Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}

Autorstwa xoautumnbratxo

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Aurora Ealis is a Bounty Hunter who thinks that it's best to be alone in life. With no one to care for, loss... Więcej

Author's Note #1
Rescued By The Batch
Gone Again
Just A Bounty Hunter
Battle Scars
The Bounty Hunters
Feelings On Felucia
Common Ground
Devil's Deal
I Don't Trust You
Blind Betrayal
The Poison Chosen Especially For Aurora
The Tension is Strong With These Two
It's Not A Date
Return To Kamino
Kamino Lost
Death Of A Princess
Spoils Of War
Ruins Of War
A Risqué Mission
Shooting Stars
A Bounty On The Bounty Hunter
Kidnapping A Queen
Haunted By The Past
Boyfriends and interrogations
Just A Dance
The Crossing
Red Bandana's
Making Amends
We Shouldn't Feel This Way
Gone With The Wind
A Thing Of The Past
What Happens Now?
First Day To The Rest Of Our Lives
Tipping Point
A Day To Remember
The Summit
Plan 99
The Aftermath
Rotation 96
Paths Unknown Pt. 1
Paths Unknown Pt. 2
A Different Approach
The Return
The Calm
Bad Territory
The Harbinger

Truth and Consequences

240 7 10
Autorstwa xoautumnbratxo

It was a slower day on Ord Mantell. Cid was busy working with Dev and the group remained on the Marauder. Hunter sat on the steps, Wrecker snored away in his chair, and Echo sat in one of the pilot seats. Tech and Aurora were squeezed under the control panel of the ship, busy working with the wires underneath. Tech guiding Aurora on what to do. Hunter leaned back to see how the two were working on getting along.

"-and now you connect that wire with-" Tech instructed as Aurora connected the wire to the other port Tech told her to attach it to. A small spark happened and Tech sucked in a breath. "Please do be careful with MY ship."

Aurora groaned. "Tech, I'm going to rig it so that way it'll blow up the next time YOU jump to hyperspace." She glanced at him and saw the look he was giving her. "Relax you big baby, I'm joking." She connected the wire in the correct spot, right next to where Tech had instructed her. "Why did you even ask for my help if you are going to criticize my every doing?"

Tech adjusted how he was laying down. "Because my hands are too big to fit in the tiny hole, yours aren't and seeing how you were able to manage yourself with your limited knowledge on fixing that 12-Series Speeder. I deduced that you were capable enough to work on my ship. Under my strict guidance of course."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Thanks... I think?"

"You're welcome." Tech affirmed. "I know you said you are average at fixing ships and other various machines but you are in fact doing quite a good job."

"Was that a compliment, Tech?" Aurora laughed, "because I think it was. Like I told you back on Safa Toma, I'm a fast learner if you show me what to do."

Gonky beeped right as Aurora but the panel back on the ship. The two of them slid out from underneath and saw the GNK-Series Droid walking over to Omega. Who was sitting criss-crossed in the gunner's mount. Echo also followed their gaze as well.

"She's been doing that a lot." Aurora commented as Gonky beeped some more and turned around, waddling back over to the group. Omega opened her eyes as Echo got up and walked over to her. Tech and Aurora heard a beep and Tech stood up. He turned and held a hand out for Aurora who took it, right as Hunter boarded the ship.

He sat at the controls and Aurora leaned over his shoulder. "We have an incoming transmission." He turned in the seat and Aurora backed up. "It's Rex."

Aurora smiled. "Oh Rex! Patch him through, Tech."

"Really?" Hunter commented right as Tech played the transmission.

Rex appeared in front of them. "Hi Rex!" Aurora waved.

"Hello Aurora." Rex said, then he looked at Hunter. "Hey everyone. Any chance I could use your squad's expertise for a mission?" Echo and Omega walked up to the transmission as well.

"Finally." Wrecker groaned. "I'm tired of waiting around for Cid."

"What do you need, Rex?" Echo asked.

"I'll explain everything when you get to Coruscant." Rex stated.

"Coruscant?" Hunter questioned, Aurora's smile faltered. She hadn't been back to Coruscant since the first time she met the batch. Her hand lightly touched the side of her leg, where her scar was. She didn't notice that Hunter had picked up on this. "That's a big ask, captain."

"Why? What's on Coruscant?" Omega inquired.

"It is the galactic capital and thus, the heart of the Empire." Tech said.

"But the Empire thinks we're dead." Echo said. "They won't be looking for us."

