AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

De unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... Mais

🔞🔞CHAPTER 22 🔞🔞
Announcement ❣️❣️
CHAPTER 54 the


178 12 15
De unilover85

"Just because you had a role with Yibo, it doesn't make you worthy of him. Just take your scrap car and leave this place this instant. !!"

She had not seen the blood on Zhan's pants and when she said that, Zhan had already been holding on his last thread of consciousness before he passed out. After Zhan had passed out, she felt scared, very scared. She had underestimated Zhan's injuries to the scrapes on his hands and she didn't think that wouod be such a big deal, considering that Zhan was a man. Those scrapes meant nothing...right...?


"Mother! Father! Get here immediately or I will not be blamed for what happens!!"

Yibo three hi phone across the room after disconnecting the call. He was pacing back and forth in the living room as if waiting for people who were just a few minutes away from him. His men were not feeling better either, two of then were sitting on the chairs, holding each other's hands with their eyes closed. It's like they were praying for life, while the other was standing u against the wall with his head looking up the bright ceiling lights without any care of being blinded.

In the other room, the doctor was pacing up and down. It was not just any doctor, it was Jake and one of his trusted assistant. Sheets were stained red and metal clanked against metal as surgical equipments were being tossed against the metal tray. The sounds were scary for someone who was waiting for outside, worried about the one inside. The movements inside the room were far more stressed than those outside because of how close Jake felt to the patient.

The patient, Zhan, was laying unconscious on the bed with his clothes ripped apart and only a sheet covering with bloody body. The only part Jake was focused on was his owner part of the body, the part where the Wang heir was being  held and grown. He had not lost a lot of blood and because his pregnancy was still early, dangers were visible of loosing the baby. That's was what Jake was trying to prevent.

Three hours later, Jake opened the door of the operation room and removed the mask covering his face. The gloves covering hands were filed with blood and he had to take them off and tools them in the bin and the surgical gown tossed into the laundry basin before he went to meet Yibo to tell him the news of his beloved. Yibo looked like he wasn't in a hurry to hear the news yet when Jake stood infront of him, but everyone there knew he was scared and that's why he was acting that way.

"Zhan is fine and the baby is fine aswell, what caused the bleeding..I'm not sure since everything looks normal. There are some changes which I need to speak to you privately about. But don't worry about that for now, we can wait till Zhan is well so we can discuss it."

"But...but he was bleeding, you saw how serious and concerning it looked, how can he and the baby be fine after that..?"

" That's why I said we need to wait for Zhan to get well first so we can talk about it further. I will have to keep him here for rest and also for monitoring since it's the first time in my medical career witnessing this. So we'll see what the results say when they come back, hopefully he can be discharged tomorrow."

"Thank you Jake, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't do what you did and of you weren't close by when that happened."

"Don't worry about that, you, Zhan and I are way passed doctor and patient relationship. So obviously there's nothing I can't do to help when you need me to. Besides...thanks to you guys, I experienced and still am experiencing the most unique and most miraculous experiences in my entire life that I'm sure no one had ever witnessed before. No need to thank me"

The smiles exchanged were pleasant before Yibo, Barry and Larry went back to the mansion while Baba stayed behind. He didn't want to leave Zhan there, he liked Zhan so much that he would end blaming himself for not caring enough or not protecting when he should've. He was sitting in Zhan's hospital room, waiting for him to wake up. He didn't even want to go out and have some coffee or juice outside in the hospital's cafeteria, that's how worried he was.

Arriving at the mansion, Yibo went straight to his room and took a shower before coming back down and went to his study. With a cup of coffee in his hand, and the guest sitting opposite him, whose eyes were focused at the long red nails and pale skin with a smile on the face. Yibo didn't say anything but rather focused on the work at hand, he was fuming and wished he could strangle his unwanted guest but he knew he couldn't.

What was stopping him from being violent to her was not because of reasons one could think of, but he didn't want to do that because of Zhan. He knew if he showed how much he felt for Zhan he could end up putting him in danger. Those who envied such a small boy making a name for himself and archiving goals in which they couldn't at his age or  their age wouldn't leave Zhan out if they wanted to turn to him. It was fortunate that Yibo knew how many people were against him and even their names and types of businesses they were in.

