Dnf oneshots๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

By Yukishows

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This story is discontinued More

Little fidgets๐ŸŽ€
Say you love me๐ŸŽ€
Childhood crush๐ŸŽ€
Yeah... patches ๐ŸŽ€
Destined to fall in love๐ŸŽ€
French love๐ŸŽ€
Finding the soft side on a cactus๐ŸŽ€
Its platonc right?๐ŸŽ€
My emo boy๐ŸŽ€
๐Ÿ’”light my candle๐ŸŽ€
Me and my husband๐ŸŽ€
Save me..๐Ÿ’”
He's a savior ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Such a simp๐ŸŽ€
Eternity with you๐ŸŽ€
Im loosing you๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ
I want to fly๐ŸŽ€
Never celebrated Christmas..๐ŸŽ€
Binded by a curse๐ŸŽ€
I came to see you!๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
My relaxation lies in you๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
๐Ÿ’”give me love๐ŸŽ€
Attention hoarder๐ŸŽ€
Purge night๐Ÿ’”
Sleepover stream๐ŸŽ€
Boys dont cry..๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ๐ŸŽ€
Sleepover stream pt 2!๐ŸŽ€
The debate upon Boyfriends..๐ŸŽ€
This will do for now..๐ŸŽ€
Am I gay?๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Shy kisses๐ŸŽ€
Keep me steady๐ŸŽ€
Happy birthday..๐Ÿ’”
Happy birthday..๐Ÿ’” part 2
Only his, and only mine๐ŸŽ€
Te amo๐ŸŽ€
Forever with me๐ŸŽ€
Life without you๐Ÿ’”
The bet that broke you๐Ÿ’”
You again? ๐ŸŽ€
I'm so sick of all this giving๐Ÿ’”
Love hurts, but what if you enjoyed the pain? ๐ŸŽ€
Being his portrait๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
La Llorona๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Pleasure ๐Ÿˆ
I'm no chicken๐Ÿˆ
The boy from the cliffside๐Ÿ’”
Seven hours๐Ÿ’”
Everything I wanted๐Ÿ’”
Goggles guy๐ŸŽ€
My beautiful lover๐ŸŽ€
Sleeping beauty๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Bright lights and sweet delights๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Touch my body๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Whats wrong with me..?๐Ÿ’”
You're a treasure darling๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Love lasts eternity, photos last a lifetime๐ŸŽ€
And love shall speak๐ŸŽ€
I cant stand you๐ŸŽ€
Loving can hurt sometimes๐ŸŽ€
I'll miss you forever..๐Ÿ’”
Fluffy mornings๐ŸŽ€
Love through the cold ๐ŸŽ€
Boy I'm crazy for you๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’”
So nauseating๐Ÿ’”
Stranger in my bed๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
I bloom for you๐Ÿ’”
Electric love๐ŸŽ€
Are we managing?๐ŸŽ€
I know you, you broke me๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
In love with my best friend๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Dumb teenage boys๐ŸŽ€
You need a friend.. want to be mine?๐ŸŽ€
Dirty shoes and sweaty gym shorts๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Love language #1: gift giving๐ŸŽ€
Love language #2: words of affirmation๐ŸŽ€
Love language #3: acts of service๐ŸŽ€
Love language #4: quality time๐ŸŽ€
Love language #5: physical touch๐ŸŽ€
Burnt out๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
What could love bring for us?๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ
October 3rd๐ŸŽ€
In god, we.. trust.. ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Eye reveal... T~T
Sound the police๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
I still love you, and I'll wait. -2019 lover๐Ÿ’”
Fighting for the top of the food chain๐Ÿ’”
I want more.. need more๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Smile reveal ig
I see the limelight๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
From playmates to soulmates๐ŸŽ€
Our secret garden๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’”
Lost in your eyes๐Ÿˆ
Nightmare in Pensacola๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Nightmare in Pensacola part two๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
To love means to protect๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€

