The Spy That Hated Me

By KyunoM2-9

454 22 73

"You never loved me" Cathedral knelt, falling to the ground as the sound of Scott's footsteps grew louder an... More

Section 1: Cathedral
Chapter 2: Forge
Chapter 3: Overcome?
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Maze
Chapter 7: Dead
Chapter 8: Cries
Chapter 9: Betray
Chapter 10: Miss
Chapter 11: Thought
Chapter 13: If Only
Chapter 14: Mere Angel
Chapter 15: Can't You See?
Chapter 16: Wrong
Section 2: Morana
Chapter 2: Lorrel
Chapter 3: Evelyn
Chapter 4: Luna
Chapter 5: Daphne
Chapter 6: Kisses
Chapter 7: Hold
Chapter 8: Thrown
Chapter 9: Turned
Chapter 10: Flipped
Chapter 11: Pedophile
Chapter 12: Love, It's me
Chapter 13: Wander
Chapter 14: Glide
Chapter 16: Marry me?
Chapter 16: Wedding Vows

Chapter 12: Stung

9 1 5
By KyunoM2-9

Cathedral was there to make sure all three of them died a painful death.

Grian took aim and threw his atlatl at Cathedral, all the while saying something about revenge for Joel who's body was somewhere at the bottom of the Ocean.

Cathedral rolled her lavender eyes, dodging the throwing spear and letting loose her tridant which sliced open Grian's already injured cheek, making him cry out in pain.

In an act of anger, he whispered a word and slammed into the former guardian angel, blasting her away in a jet of sapphire blue water.

Grain scrambled to his feet and dove for his spear as Cathedral let out a soft curse and turned to attack Anahita.

Anahita slammed her right hand onto the armband on her left forearm and a large golden shield spiraled from it, just in time to block the blow.

But Cathedral propelled herself off the flat surface of the shield and twisted midair, launching her trident at Anahita.

Grian lunged in the direction of Anahita, throwing his hands in the air, summoning his powers as a citizen of Aquaris.

A singular beam of water pierced through the ground, slowing the tridant and trapping it in the current.

Meanwhile, Gem conjured a rope of magic and lashed out towards Cathedral, pulling her down by the leg.

Cathedral hit the ground in a roll, smoothly rising to her feet with a grunt of frustration.

She raised her hands for her trident.

The hilt shook, straining against the power of Grian's current, only to end up stuck in the water.

She screamed in frustration before diving for Martyn and Anahita, only to see that two other people was watching this show high up in a tree where she couldn't reach them.

Morana Karenina of Lorrel and Adrienne Castillo Flores of Mezalea.

That's when Cathedral realized why her tridant was stuck.

She knew that Grian's current would never be able to capture her tridant unless there was some power greater than hers reinforcing it.

In this case, it was the power of a mermaid and a siren, both under the protection of the Ocean Herself.

Grian threw his spear at her but it only swept over her head, its tip sinking into the rocky cliffside.

Cathedral smirked, her palms made contact with Anahita torso, a purple beam of light flew from her hand, enveloping Anahita's body and sending her flying through the air.

She then dove for Martyn, grabbing onto the handle of his machete and sending a wave of lavender light through it, loosening his grip and sending him tumbling onto the ground.

Martyn, in anger, lunged for Cathedral but Cathedral only twisted and launched a beam of light at him. It pierced his arm and pinned him to the mountain.

Martyn screamed and tried to pull out the light, but it was no use.

Think about it, how could the hands of a human grasp onto a beam of light?

Cathedral had taken down the three of them in seconds, even without her tridant.

She sprinted for her trident, but Grian, who had finally retrieved his spear, swung it at her hands.

Cathedral dodged, the glare she shot Grian sent shivers down his spine, and if looks could kill, he would have died right then and there.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blonde haired boy land next to him.

It was James Shadowlady of Oceania.

Jimmy was trying to free Martyn from the beam of light stabbing into his arm, and Gemini Tay, Grian noticed, was trying to sneak up on the former guardian angel.

Cathedral threw her head back and laughed, running at Grian.

Grian was ready to fight her when she hit the ground and slid right underneath his legs.

He twisted around just in time to block a blow from her wip of energy.

She had time to retrieve her death weapon.

Cathedral ran towards her tridant, still half stuck in the beam of water.

Her hand made contact with the metal, and a hiss made her jump back.

"Curse you Morana!" she screamed as the poison made her unable to touch her weapon.

She turned, just in time to dodge a blow from Gem, who had succeeded in sneaking up on her opponent.

Cathedral growled, knocking the high wizard far away with a powerful thrust of her wings before turning to Grian.

Before Grian knew what was happening, she hit him hard with a wip of energy, thrusting him back.

With a final hit, the spear was flung out of his grasp.

"You were suppose to die a long time ago!" Cathedral snarled, her eyes flashing with hate.

Just as she brought down the whip of energy once more, Anahita, who had managed to shake away her shock, sprang in front of him and took the blast, giving Grian time to retrieve his spear.

Cathedral just laughed, kicking Anahita's lifeless body into the chasm and picking up the fallen girl's hunting knives.

Cathedral hit the edge of Grian's spear with the golden knives, as the sound of metal on metal echoed, Grian brought up his atlatl just in time to block a hit to the face.

Quick as lightening she flew into the air, the sunlight arching from Anahita's golden hunting knives to create a rainbow.

Cathedral hit the ground hard, shaking the earth, almost knocking Grian over.

Martyn, who had finally gotten free with the help of Jimmy, got to his feet and ran over to help, his long curved knife blocking Cathedral's next wip of magic.

In her anger, Cathedral found her magic considerably easy to tap into.

She blasted Martyn in the face with her lavender magic, making him skid across the floor, getting badly scraped in the process.

With a grunt, she brought down a wip of energy, hitting Martyn's already limp body once more.

She raised her hand for her tridant once more, forgetting that it was stuck in the beam of water.

Cathedral shrieked in frustration, but then her eyes landed on Gem and her smirk returned.

She raised her hand at Gem, coils of lavender shot from her palm and wrapped around Gem.

The high wizard shrieked in panic, dropping her staff as her arms were forced to her sides.

Grian wanted to run to her side, to help in any way possible, but he was too panicked to speak, let alone run.

He could only scream as Gem was dragged towards Cathedral, her eyes closing as she strained to keep away from the formerly kind guardian angel who was now a monster.

When Grian was finally able to move, he realized that Cathedral was creating a cage of lavenger light out of her magic.

It looked as though it would be used to hold some sort of animal, only he knew that this cage was going to be used to hold humans.

Flesh and bone humans.

Grian shuddered at the thought.

Cathedral took this opportunity, she flicked her wrist and Grian felt himself be pulled towards the cage.

As he struggled, he heard Cathedral laugh as he was slammed into the cage with a painful thud.

The impact broke two of the bars, leaving a trail of blood where the bars broke.

Cathedral smirked, flicking her wrist, making the cage mend itself while she dragged Gem into the cage.

Gem screamed in rage as Cathedral locked the door of the cage.

Grian watched all this in a daze, feeling dizzy from the dribble of blood leaving his body every second.

It took him what felt like forever to process the fact the Cathedral had dropped to the ground next to him.

"Cathedral, what-" he began, but never got to finish the sentenct.

The former guardian angel cut him off by blasting him into heaven.

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