Almost the Heir...

By fallingleafviolinist

23.3K 1.1K 328

Elena is a far-from-normal teenage girl living with the Avengers on the Hellicarrier. Elena is almost always... More

Chapter 1: the Arrival
Chapter 2: My Mischief will Never be Managed
Chapter 3: Genealogy
Chapter 4: Notes, interrogations, and decisions.
Chapter 5: Company
Chapter 6: Realization
Chapter 7: A Brutal Attack
Chapter 8: A rude Awakening
Chapter 8: A Rude Awakening
Author's Note: PLEASE READ!!!!
Chapter 9: No
Chapter 10: Refusal
Chapter 11: The Search
Chapter 12: Terribly Wrong
Chapter 13: A Change of Mood
Chapter 14: Injured
Chapter 15: A different kind of beauty
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Pain
Chapter 17: The Search Continues
Chapter 18: Heights
Chapter 19: Satellite
Music Chapter: PLZ READ WHOLE THING!!!!!
Chapter 20: Rooftop
Chapter 21: No!
Chapter 22: My Own Little Hell
Chapter 23: My Own Little Hell Part Two
Chapter 24: Foreign
Chapter 25: Uncertainty
Chapter 26: An Illusion?
Chapter 27: Reunited
Chapter 28: Reunited (Tony)
Chapter 29: Reunited (Natasha)
Chapter 30: Reunited (Clint)
Chapter 31: Reunited (Thor)
Chapter 32: A Whole New World
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 36: Wounds
Final Author's Note
Final Author's Note
I Swear This Is The Last Note!
Guys, It's Up (finally)!!

Chapter 35: Esacape

211 19 7
By fallingleafviolinist

She couldn't believe it. All those times she defended her father, all the months she spent mourning the loss of her father, and this is what happened. Elena stormed through the halls of the hellicarrier, her emotions quite evident to those around her.

All she wanted was to get away. From everything. Get away from her magic, from the abnormal people she was forced to spend her life with, and, as cheesy as it sounds, to be a normal teenager. There was no way she could put up with anymore magic and superpowers crap.

Making sure to slam the door behind her, Elena stalked into her room. She picked up her old backpack and dumped it, watching with satisfaction as the textbooks hit the floor with a thud and pens scattered and rolled to all corners of the room. She stuffed some clothes an other important possessions into the bag.

Anger clouded her judgement as she stole some food from the kitchens and then proceeded to the air vents to make her escape. In one of the many files she had read, she remembered reading something about people who were able to teleport. It was this that inspired her to try. She had the magic, so what was stopping her?

As she sat there in the ducts of her home of seventeen years, Elena willed herself to forget about her feelings and those she cared about. Her mind now clearer than it had been in a while, Elena focused all her energy on disappearing from this place. And she did.

A/N: I'm not dead!

For those of you who haven't seen my status updates, you deserve an explanation as to why I seemed to disappear of the face of the planet. For almost a year now, I've been struggling mentally and emotionally. I've kept it quiet, so quiet, that the only people to know about it are you guys. Only now am I finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm finally starting to have writing inspiration again (perfectly timed too, since I just got of school!).

So thank you for putting up with me and for being faithful. I can't express how sorry I am for just leaving like that!

Also, apologies for how short this chapter is. I'm already working on the next one, so be alert. I'll be updating way more often now!


PS- Would any of you be reading a Supernatural FanFic were I to publish one?

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