"I'd like to keep it that way." Hunter said.

"It's a covert mission." Rex said. "A simple data extraction but a crucial one. I'll send over a flight plan to bypass imperial security, and coordinates to a safe landing zone."

"We're on our way." Echo said, and Rex's transmission ended.

Hunter turned to Aurora. "You're being uncharacteristically quiet." He commented. "Everything alright?"

Aurora nodded. "Yea," she whispered. "But are we sure we want to risk Coruscant? I mean it's just been so long since we've been back there."

"You're not scared are you?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

Aurora let out a fake laugh. "As if." She turned away from him. "I don't get scared." She walked back towards the gunner's mount.


The group entered the Coruscant system, Omega stood in between Tech and Hunter who were flying the ship. Aurora sat in the seat behind Hunter. She was biting the inside of her cheek. Trying to reassure herself that everything is going to be fine. Wrecker sat in the other chair across from her, he was drinking from a bowl.

"We are approaching Coruscant." Tech pointed out.

Hunter turned his chair a little. "Everyone, stay ready."

The Marauder flew through Coruscant and everyone kept their eyes peeled in front of them. Tech flew the Marauder down the shaft and to the Coordinates Rex gave them. Once on the platform the doors started to open. Everyone filed to the Marauder door. The boys, Aurora, and Omega descended from the ship. Rex exited the garage with a Pantoran with him. Aurora thought she recognized the woman.

"Glad you made it." Rex said to them. "This is Senator Riyo Chuchi."

Chuchi? Aurora thought. She thought she did recognize the Pantoran. The name does sound familiar.

"These are the special clones I told you about." Rex said.

Senator Chuchi looked at Aurora and tilted her head. "Do... Do I know you?" She asked.

Aurora casually shook. "I don't think so. I don't seem to know you."

"Hello." Omega butted in, saving Aurora from an awkward conversation.

"Thank you for coming." Senator Chuchi said.

Hunter nodded. "Why are we here captain?"

"Inside. There's something I want you to see." Rex stated and everyone turned, walking into the garage.


The group stood around a table with a body bag on it. Rex slid open the face part and rested inside was a clone. "He's an assassin." Rex said. "His identifying number's been wiped."

"I was not aware that was possible." Tech said.

"Who was his target?" Hunter asked. Aurora snuck a  glance at Senator Chuchi, who in return also seemed to be sneaking a glance at her. The two of them quickly looked away from each other.

"A clone contact of mine named Slip." Rex said. "He said he was in danger. I came to Coruscant to get him out, but the assassin got to him first. Nearly got the senator too."

"I... I'm so sorry senator." Aurora said.

"Please call me Riyo." Senator Chuchi said.

"Why would a clone be targeting another clone or senator?" Echo questioned.

"To silence us." Riyo said. "Admiral Rampart has the entire senate believing Kamino was lost to a cataclysmic storm. Slip witnessed the truth. I wanted him to testify to Rampart's crimes."

"We were there too, senator." Echo said. "I can be your witness."

"The senate won't listen to any of us." Hunter said. "We're deserters."

"Hunter's right." Rex agreed.

"What about Aurora? Could she testify?" Omega asked. "She was there with us."

Aurora nervously chuckled. "I don't think so kid..." She looked at Riyo again. "I-um-am a bounty hunter who has been wanted by the Republic for many years and now still possibly very much wanted with the Empire as they were once the Republic." Aurora realized she was rambling on.

A bounty hunter! Senator Chuchi thought. I do believe I know her...

"There's another way to provide the senate with the evidence of the empire's crimes." Rex paused, pulling Riyo back to the conversation. "The command log on Rampart's Venator. Slip made a copy of it on the ship's backup data banks."

"Where's the Venator now?" Wrecker asked.

"Being retrofitted at the imperial shipyard right here on Coruscant." Rex stated. "Lots of security, but I know a way in."

"Rampart's Defense Recruitment Bill goes into a vote tomorrow." Riyo added. "We must prove his crimes before it passes. I'll return to the senate and garner support where I can."

"You could still be in danger." Rex said.

"Then I must be on the right track." Riyo said.

"I can go with her and keep an eye out." Omega spoke up.

"You can't enter the senate district without an imperial security clearance." Riyo mentioned.

"That will not be a problem." Tech added.

"I don't want you going alone, Omega." Hunter said, turning to Aurora.

