Red (Scarlet Witch)

By Ihasthepanda

124K 4.9K 2K

~"You are not alone."~ *Before and after AOU* \Wanda|Vision/ •Now Completed• .Editing. More

The Bed
The wait
The homecoming
The riots
The deal
The Avengers
The War
The Death
The Vow
The Dream
The Facts
The Farmhouse
The Scheme
The Theory
The Lesson
The comfort
The farewell
The warning
The Kid
The Captive's
The Siren
The Words
The News
The Happy/Sad
The Surprise
The Training
The Truth
The Secret
The Trade
The Distractions
The Capture
The Secret is Revealed
The Guest
The Answer
The Nerd
The Finding
The Possibilities
The Annoying
The Letting Go
The Confusion

The Drive

2.8K 122 92
By Ihasthepanda

Haha^^^ All right's go to Marvel.


She threw her red jacket in the bag and stared at all the empty space that was left of the carrier. Nothing else was left to pack, so what was she supposed to do? Wanda sighed, and turned around when she saw Clint's shadow standing at the door. He looked at her up and down. She raised her eyebrows, and he snickered at her apprehensive look.

"Get your head out of the gutter! I was analyzing your size of clothing. You're about Laura's size. I'm sure you can fit into some of her clothes she's not using right at the moment," When Wanda shared not one look of understanding, he explained further. "I mean, she does have a stomach the size of a watermelon."

She threw her head back and sighed. His wife was pregnant too? How could she not of known that? You know, it may be rude to intrude forth into ones thoughts, but it sure as hell would help with important information she needed to know.

Wanda reflected onto his previous words and shook her head,

"I couldn't do zat, take your wife's clothes, I mean-" She looked at Clint's expression and knew it was no use. He was already thinking the word 'no' over and over, and his face said it all. She slumped her shoulders. "Okay."

Wanda dumped her jacket out and put it on instead. She left the bag on the bed with a sour expression. Clint nodded in approval; she was learning the ways of a Barton real quick.

"You ready? It's a long drive."

Wanda shrugged. She had done a lot of simply just waiting in her life. Surly an hour or two in a car with Clint Barton wasn't going to be that bad?

"Is it going to keel me?"

"'Might." Was his blunt answer.

Wanda hesitantly walked out and with Clint behind her; they walked their ways down the halls. They walked shoulder to shoulder and she could feel the excitement rolling off of him and the emotion try to grab onto her. She slightly moved away.

Wanda then watched his feet after she moved and swore he skipped at one point. His feet were quick and she felt as if they were now jogging— not walking.

She reached the end of the hall and opened the doors to the outside parking lot. The archer bounded out like a kid who just got out of a long day of school. Wanda watched him with a mixture of envious humor.

Clint wove his way through the cars no doubt from various agents and led her to his truck; where Wanda saw with interest that Vision was standing by. She approached him with a quizzical stare while Clint 'walked' near him and patted his back. He smiled like a kid and looked at Wanda.

"This is my solution to where you won't be killing my kids in your sleep." He said it so joyously that Wanda didn't necessarily think he knew that what he said was a serious issue and she probably shouldn't even be going near his house... Ever.

These thoughts led to her staring blankly at Clint. She then turned thoughtful for a smidgen of a second. It did assure her that he cared about his kids this much. But  a question was still left unanswered.

How was Vision the solution?

The man himself was one step ahead, "If I may, the reason I'm going is not because I'd like to see Clint's family, but because I'd like them to be... Not injured."

Wanda stared at Vision with confusion and hid her involuntary amusement. But it wasn't far when she let her expression turn dark and got in the truck. She sat in the passengers seat, and then slammed the door with a force that shook the whole car.

Wanda rolled the window down and stuck her head out. Both men stood on the concrete, still and silent. They were slightly concerned for their own safety from her crimson eyes.

"Your confidence in me is so reassuring." Wanda smiled a bitter smile, and her eye's were squinting from the sun. She looked like one vexed witch.

Clint rolled his eye's. She wouldn't do a thing. It was all show. He walked around his large truck and then hopped into the driver's seat. He smirked over in her direction and she snarled at him. His reply was chuckling.

One person was left for the road trip.

Wanda looked at Vision expectantly. He was still standing with no expression donning on his purple features.


His answer was short. "I think it'd be best if I flew there."

Wanda scrunched up her nose and shook her head. If she had to drive for more than two hours— so did he. After all, she still had no clue as to why he was even there. Maybe the long drive would slip some answers in her favor.

