Manan: Baby love

By user32078143

371K 22.7K 1.9K

Its a manan fanfiction. How a 15yr old boy found a new born baby and fell in love with her a first sight. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 92

1.5K 150 15
By user32078143

After an eventful Friday night filled with excitement, they decided to take it easy on Saturday. The day was dedicated to cuddling, watching movies, and going for a leisurely walk, reveling in each other's company.

Now, it's Sunday, and both of them are getting ready for a delightful double date with their friends, Khushi and Arnav. It turns out that both girls had a special wish to go on a best friends' date with their partners. Obviously, the guys couldn't resist fulfilling this heartwarming request. So, today is all about turning those wishes into reality and creating even more cherished moments together.

In Manan's apartment:

Manik and Nandini are getting ready for their double date. Manik, dressed in a smart casual outfit, is adjusting his collar in front of the mirror. Nandini, in a cute dress, is adding finishing touches to her makeup.

After putting the finishing touches on her look, she stood up and admired herself. Just then, Manik came over and embraced her from behind, his hands resting gently on her stomach.

Manik: (giving her a peck on the head) Why do you always look so cute?

Nandini: Well, you know, Nandini was born cute.

Manik: Can't deny that fact. (He chuckled)

Nandini giggled in response.

Manik: (giving her pecks from behind) I was thinking, maybe we should ditch our plans for tonight and just stay home. I'm not in the mood to go out anymore; let's have a cozy night in and maybe a little romance.

Nandini: (blushing, she slipped out of his embrace and faced him) Keep your romance in check; we're already running late.

Manik: Come on, just one kiss?

He leaned in for a kiss, but Nandini playfully interrupted by placing her finger between their lips.

Nandini: I don't want to ruin my lipstick.

Manik: (making a playful, disappointed face) Mood spoiler.

Undeterred, Manik continued to pout, trying to charm Nandini into giving in.

Manik: Oh, come on! A little lipstick smudge won't hurt.

Nandini smirked, playfully pushing him away.

Nandini: Nope, not happening. We're already running late, and I'm not sacrificing my perfect lipstick for your impromptu romance.

Manik: (grinning) You're too stubborn, my babygirl.

Nandini: And you're too persistent, Dadda.

As they bantered back and forth, Manik wrapped his arms around her again, this time giving her a gentle squeeze.

Manik: Fine, no kisses for now. But you owe me one later.

Nandini laughed, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Nandini: We'll see about that. Now, let's get going before we miss the entire plan for the night.

They headed out, hand in hand, ready for the evening ahead. As they stepped out of their home, the night air greeted them with a refreshing breeze. Manik gracefully guided Nandini to their car, courteously opening the door for her with a flourish.

Manik: After you, my lady.

Nandini chuckled, sliding into the passenger seat. Manik settled into the driver's seat, and the engine hummed to life. The soft glow of city lights painted the surroundings as they cruised through the streets.

Manik reached over and intertwined his fingers with Nandini's, stealing glances at her from time to time.

After a smooth half-hour drive, they finally reached their destination, and the hotel guard graciously swung the doors open for them. Stepping out of the car, Manik handed the car keys to the valet with a nonchalant air, then turned to Nandini, a cold expression on his face. Linked by the waist, they made their way inside.

Inside the hotel, the manager personally welcomed them, extending a warm greeting. Leading them with a courteous smile, he guided them to a private room that had been reserved for their special evening. Nodding appreciatively, Manik and Nandini followed the manager.

As they strolled through the elegant surroundings, the manager shared that Khushi and Arnav had already arrived and were eagerly awaiting their company. The anticipation of the meeting heightened as they moved closer to the private haven where their friends were gathered.

The manager graciously opened the door for them, and as soon as they stepped inside, Nandini and Khushi couldn't contain their excitement. It felt as if they were reuniting after years even though they were meeting after 1-2 days, sharing a heartfelt hug that seemed almost inseparable. Their joy was evident as they exchanged glances with their partners, Manik and Arnav, and shared a light chuckle at their own enthusiasm.

