Dnf oneshots💚💙

By Yukishows

125K 2.2K 5.6K

This story is discontinued More

Little fidgets🎀
Say you love me🎀
Childhood crush🎀
Yeah... patches 🎀
Destined to fall in love🎀
French love🎀
Finding the soft side on a cactus🎀
Its platonc right?🎀
My emo boy🎀
💔light my candle🎀
Me and my husband🎀
Save me..💔
He's a savior 💔🎀
Such a simp🎀
Eternity with you🎀
Im loosing you💔🍈
I want to fly🎀
Never celebrated Christmas..🎀
Binded by a curse🎀
I came to see you!💔🎀
My relaxation lies in you🎀🍈
💔give me love🎀
Attention hoarder🎀
Purge night💔
Sleepover stream🎀
Boys dont cry..💔🍈🎀
Sleepover stream pt 2!🎀
The debate upon Boyfriends..🎀
This will do for now..🎀
Am I gay?💔🎀
Shy kisses🎀
Keep me steady🎀
Happy birthday..💔
Happy birthday..💔 part 2
Only his, and only mine🎀
Te amo🎀
Forever with me🎀
Life without you💔
The bet that broke you💔
You again? 🎀
I'm so sick of all this giving💔
Love hurts, but what if you enjoyed the pain? 🎀
Being his portrait💔🎀
La Llorona💔🎀
Pleasure 🍈
I'm no chicken🍈
The boy from the cliffside💔
Seven hours💔
Everything I wanted💔
Goggles guy🎀
My beautiful lover🎀
Sleeping beauty💔🎀
Bright lights and sweet delights💔🎀
Touch my body🎀🍈
Whats wrong with me..?💔
You're a treasure darling💔🎀
Love lasts eternity, photos last a lifetime🎀
And love shall speak🎀
I cant stand you🎀
Loving can hurt sometimes🎀
I'll miss you forever..💔
Fluffy mornings🎀
Love through the cold 🎀
Boy I'm crazy for you🎀💔
So nauseating💔
Stranger in my bed🎀🍈
I bloom for you💔
Electric love🎀
Are we managing?🎀
I know you, you broke me💔🎀
In love with my best friend🎀🍈
Dumb teenage boys🎀
You need a friend.. want to be mine?🎀
Dirty shoes and sweaty gym shorts🎀🍈
Love language #1: gift giving🎀
Love language #2: words of affirmation🎀
Love language #3: acts of service🎀
Love language #4: quality time🎀
Love language #5: physical touch🎀
Burnt out💔🎀
What could love bring for us?💔🍈
October 3rd🎀
In god, we.. trust.. 💔🎀
Eye reveal... T~T
Sound the police💔🎀
I still love you, and I'll wait. -2019 lover💔
Fighting for the top of the food chain💔
I want more.. need more🎀🍈
Smile reveal ig
I see the limelight💔🎀
From playmates to soulmates🎀
Our secret garden🎀💔
Our bubble💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola part two💔🎀
To love means to protect💔🎀

Lost in your eyes🍈

1.1K 18 94
By Yukishows

*NOOT NOOT intensifies*

For context, George is not colourblind in this.. just.. thought I'd mention that :I

Panic, anticipation, and worry all welled up inside George as he, along with his four allies, chased down their common enemy. It felt like yesterday when George took the job and started chasing an escapee who went by the name of Dream. But what felt like an even earlier time, was when people began to become added to the scene. It was only George at first, the hunter and assassin believing full heartedly that he could hunt and kill Dream if necessary. Then Sapnap, an agent sent by the very prison Dream broke out of, was added to his team. Then Bad, a knight. Then Antfrost, a skilled soldier. Then the Prison's warden himself, Sam. The price for Dream's head became more and more heavy the more villages he raided and the more people he killed to get to an unknown goal. George, even with five allies by his side, felt frightened by the sound of someone drinking a potion or the sound of tnt being lit.

The chase had been going on for months, so many sleepless nights passed where George and his allies switched through positions, watching the camp grounds while the others slept. Every day seemed like an endless fight, Dream only seemed to be advancing more and more. George couldn't stand it anymore, and they all stayed up late hours some nights, theorizing ways they could possibly kill him. Turning him in alive was no longer an option, there was no hope for him to stay in a prison, don't even suggest rehabilitation, those things were thrown off the table many moons ago. Still, they followed Dream's trails of abandoned boats and small fires set on the ground, this hunt turning from a side job to a full life dedication to George. He was to be the one to kill Dream, even though Sapnap seemed the most dedicated to do it.

It was in the moment George saw a blur of a green sweater run past from the bottom of the cliff he and his allies stood on, that he realized that this could be their chance. They had full iron, all of them, and they had plenty of food. From a distance, Dream didn't look too threatening, so he immediately alerted them to their new guest, and they began the hunt. Using a helpful tracker that was placed inside Dream's arm during his time in the prison, they were able to use Sam's compass to track the blond across the world, anywhere he went, and so finding an entrance to a cave he surely went down was easier than they'd expected. Bad, the general planner of the group, proceeded their positions with Sam and Sapnap in the front, him and George in the middle, and Ant in the back, watching their backs carefully as they treaded into the large ceilinged cave with only the light of Sapnap's torch.