"Get in the car, it's not going to keel you." Her voice said, 'dare me'. Wanda wouldn't have it any other way.

Vision looked at her with a blank stare, thinking, and then opened the door to the back. He didn't say anything, he just— did it. The android was so tall, he almost touched the ceiling with his head. Wanda hid her odd smile that wasn't supposed to be there and looked out the window in annoyance. She didn't know why, but the two men in the car were the only people who could make her smile. Wanda felt bad for smiling and laughing, she felt as if... She was betraying Pietro, in a way. Was she to be denied happiness everywhere she went?

Clint started the car and began their journey. Nothing too exciting happened... Wanda was thankful for the short time she had with her friend: silence.

After a few minute's of this said silence, Clint muttered something about 'too quiet', and turned on the stereo. Wanda almost flinched when it came blaring out. What was worse, was that he didn't bother to turn it down.

...shake it for me, girl...

"Country girl, shake it for me girl..." Clint sang his heart out, and Wanda almost felt her ears crack. That was not his real voice, she knew this because she could usually detect when someone was actually quite good at singing, but this— this abomination, she knew he had to be doing a poorly job on purpose.

Clint looked over to see her discomfort. Smirking, he turned it up much to the displeasure of her ears, and then sang louder.

"Somebody's sweet little farmer's child, That got it in her blood to get a little wild..." He sang the last bit off-pitch on purpose; she could grudgingly tell.

I wonder... Wanda's thoughts soon turned to mischievous ones and she smirked. Looking at the stereo she focused on it, and through her concentration, the music changed.

...I see fire, Burnin' the mountai-...

"No. What did you do? Why can't I change it?" Clint's immediate response made Wanda fill with revengeful glee. She felt her mood gain more joy as he pressed the buttons franticly and tried to change the station. He whipped his head to her and tried to drive at the same time. Wanda was slightly frightened when he swerved on the road from the sudden outburst.

"Listen kid, my car, my music. You're the guest, and that means you get to sit and listen."

"I am," She said matter-of-factly. "And let me jest say... Ed Sheeran? Is that who dis is? He is amazing."

The song ended and she twirled her fingers, searching for anymore of his songs on the radio, she found one and smiled aggressively at Clint's aggravated face.

...We keep this love in a photograph. We made these memories for ourselves...

"Wanda." A stern tone from Clint.

Wanda smiled a fake smile.


"You're pushin' it kid."

She rolled her eyes. "Good."

Wanda then closed her eyes and laid her forehead on the window. After forty minutes of trying to nap, plus her letting Clint choose music, which was obnoxious country, she sat up straight and wined.

"Your car eez veery uncomfortable." She pouted at Clint and he quickly looked her way, and smiled at her sudden change of mood.

"Want to play a game? And get out and stretch our legs?"

Wanda frowned. She checked the car 'clock' and it deepened. "Eetz only been, like, an hour and a half."

Clint shrugged. He glanced at the man in the back, and Wanda knew Clint was up to no good. "Better sooner than later."

He smirked as he pulled by a large field of wheat. Wanda thought for the slightest moment that it would be wise to check his thoughts but she knew it was considered rude. She regretted everything afterwards.

"We're going on a Snipe hunt." Clint's truck went off the highway and stopped in front of a huge field of wheat. The archer hopped out of the car, so Wanda pried her door open too.

Wanda fully got out of the car with Clint and look around in confusion. Vision still sat in the back with a hidden expression but Wanda quickly dismissed it. She was so blind.

Wanda though about what Clint had said. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Snipe hunting... Vhat's that?"

"You'll have to see." Clint turned to the car. "Vision! Get out here!"

Vision got out of the car, a smirk playing across his lips, but it quickly vanished. Wanda looked at them suspiciously, and annoyed. Even then she hadn't bothered to check their thoughts.

Wanda was really concerned about this snipe creature. "What is a Snipe?"

Clint smiled a wide smile, and started to walk into the field. Wanda hesitantly followed him. Vision stood close by, watching the witch closely.

"I did this when I was a kid! Me and my dad would go into a field or forest, doesn't matter, and you look for these birds called Snipe's!" He said this very happily and she felt very confused. How was this fun? The fact that Cling had said his dad also didn't process in her head— Clint had never known his dad. How had she been so naive?

Clint continued his story when they were in the center of the field. "Then, I get in the car, and I drive around to round them up while you carry this-" He gave her a bag out of nowhere, and smiled at her again. "Then you try to catch them."