So...he was always prepared before he led Zhan into his world, and now that Zhan had become part of his life, he knew the dangers that would befall Zhan if he was to act recklessly. His actions at the moment we're as if Zhan was just another co-worker and nothing more. His anger and worries were hidden behind the wall of his cold and "I don't care" looks that even the guest...or shall I say the unwanted guest wasn't at all worried about her mistake.

Two hours later, maids came in and brought a tray of tea and cookies/biscuits for their boss and his guest and informed them that dinner was almost ready. Yibo was trying to be patient enough but it seemed as if the unwanted guest was exceeding her limits due to Yibo's calmness. While Yibo was busy typing away and doing his work in the study, she was silently making her way into Yibo's patience in a way that made Yibo feel disgusted. Without Yibo responding and touching Yibo's hand flirtatiously and tapping her long nails on the table, she thought he liked it too.

She had been incredibly silent while Yibo was working, seizing Yibo up while her eyes went from Yibo's eyes and down to his abs. She knew her limits when it came to work, whoever taught her not disturb people when working had done a great job cause she didn't even say a word while Yibo was working. He was waiting for her to say something so he could use it as an excuse to chse her out of his study, but she didn't force her way into Yibo.

She was patient enough to wait for him to finish freshening up and finish his work so they could talk. Since Yibo came back after he was called by Baba that Zhan had collapsed and that there was a woman causing a scene in the mansion, they hadn't had a chat since Yibo went straight to the hospital from work and he saw his rude guest when he came back from the hospital. Even though he had seen her while she was ordering the maids up and down, Yibo didn't say a word and just went straight upstairs to take a shower.

When Yibo finished working, he stood up and went  out of his study. She followed close behind and even say close to him on the dining table. The maids brought food and while everyone's spirit was down because they were stressed about Zhan, she was the one who seemed livelier than everyone in the mansion. The three bodyguards sat down as the maids finished bringing food to the dining table. Their "Guest" was sitting rather very close to Yibo, too close for their comfort, but what could they do about it, it wasn't their place to say anything. They just kept on looking at Yibo who was concentrating on the food infront of him.

When they were about to dish the food into their plated, a female voice sounded around the table. It was rather....rude if I may say as it spoke about the everyday routine in the mansion as if it was a taboo for her. Everyone around the table froze and looked at her as she spewed her vile words except for Yibo who was still dishing his plate without sparing a glance at her, not even once since he first saw her a few hours ago when they came back from the hospital. She scoffed and said....

"Hey you!! Who told you to bring more plates..? Why did you bring these plates here..? To what extent do servants and master's sit together or even have meals together...?  I don't know which fool told you it's Kay to do this but I will set things straight. It's enough that Yibo gave you a place to stay and food to eat, don't you think you're taking  advantage of his kindness now.? Because he's rich and famous so you old wretched fools want to steal everything from him..? Well.not nymore cause I here now and  I'm going to make sure you know your place.! Now stand up and leave this room..!!"

Before anyone could think, Baba, who had been begged to come back home  and freshen up  by Larry when he went back to check on both him and Zhan, stood up from the table. He stood up with the chopsticks clenched in his hand, a little bit more force and snap! that's how pissed off he was. He looked at his boss, picking food with his chopsticks, putting it into mouth before slowly chewing and swallowing like he had no care in the world. Yibo was rather...calm about the whole thing and that made Baba more pissed than the words the guest had said to them.

To stop Baba from saying or doing anything that might make the situation more unpleasant, Barry and Larry quickly stood up and held Baba's by the hands and led him out of the room. Just when Baba was about to speak, Larry covered his mouth with his hand and dragged him outside. Baba felt cornered, he felt like he was the one doing something wrong to everyone. Outside, both Barry and Larry had to sit Baba down to calm him down, he still didn't want to hear it and fought with them trying to get back inside.

"Baba, stop this nonsense this instant god dammit!!"