"Oh, no no no no no." Aurora waved her hands. "I am NOT going to the senate building. I have what you call distinctive features and will surely be recognized  by some people."

"Aurora, I don't want Omega going in alone." Hunter said.

"I know Hunter." Aurora said. "Send Tech or Echo in or something but not me."

"I could get you a disguise." Riyo said. Hunter and Aurora looked at her. "I would be honored if you came along, as I would like to get to know you some more."

Omega smiled at Aurora and Aurora sighed, knowing she was fighting a losing battle.

Rex nodded. "Let's get to work."


Walking through the corridors of the senate building, Aurora walked next to Omega. She looked at her blue painted hands.

"You know Riyo when you said you had a disguise for me, I didn't think it was this." Aurora commented. Her visible skin had been painted blue and she was wearing one of the senator's wigs. It was just a pin straight pastel purple. She wore a plum outfit similar to Riyo's and she had copied Riyo's gold facial markings. Omega on the other hand was only wearing a Pantoran cloak.

"You said you couldn't be recognized here." Riyo casually said, "and I wanted to provide that." Aurora chuckled.

"So what exactly does a senator do?" Omega asked, butting in.

"We serve the galaxy. We act as the voice of the people." Riyo said.

"But what does that mean?"

"Well where I'm taking you next, you'll see."

"Senator Chuchi." A voice called out, the group looked up and saw a man walking towards them. Aurora stared at who was clearly an admiral walking towards them. It took her a moment but she recognized the admiral from Kamino. She had hoped he wouldn't remember her, especially with her disguise.

"You seem surprised to see me admiral." Senator Chuchi said.

"Not at all." He said, placing his hands behind his back and maintaining his composure. "I was just making a few preparations for tomorrow's vote." Aurora saw the face Omega was making and nudged her shoulder.

"Indeed. I am looking forward to it." She kept her voice calm as well.

The admiral looked at Aurora. "And who might you be?"

Riyo nervously glanced at Aurora who smiled at the admiral. "Lora, Riyo's cousin. I'm interested in the makings of politics and my dear older cousin is showing me the ropes." She held her hand out and after a moment the Admiral carefully shook it. "And who might this dashing gentleman be, Riyo?"

The admiral tugged on the bottom of his shirt, readjusting it. "Admiral Edmon Rampart." He moved his hands back behind his back. "I look forward to seeing you during the hearing then, Lora." The admiral looked past them, and Aurora followed his gaze and saw a Chargrian walking towards them. "If you'll excuse me." The admiral said before moving past them.

"You are good at that." Riyo commented once the admiral moved past him. "I don't think I've seen him look so disheveled before."

"That was him disheveled?" Aurora chuckled. "Coming up with different personas is what I'm good at."

"Isn't that lying?" Omega asked.

Aurora patted her head. "In ones certain point of view."

The group made it to the Pantoran chair and the doors opened. "This is where the senate gathers to discuss many pressing issues and legislation." The girls stepped on the chair and Aurora looked around, she had never actually been in the hearing chambers. "Where the future of the galaxy is decided, for better or worse."

"It's so big." Aurora commented.

"Wow." Omega said, speechless.

"Each pod belongs to the numerous representatives and delegates." Riyo said.

Omega looked around. "Which one belongs to the clones?"

"Clones do not have representation in the senate." Riyo mentioned. "They never have."

"Why not? We're part of this galaxy too."

"There are those who view clones only as military assets, but I am working to change that. To ensure you all have the same rights as any galactic citizen. It is a battle worth fighting." A droid appeared in the doorway and chirped before rolling away.

"What was that?" Omega asked.

"A message." Riyo said. "Can you two keep a secret?" The girls looked at the senator and nodded.


The girls, Riyo's guards, the blue droid, and Senator Organa walked through Coruscant. Aurora and Omega trailed behind the two senators and Senator Organa snuck a glance at Omega and then Aurora, raising an eyebrow at her. The Emperor's voice could be heard giving a speech.

"An assassin?" Senator Organa gasped. "It appears Rampart is resourceful in covering up his misdeeds."

"Which is why I intend to be equally resourceful." Riyo stated, looking back at the two girls behind them. "Some associates of mine are helping procure evidence of his attack on Kamino to present to the senate."

Senator Organa eyed Aurora again. "And you're confident they can accomplish this?"

"Very." Omega agreed.

"I won't leave such an important task to chance." Riyo added. "Other senators may have intel useful to my efforts."