Our bubble๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€

604 19 70
By Yukishows


TW: I guess depression, but I'm not sure :I

As George checked the time again on his phone, he listened to the rain outside pour onto the streets, the sound of water hitting the sidewalk and the gutters lined along the roof of his house almost managing to lull him into a sleep-like state. It was six am, and he still failed to fall asleep during the night. The brunet closed his eyes, he doesn't sleep much, though he can never find a reason as to why. His door creaking open reveals his tired mother who peeks her head in to spot her son, sprawled out on his bed, staring at the ceiling whilst dozing off into a dream world. "Wake up George, you're not going to be late again, and don't forget to bring your umbrella, it'll be pouring all day today." The familiar voice he's hung to for life echoed through the room, and looking over just in time to see the door close, he felt his body sink into the mattress. It was a routine his body had mastered, going to bed wide awake and getting up with an overwhelming tiredness, though his mom insisted he pushes through.

    The brunet drags his weak body out of bed and goes to his bathroom, seeing the mess he's become during his tossing and turning through the night. His hair was sticking up in random angles and his eyes had dark circles around them, his skin, pasty white as it usually was. He didn't care for how he looked, though it wasn't a nice feeling to hear people calling him a zombie in the morning while walking to English class. The boy brushed his teeth and tried to tame his messy bed hair, his energy usually being put to try and look the slightest bit presentable. A call from his mother downstairs pulls him from his zoning out, "Georgie! Hurry up or you're taking the bus!" George shivered at the thought of it, walking down that tight isle in the long vehicle, eyes darting to the walking corpse as he avoids their glares. A fate he'd hated to have too many times. Gathering his bag together, which he only ever touched when going to school, he stuffed his umbrella inside, no use getting his finally tamed hair soaking wet. His mother called him down and led him outside, where he sat in the car, turning on his phone and deciding to lose himself in scrolling.

His mom spoke to him, though he blocked her voice out, watching the pixels scroll by, the brunet wanting to find something that'll entertain him for even a second or two. The sound of rain pouring onto the windshield, and the sound of the windshield wipers throwing it off eased into his mind softly as he turned off his phone, deciding just to stare down into his lap and listen to the sound of the rain. It was calming, tranquillizing almost. Before he'd wanted to, he and his mother had arrived at his school, looking out the window, seeing all the other students with their umbrellas, laughing with their friends and entering the school, each one excited to see their friends after the weekend. "George." The brunet looked over suddenly and saw his mother's face, full of worry and slight impatience, "sweetie I'm getting tired of calling your name fifty times-"

"I'm sorry.." George looked down, though he knew that his apologies meant nothing when he did this type of thing over and over again.

"It's okay." His mother said in a softer tone, and George felt her eyes scanning his face. As he looked over, he noticed her eyes were glassy, as if there was a whole other world going on through the other side of them. "George," she stated, "please try today. For me..?" The woman leaned forward, and George paused, he felt nothing while looking at his mother's sad, almost desperate expression. "If.. you feel anything bad.. anything at all, please don't repress it anymore.. please?" Her voice heightened just a little with her final plea, and George grabbed his umbrella from between his legs.

"Bye.." He muttered, before stepping out and closing the door behind him. He didn't look back as he walked onto the sidewalk, knowing his mother still had so much more to say. He wanted to feel sorrow, go back and apologize with the saddest look he could make, but he just couldn't. He couldn't let himself feel something like that, not when he was already so fragile he was even considering it. He entered his school along with his peers, throwing them all half looks as he passed by them, unable to comprehend how so many people could be so energetic, happy, and social at seven am. The brunet opened his locker, seeing the emptiness inside, no colors, no funny stickers, cute photos, even a poster, it was blank. He never found a reason to draw attention to his locker, he'd say it drew more attention at how bare it was inside.

He carelessly shoved his things inside, closing it without locking, he didn't really care if his things were stolen. As he stared at his locker door, he let his mind wander, he wanted to try today, he wanted to make an effort into changing, but it was so exhausting, and he was so alone, it seemed too far gone. He was a lost cause, and he was okay with that thought. Talking to someone would only sting the wound, and attempting to get him, giving himself hope, was cruel. He'd opened his eyes again and suddenly he was sitting in his English class, one hand supporting his head as he stared up at his obviously hungover teacher. The voice, deep and gray. George closed his eyes, letting himself fall, his head hitting his arm which was stretched out far against his table, he was tired, not just from his lack of sleep, but the amount of gray just overwhelming his life. From the moment he was born he'd seen the world in a dead tint, an uglier color, never getting to see these so called beautiful greens and reds. It was a message that he received well and quick, his life wouldn't be easy.

