Small Twists of Fate

Od Ginnyrules27

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Fate is a funny thing. Even the smallest twist can change so many lives. Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Six

158 14 4
Od Ginnyrules27

Cassandra had to smile in relief as she saw the gates of the Underworld. Honestly, there'd been a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that the rescue had gone off too easily but she had just been telling herself that was only because of the barrier preventing most if not all of the magic users from accessing their powers.

Oh sure, they probably could have used their powers to help someone in need but there was a reason why everyone on the Isle was a villain. Villains didn't help people, only themselves.

"Oh Gods, how lucky were we to pull that off?" Lance whispered from his spot next to Cassandra. "My heart's honestly about to jump out of me."

"Mine too, but the important thing is that we got that little girl out of there," Cassandra told him.

Lance nodded. "And now we can get her home to whoever we're supposed to get her home to," he said.

Cassandra couldn't help but chuckle as she realized Lance hadn't realized where they were. "Come on...her father will be expecting us," she said as the gate opened, allowing the three of them access to the Underworld.

Lance bit his lip as they made their way to the den. "Cass...I know...I know you know the Isle better than I do but do you really want to return a child in this state? I can smell her diaper from where she is in Lord Hercules' arms for starters."

"We don't have a choice," Hercules said, his soft voice starling both Cassandra and Lance. "My uncle will want his daughter back as quickly as possible and, as much as it hurts me to say it, I have a feeling Uncle Hades almost expects his daughter to be in the state she's in."

"Hercules is right Lance. Are you suggesting we dunk her in the water in the Cove?" Cassandra asked.

"Of course not," Lance shook his head as the little girl in Hercules' arms whined softly, as if reminding them she was still there.

"I know, I know little one," Hercules said gently as he softly bounced his arms to try to calm his little cousin. "You're almost home...your dad won't be particularly happy about the state of you but you'll be home."

Luckily the only saving grace about this whole thing is that Uncle Hades will be angry at Maleficent...and likely father, and I don't blame him. I'll need to have a talk with my father about refusing aid to a child just because of who her father is. And especially a member of our family! Hercules thought.

Cassandra sighed as they rounded the corner and stood in the entryway of the den. "Lord Hades?"

"Cassandra?" Hades asked, looking up from where he was pacing a rut into the stone floor but not stopping his pacing.

Cassandra couldn't help but smile as she gestured to Hercules. "I believe we have someone who belongs to you," she told him.

The raven haired former Lady in Waiting's smile grew as Hades froze in place upon hearing those words.

"You're serious?" Hades asked.

"I am," Cassandra nodded. "I'm sorry she's in rough shape but it doesn't look like anything she wouldn't bounce back from."

Hercules nodded. "And right now, I think she just wants her papa," he said softly as Hades looked at him. "I'm fine holding her but I know my arms are a poor substitute to the ones she wants."

Hades slowly yet gently took his daughter from Hercules' arms, never minding the smell or the fact that she was in the same onesie she was in the day she got taken.

"Ginny was a joy to have," Milah told Cassandra as it became apparent that Hades wasn't going to speak anytime soon.

"Good, I'm glad," Cassandra said, smiling over at her.

Malinoë curled closer into Hades' chest. Her mind might have been somewhat hazy but she knew the person who held her in his arms.

"...That's right Mali, it's your papa. You're home," Hades said softly as he held her close. "And I promise you, that witch is never coming near you again. Your mama's going to freak when she finds out you're home, I just hope we're close enough to her arrival. I know I can show you to her over the portal but I also know she'll want to hold you in her arms like I am..."

"Lady Persephone is due back tomorrow according to the calendar," Mollie said softly as she came into the den, Ariel following her.

"Oh thank Gods, is she alright?" Ariel sighed in relief as she saw her young cousin curled up in her uncle's arms.

"I don't see any signs of injuries but...she's filthy," Hades said as he looked at his daughter. "I don't think Maleficent changed her clothes once, that's the same onesie she was in when she was..."

Hades bit his lip as he trailed off. While he was loathed to let his daughter out of his arms for even one second when he had only just gotten her back, he knew she needed attending to. Plus...he had people he had to thank.