They walked through the maze like area for a while, until George paused, "Do you guys hear that?" He asked, it sounded like a sort of beeping noise. His instincts were on end, along with his arm and neck hairs, but his group kept moving cautiously through the cave. It was too dark to see anything more than each other, but when a small, red light began to flick on and off in order with the beeps on the ground, George watched as Sam neared the light. He held his hand up, and the rest of them stopped, and watched as the creeper hybrid went forward, and picked up whatever it was. A red liquid dripped from Sam's hand as he looked at the red, blinking light. He observed it for a solid three seconds, before his whole body visually tensed.

"What's wrong Sam?" Bad asked from beside George, and Sam slowly turned around, a look of pure horror on his face. Sapnap shined his torch at what he was holding, it looked like a bloodied capsule of sorts, and it made George gag, looking at the blood oozing off of it.

"It's Dream's tracker." He stated, and all five of them froze, then, they heard an echoed laugh run through the cave walls. On pure instinct, they all whipped out their weapons, George grabbing the hilt of his sword as he looked around, unable to see anything but a few flashes of a green blur that whizzed by before he could even decide if he imagined it.

"Guys we need to go!" Ant yelled from behind George, the brunet holding a bow in his hands. George looked over at Sam, and his eyes widened to see a circular mask behind him, the very same mask he'd seen in all his nightmares.

"Dream!" George screamed, pointing the tip of his sword at Sam. Sam spun around and dodged just in time to narrowly miss the sharp end of Dream's axe. It seemed like everyone's heart beat became audible at that moment, Sam on the ground, nearly falling victim to Dream's deadly axe before Ant managed to break his concentration on the warden, by diverting his axe with his own. George helped Sam up, watching as Sapnap and Ant kept Dream back, but it wasn't long before Dream used another one of his unforeseen tactics, and suddenly, with a glimmer, a shatter, and a splash, everything went dark. George nearly fell back, looking around, his eyes widening to their biggest in his efforts to quickly adjust to the dark, feeling like fog was covering his eyes. The hunters all yelled for each other, George wincing as he heard the scramble around, and a deep cackle from Dream as he began to run off.

    Dream wasn't an idiot, he was completely vulnerable against five people. While he'd beaten them before, blinding them would only buy him time to run away. George tightened his hold on the hilt of his sword, closing his eyes and making himself hyper aware of his other senses. Blocking out the noises of the hunters, he heard breathing, running, water droplets, his head snapping over to the direction he believed Dream to be in as he began to give chase. Dream was too close to them, he was surely blinded as well, and if George knew Dream tactics, his laugh was to make them believe he was playing them, and that he could see. When really, he was running too hastily because he was too blinded. George collided and tackled the first person he made contact with, being sure not to use his sword in case it was one of his allies, but keeping them to the ground as to refrain them from moving, it had to be Dream, he just had to hold him down until the blindness wore off.

    The whole upper part of his face was tingling and feeling rather hot, he felt the person under him throwing the brunet off, but he held on as best he could, even though they were clearly strong enough to throw him off, he clutched onto their clothes, and gritted his teeth, he wouldn't let him go. A fizzy noise went through the room, and George opened his eyes to see some of his vision again, looking down, he was met with the smiley mask of his worst enemy. Now sure it was Dream, George grabbed his forgotten sword and didn't waste a breath to slice down, but just as he did, Dream hoisted his waist up, effectively knocking George off now that his hands were no longer clutched on him. George, with his power, managed to cut down something, hearing a click, and a pop, then an impact. He fell back, his eyesight returning a little to see something that made his whole body freeze.

    His hold on his sword instantly retreated, causing it to fall onto the ground as he lay frozen there on the stone, all the hunters behind him were experiencing the same effect, staring at Dream as the blond sat on the ground, giving them his first ever real look. George had sliced his mask clean in half, one side had fallen, revealing one side of his face, which had blood running down it from the blade of George's sword. Dream tilted his head a little to the right, and the other side of the mask fell off, two green lights illuminated the room like two stars in an infinite dark solar sky. They were glowing so brightly, George felt like they'd leave marks on his eyes when they left, but they didn't. Dream's face. It was a sight that caused George to shiver, he was terrifying. He wasn't sure if this word, terrifying, was used in a good or bad definition, but he could get behind both.

    His scars, one on his eyebrow, one from the bottom part of his cheek to his jawline, and another across the side of his lips, most likely from run ins with people other than the hunters. Blood, running down his face from a fresh wound George had inflicted, and blood running down his sweater. His eyes were the very core of evil and dark, unmerciful and dangerous, the more George looked at them, the more sucked in he got. Whether it be from the darkness around him making his eyes the only real thing he wanted to pay attention to, or the fact that looking at them made him feel like he was looking into an optical illusion. His terrifyingly good features made the brunet's breath hitch, his sharp jawline, his slight stubble, his furrowed and arguably hot eyebrows, he looked like a man of pure beauty, and George felt engraved by the spell, wondering if Dream had also splashed him with a potion of pure admiration.

    Dream's lips curved up into a smile, rather than his hesitant, almost fearful look. "You all look so much worse without the mask on," he chuckled, slowly rising into a standing position, bringing one hand to his hair, tilting his head back as he eyed them, George's cheeks flushed red, damn it he's hot. "It's been nearly nine months, and you all still freeze to your core when you see me. It's laughable, you'd kill a man you'd never even seen the face of." He stated, and George heard Ant stutter out some words behind him.

    "Y-you're no man, you're a monster." He stated, George hearing a stumbling noise behind him, glancing back only a second to see that Bad nearly fell off his feet, did he too fall too deep into Dream's hypnotic eyes? It seems like they all had.