The bell rang, and George found a hobby in watching the hands on the clock tick by. Soon, everything around him turned muffled and all he could hear was the ticking. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Minute. Tick, tick, tick, tick. "Mr. Davidson?" The brunet was immediately shot out his own head, and his attention was brought to the teacher standing in front of his desk, looking down at him with an odd expression.

"Uh.. yeah?" The boy asked, then he noticed that nobody was in their seats, he looked around, he was alone.

"Class ended two minutes ago." The woman tilted her head, looking down at the boy oddly. The only sound around them was the ticking of the clock that had blocked everything out. George slowly stood from his desk, and noticed something sitting on it. It was a nicely sized chocolate bar balancing on the edge of his desk. George reached out and picked it up, his teacher suddenly speaking, "A boy left that for you, even though I have a strict no food in the classroom policy.. I allowed it this time, so hurry and get it out before any ants see it." The woman sat down at her desk, and opened a drawer. George distracted himself from her further actions, and began to walk out, hearing the rain hit against the window on the opposite side of the classroom.

He then stopped at the doorway and turned around, "Who was it?" He asked, and the woman looked up, alarmed. George felt alarmed too, his usual apathy to everyone and everything around him was his shield that protected him against disappointment, why was he lowering it suddenly? Why did he even care? It was just a nice gesture, maybe.

"U-um.. it was that boy named Dream, he came in from his last class and set it down without you noticing." The woman explained, and George paused, Dream? Who was that again? Oh yeah, it was that guy that he'd always see with that Nick guy, those two always looked like such a package deal.

"Okay.." George turned around again, and walked out the classroom, eyeing the chocolate bar in his hand. He wanted to be suspicious of it, who was this random guy to just give him some candy? It had to be tainted or something. Yet his stomach rumbled, and even thinking of chocolate began to make his mouth water. Once he'd neared his locker, he opened the door and hid himself as he unwrapped the chocolate, admiring the sweet smell. He took a bite and almost melted into his locker, it was such a sweet taste full of waves of dopamine rushing past him, his lips curling up just the slightest bit to make a smile, someone got him chocolate. The brunet quickly snapped out of his trance and shoved the rest in his mouth quickly before grabbing his things and closing the door. Unzipping his backpack, he stuffed his items inside and began down the hallway, holding his umbrella by his thigh as he tried to remember what Dream looked like, it was faint, he'd only ever seen him in the hallways and in math class. Though the picture was perfect in his head, he always seemed to have a smile on his face.

George opened up his umbrella and began walking down the sidewalk, seeing the other students with theirs as well, his eyes embarrassingly scanned the crowd for a specific face, but he didn't find it. Spotting his car down the street, George made his way over without distraction, the first sound he heard being his mother's voice as he opened the door and stepped in. "George! How was school?" The boy set his bag between his legs, and leaned back, staring down at the dashboard.

"It was.." He paused, thinking of the chocolate bar, "interesting.." he mumbled. The car began to back up.

"In a good way, right?" His mother asked in an assuring manner and George paused again.

"Yeah, sort of.." the boy leaned his head against the car window, a silent way to tell his mother that he was done talking. She received the message easily, and the rest of the ride was full of silence, except for small mentions from his mother.

"I won't be able to pick you up Wednesday, alright?" His mother asked, turning down the street, "Or Thursday, so you'll need to walk home, be sure you bring your umbrella, I don't want you getting cold. Actually, just put it in your backpack when you get home while you're thinking about it. And I won't see you in the morning so you'll need to make yourself something to eat." George hummed out a response, even though he only really payed attention to half the words. His mind was on one person, a certain person that had given him something small which had such a big impact on him.

