Your Love Messes Me Up

By violynn

5.3K 30 16

“Young lady, I foresee that you’ll fall in love with a handsome young man in your near future…” That's what a... More

Your Love Messes Me Up 01- Don't make me laugh
Your Love Messes Me Up 02 - This Is Not Happening!
Your Love Messes Me Up 04 - Thanks a lot
Your Love Messes Me Up 05 - What if I called you hot?
Your Love Messes Me Up 06 - It has to do a lot with you
Your Love Messes Me Up 07 - Preparing for the date and....I think he's hot?
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.0 - The Date - Are We There Yet?
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.1 - The Date - Different
Your Love Messes Me Up 08.2 - The Date - Disbelief
Your Love Messes Me Up 09 - Daring Declaration
Your Love Messes Me Up 10 - Go On And Kiss The Guy
Your Love Messes Me Up 11 - We're Playing Hooky
Your Love Messes Me Up 12 - What Am I Expecting!!
Your Love Messes Me Up 13 - Delayed Anxiety
Your Love Messes Me Up 14 - If You Want
Your Love Messes Me Up 15 - Gossip Girl
Your Love Messes Me Up 16 - I Wonder Why
Your Love Messes Me Up 17 - Images In The Rain
Your Love Messes Me Up 18 - You Sure?
Your Love Messes Me Up 19 - Are you trying to kill me?!
Your Love Messes Me Up 20 - Heavily Sedate Me Please
Your Love Messes Me Up 21 - Texting
Your Love Messes Me Up 22 - Confession
Your Love Messes Me Up 23 - Embarrassment never left
Your Love Messes Me Up 24 - A Moment
Your Love Messes Me Up 25 - WTH
Your Love Messes Me Up Chapter 26 - Some brotherly advice
Your Love Messes Me Up 27 - sadist or masochist
Chapter 28 - Get a room

Your Love Messes Me Up 03 - I'll talk to him...

231 2 0
By violynn

Aiden’s POV

“You’re crazy”

This phrase kept repeating in my mind like a broken tape recorder.

Defeated, I went to where the guys were and they all knew the outcome. I mean, they all saw her ran out of school.

“Dude, you’ve been burnt” Jay said laughing his ass off. “I mean here we are; the top five guys in school and wow here’s the first person to turn the number one guy down and to top it off, she called you crazy!”

Connor said nothing but did this; showing his thumbs up and turned it to a thumbs down.

“Thanks, I’m so feeling the support you’re giving me…” I said feeling depressed. It’s true; you could consider this my first rejection by a girl in my ENTIRE life.

“Aiden get out of your depression, if you really want this you can’t let it end here” Michael said as he leaned against the wall…

“You’re right Michael, it’s not over yet.”


Summer’s POV

After getting home, I immediately bathed, get dressed and conference called Addy and Izzy, in desperate need of their help.

At a loss of what to do, I said “What do I do? I wanna hide but I can’t hide forever…”

Addy speaking up “Summer, do you remember who he was or how he looked like? Was he hot?”

“How did you know? I hate to say it but crazy guy is really good looking, with chestnut brown hair, blue eyes and sharp features.” Turning red as I recalled it in my head.

“Oh my gosh!” They both screamed.

“What, what is it?” I asked, feeling left out of the loop.

“It’s Aiden Williams!!!” they screamed in unison again…

“Who Williams?” I asked, unsure of what’s going on…

Addy, said in disbelief “You don’t know who’s Aiden?! He’s like the hottest guy in school and with his friends they’re the school’s top 5 guys since forever!!”

“How can you not know them? What planet have you been living in?!” Izzy said in amazed by my ignorance.

Exasperated, I fell backwards onto my bed saying “Guys, you’ve made it even harder for me to avoid him…you know I have issues about these kind of things”

“Summer, you want to get away from him?! Almost any girl would want to get in his bed!”

“Well, they can have it for all I care…” I said, muttering more for myself to hear...

“Summer, you have to face him. Correct that; you need to face him tomorrow. The guy confessed and you should have the respect and courtesy to tell him your answer.” Izzy replied, letting me hear the music that I did not want to hear…

Sighing, I said “Guys like him are all playboys, how different am I from the other girls out there?”

Her voice strained and tired, Addy said “Don’t make us go there Summer, we’ve both told you how special and different you are from the others, from your siblings. You hate being compared and here you are comparing yourself with other bitches and sluts that you don’t even know. Also, it’s known that Aiden currently has the cleanest record with girls even though he’s number one”

Conceding defeat, I told them “Fine, I see him tomorrow”

Catching my act, Izzy corrected me “You mean you’ll talk to him tomorrow”

Surrendering I said “Yes, I’ll talk to him tomorrow”


The next day

Summer POV

I really hope that I wouldn’t see Aiden today, I even prayed as I walked up to the school.

