Chapter Thirteen

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"It's great to have you home."

Persephone smiled at Hades as they climbed into bed that evening, battling the multiple pillows that Persephone always snuck with her when she came back from Auradon to give the bedroom a splash of color. "It's great to be home Hades. I know my mother would say my home's on Olympus or even on her farms but my home is wherever you are."

"Do you you ever wish you could stay on Olympus?" Hades asked as they pulled up the covers. "Or at the very least stay in Auradon? As the Goddess of Vegetation, it's probably better if you're in the sun..."

Persephone sighed. "I won't lie, being able to see Aphrodite and Hestia and just catch up with everything that's happened in Auradon is great. And I do wish I could talk with them more, what with the edict that everyone mute me when I'm here on the Isle, and of course I love the feeling of the sun on my skin. But I'd never wish I could never see you again, because whenever I'm with you I've got my sun."

She leaned over and gently kissed Hades on the lips. "What's brought this on? You're not usually this pensive the first night I'm back."

"I don't know," Hades told her. "And trust me, I'd rather you never have to leave to go back to Auradon. But the longer the Hooks and the Smees stay here, and the more time I spend around Jess, Harriet, and know Ursula's having a kid?"

"I didn't, no," Persephone said, shaking her head while trying to ignore the non sequitur that Hades had brought up. "Posideon will be happy at the very least. Another grandchild for him. That's what? Eight now? Or nine seeing as Virgil's the son of Vanessa?"

"You want to think about that now?"

"Well...not really but you know at some point it'll have to be thought of. It's not fair to deny the boy his heritage especially if he'll technically have a half sibling walking around the Isle."

Hades nodded and suppressed a small sigh. Truthfully he hadn't thought about that, but Persephone was right. Still though he needed to focus on the conversation at hand otherwise he was going to get sidetracked and the thing he wanted to talk about would fly from his brain. "And Jafar has a kid as well."

"He does?"

"Yeah. Apparently he had the sunspot last year with Jacquline. Caught me by surprise when he told me when I ran into him when I went on a walk around our territory. Though to be fair we don't exactly keep an ear out for news about Jafar. Oh and of course Gaston has his plethora of kids though he'll only acknowledge the boys."

"Hades...where are you going with this?" Persephone asked, feeling more than a little confused. She was always down for a rant about how Gaston treated his daughters but that wasn't necessarily something she thought would be a good way to wind down for bed. "Unless you're just catching me up with everything I missed while I was in Auradon? Because I already knew about Gaston's kids. In fact I think I was the one who told you."

Hades sighed. "I...I know this might seem like it's coming out of left field but...what would you think about us possibly having a kid?"

Persephone paused as she looked over at Hades. " want us to have a child? You and me? The two of us?"

"I mean...unless you'd rather have a child with someone else? Would it be so bad, the two of us having a sunspot of our own?" Hades asked.

"...I won't lie and say it isn't something I wouldn't want," Persephone said after a moment. "Mother's even been asking me when I'll start giving her grandchildren. Never mind the fact that we're immortal so mother really doesn't have to worry the way the mortals do."

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