Malinoë whimpered softly in his arms, as if trying to indicate to him that she needed to be changed.

"I know, I know sweetheart. Don't worry, we'll have you changed and bathed and all fresh in just a moment," Hades said, cooing softly before looking over at Milah and Mollie. "Would one of you two mind changing her and giving her a bath? I don't want her in this state any longer and Steph shouldn't see her like this."

"Of course Lord Hades," Mollie said, walking over to gently take Malinoë from his arms. Milah had her own young son to take care of after all and Sammy was old enough to look after herself. Plus she knew William wouldn't let anything happen to her. "Come on sweetheart. Let's get you all nice and fresh and clean and then you'll be back in your papa's arms."

Lance handed Mollie a bag of miscellaneous items as he finally realized he had helped rescue a God's child and made a mental note to smack Eugene with Rapunzel's frying pan for not telling him that bit of information. "Here...when Eugene called me and said I was going on a rescue mission, I grabbed as many things as I could. None of them are specifically for diaper rash which I suspect she has, but they should all be soothing on the skin. At the very least, they won't do any harm."

"Thank you..." Mollie said softly as she took the bags. She didn't know exactly who the strange man was but he had helped to rescue Malinoë from Maleficent's so he was clearly trustworthy. "If anything, they should help even if they're not specifically for diaper rash."

Looking down at Malinoë, she smiled softly. "Come on little one," she said and hurried off to the bathroom to get Malinoë cleaned up.

Hades watched her leave before turning back to Cassandra, Lance, and Hercules. "Thank you. All of you. You don't don't know what this means. Having my daughter back..."

"No thanks needed Lord Hades," Cassandra told hm. "It was the right thing to do."

"I'm a father myself, sir. I was only doing what I hope anyone would do in the situation," Lance said, bowing his head slightly.

Hades nodded and turned to Hercules. "Given our...history, I won't lie. I'm the most grateful for you rescuing my daughter..."

"Uncle, our history is between us," Hercules said. "Malinoë had no part in the coup of Olympus or inadvertently causing Meg's death...and I realize I have just as much to blame for that. Had she not pushed me out of the way of the column, she would have never been hurt."

Hades nodded slightly before holding out his hand. "I don't think I'll ever forgive your father but...for Malinoë and for it being easier for Steph to have alliances in Boreadon, I'm...I'm willing to bury the hatchet if you are."

"Uncle, the hatchet was buried the moment I found out my cousin was in trouble though I'm more than happy to be Aunt Persephone's alliance. It'll allow Malinoë the opportunity to see Hyllus and Macaria," Hercules said, gently taking Hades' offered hand and shaking it. "And there's no need for gratitude."

"Yeah have it," Hades told him. "You all have it. And I know Persephone would be echoing me if she was here."

"Mali's back?" Three small voices called out and everyone looked to see Jessica, Harriet and Sammy peering out of the doorway; Ginny right behind them.

"She's getting freshened up right now, but yes sweethearts, she's back," Milah said with a bright smile.

"Can we see her?" Harriet asked, bouncing slightly. Now Sammy won't be sad! she thought with a grin.

"She's with your Auntie Mollie right now," Milah said.

"I go help mama with her!" Sammy insisted, hurrying off with a gleam in her eyes.

"I go help too!" Harriet nodded, running after her best friend.

"And...and I go too!" Jessica said, finally deciding to hurry after her twin and friend while Ginny scurried over to Cassandra.

Cassandra chuckled as she scooped Ginny back up into her arms. "You have fun with them?"

"Uh huh! They're nice...but I missed you too," Ginny nodded as she snuggled into her.

"Oh I missed you too Gin, but I'm glad you had fun," Cassandra told her. "You shouldn't have to hang around an adult all the time."

"But I like hanging with you!"

Cassandra smiled. "Well I'm glad to hear that," she said even if she wished more than anything that her sister could have the option to play with kids her own age.

Hades couldn't help but smile at the sight before turning to Ariel. "Thank you. I realize I haven't said that to you yet...your highness."