    Dream made a satisfying clicking noise with his tongue, and kept his sheepish smirk on his face, shaking his head, "Kitty cat wouldn't know much about being a man, would he? With his obvious.. deformities.." The blond stated, and Ant gritted his teeth.

    "It's a mutation you asshole!" He stated, seemingly fallen out of the green eyed trance.

    Dream just laughed out, "Oh my god," he tilted his head, and something formed into his hand, undoubtedly taken out from his inventory, but George couldn't quite see it, still focused on his enchanted green eyes, "I didn't mean to offend you kitty cat, it's probably best you forget about this.. wouldn't want you falling into a void of despair before I've had my fun. Normal people don't last this long you know," George didn't know what he was referring to by either 'normal people' or 'last this long', did he mean the manhunt? Did he mean fighting Dream? A panic rose in George, what was he implying? "Most become insane, drive themselves to unique methods, they'd claw their eyes out or bang their head into the wall until they broke their skull, interesting to see the difference between weaklings and actual competition." With that, another crack, shatter, and splash sounded through the room, along with a thick, gray gas.

    "Don't breathe!" Sam announced loudly, and George's eyes widened as he let go of his sword, covering his nose and his mouth. He watched as Dream picked up his mask, and it disappeared into his inventory. He left them with one last smirk, before running off. George looked back, and saw that Sam had placed his gas mask onto his face, and the brunet's lungs ached for air as he watched the hunters try and run out the cave. His limbs ached, and he felt like he couldn't move, "wait!" He wanted to yell, "Don't leave me here!" He wanted to scream. He fell onto his hands, trusting to keep his mouth shut as he scurried slowly across the stone floor, "Guys! Don't leave me.." George slowly closed his eyes, collapsing on the ground as he slowly exhaled, and breathed in the peach smelling gas. A sense of relief and overwhelming tiredness went over his body, and he opened his eyes to see across from him, Bad also laying on the ground, unconscious. George closed his eyes, "Please don't leave me.." before he fell into a deep sleep.


George awoke feeling like his whole body was overheating, he was breathing heavily through his mouth, not opening his eyes, just trying to focus on breathing. "In, out, in, out." He'd say to himself, "I'm alive, I'm alive." He slowly opened his eyes, and looked up to see the faces of Sapnap and Sam.

"There he is, come on man, up, not too quick." Sapnap stated, and the two helped George slowly sit up. Doing some quick observing, George detected that they were in a roofed forest, a completely different biome from before, which was an oak plains. He saw Bad laying on a sleeping bag with Ant hovering over him, he too was breathing heavily out his mouth, looking pale. Ant was dumping a rolled up towel in cold river water, squeezing it out, and setting it on Bad's forehead, which made George hyper aware of his own forehead feeling soggy. A blazing fire was in the center of their apparently temporary camp, and George leaned back, his back hitting the trunk of a tree.

"What happened?" George asked, referring to what had happened after he'd passed out.

"Sam got us all out the cave, well, he was only able to carry me and Ant out, but he went back in for you two." Sapnap explained, and Sam nodded his head, his long, pointed green ears flopping a bit.

"We carried you two as far as we could until the sun began to set, then we decided to start up camp. Luckily Dream hadn't used a severely powerful potion, so we were able to bring you two back rather quickly. You may want to set your spawn though, because we moved the beds and spawn isn't any closer." The man stated, and George nodded his head.

"Wait! What about Dream's tracker! We aren't able to track him now." George exclaimed, sounding worried. Sam closed his eyes, tilting his head down.

"While it is.. unfortunate.. we still have other ways to track him. Sapnap and Ant have experience in hunting, they know how to track prey without an actual technology based tracker. Such as sized footprints or land markings, we'll figure it out, and we know Dream's tactics enough to know that we can predict his movements." He explained, and George felt like there was something missing in his voice. The brunet's mind instantly went to the sight they saw in that cave, those eyes. His arms shivered, those petrifying, bright green eyes that held George and the others in a sort of illusioned trance. Sapnap seemed to pick up on what George was thinking, and looked aside, much more unnerved.

"We're going to have a meeting after Bad wakes up, discuss our next move and what we saw. Alright? It'll take time. I'm going to go get more firewood, Sam'll cook us up some dinner before bed too, later." Sapnap stated with a slick salute, before heading off with the tip of his axe over his shoulder.

After about an hour, their food was well cooked, Bad had woken up and been filled in on everything, and Sapnap returned with some nice sized logs for the fire. After everyone ate in a low silence, the silence that followed only became thicker with the sound of crickets in the background. Sapnap sat on a tree stump while the rest sat on the grass, George feeling cold, shimmying closer to the fire a little as he heard Sam clear his throat. "Alright, we all know why we've called this meeting." He stated, looking around at all four of them. George eyed the smoke rising up from the fire, and dispersing into the air into nothingness. "What we all saw in that cave was most.. terrifying." He continued, and everyone tensed, "It was a sense of pure fear and horror I've never felt in my life. Those eyes were a look into my date of death, and I'm sure you all felt the same way." George shared a collective nod with everyone else, and Sapnap held up two fingers, asking to speak.

