Chapter Twenty

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Persephone sighed as she walked through her mother's fields a couple of weeks after the excitement in Auradon City with Princess Elle's birth, her fingers gently running over her stomach. As the days grew closer and closer to her own due date, her mother insisted that she do nothing that would stress her out.

That meant no chores, no toiling in the fields, nothing that might cause the baby harm. Persephone understood of course but could have done without the nymphs constantly asking her if she needed anything. Then again, maybe it was practice for motherhood? Regardless it was still rather irritating. Then again, so was still being pregnant.

Don't complain though, it could be worse, she told herself as her mind went back to Ariel, Eric, and Elle. The poor dear...not even on this Earth for weeks and already needing to undergo surgery...

Eric, to his credit, had immediately appointed Grimsby to be his regent as he didn't trust that he'd be able to adequately give Auradon the attention the kingdom deserved while still being able to be by his wife and daughter's side. An act the kingdom completely understood and supported if the countless gift baskets that were sent to the royal palace were any indication.

Hades had asked her to send something in his name when she had spoken to him on the portal that evening. Something Persephone hadn't expected in the slightest.

"Are you sure?" Persephone asked. "It's don't usually talk to our family on this side of the bridge."

Hades sighed. "Yes, I'm sure. I don't know how much it'll be accepted, being from me, but I know if the situation was reversed...well don't want to jinx anything by finishing that sentence."

"Right," Persephone nodded. "What...what do you want to send them?"

"A note," Hades said. "It can be in your handwriting if it makes it easier but I just want to give them a note."

"And...and what would the note say?"

"Her life thread's strong. It is in no danger of being cut."

Persephone couldn't help but smile as she heard that. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to know that. What made you decide to check?"

"Poseidon asked me when Zeus told him Elle was in surgery," Hades said. "He wanted to at least be able to reassure Triton if he couldn't talk to Ariel right away since he had said that news should be given face to face. Not over the link."

"That was sweet of him," Persephone said as she mentally wrote out the note she would give to Eric and Ariel. Oh she'd likely go through several drafts until it was perfect but at least this way, she'd have some idea of what she wanted it to say.

After all, she couldn't just write that Elle's life thread was in no danger of being cut. Okay maybe she could but that was a little too blunt for her liking.

"How's the pup?" Hades asked, pulling Persephone's attention back to the conversation at hand.

"Healthy and happy," Persephone told him. "And eager to meet their father."

"Did...did you talk to Zeus?"

"I did, with mother," Persephone nodded. "We actually talked to him today as a matter of fact."

"Today?" Hades asked, his eyes wide. "But...with everything that happened with Ariel, how were you able to get approval from—?"

"Eric stated that he'd go along with whatever we decided," Persephone said. "After that, it was a simple matter of telling Zeus that as the person who is pregnant, what I want goes. Mother was on my side and surprisingly Zeus wasn't as stubborn as I thought he'd be about the whole deal."

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