"If you're intent on seeing this through," Senator Organa said. "Then there is someone you should speak with, but her cooperation may not be forthcoming." Riyo looked at the man. "Halle Burtoni."

"Who's that?" Aurora asked. The group stopped walking and Riyo turned to face them.

"Former senator for Kamino." Riyo said.

"She was part of the Defense Finance Committee." Senator Organa said, "before being removed from office." Senator Organa moved forward, leaving the group behind. "Follow the money. It always leaves a trail."


Riyo, Omega, and Aurora were all sitting in a chair in Riyo's apartment. The doors opened and the two Pantoran guards had a Kaminoan with them. Riyo stood up followed by Aurora and Omega.

"Senator Burtoni. Thank you for coming." Riyo said and waved an invitation for her to sit.

"Are armed guards really necessary?" Senator Burtoni asked.

Senator Chuchi nodded to the guards and they left the room, the door closing behind them. "There is a matter I must discuss with you."

The Kaminoan moved to a seat. "Then speak."

Everyone sat down. "Tell me about the missing senate appropriation funds that were earmarked for operations on Kamino." Senator Burtoni looked away. "Funding for the cloning facilities has been siphoned off world for over the past year. You had to have known."

"Of course I did." The senator said, without looking at the girls.

"Where did the money go? Who diverted the funds?"

She finally looked at them. "You're a fool to bring me here. Do you know what happens when you dig around where you shouldn't?"

"Your people deserve to-"

Senator Burtoni cut her off. "My people are gone! The few remaining Kaminoans scattered throughout the galaxy are of no importance to me, and therefore not my concern."

"How can you not care about what happened on Kamino?" Omega butt in.

"Why do you care, child?"

"Tread carefully Omega." Aurora warned.

"Because I'm a clone too. It was my home." Omega started to get emotional. "I was there," She looked at Aurora. "We were there. I saw the empire destroy everything and I'm angry. What they did, it's not right."

Senator Burtoni was quiet for a brief moment. "I suspected an attack was imminent. Lama Su was arrogant. Too confident his clones were a necessity to the Empire, but none of us are."

"Did Admiral Rampart divert the funds?" Senator Chuchi asked.

"You already know the answer." Senator Burtoni said.

"Say it then." Aurora said.

Senator Burtoni nodded. "Yes."

"You must testify to that in front of the senate tomorrow." Senator Chuchi said. "He cannot continue to get away with what he's done."

"Rampart is a mere cog in the machine, and my word won't do you any good. You need concrete proof."

"I need both and I'm running out of time."


In the meantime the boys and Rex were climbing up a ladder, a generator spitting off electrical currents was behind them. Wrecker accidently got shocked. He sighed and continued his climb. Once inside Tech ran up to the controls while everyone else secured the perimeter.

"Wrecker get to work on the hatch." Hunter ordered. Wrecker nodded and climbed the ladder.

"Haven't been in these maintenance tunnels since the war." Rex said.

"Gotta say, Rex" Echo said. "Coruscant's the last place I'd expect you to be."

"It's worth the risk." He turned to Echo. "More and more of our brothers are waking up to what's been done to them. I can't turn my back on them."

"How many have you reached?"

"Not enough. Troopers who know too much are a liability to the Empire. I'm working with a few contacts I trust, but we're spread pretty thin." Rex sighed. "Help's hard to come by these days."

"Got it." Wrecker called down. "Great. Ray shields."

"Leave it to me." Tech said and turned to the computer.

"And how are we getting onto Rampart's Venator?" Hunter asked.

"I'm taking a lesson from your squad." Rex said. "We improvise." Tech turned away from the computer and the ray shields powered down. The group climbed up and started making their way to the Venator. Hunter held a hand up as two troopers walked by. At an opening they all saw guards walking.

"There's not enough cover." Echo said. "We won't get across the shipyard undetected." They all watched a lift move into the air.

"Not on foot." Hunter said. Another lift started rising. "Move!" He said and the group all slid underneath and clung onto the bottom. The lift started making its way to the Venator. Hunter pulled out his knife and stuck it into a control panel. The lid fell off and Tech plugged his data into it. Wrecker could be heard groaning behind them.

"He's still not better with heights?" Rex asked.

"Don't look down." Wrecker told himself.

"This is him better." Echo said.

"Don't look down." Wrecker repeated over and over.

Tech typed away on his data pad. "I have bypassed the controls. Hang on." Tech maneuvered the lift around, jerking the boys.

