Chapter One

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Mollie Smee sighed softly as she looked at the body of her captain lying on the floor in front of her before looking at the baby in her arms.

It was hard to believe that only a couple of hours ago, Jessica had been in the throws of giving birth and now...and now she'd gone to Davy Jone's locker. It was...Mollie still wasn't sure she could understand why the Isle had decided to take her captain and not someone like Frollo or Gaston instead.

The little girl in her arms cooed softly and Mollie knew that, at some point, Frollo would come for her. After all, he had been Captain Jessica's most recent...well romantic partner might not be the best term for it considering it was the Isle but it was the best Mollie had.

We've already lost too much to that man, Mollie thought as her mind drifted to thoughts of one of their deck hands. Mary was innocent enough as pirates went and had been one of the few members of their crew to be 'turned' by Frollo's words. He always did try to convert the pirates though Frollo focused his attention on Jessica's crew rather than Hook's over on the Jolly Rodger.

Probably because we're mainly women he thinks he can prey on, Mollie thought with a sigh. That's not to say that he hasn't tried it with Hook's crew. Though one word from Hook would be enough to get Frollo to stay far enough away from Pirate's Cove.

The babe in her arms cooed and Mollie brought her attention back to the task at hand. She needed to get the girl to safety—she deserved a better life than living with Claude Frollo.

And thankfully, there was one other possible contender for who the girl's father could be. After all, Jessica had entered her 'parley' with Frollo not long after she left her dalliance with Captain Hook. They were just too similar, Jessica had said. As well...Hook had his eyes for one person and that was his Captaness Milah.

Wrapping the babe in a slightly threadbare red blanket, Mollie slipped out of the Captain's quarters.

"Mollie?" One of the crew asked as she walked out. "How's the Captain?"

Somehow, by a small miracle, Jessica had managed to hide the fact that she was pregnant from most of the crew. Mollie had been the only one who had been able to tell and that was merely because she'd had a daughter earlier in the year.

Little Sammy was the light of her life and Mollie would do anything to make sure she was safe from harm. Which was just another reason why she couldn't stand by and watch as Frollo twisted the little girl in her arms. Twisted her captain's daughter.


Mollie sighed. "Ready the crew for a funeral," she said softly. "And...and a rearranging of the crew's leadership will need to be put into effect. I...I need to go inform Captain Hook of this development."

Thankfully, the crew member she spoke to didn't waste any time asking why Mollie needed to go talk to Hook, nor did she ask why Mollie had a blanket in her arms or why she was holding the blanket like she would a babe.

Instead, the crew member nodded and raced off to inform the rest of the crew. Mollie took advantage of the lack of interrogation and quickly raced down the gangplank. The cooing of the babe in her arms gave Mollie encouragement that she'd make it through the day at the very least.

Thankfully, Hook's fish shop was relatively close to The Rose. Granted, it was close to all the ships since it was located on the docks in Pirate's Cove, but for Mollie's case, it was still something to be thankful for.

"Aye, what can I do for you?" Hook asked as Mollie opened the door and Mollie saw him pause upon seeing her.

"Captain," Mollie said softly.

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