Interrupting the joyous moment, both Manik and Arnav subtly cleared their throats to regain their partner's attention. Nandini and Khushi, reluctantly breaking their tight embrace, turned to greet the partners with warm side hugs.

Once the greetings were over, they all settled into their respective chairs. After a while, a waitress approached to take their orders, and they eagerly began perusing the menu.

Waitress: Good evening! Are you ready to order?

Manik: Sure, I'll have the chicken Alfredo pasta, please.

Arnav: Make that two. And a side of garlic bread.

Nandini: I'll go with the margerita Pizza , and a glass of iced tea.

Khushi: Same for me, please. And can we get an order of mozzarella sticks to start?

Waitress: Got it. Anything else?

Arnav: No, I think that covers it for now.

As the waitress left to place their orders.

Khushi: (dreamily) I can't believe that I am having dinner with my crush.

Arnav: (whispering to her) Don't crush so much or else I will crush you once we reach home.

Khushi just rolled her eyes.

Manik: (chuckles) Get used to it. We'll have more meetups like this, right?

Khushi: Of course. Afterall this was my only motive to befriend Nandini.

Nandini: (offended) Wait, so you befriended me just to hang out with Dadda?

Khushi: Well, what else did you think?

Nandini: (making an angry pout) You're mean! I hate you.

Despite her anger, everyone secretly found Nandini cute.

Khushi: Oh, come on, my dear bestie. I was just teasing you.

Nandini: (pouting) Still I hate you. Don't talk to me.

Khushi: Are you sure?

Nandini nodded vigorously.

Khushi: So you won't even talk to me in college?

Nandini: Nope.

Khushi: So, who are you going to talk to? Karan?

Manik: (raising an eyebrow) Karan?

Nandini: (mentally scolding Khushi) Um, Dadda, he's the guy I met on my first day.

Manik: (recalling) The one who gave you your notebook? (Nandini nodded) (whispering) Didn't I tell you not to talk to him?

Nandini: (nervously) I-I don't really talk to him.

Khushi: Yes, Nandini, don't talk to him. (Nandini sighed in relief) It's him who starts talking to her, and then Nandini joins in.

Nandini mentally facepalmed herself.

Nandini: (gritting her teeth) Khushi, could you please keep quiet?

Khushi: Why? Why should I keep quiet?

Manik: Exactly, why should she? I'd like to know what you do in college, who you talk to. (to Khushi) Please, enlighten me.

Khushi: Last week, we had to form pairs for an assignment. So, Karan and Nandini teamed up. She ignored me the whole week.

Nandini: (wide-eyed) Liar! You were busy with Mohit. Don't blame me.

Arnav: (confused) Mohit?

Nandini: Yeah, her assignment partner. They stuck together the whole time, and now she's blaming me.

Now, it was Khushi silently cursing Nandini.

Manik: (narrowing his eyes) Assignment partner, huh? Karan?

Nandini: (trying to defuse the tension) It's nothing, really. Just a classmate.

Manik: (looking at Nandini) So, you spent the entire week with this Karan?

Khushi: (joining in) Don't forget about Mohit!

Manik: (annoyed) Mohit too?

Nandini: No, no, only Karan. Mohit is her. (pointing towards Khushi)

Arnav: (raising an eyebrow) Mohit, huh? Why were you so busy with him?

Khushi: (nervously) Arnav, it was purely for the assignment. Nothing else.

Manik: Nandini-

Nandini: (defensively) Dadda, it's not like that. Khushi is just exaggerating.

Khushi: (crossing her arms) Exaggerating? I saw you two always together in the library, laughing and chatting.

Nandini: (gritting her teeth) We were just discussing the assignment.

Manik: Discussing or distracting?

Nandini: (rolling her eyes) Dadda, you know Khushi likes to spice things up. And it's not what you think. Karan and I were just working on the assignment and he is just a friend.

Arnav: (crossing his arms) A friend, huh? Seems like both of you have a lot of "friends" in college.

Manik: (raising his eyebrow) So, you're telling me you just worked on the assignment with Karan?

Nandini: (nodding quickly) Yes, Dadda, I promise. It was purely academic.

