.

"AYE BAE HOLD UP IM REY WALK YOU TO THE DOOR" Wyllo yelled out the window.

"Boy please" she laughed rolling her eyes.

"Forreal we rey come walk you to the door" I yelled out.

"Ok" she nodded.

I turned around in my seat muggin mokani. He starting to piss me off.

"Bitch go walk her to the door"I demanded.

"Wyllo go walk her to the door"

"If you get out this car imma dig my fingers under your knee caps and tear your lateral maniscus" I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare" he gasped grabbing his knees.

"Mookie get out the fucking car and go walk her to the door"

"NO MF" he yelled.

"What?" I mugged reaching in the backseat and grabbing Mookie by his shirt yanking his ass up.

Thats how we started tussling. It's wasn't serious this time. I had him in a chokehold and he had his hands wrapped around my neck while Wyllo was sneaking in hit on the both of us.

"Let me go bitch" Mookie demanded gasping for air.

"You let go first" I said choking.

"HI YAH" Wyllo yelled karate chopping Mookie in his neck.

"Stop hitting me Wyllo!" Mookie hissed in pain.

"NOOOO" Wyllo yelled reaching for my ankle and twisting it.

"On three we both let go" I reasoned with him.

"One" I counted.

"Two" Mookie counted.

"Three" we both said at the same time.

We both let go at the same time catching our breath then going back at it. It took us a few seconds to get it together but we did.

"Go walk her to the fucking door and stop being a damn dickhead" I demanded pushing him towards the door.

"She not my girl"

"She don't gotta be a girl for you to be a gentleman. Would you want a nigga to do yo sisters like that?" I asked. Yup get out the car mf.

"You better not pull off either"

"We might" I shrugged.

Me and Wyllo watched as Mookie made his way to the sidewalk where Moriah stood and walked her to her apartment. Gotta teach them young.

Back to Mookie pov

Not gonna lie, Wyllo got my head hurting on a thousand. His sassy ass put my hair in his mouth and started tugging on my shit like he was a dog. Taz had a good point though I wouldn't want a mf to let my sister walk herself to her door. I wasn't completely mad at Moriah but I'd be wrong if I made her feel something that's not there. She do look good af though and I did kind of want to fuck but she don't gotta know that.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped tonight. I just wanted you to have a good birthday. And Taz or Wyllo could have walked me to the door. You didn't have too"she apologized while we walked to her door.

"They made me" I responded.

She let out a deep huff before rolling her eyes at me. I ain't even mean to sound rude that's just how it came out.

"Goodnight mokani" she said rolling her eyes at me and attempting to close the door in my face.

"Hold up" I said putting my foot in the door. "I'm sorry for being a dickhead. I know you did everything from the love of your heart. I've just been having a hard time these last few weeks and I don't know. Today was a hard day for me. I didn't feel like doing anything and I didn't want to be bothered."

"You could have told me that"

"You still would have forced me out the house like Taz and them did."

"I apologize for making you more miserable than you already were" she scoffed.

"That's not what I'm saying. Look you have a goodnight Ard" I said and moved my foot from the door. I started to walk away but she said something that made me stop.

"All feelings aside, you can come in if you want to talk about it."

"I don't think that's a good idea" I declined.

"Just talking nothing else. I promise"

"Let me go tell Taz to come back later to come get me"

"Or you can stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" she suggested.


"Or your he can come back and pick you up"

I went back downstairs to Taz truck so I could tell him I ain't gonna be home until tomorrow. Me and her both know we not gonna be just talking.

"Aye you got a condom?" I asked swinging open his passenger door.

"You did all of that just for yall to end up fucking?" He asked scrunching up his face.

"Nah we not fucking we're supposed to be talking but I know it's not gonna stay that way"

"Huhn" he said passing me a condom from his glove compartment.

"Give my mans two. He don't need a baby right now. We still in ftk seasons" wyllo demanded. I'm not on what he on.