"Mind me Sam, but Dream's eyes weren't just something I saw in that cave." Their attention turned the raven, who's eyes reflected the bright light of the fire in their black voids of color. "I saw something that I'd forgotten a while ago, it was almost as if it happened for a frame of a second.. just a small flicker, but I knew what it was. It was my parents being murdered by soldiers when I was only ten." George bit his cheek, he remembered Sapnap telling them this story only a week ago, it had taken a long while for him to warm up to them and fully trust them with this information. "It put me into a trance of despair and I couldn't get out of my pit of sadness, I don't know why, but I got this overwhelming feeling of crying.. George can attest to me, I don't cry easily." Sapnap stated, and George nodded.

"I saw something too." Bad replied, "My mother dying in a fire, but when I really looked into his eyes, I could hear her screaming for me to run and get out the house before I inhaled too much smoke. I almost fell over my own feet." He explained, and Ant piped up, his triangular ears falling backwards, something he did in signs of submission.

"I just remember back when my parents would strap muzzles to my face, calling me a freak of nature and telling me I was gods mistake for the way I looked." He stated, George now understanding his odd, easily tempered tone in the cave, how Dream had caused Ant to become enraged by a small mention of his appearance.

"George, do you remember seeing anything?" Sam asked, and they all turned to George. George felt like ice began to run down his limbs, and he froze, hesitating. A strong silence went tough the campsite, and he shivered, he didn't see anything, but he sure as hell felt something. He felt overwhelming infatuation with Dream, heat rushed to his cheeks when he saw that man's face, and his legs felt weak hearing him talk in his gravely, satanic tone. He loved what he was seeing, but he couldn't express that to his friends, they'd murder him, both emotionally and physically. They just explained to him how looking into Dream's eyes was a horrific experience, and he's over here falling in love.

    "Yeah.." He stated, he better pull some bullshit out his ass before he slips out the truth. He tilted his head down, watching the ash at the bottom of the fire build up ever so slowly. "I just remember feeling a random sense of pull towards Dream, like there was a rope guiding me closer to him. A-and his eyes were like if you looked at an optical illusion for too long you know? Everything just becomes hazy and hard to focus on. I didn't feel as.. scared I guess.. I just felt.. nothing really." That was a lie, he felt heat rushing to the mid section of his face, and a feeling of fear that he couldn't help but enjoy as much as happiness. Dream looked like the type of man George would let choke him if he's being plainly honest.

    "A.. pulling feeling?" Bad asked, furrowing his eyebrows. George looked up, and became painfully aware that they were all looking at him in very pointed looks.

    "Yeah, like.. when you're having a panic attack and the walls are closing in, y'know, a suffocating feeling of sorts.." George corrected, his voice trailing off as he spoke. He felt like he was stepping around thumb tacks at the moment.

    "Okay.. well.. to get the elephant out the room, I don't believe his eyes had any sort of dark magic tied to them." Sam began, holding up a finger, "For one, despite how many potions he has, I don't believe Dream is a witch. And two, even though his eyes show a clear dark magic, he's kept them hidden and never used them during any of our fights unless we engage them. Which means he either thinks they're an easy way to win, which is obviously what he doesn't want as he likes to play with us, or that he's hiding them for an ulterior reason." The creeper hybrid explained, and Sapnap spoke up.

    "What is that supposed ulterior reason?" He asked, and Sam folded his arms.

    "No idea. It's hard to tell with Dream, he has such a thick barrier between truth and lies. But the issue is, he's really fucking good at lying. I'd say my best guesses for why he hides his eyes are either shame, guilt of some sort, or unbeknownst to us, fear." He stated, and George furrowed his eyebrows.

    "Why would he be afraid of his own eyes?" He asked, tilting his head.

    "Like I said, I'm not sure. But I think I'd be scared of a power I had, that I was unsure I could completely control. I remember being terrified when I learned I could blow up like a real creeper, I was scared I was going to accidentally set it off and die, but it hasn't happened yet. That's why I bury any sign of creeper sides, such as gunpowder by wearing my gas mask." He explained, "But reasoning why Dream wears the mask to cover his eyes has really no point, the truth of the matter is this, what can his eyes do, and how can we ensure we won't be affected like we were in the cave. Or, as a third worry, if he'll chose to start using those eyes against us."

    George could barely keep his eyes open by the end of the meeting, they stayed up two hours long theorizing and forming plans against his eyes. Discussing ways to cover their own eyes during battle or wondering if things like George's sun glasses blocked out the green lights. Snuggling up in his sleeping bag had never felt so nice, being able to just warm himself up and never feeling happier to hear Ant's snores next to him. He would've rather slept alone, but his only option was to sleep in the same tent as someone else as they only had two, and one person would have to sit out to keep watch anyway. In other cases, he would've wanted Bad, as he didn't snore nearly as loud as Sapnap or Ant. Don't even suggest Sam, he sneezes gunpowder, one loose flame and boom goes their tent, not happening.

    In the morning, George kept watch as they began to pack up. The brunet was sure that without the tracker, Dream would be long gone by now. Hiding his tracks and covering up any signs of himself, but still, Sam dropped the compass on the ground and kicked some dirt over it, saying goodbye to an ever useful tool in their hunt. They set foot again, Sapnap and Ant leading as they used their instincts and skills to track down Dream. George's mind was elsewhere the entire time though, thinking about Dream's eyes, but more so his face and how damn hot he looked in that green lighting. Tilting his head back, running his hands through his wavy, dirty blond hair. It made George involuntarily close his eyes and begin to imagine what Dream would look like in red lighting. He'd seen it a couple times in the nether, but never truly an attractive, red lighting during a particularly dark night. He snapped himself out that vision quick, and busied himself with keeping look out for that very same man, he couldn't be growing soft for Dream, he was his prey, his enemy, he needed to kill him. Feelings couldn't get in the way of this hunt, he wouldn't allow them to.

