Chapter Nine

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Hades shook his head as he made his way through his home. Somehow, three years had passed and yet he still wasn't alone.

Granted, that was partially on him. Having grown used to Hook and Smee being around, plus the common sense that came from their wives most of the time, Hades had extended the invitation for them to live with him permanently as an alliance.

Plus the little sunspots had somehow latched on to Pain and Panic, even going so far as to glare at Hades whenever he yelled at them. Pain and Panic he meant, not the sunspots.

Not only would Hook and Milah eviscerate him if he ever yelled at one of their daughters, but Mollie Smee would more than likely help when it came time to hide the body—and Hades was a God. Even with the magical barrier, he still had his immortality.

Thanks in a large part to there only being one vial of the Godhood removing potion and the only potion maker scary enough to attempt to make another was here on the Isle with him.

There was a reason why Yzma was considered scary beyond all reason and it wasn't just because of her age.

"Unca Hades?"

"Hmmm?" Hades said, not noticing the title as he looked down to see which one of the sunspots had asked for him. "Oh, hello Harriet. Everything okay?"

"My sword broke!" Harriet said, holding up the wooden sword that had replaced the foam one that Persephone had purchased for the girls when they were babies. "I was supposed to spar with Jessie and I was practicing and I tripped and fell and my sword broke! How am I supposed to be a pirate like papa without a sword Unca Hades?"

Hades shook his head and gently took the wooden sword from Harriet. "Were you hurt?"

"I'm okay!"


" knee hurts..."

Hades sighed and looked over his shoulder. "Pain! Panic! You two have five seconds to get in here!"

"Coming!" His minions yelled and not five seconds later, the two imps stood in front of him.

"Nice timing," Hades said. "I've got two tasks for you two and I trust that you won't mess them up. Pain, I want you to go get the first aid supplies Persephone keeps bringing back."

Even though his great-niece and great-nephew-in-law were High King and Queen, Hades still had to wonder about their mental capacity since they never included a hospital. Then again, Beast had been the one to be in charge of setting up the Isle from what Persephone had heard so maybe it wasn't Eric and Ariel's fault after all. Hades was always in favor of laying the blame at Beast the Hypocrite's feet instead of blaming the granddaughter of the brother he actually liked.

Regardless though, every six months Persephone made sure that she brought over first aid supplies that would negate some of the issues that not having a medical system would cause. Especially now that they had mortals living with them.

"Yes Lord Hades!" Pain nodded and ran off.

Hades sighed and took the wooden sword, which was truly holding itself together by splinters, and handed it to Panic. "Find a way to repair this. I don't care what you have to do but do it."

"Yes Lord Hades!" Panic said quickly, the jittery green imp always quick with a response if one was needed. Before Hades could say anything, Panic ran off with the wooden sword.

"Now then," Hades said and scooped up Harriet. Honestly he hadn't even thought about it, it was just second nature. "Let's take a look at that knee of yours shall we?"

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