Chapter Thirty Five

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Ariel held back a sigh as she, Captain Hook, and Cassandra made their way to the barrier. She couldn't believe...her poor cousin!

Don't worry Malinoë, help is coming! I promise, we'll get you out of there, she thought; blinking slightly as Cassandra opened the barrier and the two of them stepped out onto the small solid platform that connected the bridge. She wasn't going to lie, Ariel was surprised that Captain Hook hadn't used the barrier being opened to escape.

Hey, he might have had an alliance with her uncle but...pirates had killed her mother and inadvertently subjected her to ten years without music. She could trust James Hook, the father and was trusting Captain Hook the pirate that was more of an issue.

Okay, we can worry about that in a minute but for right now you have a phone call to make, Ariel thought as she quickly dialed Rapunzel's number.

"Hello? Yes, hi Rapunzel. I'm sorry if this call seems rushed but would you be able to send someone to the Isle fo a few hours? Preferably someone with a background in sneaking around?"

"I'm sorry Ariel, I want to make sure I didn't mishear you? A sneaking background? To the Isle? I thought we rounded up most if not all of the villains to the Isle years ago?"

"We did, but Cassandra needs some back up for a rescue mission."

"Cass? Can I speak to her Ariel? Please?"

"Of course, but we don't have a lot of time so please be quick," Ariel said and handed the phone to Cassandra.

"Cass? What's going on? Why do you need backup for a rescue mission? Are you hurt? Do you need to come back to Corona?" Rapunzel rated off as soon as Cassandra held the phone to her ear.

"Raps, Raps, calm down," Cassandra said and then sighed. "I'm not hurt, I promise. It's just...there's someone on the Isle who's in the hands of someone that she really shouldn't be and her parents would like her back...Raps? Are you still there?"

"Hey Dragon Lady, care to explain why Blondie just dragged me to the phone?" Eugene asked and Cassandra sighed in relief. So that was the explanation for the slight clatter—and it made sense too. Rapunzel would jump into action to help a kidnapped child.

"Hey Fly Boy," Cassandra said with a small chuckle. "To catch you up, there's someone on the Isle who's someplace she shouldn't be being held in a rather fortified location so I need one of your ruffian friends to come and help me."

"Lance would be your best bet," Eugene said. "Lance or myself actually. I love the other ruffians for breaking me out of prison and preventing me from seeing the gallows but they're idiots."

"I'm good with either option but I'm guessing you have a kingdom to run?" Cassandra said. "Plus we already have one royal on the Isle, no need to make it two."

"You're right, plus Blondie just reminded me that I also have children who need their father—Lance has two kids two Rapunzel!"

"Lance's kids have grown up by this point Eugene! We have three young children with another on the way!" Rapunzel told him, having switched her phone to speaker for ease of communicating with Cassandra.

"Wait, how many kids do you have?" Cassandra asked.

"Well we have Rachel, Rowyn just celebrated her first birthday and Robin was born a few months ago," Rapunzel told her. "And like we said, we have another one on the way."

Cassandra shook her head. "Did that flower give you super speed for your fertility or something?"

"I'm not sure...and honestly I don't think we have the time to think about that right now do we?"

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