    The following day, George woke up and got ready as usual. Though this time he was actually quite excited to get to school, look for a specific face. It was the first time in a long time he'd allowed himself to feel positive about leaving his bed. During math class, George eyed Dream who sat two rows in front of him to the right. He tried to burn his image into his head, no particular reason why other than the fact that he didn't want to pay attention, and none of what he was learning was interesting him in the slightest. He observed every detail in Dream's face until he could memorize it, then looked away finally, deciding that staring will only cause the remaining person who shows him any recognition to think he's weird. As everyone else did.

    Tick tick tick. One minute. Tick tick tick, watching the clock to cure his boredom. Tick tick tick, George couldn't immerse his mind into the world of literature for even a second. Tick tick tick, he figured he should at least let himself daydream. Tick tick tick, though he'd have nothing to imagine. The sound of a tap on his desk caused him to refocus into reality, and suddenly he was locking eyes with a tall boy, a delicate hand placing a chocolate bar onto his desk. "Um-.. hi?" Dream chuckled, and George could only stare back.

    "Hi.." He said, in almost amazement as Dream dropped the bar onto his desk. Watching him walk off, George panicked, "say something you idiot!" George bit his cheek, "move!" The brunet pushed himself off his seat, and rushed over with the bar in his hand, grabbing onto Dream's sleeve, he could almost not even choke out his words. "Thank you.." he said shakily, looking up at a confused Dream, who'd broke out into a smile as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

    "No problem, I'll bring you one again tomorrow, K?" The blond stated, setting his hand onto George's shoulder, which didn't fail send a shock of electricity through the boy's body. He stood idly as Dream walked out among the sea of other students, George standing like a statue, the ghost of the boy's touch lingering over his shoulder. His mind raced as he looked down at the chocolate bar, and he almost allowed himself to smile, but he shoved it down before grabbing his backpack and leaving the classroom, the sound of rain hitting the windows being muffled by the door. No one had ever spoken to him in such a comforting tone, he felt like he could shatter and melt at the touch alone, and the voice that the boy held, it sounded familiar yet so foreign, he was the perfect balance of imperfect. George had never met someone that gave him such an impact.

    When he arrived home, his usual gray surrounding looked just a little grayer without the immediate presence of anyone, though when George pulled out the chocolate bar, it seemed like the whole room lit up with a bright light protruding from the wrapper alone. Sitting on his bed, unwrapping it and taking a bite, George closed his eyes, and smiled. He thought of Dream as he took the next bite, his soft laugh when he noticed he had been caught, and his strong American accent as he touched George's shoulder. The taste of chocolate circulated through George's mouth and it was only when he finished that he let his face drop again, and he was back to gray. The sound of rain hitting his window allowed him to slip into a daydream full of the following day, where he'd sit down in English class, and Dream would somehow be next to him, handing him a chocolate bar with a soft smile. The brunet smiled back. Realizing how pathetic he must've looked, going crazy over a person giving him some chocolate, he quickly lost his smile again, putting up his shield, reminding himself of what happened last time he let himself care for someone.

    It was hard to get rid of the thought though, as he felt unusually tired that night, George managed to lull himself to sleep, blinking himsled awake by the sound of his alarm. He remembered what his mother had told him, she wouldn't be able to drive him to school or pick him up. As he got ready, he debated the pros and cons of taking the bus and walking, before inevitably deciding to walk; he really, really didn't want to start off the day bad, especially with how well it was going. He enjoyed the sound of rain hitting the top of his umbrella though, it was soothing. During his classes, he swore at just how little amount of classes he had with Dream, though during math, it didn't seem to matter with how the boy didn't notice George stealing many glances. The gray that surrounded his life was suddenly fizzing out upon the arrival of this person, someone who went out their way to give George something for nothing in return. It was reassuring almost.

This time, as George stared up at the clock, he didn't daydream or forget his surroundings, he became hyper aware when the bell rang, and even more so when Dream walked in and dropped the bar onto the table, walking out with the impression that he wasn't seen. George looked down at the chocolate, and as he touched it, he wondered if he should have said something instead of completely ignoring Dream. It's not like he didn't want to say anything, he shamefully wanted to hear his voice, but he just couldn't get his own started and ready whenever he saw him, it was like all words were flushed out of him once he was around.