He stopped after taking a few more steps, the other two stopping along with him, and he chuckled through clenched teeth.

"Man I sure did love my dad when we did this."

Wanda stared at him like he was an idiot. Which, he was. But Wanda was the bigger idiot in this situation. Her senses were still so clogged from crying so much that everything happening was just simply just a ride. She got on, and everything was a blur around her.

Clint clasped his hands together, and nodded. Wanda watched blankly as he backed away slowly.

"Alright, I'll be rounding them up around the field! You guys stay right here, and don't move!"

Vision stopped Clint when he tried to leave for the truck. The android's eyes gleamed and Clint suddenly remembered that the man could probably detect someone lying. But then again, so could Wanda and she wasn't sensing anything.

"May I assist you in rounding them up?" He said in a monotone voice. Clint smiled and laughed through clenched teeth. The man was just too smart for his petty games.

"Yep." He grunted.

"But..." Wanda muttered.

"Don't worry kid, we'll be right back." He said, still walking towards his car.

Wanda huffed. How could this be fun? Because this wasn't fun, at all.

After at least fifteen minute's of nothing she rolled her eyes and trudged back to truck. It wasn't there.

Of course it isn't there! He's rounding up Snipe's!

So she waited until ten minute's later but nothing happened. Then that's when it hit her. They weren't coming back. Clint didn't know his dad...

She cursed in vain.

Of course Vision knew vhat vas going on, since he probably looked it up in that stupid brain. And Clint is such a- UGH.

"I swear when I get my hands on them-"

"Don't worry Ms. Maximoff, it was only for a while."

She whipped her head up towards Vision that was slowly descending down from the sky. When he landed he handed out his hand and she caught the slightest hint of amusement in his eyes. Instead of taking his hand, she started walking towards the highway.

"Where are you going?"

"Von't know! You tell me!"

"The wrong way."

She turned around on the spot.

"Is zat a come back?"

He stood still and watched as she kept ranting.

"Because if it is, I swear, if it is-"

"Ms. Maximof-"

"I don't even know why I'm even that ma-'


"It's WANDA, and just so you kno-"

"Ms. Ma- Wanda-"

"No! You know wh-"


"VISION!" Her eyes flashed a deep red.

She stared at him for a long time until she realized he had raised his voice at her. And she had shouted at him. This conversation was too familiar. It was almost the same one her and Pietro had when they were in the kitchen. But this time she was Pietro, and Vision was her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her eyes becoming normal again. She sniffed. "I don't know what came over me."

Vision slowly walked over to her. He made her take is hand, and she immediately felt fine.

"It is fine. It must be hard to deal with what your dealing with, just next time, try to control your emotions."

He pointed to a tree that had fallen while they were 'fighting'. It's roots was sticking up and dirt was sprung all around.

Wanda groaned and fell to the ground, letting go of his hand. Her anger came back. He sensed it, and without asking, he picked her up.

"Hey- What? What are you-"

But he had already started to fly.

"Are you serious? You can't just do that! Don't you remember I'm afraid of heights?!"

His expression remained emotionless and she squinted her eye's shut and prayed that she wouldn't fall out of his arms.

"Wanda, you can open your eye's now."


He sighed. "Do you want to get in the car?"

She opened her eyes and found they were flying right besides the car. She saw Clint laughing and she knew it was on, but first, she needed to get into the car. The backseat window rolled down, and Vision let her go through the opening.

When she got through, Vision opened the door and climbed in after her. Clint looked at her through the mirror and laughed at her expression.

"That's what you get for messing with the radio kid."

"Du- te șurub"

She watched as Vision slightly fluttered his eyes and shook his head, then Clint looked at her in confusion.

"You do realize I don't speak..."

"I know."

He shrugged and went back to the horrible country.

She realized it was two o'clock and they still had more than four hours to go.

"I hate this." She mumbled.

"Then go to sleep." Clint said back.

She grumbled, and rolled her eyes. "Fine. I will."

She laid her head on the window seal and as soon as she did, she felt the world devolve and slowly fell asleep.

Two minute's in her sleep she was already squirming. Vision noticed, and so did Clint.

"You better do your solution before she tips the car." Said Clint, in a serious tone.

Vision got closer to her, and without meaning to, Wanda switched side's and her head then rested on his shoulder. Clint smirked once she stopped whimpering and moving in her sleep.

"Well lookie there, it does work." He then winked at Vision, and left Vision very uncomfortable.


She said 'Go screw yourself' up there. Hehe. I'm so mature.

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