Arnav: (looking at Khushi) And Mohit? Just academics?

Khushi: (nodding vigorously) Absolutely, Arnav. Nothing more than that.

Manik: Well, if it's just academics, then you have nothing to worry about, right?

Arnav: (nodding) Yeah, as long as it's just assignments.

The girls sighed in relief.

Soon their food arrived, and they started eating.

After a delightful dinner filled with laughter and banter, the double date came to an end. Manik and Nandini bid goodbye to Khushi and Arnav, with promises of more such evenings in the future. As they walked back to their car, the night air was filled with a sense of contentment.

The drive back home was relatively quiet. Nandini couldn't help but notice a subtle change in Manik's demeanor. His usual easygoing attitude was replaced by a quiet contemplation. Sensing the shift, Nandini decided to break the silence.

Nandini: (looking at Manik) Something on your mind?

Manik: (trying to sound casual) Nah, just thinking about random stuff.

Nandini raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. She knew Manik well enough to understand that he had something on his mind, and he would share it when he was ready.

As they entered their apartment, Manik headed straight to the living room, pretending to be occupied with some random task. Nandini watched him for a moment, then decided to play along.

Nandini: (innocently) I need to use the washroom. I'll be right back.

Manik: (nodding) Sure, take your time.

As Nandini left the room, Manik couldn't resist the urge to check her phone, just to ease the thoughts that had been bothering him. He picked up her phone from the table and started scrolling through her messages. Unbeknownst to him, Nandini had silently reentered the room, watching his actions with an amused smirk.

Nandini: (clearing her throat) Found anything interesting?

Manik jumped, caught red-handed, and quickly put the phone back on the table.

Manik: (nervously) Just checking the time. Didn't want us to stay up too late.

Nandini: (smirking) Really? Because it looked more like you were playing detective.

Manik: (sheepishly) Alright, I admit it. I was just being a little curious.

Nandini chuckled, walking over to him.

Nandini: Curious about what?

Manik: (mumbling) About that Karan guy and your so-called "academic discussions" and making sure he wasn't trying to sweep my fiancée off her feet or something.

Nandini laughed, finding his jealousy endearing.

Nandini: (teasingly) Jealous much?

Manik: (defensively) No, not at all. Just being protective.

Nandini: (grinning) Protective or possessive?

Manik: (smirking) Maybe a bit of both.

Nandini leaned in, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Nandini: (whispering) You have nothing to worry about, Dadda. You're the only one I have eyes for.

Manik smiled, pulling her into a warm embrace.

Manik: (softly) I know, but seeing you with someone else, even if it's just for an assignment, drives me crazy.

Nandini: (playfully) Crazy in a good way?

Manik: (smirking) Maybe. But how about we make sure there's no reason for me to be jealous?

Nandini: (raising an eyebrow) And how do you propose we do that?

Before Nandini could respond, Manik swooped in for a lingering kiss, catching her off guard. The kiss was a mix of possessiveness and a subtle challenge, leaving Nandini slightly breathless when he pulled away.

Manik: (whispering) Just a little reminder of who you belong to.

Nandini: (blushing) Dadda, seriously?

Manik: (grinning) Just making sure you don't forget.

Manik: (looking at the photo) We look good together, don't we?

Nandini: (giggling) Yes, we do. But why this sudden inspection of our photos?

Manik: (raising an eyebrow) Just making sure you don't get too distracted by "academic" friends.

Nandini: (rolling her eyes) Dadda, you're being ridiculous.

Manik: (wrapping his arms around her) Maybe a little, but I can't help it. You're too adorable when you're flustered.

Nandini: (smiling) Well, you won't have to worry about any "academic" distractions. You're the only one I want.

Manik: (softening) I know, babygirl. I just like reminding you.

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie. Manik's subtle jealousy had transformed into playful banter, creating a cozy atmosphere. As the night progressed, the love and connection between Manik and Nandini only deepened, making their double date a memorable experience for everyone involved.

That's all for today. Hope you like it.

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Will meet you all in next chapter.

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