"Tech?" Hunter grunted.

Tech got the lift where they needed to be and unplugged. "Now." They all jumped off and rolled. Once standing, they all started running. Tech hacked opened a door and the group climbed in. Making their way to the main control room they stunned the troopers inside. The main bridge was empty.

Tech typed on his data pad. "Well that is unfortunate."

"Wanna narrow that down?" Rex said.

"Energy conduits are off-line." He said. "The only way to retrieve the data is to reroute the power, which will most likely signal a security breach.

"How much time do we have?" Hunter asked.

Tech typed. "Not much."

"Then let's make it quick." Echo said. Tech nodded and got to work. He plugged a chip in while Echo plugged himself into the mainframe. The lights lit up and an alarm could be heard.

The doors outside of the bridge opened. "We're gonna have some company." Rex said.

"Wrecker seal the door!" Hunter said and Wrecker turned and shot the control panel to the door. Outside the door they heard troopers. and the doors tried to open. "The door won't hold much longer."

"I am expediting the file transfer as quickly as possible." Tech added.

The doors flung opened and the troopers outside began firing. Wrecker, Hunter, and Rex worked on stunning them.

"Hostiles confirmed on the bridge." They heard a trooper call out.

Amongst the shooting they heard a starfighter flying outside above them. "New plan! 14, 5, 86!" Hunter called out.

"All of them?" Wrecker asked.

"Yes." Hunter confirmed. "Echo man the cannons. Deal with the air support." Echo obliged and worked on taking down the starfighters. Crashing could be heard outside.

"Data transfer is complete." Tech said and tucked away the chip safely.

"Plan 5 set." Echo said.

"Activate." Hunter ordered and Echo nodded. The engine powered on and the Venator started to shift and move forward. The Venator was shaking and Wrecker took the opportunity to bomb-rush forward, stunning a guard and knocking over another. The boys were behind him.

Running through the halls they stunned any clone in their way. "Security teams will be swarming this trench." Rex said. "We need an exit strategy."

"Got one." Echo said. "We're going over them."

"Over them?" Rex questioned. The Venator moved from its safety hold and crashed. The boys stumbled but made their way to the escape pods. "These escape pods are non-operational."

"We only need them to eject. I can handle the rest." Tech stated.

Rex climbed in. "This should be interesting. Tech ejected all the pods and worked on maneuvering the one they were in and it crashed into the ground.

The door opened and Hunter peeked out. "Not bad."

"I was off by 6.4 meters. Not my best." Tech said as they all climbed out.

They made their way back to the hatch. "It's almost morning. We need to hurry." Rex said and they all climbed down.


In the senate, Aurora stood with Riyo in her chair. Halle Burtoni was with them as well. She glanced over to Admiral Rampart's chair and saw he was staring at them. Aurora smiled and waved. The admiral didn't return the kind gesture, instead he moved his chair forward. "With the clone trooper provisions requested by Senator Chuchi now addressed and the matter resolved, there is no reason to delay the vote of the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill further."

Senator Chuchi moved her chair forward as well. "That is not the case, admiral." She spoke loud and clear. "We cannot take you on your word when you have given us reason not to."

"And what reason is that?" He questioned.

Senator Chuchi turned to Senator Burtoni who stood in her chair as well. "According to Halle Burtoni," She turned and pointed to Admiral Rampart. "You were responsible for diverting Kaminoan funding to outside projects without senate approval."

The crowd gasped. "And you believe the lies of a disgraced senator?" He retorted.

"A formal investigation should clear things up." Senator Chuchi said. "Unless you want to tell us now where those funds went?"

The crowd murmured some more. Aurora stared at the admiral and saw how uneasy he looked. It made her smile.

After a moment Admiral Rampart collected himself. "I am not at liberty to disclose the nature of certain military operations. The funds you are referring to were redistributed, not misappropriated."

"Your actions began months prior to the loss of Tipoca City, almost as if you were preparing for it." Senator Chuchi accused.

"What exactly are you implying?" He asked.

"I assert that the Kaminoan cloning facilities were intentionally eliminated." She said and the crowd gasped. Shouts could be heard erupting from all around.

"I will not dignify such baseless accusations with more of my time." Admiral Rampart said.

"Where is this proof you spoke of?" Senator Burtoni whispered.

"Have a little faith." Aurora whispered to Halle.

"I don't know." She whispered back.

"If there are no further issues, let us proceed with this vote." He spoke up again.

