Chapter Six

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Milah smiled softly as she held Harriet close to her, her newborn daughter sleeping away in her arms. Hook looked down at the infant and smiled as well, happy that the lass had survived to be born.

Though he knew Harriet would be able to make it to labor—she was a Hook after all. They were strong and could weather whatever life threw their way.

"You''re not disappointed are you?" Milah asked, her soft voice catching the attention of her husband.

"Why would I be disappointed?" Hook asked.

Milah sighed. "You had talked about wanting a son all through the pregnancy. I just thought..."

It was Hook's turn to sigh as he looked at his infant daughter. "I won't pretend like a son would have been a disappointment...but that's only because of how risky the Isle is for girls. You've seen Gaston's girl have to struggle to survive and the lass is only one. She's lucky that the Bimbettes are decent when it comes to family, Laurette and Claudette have been helping out Paulette as best they can."

"But that's only because Gaston won't claim her daughter as his," Milah shook her head. "He works two jobs with being the coach at Dragon Hall and then there's the Duels without Rules...has anyone figured out if it's a weapon's shop or a fight club?"

"Not yet though Smee's been," Hook said. "Apparently it's both from what he said."

"...why was William in there?" Milah asked, looking at her husband.

Hook shook his head. "Apparently it was in the last couple of months of Mollie's pregnancy and Smee needed some extra food. He and LeFou wrestled for a can of beans."

"And he didn't come to us why?"

"A pirate's pride of course! Plus Smee said he didn't want to take food out of the mouth of a pregnant woman."

Milah shook her head. "We could have combined our resources but no matter. We can't change the past and clearly there was no harm done since Sammy and Mollie were both fine after the birth."

Hook nodded, though if it was slower than how he normally nodded, Milah didn't notice. The last thing he wanted to do was worry her by saying that Smee had kept a shark like eye on Mollie for months after the birth.

The last thing the First Mate wanted was for something to happen to his wife if he could prevent it.


"Yes Milah?"

Milah sighed. "You never answered my question. Not truly at least. Are you disappointed?"

"You and the babe are healthy," Hook said as he bent down to kiss Milah on the head. "That's all that matters to me. Besides, it's not as if I can't train Harriet here on swords just as well as I would have if she were a boy. I'm going to be training Jess after all and no sense in playing favorites with our kids."

Milah chuckled. "At least wait until they can both walk okay James? I don't want either one of the babies crawling with a sword in their hands."

"As you wish my Captainess," Hook said with a small chuckle.

Milah shook her head and then sighed. "James...I just thought of something. Your hook."

"Oh....right," Hook said as he looked at the appendage. "Probably not the best for helping with the babes I'm guessing."

"Maybe when they're a bit older and might understand commands to stay still," Milah said. She knew that while balancing two babies would be difficult, at least she would be able to do it without fear of hurting one of them. She also knew her husband and while he might not have cared for children, he loved his children.

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