Chapter Nineteen

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Persephone sighed as she sat next to her mother, the elder Goddess electing to do most of the talking in the meeting they were in, though they hadn't even started yet. They had finally managed to get time with both Zeus and Eric to discuss Hades potentially having a day off the Isle to see the birth of his child.

The birds chirped as they flew by the open window, causing Persephone to smile slightly as she heard it. It was a beautiful May day which made her hope that Hades would be able to get the day off the Isle all the more strong. He should get to experience the sun again.

"How's Ariel doing?" Persephone asked Eric as she looked over at Poseidon's grandson-in-law. "I know we're getting close to her due date."

Eric nodded and gave Persephone a smile. "We are, it should be any day now actually. Ariel's thrilled of course but getting her to relax is more complicated than it should be at times. And thank you, by the way, for the present. I'm sure Elle will love the seagull plushie."

"I saw it and immediately thought of you," Persephone said before chuckling. "You know I just realized something. I'm going to have to change the nickname I use for my sister. It's a bit too close to Elle's name to avoid confusion."

Demeter shook her head. "Honestly Persephone, is this really the right time?"

"Nothing wrong with a little friendly chatter between family, mother, but you're right. The last thing I want to do is keep Zeus or Eric for too long, especially with Ariel being so close to her due date. Thank you both for meeting with us."

"Of course, I'm more than happy to meet with you both, Lady Persephone, Lady Demeter... and you as well Lord Zeus," Eric nodded; reverting to using the titles of the Gods as the meeting had started. The last thing he wanted was to be accused of impropriety or favoriting his wife's family.

"You know titles aren't necessary, King Eric," Persephone said but made sure to use Eric's title just in case. "But thank you. I was hoping to meet with you to discuss a rather...personal matter."

"If it's personal, I don't see why you asked for my attendance," Zeus spoke up.

"It...the matter involves your brother," Persephone told him.


"You have another brother," Demeter said and Persephone swore she saw her mother roll her eyes. Not that she blamed her mother for the eye roll, it just wasn't expected in combination of a defense of Hades.

Zeus' face darkened somewhat. "What did Hades do?"

"Funny how that's your first thought, that Hades did something," Persephone shot back. "Think about it Zeus. Why would I want to talk about the father of my child as we get closer and closer to my due date?"

"You can't be asking—?"

"Why is this a shock to you? Should Hades have to wait months to see his child?"

Eric sighed and shook his head. "Okay, okay. Let's keep our heads and talk about this calmly. We're all family here after all, I'm sure we can reach an agreement that makes everyone happy."

"They're talking about removing Hades from the Isle!" Zeus exclaimed.

"To see the birth of his child!" Persephone shot back. "I know that's a hard concept for you, Zeus, considering you have more children than Midas has coins in his vault but Hades does love this child and as the pregnant one, it's what I want. I want my husband by my side as I deliver our first child!"

"And we're not keeping our heads," Eric sighed. "Honestly I think dinners when Ariel's sisters visit have been calmer."

Demeter shook her head and then slammed her hands on the table. "Honestly Zeus, you're acting as if you're only a mere century instead of the eons old God you are," she snapped. "This is your niece or nephew we're talking about, my grandchild! Believe me, I'm not exactly fond of the idea but as Eileithyia has informed me, multiple times I might add, it's better for the mother and the baby if there's as little stress as possible right now. And if Hades being at the birth eliminates stress for Persephone, then the idea has my support."

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