Chapter Fourteen

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A couple of months, maybe three to be precise, went by after Persephone arrived home and life seemed to go by as normal. Jess, Harriet, and Sammy loved the fact that Persephone was back, and Milah seemed to appreciate Persephone always being willing to do something with the girls.

It probably wasn't easy being pregnant and having to deal with the twin whirlwinds that were Jess and Harriet. Not to mention Sammy added to the chaos somewhat, even if she was more of a calming presence that got scooped up by the insanity that was Harriet and Jess, but Persephone didn't seem to mind all that much.

So it was to Hades' surprise one day when he found his wife lying on their bed, the door shut.

"Steph?" Hades asked, poking his head in after knocking softly on the door. Harriet and Jess had been asking him where she was since normally they'd be on a walk by this time. And it definitely wasn't like Persephone to sleep in.

"Hmm? Oh Hades," Persephone said and lifted up her head as she looked over at him. "Is something wrong?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Hades said as he walked into their room, closing the door behind him.

Hey, he might like having the sunspots around but that didn't mean he wanted his conversation with his wife to be interrupted by them.

"Of course...everything's fine," Persephone said.

"You sure Steph?" Hades asked as he sat down next to Persephone. "You're normally not this lethargic."

"Hades, there's not much that could take down a God," Persephone said, giving him a small smile. "I'm probably just adjusting to the lack of sun from the barrier. It always takes a while for me to bounce back after all."

"Steph, it normally takes you a couple of weeks," Hades said, keeping his voice gentle. "It's been months since you got back. You normally are all adjusted by now. Nothing happened over in Boreadon did it? You didn't get attacked? No one managed to recreate the de-Goding potion and slip it in your drink did they?"

Persephone shook her head, smiling slightly at her husband's worry. Not because she was amused but because she was touched at how much he cared about her. "I'm fine Hades, I swear. Besides, you know how protective my mother is. If that was even a possibility, she'd likely have the nymphs on her farms test every beverage I could possibly come into contact with. I'll just need a nap and then I'll be right as rain. Promise."

"Alright," Hades said and gently kissed the top of Persephone's head before heading out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him as to ensure that Persephone got rest.

"Is Auntie Steph okay?" Jess asked as Hades walked into the den. Harriet and Jess were busy coloring with crayons and paper that Persephone had brought back while Sammy was taking a nap of her own.

Hence the coloring. The twins might have been whirlwinds but they were respectful of others' naptimes. Mainly because Milah had set the rule multiple times that if they acted up when someone was taking a nap, then they'd go down for a nap themselves.

"She just needs a nap," Hades said.


Harriet shook her head. "Why would you want to take a nap? At least Sammy had to take her's because Auntie Mollie told her to."

Milah shook her head from her spot on the sofa, before rubbing her stomach. "I can certainly sympathize with her there, this little crew mate of ours has been so energetic at night it's like I'm barely getting any rest."

"Mama, are me and Jessie going to have a brother or sister?" Harriet asked.

"You'll find out when the baby's born, just like we did with you and Jess," Milah told her daughter.

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