Chapter Twenty Six

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Hades smiled as he saw Persephone sitting on the couch with their daughter; Milah and the Hook boy next to them. He wasn't going to lie, Hades was happy that his wife had another 'mom friend' as the mortals called them.

He was glad she had someone to talk to, someone who had gone through this before.

Oh sure, he would have gladly been an ear for his wife but the fact remained that Hades had never given birth before. Had never had a child before. He wasn't Zeus, gallivanting across the known world and producing children.

Granted, he couldn't gallivant around the world since he was stuck on the Isle but that was besides the point!

"Hades, are you going to linger in the doorway all day or are you going to come sit with us?" Persephone asked, having noticed the blue haired God in the doorway.

"Hmm, I would but that would take away my view," Hades said with a small chuckle. "Your pink hair looks ravishing by the way. Have I told you that?"

"You have...but I still enjoy hearing it," Persephone said, giving her husband a small smile as their daughter cooed in her arms.

Hades chuckled as he heard his daughter coo. "Okay, okay Mali. I'm coming over to sit with you, don't you worry."

"I think she's become a papa's girl," Persephone teased.

"Normally I'd say there's no such thing as a 'papa's girl' on the Isle but the Hooklings have proved me wrong," Hades said. "Where are the Hooklings by the way?"

"With their father," Milah said. "Apparently Harriet wasn't happy that Harry's crib was in a different room than theirs so she attempted to move it to her's and Jess'. Claimed it would make it easier for her to help out with Harry."

"Your daughter does know she's a toddler, right?"

Milah shook her head. "It doesn't matter to Harriet, she sees herself as a captain in miniature. Of course James doesn't exactly help with that but I can't fault him for wanting the girls to embrace their heritage. At some point, if we're ever off this rock, they're going to need to know how to use it for their advantage."

Harry cooed softly and Milah smiled.

"Oh I'm so sorry my darling, was I leaving you out of the conversation? I didn't mean to do that," Milah said, keeping her voice gentle as she brushed a bit of black hair out of her son's eyes. His hair was growing longer and thicker but Milah didn't mind. It meant he was growing up, it meant he was growing strong.

It meant he would likely survive the Isle.

Malinoë cooed softly, breaking the silence and causing Persephone to smile down at her daughter.

"I think someone isn't a fan of silence," Hades said with a small chuckle.

"Well then she's in the right place," Milah said. "Silence is a rarity both here and on the Jolly Rodger. If it does grow silent, then something's about to happen that odds are, we're not going to like."

"That's ominous," Persephone told her.

"That's life with toddlers," Milah said, shaking her head. "I think that's why James has been taking the kids to the ship more and more, even though I know Harriet wants to be here to help with Harry."

"Why doesn't she stay then?" Hades asked.

"She says twins shouldn't be separated and Jess likes being on the ship," Milah said and Harry cooed softly.

Persephone gave Harry a small smile before looking over at Milah. "From what I understand of birth order coming from Auradon, it might take some time for Harriet to adjust to the new order. She's been so used to being the younger 'twin' that she might just not want to seem like she's 'failing' at being an older sister. Hence the insistence on helping."

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