Chapter Seventeen

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Hades sighed as he focused on his paperwork. Tried being the operative word. He'd just finished talking with Demeter on the portal as Persephone had an appointment to look over the baby. She had had those what felt like once a week for the past month but Hades could understand Demeter's worry.

And that was probably the strangest thing he'd ever thought in his life. But he did. Because the child Persephone was carrying wasn't just Demeter's grandchild but they were also Hades' child.

The last thing I want is for my child to be harmed just because of the crime of being related to me, he thought, pushing the paperwork away. Gods, I can't even focus on my work! Maybe a break will do me good...a spar with the Hooklings always clears my head!

He shook his head, more than slightly amused with how his life had changed in only three years. He never would have thought that sparring with young girls would clear his mind or even be something that he would enjoy. But now? He wouldn't trade it for the world.

He would also never admit that to anyone out loud who wasn't an ally. Because the last thing he wanted was to put a target on the girls' backs.

"Unca Hades!" Harriet called as Hades walked into the den.

"Hey there Harriet, what's going on?" Hades asked as Harriet rushed over to him.

"Mama's sounding weird! She sounds like papa did the time Jessie accidentally hit him in the nose with her head!"

"I didn't know he was behind me when I leaned back!" Jess called as she rushed up. "But she's right Unca Hades! I think mama's hurt! Or the baby's hurt!"

Hades' eyes widened. "Stay here," he told the girls before pausing. "Where's the third sunspot?"

"With her mama," Harriet said and Hades nodded. Okay, that meant Sammy was probably wherever Mollie and Milah were...which was the next question on his mind.

"Where's your mom?"

"In her room."

Thank you sunspots! Hades thought as he nodded once more and rushed over to the parental Hooks' bedroom.

"Sammy, darling, can you please go with Harriet and Jess?" Hades heard Mollie's voice as he walked in.

"But...Harri would want to know what's going on with the baby," Sammy said softly. " the baby okay mama?"

"Everything okay?" Hades asked and Mollie looked over at him, slight relief evident in her eyes.

"The baby's coming!" Milah groaned from her spot on the bed before Mollie even had a chance to answer.

"Oh...oh!" Hades exclaimed. "Alright, what do you need?"


"...That makes sense now that I think about it. Okay, where is your wayward husband?"

Milah took a steadying breath. "He and William went to check on The Jolly Rodger but they said they'd be—."

"Milah?! What's wrong?" Hook asked as he came rushing in. "Panic's lad, the one Jess is allies with, he said something about you being in pain?"

"...We can wonder about why Virgil went to get you later," Hades said. "Apparently your baby's coming. We need someone to get Anastasia Tremaine—."

"Unca Hades? There's a pretty woman with red hair at the door," Jess said as she poked her head in."

Hades sighed and looked at Jess. "Jess, how did you know we needed Anastasia Tremaine for your mama?"

"I didn't! Virgil said he was going to ask Henry to get her while he got papa!"

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