    He'd be given a second chance, call it fate, call it luck, he was given a second chance. Spotting Dream outside the school, absent of any umbrella in his hand, George looked up at the rain and back at Dream who was staring down at his phone, typing quickly on it as people passed by him. It was hard to spot him since his hood was over his head, but George stood still in his spot, he'd been confronted with possibly the hardest decision he'd ever faced. The brunet forced his feet to start moving towards Dream, his heart racing in his chest as he neared him more. Stopping to Dream's side, the blond didn't seem to notice George at first and the brunet prepared to just leave before he was pushed forward by a disassociating student, bumping into Dream, there was no turning back.

    "Oh! Hey, you okay?" Dream asked with a smile, holding George up by his arms, all the brunet could do was stare up at the other, "Didn't notice you were there." The blond held the boy up and helped him back to his feet.

    "Thanks.. do you uh.. do you have an umbrella? It's raining.." George looked aside, as soon as Dream's touch left him, something inside him caused an urge to reach out. It was easy to suppress the urge to hug him, though it was difficult to suppress the thoughts questioning why he wanted to in the first place.

    "No, I don't. And thanks, I didn't notice." Dream said with a smirk, gesturing to the pouring rain. George looked aside, ignoring the sarcastic comment.

    "Are you uh.. being picked up or something?" George asked, a secret hope inside of him begging for a no.

    "No." Dream chuckled, "The one day it rains the hardest I'm not being picked up or have an umbrella, lucky me right?" George looked down, holding his umbrella at his side, he wondered if he should stop while he's ahead or take such a leap and ask the question. He felt himself begin to feel nauseous, this seemed like the most conversation he'd had with anyone except his mother, it was a completely new feeling that felt like stress and anticipation mixed together.

    "Would you-.." George paused, looking back up at Dream, "Uh.." damn it, why was it so hard just to offer a nice thing? "Would you want to use mine..?" George asked, did he seriously just offer his umbrella? Great, now he's going to get soaked.

    "No, it's fine, you can use it. My hood is fine for now I guess." The blond smiled but George knew he was just trying to make him feel better. As George watched him walk off, hoodie already getting soaked, he sighed and rushed forward until he was standing next to the other, holding out the umbrella.

"Just accept help.." George mumbled, holding the umbrella above their heads, saying the three words he'd been told most of his life left a bad, metallic taste in his mouth, but Dream smiling erased the taste all together. George liked feeling the presence of the other next to him, he'd never enjoyed having company, whether it be the person sitting next to him wanting to speak to him, or trying to make friends, George never enjoyed having people around. Though he found himself resisting a smile as he heard Dream sigh, seeing him lean his head back, looking so imperfectly perfect.

"Why're you walking home?" He asked, cutting through the comfortable quiet, which was accompanied by the sound of rain. George looked up, confused.

"What do you mean?" He'd ask, forcing himself to look away, not able to look Dream in the eye.

"I'd usually see you getting picked up by a car, why aren't you being picked up today?" He asked, and George went quiet, feeling like gears were literally turning in his head. Dream noticed that? Wait, why was he paying attention to George? George wasn't even interesting, at least, he wasn't interesting enough to be noticed. He then realized he'd been quiet for too long, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You noticed?" He asked, unsure of why he was wondering, maybe for reassurance. Dream was good at giving him that.

"Uh, well.. yeah." The blond stated. George looked over at him, the taller keeping his eyes far away from George, was he blushing? Did George embarrass him? "I just happened to have noticed once or twice I guess, but why aren't you being picked up like usual?" He looked back at George, who shrugged.

"No one is able to, though I guess I don't mind walking.." looking down at the ground, George could feel the burning stare of the other. Though, usually he would cower away from stares, this one felt warm. George's eyes secretly examined Dream's expression as he stared at the sidewalk, and his heart warmed, he was staring at him. It was the type of stars that George would expect Dream to look at a cute kitten with or the type of look he'd have if he were given praise for something he'd done. Not staring at George of all people. A smile crept onto George's face, why were his cheeks warming? Why was he suddenly addicted to this feeling of being watched?