They tracked Dream's prints for nearly the whole day, and the image of Dream's eyes still lay in the back of George's mind. He felt like he was too suffocated to breathe sometimes, and had to quit talking just to remind himself he could breathe. He wasn't sure what this sensation was, but he couldn't tell if he liked it or feared it. They were led towards an opening of a cave, outside the cave, Bad picked up some discarded pieces of string, leather, blocks, and other basic materials. They concluded that Dream was inside the cave, and they'd need to act fast in order to find him before he managed to slip away from them. They all marched their way inside, Bad and Ant holding torches to illuminate the walkway. The other three hunters held their weapons close, not trusting the slightest bit of movement in the cave.

    The seemingly infinite amount of tunnels led into a massive opening, Ant and Bad holding up the torches, illuminating not even a fraction of the massive cave. They could hear the rattles of bones and hissing of spiders, groans of zombies and croaking of enderman, and it was all they needed to hear before discussing quietly that they should try to keep themselves undetected, save their gear and energy for an encounter with Dream. As they scaled down the wall of the cave, George hit the ground first, and with the torches off, he felt very vulnerable as mobs like spiders and endermen are known to be able to see in the dark. He kept watch while the others jumped down, and once they were all on even ground, Sam gave the signal to move forward. The brunet was startled by each small sound and noise he heard in all directions.

"Are you positive he's in here?" Bad asked in a hushed tone as they passed by three creepers.

"Not really, no. But other than this cave we have no leads so don't be picky." Sapnap whispered as they rounded the populated area. George felt his body shiver, if he could see more than two inches in front of him, he'd probably see his own breath from the cold. After sneaking past the groups of mobs, the five make their way into a clearing. A large underground lake obstructs their path from another tunnel system and George furrows his eyebrows.

    "We have to swim across, let's hurry before those mobs see us." George moves forward, but Ant grabs his shoulder. Looking back, the cat points backwards.

    "How do you know he didn't go up there?" He asked, and George looked up to see another tunnel start above where they came in, how did he not notice that?

    "There's no way to know if he went over water.." Bad mumbled, George knowing that when he starts mumbling, he's forming a plan. "Okay, it may be stupid but I have an idea. Me, George, and Sapnap will go over the lake towards that entrance while you and Ant go to the top one, he'll be cornered either way we get to him." The man explained, though George cut in quickly.

    "But he's beaten two and three hunters before, it's not a good idea to split up." He countered.

    "And it's a better one to just run around this cave forever?" Sapnap asked, Bad rolling his eyes.

    "We'll be okay, when we find Dream, we won't engage. We shout and play defense to alert the others." He explained, "C'mon guys, let's go." Bad walked past the two and sunk into the water, beginning to swim. George nodded towards Sam and Ant, silently wishing them good luck as he slid into the water, resisting the urge to shiver as the icy cold water hit his body. Why was it so cold in this cave?

    Sapnap followed after him, and as they swam, George tried to keep his eyes on his surroundings, even when there was no light to see anything. He tried to refocus his mind, think about something else and not try and imagine any drowned under the water that want to pull him under. George then remembered something, "Bad, I brought like no food with me, I won't be able to heal if we see him." The brunet voiced, Bad looked back briefly.

    "Sapnap brought some extra for us, ask him." He stated, George looking back.

    "Sapnap-.." George stopped his movements, "Sapnap?" He heard Bad stop too, "Where'd he go-.."

    "George-!" Hearing a splash, George looked back towards Bad and saw nothing but rippling water.

    "Bad!? Sapnap!" George turned around and around before realizing, looking down into the water, he saw a flash of green swim by at an abnormal speed. The brunet turned back towards where he came from and began swimming fast, though feeling something grab onto his ankle caused his whole body to tense in fear before he screamed, "Sam-!" Dragged under the water, cold liquid flowing over his face and seeping through his hair, George looked up to see the surface only growing farther. Looking down, he was met with the white, now fixed, mask of his terrorizer, dragging him deeper into the water. George tried swimming up, before looking down and shaking his leg, Dream's hand remaining clutched around the end of his leg. The brunet, feeling his lungs heave and his body use it's final push of panic, extended his leg and kicked Dream's mask, causing the other to recoil and release his ankle. George looked up at the surface, desperately swimming up and resurfacing with a gasp of relief, oxygen finally rushing through his lungs.

    The grip of a hand on his ankle again cause him to prepare by taking a deep breath and being pulled under, instead of resisting, he lowered and tried kicking Dream with his other leg, the blond dodging easily. To his surprise, Dream released his ankle, and he was about to attempt to swim up when he saw Dream race just below the surface. Twisting his body a complete angle, George watched as the farther Dream got, the more ice formed near his feet. Panic welled through George and he swam up, setting his hand on the ice that caged him under the water, "Frost walker! Fuck fuck fuck!" George opened his inventory, feeling his lungs begin to heave as he pulled out his pickaxe. He began to smash the end of the pick onto the ice, all his adrenaline being put to his panicked hacking at the ice. A grab of his ankle cause him to be brought farther from the ice, and suddenly he was being pulled down again. George looked down and saw Dream holding a bottle of blue liquid, the bottle read 'Water breathing'. The masked man shook it in a sort of taunting way as George's body began rejecting his brain's orders, and water forced it's way into him.