"Shut up boy" I said laughing at him.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" Taz questioned looking back at Wyllo.

"I don't know. Just don't eat anything he makes you" I shrugged . Not my problem tonight.

"Let's have a sleepover. You can sleep under my mattress that sits on the floor" wyllo smiled.

"I thought you had a bed set?"

"I do" he nodded.

"Ard... imma fuck wit y'all" I smiled dapping them goodbye.

"Be safe"

"Don't kill my little brother nigga" I demanded.

"You need to be worried about him killing me"

"Take me home... neow" Wyllo scolded bawling up Taz shirt.


"Bro drive off" I laughed.

I dapped them goodbye one last time then made my way back inside. She left the door unlocked for me so I was able to just open the door and walk again. Her place still looked the same from the last time I was here. As I looked around I noticed there was a picture frame on her coffee table that laid flat on its face.

"Everything still the same" I observed as I took a seat on the end of her couch.


We sat in an awkward silence before she spoke again.

"What's going on Mookie?" She asked as she leaned her head on her wrist.

"Shit ain't the same anymore. I miss tf outta my girls. I haven't heard from Taliece in two days and she hasn't told me happy birthday yet. Meya isn't here and she's missing out on a lot of shit" i expressed to her. You would really think these my kids.

"You're gonna get them back and soon enough you all are gonna be back under the same roof again being the happy family that you once were"

"What if I lose custody of Meya to my mom?" I doubted. I had a strong feeling my mother was gonna take her away from me.

"I don't think you are. Don't doubt yourself mokani. I know you're worried about them but you can't always think the worse. Taliece is out having fun and learning. Aren't you happy for her?" Moriah questioned.

"I'm always happy for her but I'm also scared for her. I'm not there to protect her"

"You can't always protect and baby her. I'm sure she'll call you before the end of the night."

"It's 10:45  going on 11 o clock" I said checking the time.

" she's fine Mookie. Worst case scenario she forgot. Don't give up on meya though. I'll be there at your next court date supporting you" she somewhat promised.

"Yea" I slowly nodded.

I reached for the picture frame that laid flat on its face picking it up and staring at it. She had the ultra sound picture from her pregnancy framed but couldn't even atleast share the picture with me?

"I wish you would have kept it"I sighed rubbing my thumb up and down the picture frame.

"Can we not? Put the picture back" she snapped with an attitude. Fuck happened that fast?

"Can we not what?"

"I don't want to talk about it mokani put it back" she demanded with her voice cracking.

" so when we gonna talk about it? At some point we have to."

"I'm going to bed. Let me know when Taz gets here to pick you up" she sighed storming off to her room.

I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts before finishing this conversation with her. If we don't talk about it then we ain't gonna move forward or pass it. Once I got my thoughts and words together I went to her room finding that she locked herself in her bathroom. I could hear a few sniffles coming from the other side of the door.

"Moriah open the door" I called out gently.


"Can you open the door please?" I asked nicely.

A few second later I heard the lock on the door click. How do I be getting myself mixed up in these type of situations?

"If we don't talk about it we gonna be in the same spot as before."

"I can't" she cried shaking her head. She was sitting on the toilet with tissue in her hand.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's hard... I shouldn't have done it and I regret it everyday. I changed my mind last minute but it was too late. I know you're still mad at me"

" I'm not mad. Yea I wanted you to keep the baby but at the end of the day it's your body your choice. I just have an opinion. Just because I don't believe in it doesn't mean I don't believe that you should do what you think is best"I expressed to her as I leaned against the wall.

"I don't think I did it for the right reasons"

"What are the right reasons?" I questioned.

"The baby wasn't affecting my health"

"That's society reasons Riah. Everyone has their reasons so what are yours? At the time I don't blame you for that shit"

"Can I ask you something?" She sniffled.


"Did you go back to your ex because she looked better than me?" She asked. I didn't know how to answer that without making it worse.