    "You're smiling." Dream suddenly said, George looking up at him, noticed the odd look in his eyes.

    "Um.. yeah.." He stated, his heart sinking to his stomach.

    "Sorry I just.. I've never seen you smile." The blond chuckled, "You look pretty when you smile." The comment brought his heart right back under his chest, and beating faster than ever. "I-I mean, not like cute, it just looks nice cause I've never seen it before, why don't you smile more often?" He asked, George looking aside, letting his lips curl up a little into a smile, the muscles he'd refused to use for years were being put to work, and the urge to smile as he replayed Dream calling him cute only grew.

    "I just.. don't see a reason to.." Said smile soon faded through his words, staring down, "Is that a problem?" He asked, looking back up at the other. There was something poetic about walking in the rain with Dream, and feeling his first effects of a genuine smile.

    "no, it's actually kind of nice.. I sort of envy other people who have a quiet life." The taller admitted, George watching the way his lips moved as he spoke, so animated, so free. His eyes grew a little heavy, he liked watching his lips. "Sometimes life is a little loud to me, I'd rather live quietly. In my own little bubble, like you do." Looking back at George, the brunet's eyes snapped to the other's green ones, not wanting to be caught observing the other's lips with thoughts running through his head.

    "I don't see much hype about the bubble, the bubble's kinda lonely.." George admitted, looking aside, "Even if it's quiet.. don't you have a lot of friends anyway?" He asked, looking back up at Dream, who shrugged.

    "Sure I have friends, but I also enjoy alone time. If it were up to me, I'd rather be at home, listening to music and like reading or something, not roughhousing with other boy's or talking to girls. Though, I wouldn't mind another person included in my bubble." He continued, "I don't mind dating but.. high school relationships don't last as long as I'd like.." George hummed, expressing that he was listening.

    "I've never really seen a need for dating.." he admitted, and Dream laughed.

    "I crave it! Practically anyway, I've only ever been in fake relationships before, and I'd just enjoy having someone who genuinely loves me and not for my reputation or looks or anything." George noticed his house a little in the distance, "Though.. you said you have no interest in dating, right?" Dream asked, George looking over upon realizing he was being asked a question.

    "um, yeah.. why?" George stopped his feet as Dream grabbed hold of the umbrella's stick, leaning down towards the other.

    "So you wouldn't be opposed to kissing me, right?" The question caused George's cheeks to become engulfed with flame, a hot, addictive burn that caused his eyes to go wide, he did not expect that to come out Dream's mouth.

    "I.. guess not.." George stated, releasing his hold on the handle of the umbrella, beginning to walk again with a little more of a hesitant movement. He felt his palms sweat, and avoided the chance to touch Dream's hand, knowing it would've caused him to have sensory overload. But why was his heart beating through his chest? "Why.. why do you ask?" He wondered, looking up at the other, who shrugged.

    "I've never genuinely been kissed before." He admitted, and George's feet stopped where they were in front of his house, Dream looking back at him, "It's always been something for show or something, never real, and I was wondering if you could help me with that." The taller smiled, and George looked aside.

    "How would I do that?" He asked, knowing he already knew the answer.

    "Kiss me." Dream proposed, "I don't even care if it doesn't mean anything to you, just act like you love me for ten seconds, at least." The taller stepped closer, and George looked down, feeling his expression become more hidden, a smile had never felt so nice.

    "I've never even kissed anyone, I won't be good at it.." he muttered, looking back up at Dream who clearly didn't give a fuck.

     "I don't care, I just want to know what it feels like to have someone love me." George waited, he waited for his heart to calm and his head to stop spinning, he felt so vulnerable, why was his body heating up? Stepping forward, his hands instinctively went to Dream's arms, holding onto them gently as he leaned his head back a little to look up at Dream, noticing how close he suddenly was.