    George closed his eyes, feeling Dream grab his arm as his mind cleared. Seeing the mask he was so familiar with appear in his view, George suddenly felt nothing. He didn't feel cold, and his panic washed out of him. Looking at Dream, feeling him grabbing onto his arm, he closed his eyes in a calming manner, peace washed over him, and his senses gave out.


    George's eyes slowly opened in his state of confusion, his atmosphere felt the same, yet he was warmer. He looked up, suddenly aware of how his wrists felt numb. The brunet looked around, it was dark, really dark, the only source of light coming from one single torch perched a few meters beside him. George looked around, where was he? His mind raced to remember the most recent memories he could, frost walker, ice, panic, and drowning. Drowning! Dream was there, did he respawn? George looked back and saw his hands in shackles connected to short chains. George heard footsteps coming towards him and looked up to see Dream emerge from the darkness, the brunet feeling suddenly very vulnerable, backed up slightly upon the sight of the other. "George," The shorter could hear the presence of a smile in the other's words, "I'd like to skip all the questions and shit and just get to the point." It seemed like a blink later, Dream was crouching in front of him, holding the collar of his shirt, slightly lifting him, "What did you see that day."

    George stared into the ominous mask he'd faced in nightmares before, and swallowed down his pride, did it just get hotter? "What.. what day?" He asked nervously, and he knew immediately that it wasn't the right response.

    Dream quickly pulled out a small, yet deadly looking knife and held it to George's throat, "Don't fuck with me George, you know what I'm talking about. Answer the god damn question, what did you see that day." George couldn't answer, Dream's words replayed in his head and he felt sweat form at the back of his neck feeling him this close. How did he make him feel this way? Why was he even feeling it? He needed space, he needed to get out of here and breathe air that wasn't the sweet smell of Dream's natural scent.

    "Your eyes.." George managed to choke out, tugging just a little on the chains behind him, "Your.. your face too.." The brunet added, "Scars.. and uh.. nothing else.." George's mind raced, and he forced himself into more professional thinking. The chains behind him were too thick to break out of, and his inventory was inaccessible without his hands free. Besides, Dream most likely took all his things, though why was he questioning him? He had dragged Bad and Sapnap under the water too, where did they go? Maybe they're here.

    "Nothing else you say." Dream stated in a grainy voice, clearly not satisfied with his answer. Dream removed the knife from against George's neck and tossed it aside, "George." Dream reached his right hand beside George's waist, the phantom space between his hand and George's body caused a shiver to run through the brunet. George heard a click behind him and the shackle holding his left hand suddenly released, "Take off my mask." Dream demanded, and George knew by his tone of voice that there was no room for questions or objections. He reached his free hand up and behind Dream's head, feeling his wavy hair as he did, and he tried not to melt, so soft. Almost too soft. Unclipping the mask and twisting the end, the white cover fell off Dream's face to reveal his illuminating green eyes. This time George wasn't put into a trance, he didn't feel the slightest bit scared, as if he were staring into a pair of normal eyes, though they were bright, he had no physical affect to them. Why wasn't he feeling that petrified fear he felt back in the cave? Why was it so normal now? "What do you see?" Dream asked, and George returned his left hand to his chest, feeling like if any of his skin touched Dream, it would burn.

    "Um.. green.." George mumbled, his mind drifted off from the scene as he observed Dream's face, this close, he could examine every bit of him. Every last freckle, every detail in his scars to tell exactly what creature or weapon caused it, and the individual colors and shades of green in Dream's eyes. Though of course, his most overwhelmed sense was smell, this close, Dream completely obliterated any other smell to encase George in a little bubble, he wasn't complaining, but he felt like he was suffocating in it. Or maybe that was his gaze he was suffocating in.

"You don't see anything else." Dream asked in a stern way, causing George to look back at him. He didn't feel fear anymore, Dream wasn't going to kill him, it was something they both knew by now, so he had no reason to fear Dream. Though, he was afraid of why exactly he was here, maybe it was his turn to ask him questions. George puffed out his chest a little and furrowed his eyebrows.

"No. Where is Sapnap and Bad?" He asked, trying to match Dream's stern tone. Dream closed his eyes, George honestly surprised, why would he let himself be vulnerable like that? Especially in so close distance.

"I killed them, they're probably back at your spawn point. What did you feel when I looked at you before?" George dipped his head down.

"Well.. I felt.. why are you asking me so many questions!? If you're going to kill me eventually, just get it over with-!" A gloved hand covered his mouth and part of his nose, Dream leaning forward, George freezing at the proximity Dream had with his neck while he sat beside his ear.

"Shh.. we're not done talking yet.." He said in a softer tone, causing George to melt into his hold. George lifted his free left hand and set it on Dream's chest, lightly pushing back on it, causing the other to lean back more, though they're much closer than before. Dream tilted his head and removed his hand from George's mouth, "So ready to leave.." Dream made a clicking noise with his tongue while George observed the shades of his eyes, feeling the fabric of his green hoodie he always wore, "I'd almost assume you're scared of me.." George forced out a huffed laugh.

"A predator scared of its prey? How unprofessional do you think I am?" The brunet asked, smirking, Dream leaned towards him.

