Chapter Thirty One

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"What. Do. You. Mean. No?" Persephone exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock as she stood before Zeus. It was a few days after Mal was kidnapped and Persephone had made it her business to see her brother-in-law. Of course Demeter had helped.

Actually, the Goddess had practically shoved Persephone through the gates of Olympus once she saw that her granddaughter wasn't in Persephone's arms. She had held Persephone as she cried and screamed, had been there to help Persephone plan her revenge against Maleficent. She had even offered some suggestions whenever Persephone seemed to run out of steam so to speak.

But Persephone couldn't take any more time ranting or crying. Every moment she wasted was a moment her precious daughter was trapped in Maleficent's clutches.

"Zeus, I...I must have misheard you. Please, she's my daughter," Persephone begged, her eyes wide. Had she been able to, Persephone would have sank to her knees but her body didn't seem to be allowing her to do so. "She's your niece! She's my daughter! Are you honestly going to subject a baby to whatever torment Maleficent can dream up?"

Zeus sighed. "Now Hades may finally understand the pain I felt all those years ago...karma might take its time but it always comes," he said. There was a small part of him that hated seeing the pain in Persephone's eyes, hated hearing the pain in his sister-in-law's voice...but there was another part of him that was relieved that Hades would finally understand what he put him through all those years ago.

Whatever their issues, Zeus might have looked past them but Hercules had been innocent in their brotherly feud.

"Karma?!" Persephone exclaimed and Zeus had no choice but to look at her. "Hercules was at least raised by a kind and loving family. You can take comfort that he was loved growing up! Malinoë is in Maleficent's clutches! Please Zeus! Don't let my little girl be subjected to that monster for one more minute! You're really going to let an innocent baby suffer at the hands of that lunatic witch because you want to be petty? Malinoë has nothing to do with what happened between you and Hades!"

"My decision is final Persephone," Zeus said with a firm note to his voice.

"Fine. Then be prepared for what you've wrot against the mortals," Persephone told him, her eyes narrowing in fury. She normally would have hated to involve innocent people into this worked the last time one of her family had a family member leave. And she had willingly gone with Hades and her mother still created winter! "I'm sure you remember when my mother introduced winter to them. And I can assure you that when she hears that you're leaving her granddaughter there...she's likely to turn you into an ant!"

Persephone stormed out of the room; taking a deep breath to avoid bursting into tears right then and there at the thought of never seeing her daughter again. Zeus didn't deserve to see her tears, not when he was partially the cause of them. Oh she wanted to throttle Zeus!

Turning the corner, Persephone ducked into an alcove and finally let out the scream that had been building inside her for so long, that had been building ever since Malinoë had been captured. Oh sure she might have been able to scream with her mother but the screams never seemed to end. Especially when Zeus was involved.


Persephone looked up to see her mother walking over to her and felt a silver of relief.

"Mother! Oh thank Gods," Persephone sighed. "Maybe you can get Zeus to see reason."

"What? He...he said no?!" Demeter demanded, her outrage audible in her voice.

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