Ariel shook her head. "You, uncle, are the last person who needs to refer to me by my title. We are family. I would call in whoever we needed to get your daughter back home where she belonged. And even if you weren't family, it would still be my duty as a mother, a decent human being, and a Queen to get one of my citizens out of danger."

" could have learned that my daughter had been kidnapped and just said 'tough cookies' as Zeus did."

"Oh yes thank you for reminding me I need to talk to my father about that," Hercules muttered. Whatever his father's issues were with Hades, Malinoë was an innocent party and should have been given every assistance Olympus could provide.

"Well...that sounds ominous," he heard one of the pirates behind him mutter.

Hades shook his head. "Still, Ariel, thank you. I have a feeling you'll be visited by Persephone the next time she's in Auradon to thank you herself."

Ariel smiled softly and then shook her head. "I was going to talk to you about more issues involving the Isle but I think there's a more pressing issue now."

"What's that?"

"Getting Aunt Persephone here earlier so she doesn't have to wait any longer to see her daughter," Ariel said. "Deal with Uncle Zeus be damned. Give me one moment, I'll reach out to Lady Demeter so she can get Aunt Persephone to the barrier. Cassandra, can you and Lance go and wait for her?"

"Of course," Cassandra nodded, setting Ginny down and smiling as her sister went scurrying off in the direction that the Hook girls and Sammy had gone.

"Thank you," Ariel told her.

"I'll go wait as their guard," Hook spoke up. Hey half of them might have been from Boreadon but they brought Malinoë back to them. That made them honorary crew in Hook's eyes.

"That would be appreciated Hook," Hades nodded and the three of them quickly exited the Underworld.

Ariel sighed softly and then reached out with her mental link. Lady Demeter?

Oh! Queen Ariel! Forgive the lack of decorum, I wasn't expecting you—.

No apology necessary Lady Demeter, and you certainly don't have to use my title. You're the mother of my aunt, you're family after all.

There was a slight pause on Demeter's end which Ariel could only assume to be a smile. How can I be of assistance, Ariel?

Would you be able to get Aunt Persephone to the barrier to the Isle today? I have some representatives waiting fo her as there is something important that I don't think should wait an extra day.

Ariel, I'm sure you've heard by now. My granddaughter—.

Is home.

...I'm sorry?

We have Malinoë home and waiting to see her mother, Ariel told her. It doesn't seem right that she'd have to wait a day.

...Give me fifteen minutes. I'll make sure Persephone's there...this isn't a trick is it?

That would be an awfully cruel trick wouldn't it?

That it would.

Then it's a good thing it's not a trick.

"She'll be at the barrier in fifteen minutes," Ariel said as she left the link.

"That's faster than I thought she'd be," Hades said.

Ariel gave him a small smile. "Something tells me it'll be even less time than that once Aunt Persephone hears we have Malinoë back."

Hades nodded but wasn't able to respond as just then, Mollie brought Malinoë back out. Thankfully they hadn't gotten rid of any of her onesies so she was in a new, blue, slightly small dragon onesie.

Mollie gave him a small smile. "There are a few small scars and some very sensitive skin but nothing that time and being with her parents won't fix," she said as she handed Malinoë to her waiting father.

Hades quickly took Malinoë in his arms and nodded at Mollie. "Appreciated Mollie, thank you. And how did you like having four helpers get Malinoë all squared away?"

"They were darlings," Mollie said with a small chuckle. "Sammy picked the outfit herself."

"Well it was a great choice Sammy," Hades said with a small smile.

"Tank you Unca Hades," Sammy said with a shy smile.

"She might still be hungry though," Mollie added.

"I can get her some formula, I think it might be time for Harry to eat as well," Milah said.

Hades nodded. "Thanks Milah."

Malinoë whimpered softly as she looked up at Hades, softly jamming her fist into her mouth.

"Shh, shh," Hades said gently as he comforted her, trying to ignore how his heart broke at seeing her pleading eyes. "A bottle'll be coming soon Mali. Just another minute."

"Here we go," Milah said as she came out of the kitchen with a bottle. "Harry's pouting but given the situation I'm sure he'll understand that Malinoë takes priority. I've got his bottle warming up and no Harriet, you can't take it off of the stove."