Ishi Tib called out. "I motion that Senator Chuchi be removed from these proceedings, and she be censored for her misconduct."

"I second the motion!" Another senator called out.

Senator Organa moved his chair forward. "Senators! New evidence has come to light which must be considered." He called out. Aurora turned her head and saw him hand the case to Senator Chuchi's guard. Once he had the case he gave it to Senator Chuchi. She nodded to Senator Organa who backed his chair away.

"What so-called proof do you have?" Ishi Tib hollard.

Senator Chuchi held the case up. "The recovered command log from Admiral Rampart's Venator! Which indicates his own ships caused the destruction of Tipoca City." The crowd clamored while Senator Chuchi plugged in the data for the senate to see. A holoprojector appeared and what was on it was three Venator's opening fire on Tipoca City. Aurora turned to look at Senator Organa's chair. Omega could barely be seen behind it but she knew the child was watching the destruction of her home again and wished she was there with the girl.

The crowd broke out in roars and chaos and an alarm was heard buzzing throughout the senate. In the center of the room rose another chair, carrying Mas Amedda and a hooded figure. The hooded figure even made Aurora feel a little uneasy.

"Is that the Chancellor?" Aurora whispered.

"It's Emperor now." Riyo whispered back.

"It would appear that Senator Chuchi's horrific assertions are correct." Mas Amedda said, the crowd gasped. "This unprovoked attack on Kamino was a cowardly act by Admiral Rampart to further his own personal agenda." Calls of traitor could be heard throughout the senate. "Guards, arrest and detain the admiral." Aurora looked back at Admiral Rampart and she could swear she could see him visibly sweating.

The Coruscant Guard moved towards the admiral, he tried to back up but he had nowhere to go. "Stay back!" He demanded. "I was following orders! I was following-" The guards pinned him down and put binders on him.

"Order!" Mas Amedda slammed his staff. "We shall have order!" Aurora looked back to the hooded Emperor as he stood up.

"I am deeply troubled by this recent revelation." His voice gave Aurora goose-bumps. "My gratitude to Senator Chuchi for exposing a rogue element within our ranks. Many lives have been lost," The Emperor continued on. "But I assure you, Admiral Rampart will face the consequences for his treachery. However he did not act alone."

"I don't like where this is going." Aurora whispered. Riyo nodded in agreement.

"The fact that the clones under his command so blindly followed orders, inflicting such carnage without hesitation, give me pause. Perhaps it is time for a change." He paused. "Now more than ever, building a strong galaxy requires protection and security. Due to the nefarious actions of Admiral Rampart, and the immediacy of the bill on the floor today, it is my opinion that this legislation is our future! With this momentous act, we shall usher in a new era. Heralded by the imperial stormtrooper!"

Riyo looked down in defeat and Aurora reached out and grabbed her hand. "I am so sorry, Riyo."


The group was back at Rex's garage, thinking about the loss today. Aurora was finally able to take off her disguise. "Palpatine was one step ahead of us during the war, and he's still several steps ahead of us." Rex said. "We played right into his hands."

"I don't understand." Omega said. "We did the right thing. We told the truth."

"And he twisted it to his advantage." Hunter said.

"Such is the way the galaxy works." Aurora looked down at the ground.

"The Emperor wanted us to implicate Rampart to get what he was after all along." Rex said. "Senate approval for his stormtrooper program."

"The fate of all the clones is now sealed, because of us." Echo said. "What's gonna happen to them?"

"I don't know." Senator Chuchi sighed. "But I will keep fighting for the clones. You all deserve the same rights as every citizen." Riyo knelt down to Omega's level. "I won't give up." Omega nodded.

"If you need anything Rex, just say the word." Hunter said, Rex nodded. "Senator." Echo moved forward and Hunter walked up to him. "Wherever you end up, remember what I said." He put a hand on his shoulder. Aurora looked at Echo, Aurora knew he was saying his goodbyes to his team.

"Oh Aurora, a moment." Riyo said and Aurora nodded and the two girls moved away from the group.

"Everything alright?" Aurora asked.

"Aside from today's vote, yes." Riyo said. "I actually wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"There's a Senator Ceremony coming up and I wanted to invite you along as my guest."

"Really?! I hadn't been to one in so long!"

"Would you like to go?" Riyo asked and Aurora nodded. "Of course you would need to bring someone along. Who would you bring?"

Aurora turned her head and looked at the five boys in front of them. She smiled. "I have an idea."

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