"A predator stalks his prey until it's on the brink of exhaustion. A predator casually walks along the footprints of his prey while it desperately uses its energy to run away." Dream pushed George back a little, the brunet looking up at Dream with an unnerved expression, "George you're not the predator here, I don't consider you a threat. You're the one chained to the wall shivering in fear as you contemplate when I'm finally going to kill you. And you have the nerve to look me in the eye and tell me you're in charge here." George felt the warm body of another press against his as he leaned further back, hopelessly trying to add some distance between him and his opposer. Dream's face neared his, and George watched the others expression carefully as he reached up his right hand to hold George's jaw, tilting his head up a little, "Am I wrong?" A cold voice asked, and George found himself looking down at the pair of lips in front of him.

"No.." He answered, it felt vulnerable to completely strip his dignity in the presence of another person, though this other person was showing him convincing details of why he should consider every word a command.

"you weren't scared of me George," The brunet looked up, "You were the only one who looked into my eyes with everything but fear.. I was thrown completely off guard.." Dream smirked, "Though I knew it would always be you."

"What..? What would always be me?" George asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Dream chuckled, "It was always going to be you that I'd never be able to kill.." the brunet looked up in confusion, "Not because you're stronger, don't test your luck." Dream warned, and George swallowed down the urge to immediately agree, "But it's because you're the most alluring to me.." Dream traced the side of George's jaw and ended at his chin, George's heart pulsing through his chest as he felt the atmosphere grow from scary to suffocatingly intimate.

"..Alluring..?" George just managed to croak out, seeing Dream lower his left hand. Hearing a click behind himself, George felt the iron shackles around his right hand fall off. Though he made no movements to use it.

"you're captivating, George.." Dream lowered his head to the side of George's neck, causing the boy to shiver a little, "My mind goes crazy when I see you, and I think you know from experience that I'm very good at calming my mind.." The blond moved closer to George's ear again. The brunet closed his eyes and nodded his head slowly just to show he was still listening, "It doesn't work when you're around.. every slight touch," Dream grabbed onto George's left arm gently, his warm fingers caging George's arm in his fingerless gloves, "feels like toxin, though the burn feels good.. it feels so good.." George lowered his head slightly.

"I burn you..?" He asked, his breath weak.

"You melt me.." Dream smiled, facing George again. Looking into each other's eyes, George didn't resist the feelings rushing through his nervous system as Dream's lips neared him. He closed his eyes and tried to quiet his mind, though feeling Dream's lips on his only made it louder. George instantly kissed back and reached his right hand forward, holding onto one side of Dream's face, feeling the soft, yet somehow rough skin underneath his fingers. It was a sensation he couldn't describe with anything else but a burn, a burn that felt good. So good.

George opened his mouth without his brain's permission and felt his body melt into Dream's as the sound of their lips connecting filled the quiet cave with nothing else but the soft sound of the torch's fire burning. Dream tilted his head and George didn't fight for leading the kiss, he felt too weak to try anything against Dream, though he can't see a reason why he'd resist at all. The need to push his body against Dream's powered over his cognitive thinking and his folded legs were on either side of him, Dream's arms wrapping around his waist only gave him more assurance to keep going. He liked the smell that covered him like a cage, he liked the warm touch wrapped around his waist, and he loved the taste of another person on his tongue, sweet yet bitter like dark chocolate, Dream was an acquired taste that George adored having.

George's hand moved to Dream's hair where he gently tugged on it and pulled his head closer, though he couldn't control the small groans that came from his throat, feeling the vibrations tickling his mouth as it separated from Dream's, and connected again. As he felt Dream push him down, he allowed it to happen, falling onto his back where Dream's hands sat on either side of him. After separating once more, Dream moved his kissing to George's neck, the brunet closing his eyes with a relaxed smile as he felt the other's hand run up his shirt. Being loved this way was a new experience, and he'd never felt this type of passion ever, though he'd never really done this with anyone before. He enjoyed both the gentleness and the roughness, the feeling of being kissed all along his neck made his smile widen and pull Dream's head closer to him, the warmth of the other person healing his soul with every kiss and trace down his waist.

"You don't know where you're going Sapnap!" George's smile faded quickly upon hearing Bad's voice, and even more so when the kisses stopped.

"Yes I do! Dream at least passed through here, I know it! George has got to be here somewhere.." the echoed voice ran through the vast tunnels and eased into George's head like bad news.

"God fucking damn it.." Dream sat back on his folded legs and pushed his hair back, looking annoyed. George sat up, his cheeks flushed red as he observed Dream.

"They're.. they're gonna find you Dream and-.. here.." George grabbed his mask and held it out for him, Dream taking it from his hands. The brunet sat awkwardly aside, he wanted so desperately to continue his moment with Dream, though his friends were coming, and if they saw him and Dream doing that, there wouldn't just be questions. Wait, George was a hunter himself, shouldn't he want them to find Dream? George looked up at the blond who was dropping some things onto the ground from his inventory.

"Here, take this, you're going to say you managed to escape, is that clear?" Dream asked, leaning forward. George resisted a smile as he looked up at Dream and nodded his head.

He picked up the things and put them in his inventory, seeing Dream about to put his mask back on, "Wait! Wait," George whispered, holding the mask in Dream's hand and leaning forward, "just.. give me a second." He leaned forward and connected their lips again, it was longer and more savory than the passionate, rough ones, though it burned just as nice.

Once they'd separated, Dream looked at George with indecisiveness before leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek, "we're doing this again." He stated as if it weren't a choice. George giggled, humored by the thought that Dream could even think he'd refuse.