"Thanks Milah," Hades said as he took the bottle from her and Malinoë's eyes lit up as she saw it. Hades' heart broke as he gave the bottle to her, his little girl eating like this was the last food she'd ever get.

Curse you Maleficent! Bad enough you waned to go after me, but my little girl was innocent in all of this! Find someone else and create a child naturally, you demon, instead of stealing someone else's child, he thought. You're damn lucky she has the bloodline she does otherwise she'd probably be dead. What? Did you starve her on purpose? Probably did, just so you could show the Evil Queen wha a nice thin baby you had, thinner than her child. Dear Gods, you're insane!

"Slowly, slowly Mali sweetheart," Hades said gently. "It's not going to be taken from you, I promise you're not going to have this bottle be taken from you. You'll always have food when you need it."

"Gave everyone thunderstorms when Hercules got kidnapped, yeah you're not the only one who can play at that game, Lord 'Loves His Thunderbolt Too Much,'" a familiar voice could be heard as the gate to the Underworld opened.

"Who's that Mali, is that your mama?" Hades whispered as Malinoë seemed to perk up at hearing Persephone's voice, Lance and Cassandra silently slipping in to stand next to Hercules; Cassandra scooping Ginny up in her arms once more.

"A bit annoyed at Zeus are you there Steph?" Hades called as even Hercules seemed a little amused by the situation.

"This is nothing to be amused about Hades! Honestly I can't believe you asked me to come a day early when mother and I were still enacting our way to break Zeus down so we could get some help in..." Persephone vented as she walked into the room, her voice trailing off as she saw who was in Hades' arms.

Hades smiled as he saw the shocked look on Persephone's face. "Apparently, not everyone in Auradon or our family is as heartless as my brother," he said softly. "We got her back Steph."

"How...Hades, please tell me I'm not dreaming..." Persephone whispered.

"You're not, Steph. I promise," Hades said, keeping his voice gentle. "You wanna hold her? Because I think someone would like to say 'hello' to their mama."

He couldn't help but smile as he saw the way Malinoë was eyeing Persephone very intently, a little hand reaching out. Persephone didn't need any prompting but carefully rushed over to her daughter, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Let's give them a moment," Hercules muttered to Lance, feeling more than a little awkward standing there. Unfortunately, his mutter wasn't as soft as he thought as Persephone looked over at him in shock.

"Hercules?!" Persephone gasped, Malinoë safely in her arms. "I...Zeus refused to provide any help, how did you...?"

"He joined me," Ariel spoke up. "And after Uncle Hades informed us that Maleficent had taken Malinoë, Aunt Persephone, he, Cassandra, and Lance worked to rescue Malinoë. I would have helped but—."

"But nothing Ariel," Persephone told her. "You're the High Queen of Auradon with a one year old daughter waiting for you at home and a husband who'd be devastated if anything happened to you. You made the right choice staying with Hades."

Ariel gave her a small smile before turning to Hades. "I had...I had wanted to discuss the state of the Isle with you, Uncle, but it wouldn't be fair to bother you right now. Would...would I be able to discuss this with you over the mental link in the morning?"

"Why not use the portal?" Persephone offered as she looked up from gazing lovingly at Mal. "Mother has the ability to activate it and it might be better to have that conversation face to face."

Ariel nodded before looking at Hades. " that alright with you Uncle?"

"I should have time tomorrow," Hades nodded. "But I think it's time you get across the bridge before someone other than us finds out you're here. Last thing we need is Ursula holding you hostage."

"I can take Hercules and Ariel back to their car...if you don't mind watching Ginny again," Cassandra said, reluctantly setting Ginny back down. "I should take Lance back as well."

"Good idea, and of course we don't mind," Hades told her. "We help our allies around here and after what you did, you most certainly are an ally."

Cassandra gave him a small smile and a slight head nod. "Appreciated Lord Hades, and thank you for looking after Ginny."

"She is more than welcome at any time," Mollie spoke up. "I think the girls enjoyed having an ally who wasn't someone they see every day."

Cassandra couldn't help but smile at that before turning to lead the others out of the Underworld. Ariel couldn't help but sigh as she left. One problem had been solved but now another one was just beginning.

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