Billionaire's Angel ( Complet...

By msjasly

1.9M 152K 31.7K

Reyansh had everything he wanted in his life except a family who could care for him. His world revolved aroun... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50
Chapter - 51
Chapter - 52
Chapter - 53
Chapter - 54
Chapter - 55
Chapter - 57
Chapter - 58
Chapter - 59
Chapter- 60
Chapter - 61
Chapter - 62
Chapter - 63
Chapter - 64
Chapter - 65
Chapter - 66
Chapter - 67
Chapter- 68
Chapter - 69
Chapter - 70
Chapter - 71
Chapter - 72
Chapter - 73
Chapter - 74
Chapter - 75
Chapter - 76
Chapter - 77
Chapter - 78
Chapter - 79
Chapter - 80
Chapter - 81
Chapter - 82
Chapter - 83
Chapter - 84
Chapter - 85
Chapter - 86
Chapter - 87
Chapter - 88
Chapter - 89
Chapter - 90
Bonus Chapter 1
Thank you / New Story Alert
Bonus Chapter - 2
Bonus Chapter - 3

Chapter - 56

17.5K 1.4K 287
By msjasly

Recap: Vaishu gets excited to see the garden and later Reyansh give a piggyback ride for Vaishu in the garden.


The next day Reyansh, Vaishu, Mithun and Kajal decided to go for a walk around the estate so after their breakfast they left Ishu babies with Asha and started their walk.

Both Reyansh and Mithun was holding their girl's hand as they walked through welcomed by the employees in the estate. Vaishu loved the greeneries and the chillness of the place. She rubbed her palms to warm up and Reyansh made her wear his jacket.

Reyansh: I told you to wear the jacket before we start but you were all excited and skipped the idea of wearing it. Didn't I say you will get cold soon after we start our walking ?

Vaishu: I will remove your jacket if you don't stop complaining now. 

Reyansh raised his hands in surrender and she giggled running away from him. She pulled Kajal with her and the duo walked ahead with the men following them. Vaishu and Kajal started clicking photos and had conversation with the employees.

Soon they heard the neighing of a horse and the girls turned back to check on it. Vaishu was scared to see a huge black horse running  towards them at a high speed. She saw Reyansh and Mithun too watching it without moving. The huge horse galloped towards Reyansh raising on its front legs and Vaishu screamed his name out of fear to see him in danger.

Vaishu: Reyansshhhhhhhhhhhh

Vaishu fell losing her conscious and everyone rushed to her. Reyansh crouched before her and patted her cheeks placing her head on his lap. He carried her back to home and laid her on the couch. Kajal sprinkled water and Vaishu opened her eyes slowly but started ranting immediately.

Vaishu: Anshhh....what happened to him ? Where is my Ansh ? Ansh... Ansh...

Reyansh cupped her face to look at him and once she got to see him at right mind she hugged him sobbing in his neck.

Reyansh: Avi, I m fine. Nothing happened to me. Relax angel.

Vaishu: I got scared Ansh. I ... I... I was not able to see you in danger. Lets go back to Chennai home. Please

Reyansh: Avi calm down. There wasn't any danger to me. 

Vaishu: I saw that huge horse was about to harm you. Who saved you ? I m sorry I fainted instead of saving you or checking on you. I m so sorry for being a coward.

Reyansh pulled back from the hug and wiped her face. He held her wrist and pulled her along with him.

Vaishu: Where are you taking me Ansh ?

Reyansh: You shouldn't be scared of anything Vaishu. I will not let anyone or anything around you that scares you. Now come lets get rid of that fear this instant.

They reached the porch and Vaishu saw the horse standing in the porch waggling its tail. She got scared and snuggled into Reyansh and he wrapped his hand around her.

Reyansh: Vaishu, he is Raven our friend. My father gifted me him for my birthday the year I lost them. He got excited to see us after a long time and was showing his happiness. Watch now.

He gestured Mithun and Kajal to hold Vaishu and he walked to Raven and started stroking his neck.

Reyansh: Raven shall we go for a round ?

Raven bobbed his head and Reyansh mounted on it holding the rein. 

Vaishu: Ansh

Reyansh: Raven kneel for madam.

Raven knelt with one leg bent before Vaishu and she was astonished to see Raven obeying orders from Reyansh.

Reyansh: Vaishu now don't be scared. Watch me and Raven going on a ride now. Once I m back I will take you with me.

Reyansh pulled the reins and they all saw Reyansh riding on Raven around the fountain. when he returned to the porch he showed his hands to Vaishu. His smile was all needed and she slowly placed her trembling palms in his. He pulled her to sit before him one sided and started riding again. This time he rode to garden for few rounds.

Reyansh: Open your eyes and enjoy Avi. I m holding and will never leave you. 

Vaishu opened her eyes and saw they were riding away from home. She was holding his shirt in a tight grip and watched the places of serene beauty. He stopped Raven to stand still and pointed his finger to a direction. Vaishu saw it was a beautiful waterfall at a long distance.

Vaishu: This is so beautiful Ansh.

Reyansh: We have completed a tour of half of our estate and by returning we will complete the rest of it going through the other way.

Vaishu: Can we go to that waterfall ? How long will it take ?

Reyansh: There will be lot of tourist Avi. Our presence there will gain public attention that is why I brought you here to have a look atleast from distance. But don't worry one day I will arrange to take you to falls, only you and me.

