Chapter Twenty Five

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Before Persephone knew it, it was time for her and Malinoë to return to the Isle. Persephone wasn't going to lie, she was excited to see her husband again, along with the Hooks and the Smees. So much had changed since Persephone had been gone and she was eager to meet the newest member of the Underworld.

Well, the newest living member she should say. The dead weren't really the best conversationalists.

"Are you excited to meet your new friend, Mali?" Persephone asked, accidentally slipping into Eric's nickname for Malinoë. Persephone wasn't going to lie, she did like it. It was less of a mouthful than Malinoë was and sometimes, as a tired first time mother, Persephone didn't have the energy to use Malinoë's full name.

Yes, even Goddesses got tired when having to juggle their duties with being a mother for the first time.

"Now, are you sure you want to take Malinoë with you to the Isle?" Demeter asked as she handed Persephone her bags; Malinoë nestled over Persephone's chest in a sling. "I'd be more than happy to—."

"I know mother," Persephone said. "But Hades has the right to see his daughter and Malinoë should get the chance to meet her father more than the brief moment she had when she was born."

Demeter nodded though Persephone knew she'd likely get another conversation like this one when the next six months in Auradon came around.

"I'll call on the portal every chance I can get," Demeter said.

"And I'll make sure Malinoë is on the portal calls so you get a chance to see her," Persephone promised. "Now, I should go mother. Give my love to the rest of Olympus...oh and keep an ear out for any news regarding Eric, Ariel, or Elle."

"Of course," Demeter nodded. While she normally didn't concern herself with the affairs of mortals, these weren't just mortals but family.

Persephone smiled and, after one last hug goodbye, stepped through the portal with Malinoë firmly in her arms.

"Hey Steph," Hades said, looking as if he'd camped out in the room just so he wouldn't miss her arrival. "Here, let me grab your bags."

Persephone shook her head. There was only one thing she wanted Hades to take from her—or rather one person.

"Hades...take your daughter," she said softly and Hades paused, his hand on the bag that was draped over Persephone's shoulder.

"Are...Steph, are you sure? I haven't been around her since the day she was born."

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have told you to take her," Persephone said gently. "Go on Hades, you've waited for this day since she was born I'm sure. Hold your daughter."

Hades gave his wife a small smile before gently taking Malinoë out of the sling and holding her in his arms. "Hi there Malinoë. I'm your dad. I know sometimes I can be a little scary and I'm sure you've heard some things about me over in Boreadon but I promise, I won't be scary to you. Only to whatever tries to harm you."

Malinoë only cooed and seemed to curl into Hades.

"I think she likes you," Persephone said with a smile as she leaned over and gently kissed Hades on the cheek. "Now come on, I've missed everyone while I was away and I'm sure Mali would love to have the chance to meet the other kids."

"Mali?" Hades asked, raising an eyebrow as they left the portal room.

Persephone flushed as she realized what she'd said. "Sorry...we visited Eric and Ariel's before we left Auradon and Eric had been calling Malinoë 'Mali' and I guess it just stuck."

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