Sadly, that was one prayer that wouldn’t be fulfilled.

Because there he was, at the fountain that was right before the school building. It was elevated so whoever sat there had the bird’s eye view of who’s here.

His brown hair glimmered in the sun and as if his skin was radiating, he’s tall and he has the right amount of buffness* is that even considered a word?!

My mind is messed up even before I talked to him! How is it ever humanly possible that someone so good looking exists!

This is not fair…

Someone save me!

Right there and then, our eyes met and I couldn’t look away.

In my head I wanted to look away, I was thinking to myself…

 Shit, he’s looking at me.

Damn, why can’t I look away!

Brain, come on, help me out here.

Send some signals to tell my muscles to move!

No, no, no freaking way! He’s getting up!

 Come on, why can’t you stay at your throne?

He’s waking this way!

He’s coming over!

I’m hyperventilating!

Do something!

Say hi, run, anything!

Following the last thing in my mind…

I ran, Izzy’s gonna super mad at me for acting this way but I can’t help it. Also, if I knew I could run so fast I would have joined the track team…

Reaching English class super early, I took my seat and tried to steady my breathing.

Miraculously being able to doge Aiden the entire day, I felt accomplished! I could definitely win at the game of tag. Receiving a text from Addy saying after club activities she’ll give me a ride home, saying she’ll meet me outside my secret place, so I went there to pass time as usual.

Forgetting what happened yesterday, I walked up to my usual spot near the window when I heard a click sound.

Looking to the door, I saw that it was Aiden!

Panic alert!!!! Sound the alarms!!!!


Aiden’s POV

As I locked the door, I accidently got her attention.

Also, she looked alarmed.

Very alarmed…

Walking very slowly towards her, I saw that she moved away.

Staying put, hands up as if I was surrendering, I said “Look, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you and all I got was you running away. If we could talk normally, all this wouldn’t be happening.”

 Looking apologetic, she looked away and nodded her head.

I tried explaining why I wanted to talk to her again when I noticed that she kept avoiding eye contact…

So…taking big strides across the room, I stood in front of her and said “Will you just look at me? Is it that hard to look someone in the eye?”

“….i…ot…..that…” she whispered

Not able to catch any of that I said “What?”


With that sudden outburst she slumped to the ground, knees huddled close to her body and buried her face in her knees.

Sitting down, I saw that her face was really red, even to the tips of her ears.

Finding it super amusing, I started laughing really hard.

Finally looking up she asked “Why on earth are you laughing?”

“Because you’re too adorable!” I said, ruffling her hair.

Just as I did that, she turned red again! How amusing can this girl get?

“Let’s redo this whole thing and actually introduce ourselves since we just met.” I said, trying to start things on the right foot. “I’m Aiden Williams”

“Summer Ellery…” she replied quietly

Isn’t Ellery a mega huge company? Hmm, I didn’t see this coming…

“As I said before, I really like you Summer. Ever since I saw you at the dance studio, I couldn’t stop thinking about you…” I said, trying to continue where I left off

Frowning she asked “Why? Why do you like me so much when you barely even know me?”

“Do I need a reason to love and like?” I said simply.

“I don’t even think I’m your type of girl” she added.

“Since when did I say I have a type?” I replied “I don’t have a type, if I like you, I like you. Didn’t you ever feel this way before?”

Huddling her knees closer to herself, she said softly “How do I know? I never liked anyone to that extent before…”

“Seriously? You’ve never liked anyone like that before?” I said incredulous.

She nodded her head in reply.

“Does that mean that you’ve never been in a relationship before?” I asked; thinking how is it possible that someone as gorgeous as her never fell in love before.

Again I got that nod of hers.

“Soo…let me get this straight, for 17 to 18 years of your life, you’ve never fell in love or had a relationship” I asked, putting my hands on either side of her, my curiosity drawing me even closer to her.

I could hear her breathing get shallow and see that her face turned a new shade of red as she said “Yes… I’ve never… been in a… relationship before...”

“Can I be Summer’s first boyfriend then?” I asked, whispering into her ear. It was fun seeing her reaction, I could see her shiver as she felt my breath and her ears turn red as well.

Stammering she said “I…I…don’t k…know…also…get away! You’re too close!!!” Exclaiming towards the end, as she tried to push me away

Backing off a little I brushed her hair aside of her face; I looked at her and asked sincerely “Can you give me a chance?”

Her eyes looked back and forth of my face, as if to read my expression. For the first time, she looked into my eyes and held her gaze…

I’d swear, if she didn’t look away, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from kissing her.

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