The Spy That Hated Me

By KyunoM2-9

454 22 73

"You never loved me" Cathedral knelt, falling to the ground as the sound of Scott's footsteps grew louder an... More

Section 1: Cathedral
Chapter 2: Forge
Chapter 3: Overcome?
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Maze
Chapter 7: Dead
Chapter 8: Cries
Chapter 10: Miss
Chapter 11: Thought
Chapter 12: Stung
Chapter 13: If Only
Chapter 14: Mere Angel
Chapter 15: Can't You See?
Chapter 16: Wrong
Section 2: Morana
Chapter 2: Lorrel
Chapter 3: Evelyn
Chapter 4: Luna
Chapter 5: Daphne
Chapter 6: Kisses
Chapter 7: Hold
Chapter 8: Thrown
Chapter 9: Turned
Chapter 10: Flipped
Chapter 11: Pedophile
Chapter 12: Love, It's me
Chapter 13: Wander
Chapter 14: Glide
Chapter 16: Marry me?
Chapter 16: Wedding Vows

Chapter 9: Betray

12 1 0
By KyunoM2-9

Joel's sword hit hard against Scott's icicles, making them both step back at the force of the impact.

"Focus!" Joel muttered quietly, slowing his movements so that the currents of the Ocean didn't affect him.

Icicles passed dangerously close to his head as he inched forward a centimeter at a time, forcing Scott into a corner.

Joel flashed a signal to Tango, who swam forward as Ren dealt with both Gem and Jimmy who both had no problem in the water.

Please let this work! Joel muttered to himself as Tango got closer and closer to Scott.

By some miracle, Scott didn't seem like he noticed Tango at all.

He was too concentrated in defeating Joel.

Joel saw Tango grinning as he knocked Scott to the ground with his sai.

Joel let out a sigh of relief as he dropped to the ground panting hard, using his sword to steady himself.

At that moment, Tango let out a gasp of surprise as the prongs of Jimmy's icy cold tridant ran him through from behind.

"No!" Ren screamed, swimming forward, "He only has one day left!"

It was all too late.

Tango collapsed onto the ground as Jimmy yanked his tridant out of his opponent's flesh.

"J-Jimmy," Tango gasped, reaching up to try to grab Jimmy's hand, "I-I want to tell you this before my time is up."

He drew in a shallow breath, "I-I've liked you since the d-day I saw you, I-I want you to know that before-"

His chest shuddered, struggling to take in more air as blood colored the Ocean's waters red.

Tango's eyes dimmed and his head lulled back.

"No!" Ren screeched again, lunging towards Jimmy with his sai.

Joel's eyes widened, he reached out with a trembling hand, trying to hold Ren back, "Ren, don't!"

It was no use, Ren had charged.

But not towards Jimmy.

He ran towards Joel.

"Why didn't you help him!" Ren roared, impaling Joel with his sai.

Joel gasped, his eyes widening.

It was a moment later that Ren realized what he had done.

"Joel," he asked quietly, "a-are you okay? H-how much time d-do you have left?"

Joel didn't reply.

Ren covered his face with his hands, sobbing.

What had he just done?

What would Grian do to him when he found out that Ren had killed his allie?

He pursed his lips, debating about whether or not he should continue the journey or return to the entrance.

He felt something cold impale him from the back.

His head lulled and his eyes closed.

"Can you feel it?" Adrienne asked, rubbing her arms as she moved forward.

'Someone died.' Morana said through sign language, nodding.

"How far are we from the center of the maze?" Adrienne asked, twirling her boomerangs slowly between her fingers.

Morana tilted her head.

How far are we from the center of this maze?

Not far. The Ocean replied.

Thank you. Morana replied gratefully, lettling out a shaky breath.

Checking that no one was around, Morana spoke quietly, "We're close to the center,"

"Good." Adrienne replied, moving forward at a faster pace.

It wasn't long before they reached the center of the maze.

"This feels too easy." Adrienne muttered, her voice echoing through the empty chamber.

Morana nodded, her hands moving quickly as she talked in sign language, 'It is, she said that there would be monsters and death traps, but so far the only place we've had trouble was at the entrance.'

"Exactly," Adrienne nodded, then frowned, "Seriously Morana, how are you so good with sign language? I could barely keep up."

Morana smirked, then simply shrugged.

It took her a moment to realize that something huge had appeared behind her.

As the cold shadow fell over her, she whipped her head around and groaned.

Without even bothering to think, Morana spoke, "Seriously! The guard monster could have been anything, and she chose a kracken!"

Adrienne let out a soft laugh, "Welp, it looks like it's gonna try to kill us."

Morana nodded, rolling her eyes in utter annoyance, "I am so going to yell at Cathedral after this!"

After that last sentence, she lashed out at a frightening speed with her daggers, stabbing the kracken in the eyes.

The kracken roared, trying to hit Morana away with its tentacles, but failing.

The Ocean's currents pulled Morana and Adrienne far out of reach while holding the kracken in place.

Thank you. Morana said quickly.

"Do we just casually take the pearl? Will we be teleported away or something?" Adrienne asked.

Morana shrugged, but the Ocean replied.

Yes, once you touch the pearl, it will explode and anyone left in this maze will be obliterated.

"The Ocean says that after we touch the pearl, everyone in this maze will die." Morana explained, eyeing the pearl wearily.

In the dim light, the pearl seemed to shimmer, glowing an eerie white.

"So... do we...?" Adrienne asked, eyeing the pearl wearily.

'Something tells me that if we don't touch the pearl, the kracken will.' Morana said through sign language.

Adrienne nodded, "Better for us to get the 6 days then the kracken." she joked, reaching out to touch the pearl.

The moment her fingers made contact, the pearl began glowing brighter.

Adrienne screamed, pulling her hand back, "It's burning hot!"

'I'll do it.' Morana signed, reaching forward to touch the pearl.

"How can you stand the heat?" Adrienne asked, looking worridly at the pearl which was glowing brighter and brighter by the second.

"I can't feel it, I'm a siren." Morana finally spoke.

"I thought you would use sign language," Adrienne sighed.

"Well, I'm holding a darn pearl so I don't think I can use my hands." Morana said with a smirk.

"I guess," Adrienne sighed, "But-"

And that's when the pearl exploded.



Lot's of death...I gave you guys a hint of Ranchers ;)

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