Vaishu smiled at him and kissed her cheeks. He took her hand in his hand stroke the sides of Raven and though Vaishu was scared she relaxed when she saw Raven shaking its head in an appreciating way. Later they rode back to home completing the tour of the complete estate.

Mithun welcomed them with a smile and showed a message to Reyansh.

Vaishu: What is it ?

Reyansh: We will start the construction of the school this weekend with a pooja. Also we are building 5 more schools across our state to provide education with lowest fee structure. 

Vaishu: why can't we give free education ?

Reyansh: We don't want any rift with the government by doing it free of cost. Also we cannot provide free education only to limited people. May be we will slowly start building schools all over the state through our trust and then start reducing the fee little by little.

Kajal: Once we return to Chennai I will return to Trichy from the airport. I need to meet mom an dad at Delhi its been long time I have been staying with you all. My mom is teasing me to stay with her atleast until we get married.

Vaishu: You will leave ? but I will miss you Kajal.

Kajal: Stop your drama. Why will you miss me when there is someone 24x7 around you and moreover now you are married and there won't be any less in romance too.

Vaishu nudged Kajal and they entered inside. Asha was with Ishaan and Ishika who were trying to sit on their own but were losing balance a little so she was placing pillows to support them.

Reyansh: Look our prince and princess has started to sit on their own now. Another milestone reached. Its a good decision we decided to build a school now. They growing up fast. It was like yesterday I got them in my arms in the hospital but today they are sitting on their own.

Ishaan and Ishika were looking at each other and clapped their hands, they laughed when they could touch each other face. Asha left to get soup for them and Vaishu left to their room and returned with comb.

She made Ishika sit to her lap and made two cute pig tails and put a hairband with a tweety bird bow on it.

Reyansh: Oh my god. Who is this princess here before me ?

Ishika laughed and crawled to him from Vaishu. Vaishu combed Ishaan's hair but he ruffled it and looked at Vaishu tilting his head.

Vaishu: Reyansh, I m telling don't ever ruffle your hair before him. Now comb his hair.

Reyansh: Come on my boy let me style your hair.

He denied the comb from Vaishu and started setting Ishaan's hair with his fingers and when he was done he cocked his eyebrows at Vaishu to have a look at Ishaan.

Vaishu: Mithun bro, I think its good for me to learn business very soon. In a few months they three will ignore me completely and I will be bored at home so its better I will join you in business and let Reyansh stay home and take care of these naughty fellows.

Reyansh: Woww, I love this plan. So when are you joining office ?

Vaishu pinched his arm and they all smiled at their banter. Asha returned with the soup and Vaishu started feeding the babies.

Asha: Vaishu, Reyansh don't you wish to see Ishika and Ishaan wearing earrings ?

Reyansh: Asha maa, my muffins are babies and they are soft as a flower. How can we make them wear earring now ?

Asha: When we return home call a priest to do a pooja at home and do the ear piercing ceremony. Usually people will do tonsuring and ear piercing the same day at the temple of their family deity.

Vaishu: She is right but I don't remember my family deity. What about your family deity Reyansh?

Reyansh: We will do the tonsuring after their first birthday. As of now we will have a pooja at home and do the ear piercing. Until we return think if we should do that. It will pain a lot and they will cry.

Vaishu: We are doing it and they will cry at that moment only so you please stop thinking as if we are planning to torture them. Imagine how cute they will look with tiny earrings. Don't you want to buy earrings for your muffins ?

Mithun Mv: She has become a pro in handling him. Keep it up Vaishu.

Reyansh: Ok. I will prepare myself for that day watching videos from online.

Both Mithun and Vaishu screamed a no and Reyansh glared at them.

Reyansh: you two are scaring me now. Will there be any risk doing that ?

Vaishu: There won't be any risk but Its a promise you won't watch any video. Just imagine Ishu babies with earrings thats it.

Mithun: Ok now listen both of you. We are returning in 2 days and Vaishu don't worry about leaving this place. Very soon you both can fly across the world to enjoy the nature.

Vaishu and Kajal left from there with Ishaan and Ishika. Once they were gone Mithun patted Reyansh's shoulder.

Mithun: I received call from Sethu. We need to confirm the date for that bastard's visit to our home. Rey, you haven't discussed any plans until now. What is running in your mind ?

Reyansh: He is not worth of our time to think about doing something to him. Everything will happen instantly so no worries about his treatment. About the date confirm the coming Saturday for his visit. Sure they will come with some plans and we need to just play along with them.

Mithun: I don't understand. What do you mean by that ? Did you get any information about their plans from our PIs ?

Reyansh: No. But all these custody drama was for getting money from me so what will they benefit in just few minutes visit to the babies ? So they will come with some other plan to get what they wanted. We will play along to know their plan and meanwhile inform Sethu to ask for hearing date at the earliest in the court for the case we filed.

Mithun: hmmm ok. So should I take Ishu babies with me tonight too ?

Reyansh: Get lost. I m not leaving my babies with you alone anymore. How dare you dress up them with leaves ?

Mithun started laughing and Reyansh hit him with the cushion. Mithun pulled out the cigar packet and paced one between his lips searching for lighter that fell during their little fight.

Mithun: Its always warming to smoke in the chill climate. Do you wanna one Rey ?

Reyansh: Get out and don't you dare smoke inside home. Muffins and Vaishu might get allergy due to smoke.

Mithun: I just tested you. Good, be like this forever. 

Mithun walked out to smoke and Reyansh sat with toy in his hand and smiled looking at it for the way his life has changed for good.



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