    "This is weird.." He admitted, feeling one of Dream's arms wrap around his waist. His legs fought to not give out, so close, he'd never been this close to anyone. Every surface where his and Dream's body heat connected burned with an addictive effect, so suffocating, he almost couldn't breathe. George leaned forward slightly, act like he loved him. How does he love someone? His mind panicked while his heart welled, he wanted to step back and resist taking these sorts of risks, but he wanted to keep going for the opportunity of his life, to kiss someone for the first time. But a boy? George closed his eyes as he neared the other more, maybe he wouldn't mind being in love with a boy, if it didn't mean being in love with Dream. Though, standing on the very tip of his feet, under the gentle hold of the other, he felt like they fit together perfectly. Hesitation overruled him, and Dream closed the space between them, instant chills running through George's mid section as he let himself melt into Dream.

    He let his walls come down, why keep them up when he'd already smiled too much into their kiss? Bringing one of his hands to Dream's face, he held it gently, his fingers running down the angle of his jaw. George tried to remain still, tried to resist the urge to pull apart and hide his face from embarrassment, all because he wanted to make this moment last longer than ten seconds. Tilting his head, he dragged out the kiss, this feeling of warmth spreading through him, along with uncertainty and hesitance, it was addictive. He loved how Dream made him feel. And he loved Dream. Pulling away from the other, George paused a second or two, before opening his eyes and allowing himself to lower down to his natural height. "Okay, that's not fair." Dream said, causing George to tilt his head, "That was false advertisement." Looking down  at the brunet with an annoyed look, George paused, before letting out a laugh. He'd laughed.

"What-.. what do you mean?" He asked, looking up at Dream with a wide smile, he could feel the other's body heat coursing around his own, it felt good, he felt loved.

"You said you were bad at it!" Dream exclaimed, looking genuinely annoyed, George giggled.

"I-.. I was" he said in a flustered state.

"George.. can I kiss you again?" Dream blurted out, George looking up at him.

"I thought you only needed one-"

"Well now I want two." He insisted, leaning forward, making George lean back slightly, looking up at the other with red cheeks.

"Okay.. okay, impatient.." he giggled, tilting his head to the side so that he could press his lips against Dream's once more. It felt like Dream was eliminating all the darkness with his lights, his arm tightening around George's waist, the brunet leaned more into Dream, feeling like his whole life had led up to this moment in the arms of the pretty boy that would give him chocolates sometimes. Pulling away again, George smiled as Dream gave him another small kiss before pulling away completely, making the other laugh lightly. "Is.. is that good?" He asked, looking between Dream's eyes.

    "Mmm.." Dream smiled, observing the other's face as he thought, "Perhaps.." the blond reached up and pulled the hood of George's hoodie over his head, covering his brunet hair from sight, "if you let me use this to get home, maybe." He gestured to the umbrella, and George looked aside, his face hurting from smiling.

    "Yeah.. that's fine, I'll.. I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He asked, looking up at Dream, who laughed a little.

    "We go to the same school George, I'm pretty sure that's a yes." The other smirked, and George rolled his eyes.

    "You know what I mean.." He mumbled, stepping back, out of the protection of the umbrella, feeling the rain begin to hit him. "See you tomorrow.." He managed to push out, grabbing the handle to his door.

    "Mhm, by the way, there's a bunch of red all over your face, you may want to get that under control." He stated, before walking off. George felt his cheeks burn only more as he slipped into his house, closing the door quickly behind him. Leaning his body weight against the door, he felt his legs grow weak as he replayed the last four minutes in his head with a flustered smile. Dream kissed him. Dream kissed him. George placed his fingers on his lips, licking them upon impulse, and he'd smiled. He'd laughed. George closed his eyes, and imagined Dream's look, his smile, his voice, the phantom touch of his arm linked securely around George's waist, he was everything. George stumbled his way through his house, making it to his room where he slowly shut the door behind him, resisting the urge to collapse and curl up in a little flustered ball. His first kiss, and it was as delightful as everyone told him it would be.

Damn, okay, this was way too short lol :P LONGER ONE SHOTS ARE COMING, I PROMISE, THEY JUST TAKE LONGER.
Ty kurapikas_toe_fungus for the suggestion, could always use more, if you've got them. Pls, I'm desperate ^_^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, my Christmas one shot should be out soon, though knowing me, it'll be out in like January so.. yeah :(


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