"I see a light over there! Guys!" Ant's voice powered through their area. George stood with Dream and watched him run off, out of sight. Only once George couldn't see him did he look down at the ground with an unsettled expression, did that all really just happen? Or did it happen in his head? God it felt so real, and so good.

"George!" The boy whipped around to see his ally's, Bad running up and grabbing onto his arms. "Oh my goodness where were you! Is Dream here!?" Bad asked, the others looking around suspiciously.

"No.. I-.." George paused as everyone looked at him, "I escaped-"

"Why are you so red..?" Sapnap asked, and George only grew redder.

"I-it's hot-"

"Ew! Why are you sweating so much..?" Bad wiped his hand off after touching George's arm, and the boy only blushed more.

"Wait." Ant stated flatly, everyone turning to him. The boy sniffed the air, closing his eyes and sniffing it, "I smell.." George felt panic rose up in him as Antfrost neared him. He backed up a little, but the boy sniffed him and immediately covered his mouth, "George-"

"Guys come on, we need to get out of here before Dream or any mobs come by, we're short on food." Sam instructed, turning around and leading the way. Sapnap picked up the torch on the ground and followed, Ant eyeing George with an odd look. The brunet tried to ignore it, but he was staring daggers into him. Finally making out the cave, George noticed it was dusk, the cold night breeze brushing past him, easing his scrambled and heated state. He closed his eyes, listening to the footsteps around him and smiled as he imagined Dream's hands running up and down his hips so gently they could be cubes of ice leaving a mark of water. The brunet lifted his fingers to his lips and felt the skin on it, knowing that Dream's were connected to them just moments ago. He felt guilty for being intimate with the enemy, but he didn't regret it, not in the slightest.

Sitting down at camp, Antfrost stared big blue eyes into George's brown ones, the eye contact between the two was tense, though everyone but Bad seemed to notice it. George fidgeted in his seat, though it was harder and harder to look away from those piercing blue eyes every time he looked into them. "Okay what- what is going on here." Sapnap gestured between the two using an invisible line over the fire, "I can't even eat my pork chops without feeling like I'm in some detective movie, Ant, what's up." Sapnap folded his arms, eyeing the brunet across from George. The blue eyed boy looked over at Sapnap, then back at George.

"I was waiting for him to fess up and tell me but.. I guess some people are more stubborn than others.." Ant mumbled, George swallowing down his nervousness, trying to put on his best poker face.

"I have nothing to fess up." George stated flatly, Bad and Sam looking over, their attention fully grabbed away from their food.

"Okay." Ant furrowed his eyebrows, "Two questions." The boy held up one finger, "One, why, when we found you, did you smell like Dream?" George felt a shiver run up his spine, though he remained neutral faced.

"Because I was with him, he took me when Bad and Sapnap were killed. Tried to get answers out of me." He admitted, telling half truths was easier than lying to Ant's face.

Ant looked unfazed, holding up his second finger, "Two, why, when we found you, did you smell like sex?" A few seconds of silence went around the camp and George's cheeks blushed red. Him and Dream didn't even have sex! Was it classified as sex? Would they have had it? "Fuck, poker face poker face.."

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a virgin Ant."

"Bull fucking shit!" Ant stood, looking dedicated to his cause, all eyes shooting towards him, "I'm very proud of my ability in regards to my sense of smell, it's one of my greatest senses George, you think you can lie to my instincts?" George leaned back a little, "I smelt no traces of your individual scent anywhere on you while we were walking back, you were basically a walking clone of Dream with that smell! What kind of 'interrogating' requires you cuddling or whatever you did to smell that strong!" All eyes were on George, and his heart raced through his chest, everything around him was moving in slow motion and he felt his lungs constrict, not like when he was drowning, this one is much more panic inducing.

George furrowed his eyebrows, stood to his full height, and stared Ant in the eye, "Antfrost, if you're implying that I did anything intimate with Dream say it, because I would never, even if I was below desperate, consider Dream liable for love at all. I'm surrounded by his scent because he tortured me as soon as I woke up, I didn't answer any of his questions, but thanks for assuming the worst." Ant's ears fell down and George could tell that the boy was regretting everything he said. George almost broke, he almost let slip that he was lying, but he held strong, and damn he was never this good at lying.

"George-" Bad began.

"Save it, Bad. I don't want an apology from you." George looked aside, "I endured a lot of pain for you guys, and the first thing I receive when I'm saved is accusations, I'm going to bed early, goodnight." George walked around the four and entered one of the two tents, closing it behind him where he was finally able to let himself breathe out a breath of relief. He was so disgustingly proud of himself, looking up at the roof of his tent, all he could think about was the next time him and Dream meet. Maybe they won't get interrupted.

I know what you're thinking, "Yuki, you're gone for a month and you give us this horse shit to make up for it?" I know I know, I literally have no excuse other than the fact that I was really trying hard for inspiration and I'm having to rewrite my Blue Delphiniums book so.. sorry :(

Anyway, I hoped you liked it (even though it's kinda mid..) tell me your opinions, I've noticed I'm getting a lot more comfortable with more smexual scenes, wdy think? Yuki do good? :)

Love you guys so much! I adore each and every one of you, I'll be getting to suggestions next so hopefully those will be out soon! NOOT NOOT 🩷❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💗💓💕❤️❣️🩷💖💝🩷💝🩷❣️❤️💕❤️💗❤️❤️❤️🐧

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