"No and Why do you think she looks better than you?"

"I went through her Instagram and she's really pretty especially seeing her in person. I'm ugly compared to her. Why choose me?" She asked.

"Come here" I huffed pulling her up from the toilet and standing her up in front of the big mirror on the wall.

"You see how you look?" I asked.


"And you think you're ugly?" I asked.

"Compared to her yes" she nodded wiping the tears from her face.

"Do you know what I see?"


"I see a girl who goes natural for days and still eat these bitches up. She always wear a face full of makeup even when you seen her that day at my house she was wearing makeup. You got a natural look right now and you still look good. You got what she doesn't. Shes a struggling college student who fucks on men for their money and now has a baby with no one to love or take care of her and her baby. You got your own shit make your own money and you're independent. Stop crying." I expressed to her while I rubbed my hand around on her stomach as if she was still pregnant. I don't want her comparing to a bitch who doesn't value herself.

"Did you mean it when you said you still love me?"

"Yes. I still love you and if that shit runs out imma still have love for you. Nothing is ever perfect and I believe in right person wrong timing. This just not the right time." I shrugged.

"I don't just want to be friends" she whines.

"Give it time Riah. We gonna get back. It may not be now it'll probably months to a year from now who knows but you showed me something that these other bitches didn't." I explained to her.

"I love you" she cooed.

"I love you too" I said back kissing her neck.

"Can you stay the night with me or is that asking for too much?"

"Yea I'll stay the night" I laughed. "Let's get in the shower"

She nodded her head and turned the shower water on. I watched her strip first then hopping in the shower shortly after. I did the same and got in behind her pulling her close to me. I did all that crying just to end up here.

After our shower we both got dressed. I threw on a pair of sweatpants I had left over here while she put on a pair of shorts and one of my old T-shirts. I checked my phone again seeing it was now 11:58 and still not a word from Taliece. I threw my phone onto her nightstand and laid my ass down.

Would like to FaceTime

"Hello?" I answered quickly grabbing my phone.

"Happy birthday" Taliece said sounding raspy.

"You're late af but thank you" I smiled. A huge weight lifted off her shoulder now that I know she's ok.

"Sorry I caught Covid and literally have been feeling like I'm dying. I've been sleep all day" she coughed. It don't sound like she sick but we're talking on the phone so I don't know.

"Damn. You taking medicine?"

"Yea but that stuff is not helping" she coughed again.

"I got worried for a second I'm glad you're good though"


"You coming home for thanksgiving?" I asked.

"Most likely not. I don't have the money and I don't want to be traveling and get sick again"

"I'll buy your ticket that ain't nothing" I insisted. She knows money is never a problem with me.

"No i can do for myself." She declined with a slight attitude.

"Ard. Get some sleep and take some medicine. I'll talk to you later" I sighed.

"Ok. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" I replied back and hung up.

"See told you she was gonna call" Moriah said with a half smile.

"Yea 2 minutes before 12 o clock hit" I said shaking my head.

"She still called" Moriah shrugged.

"Yea she did"

Moriah curled up on my chest later falling asleep. I couldn't get any sleep. I had all these thoughts to process. I still don't know what my father did to Quincy and how tf did he find out what happened? I got court after the holidays and I still ain't find a job like my lawyer told me too.

A few hours had passed and Moriah woke up out her sleep to use the bathroom. I was still up staring at the dark ceiling. A few minutes later she came back in the room and laid right back on my chest.

"Mookie?" She called.


"Are you up?" She asked.


"Can we have sex?" She asked again.

I laughed at how smooth she just asked me that question. "Yea"

In the heat of the moment I didn't think to use a condom. I slid my pants off and she took her shorts off climbing ontop of me and slowly inserting myself into her.

" I love you" she moaned in my ear.

"I love you too"

It can be 10 years from now. I know this girl ain't going anywhere.

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