"Why..? Why should I stop when it's clear that you're were being taken advantage of and tossed aside because your boss found a new girlfriend...huh..? that bitch said a lot of hurtful and disrespectful things and you just let her. Why are you even still sticking with Yibo after all the things he had done ...? He doest even appreciate us and those that love him, so why are we still protecting his sorry ass when he can clearly replace us like he did with Zhan.? How stupid are –"

"STOP IT!! I SAID STOP IT!! how can you say that about boss?  You know...I have been keeping quite all this time cause I thought that maybe you're just too attached and overly protective of Zhan, but that doesn't stop now does it..? Do you have a problem with Yibo..? Do you want to quit and leave this place ..? Is that it..? Maybe you want to leave but you don't know what to do cause you know I can't leave Yibo. "

"So this is what it is finally comes to a point where you choose Yibo instead of me..? I never thought it could come to can't do this to me Larry... you and I have known each other way before Barry recruited us for this job,so why re you chosing Yibo instead of me..? Why.?"

"Baba...are even listening to yourself..? I didn't know you expected me to choose. Why would you even think of doing that when you clearly know how I felt about you..? Is my love not enough for you to stay by my side..? What.. you want to explore the world again and you're making excuses so we could fight and you won't feel guilty about leaving me right..?"

"What are you talking about Larry...? I never said I was leaving yo–"

"Then why are you forcing me to choose between you and Yibo when you clearly know that we're here  because he needs us..? Don't you understand him? Even little bit..? If you try to think about this whole situation, would the Yibo you know just let someone treat Zhan the way she did..? They almost lost their baby and you know how important that baby is for Yibo mowing how much he loves Zhan, do you think his behaviour right now is normal from the Yibo I just described...? Use your head for Ince and stop blaming him everytime you see a chance to.

He's till young and that's why we're here for him, he doesn't have anyone except for us and Zhan. He has been through a lot and you know very well how hard he tries to become a better person when his mistakes have been honestly explained to him. You did this last time too, you know very well that those two will end up together no matter how much they fight but you always take Yibo's mistakes too personal. You need to stop this Baba, please...I don't want to be forced to choose..."


Baba's question came out in a whisper from the shock of hearing what Larry had just said. Right then and there he knew, he new that if he made Larry to choose between him and Yibo, Larry wouldn't hesitate to choose Yibo without even thinking twice. The pain he felt from hearing the person he loved saying he would choose their boss was too much for him to bear. Babe stood there looking at Baba, trying to figure out every single expression to see how he felt about what he had said. But it didn't mean Larry was regretful cause even when Barry said....

" guys shouldn't talk like that, Larry... you need to apologize to baba, and don't you think what you said was too much..? Just calm dow–"

"It's not too much, he... of all people should understand what tolerance is and what the real thing is, I mean...he has been there and done worse than Yibo...but he's making a boy who needs his guidance look he doesn't deserve the love he gets. If we don't stand by him, whose gonna be there for him when he gets hurt again. Doesn't his misfortune in love  from his past relationships clench your heart..? This is the first person he has ever been with that actually cares and returns the same amount of love he gives.

Zhan has decided to actually give birth to his children though this could risk not only his career...but his life as well. What would people do when they find out that he's pregnant even though he's a man..?"

"Exactly...that's what I'm worried about, but isn't Yibo worried about that..? He's clearly showing off that he has options there than Zhan, can't you see how smug he looks right now...?"

"Baba you need to stop.! You're clearly misunderstanding Yibo's intentions. You don't even want to listen to what  Larry said, and I don't want you two to start fighting again, I'm done with that...please. Look.. do you think Yibo doesnt know what Zhan is risking..? All the things he did when he met Zhan and all the things he does now, do they mean nothing to you..? You know very well how he's like, d you think the Yibo you know would let that brat say those things to us..? Come on must know he has his reasons. "

Baba plopped down on the bench in the garden and sighed heavily, his mind defeated from thinking bad things about Yibo, he lowered his head. Barry and Larry stood there waiting for him to calm down, when he finally did...he completely understood Larry and what he was trying to show him. His mind was clouded by the pain of seeing Zhan laying there, in the hospital, fighting to save the baby that he thought his boss maybe didn't care about that he got too emotional.

It was not Baba's fault either since he was too attached to Zhan that he wanted to share both his pains and sorrows. He was so heartbroken after knowing what Zhan had wet through and he didn't understand it until he was given a mission to get closer to Alex. It was then that he learned all the things that were done to Zhan and he he got to see it with his own eyes the day he rescued him and Larry. He felt an unknown feeling insm his heart as he got into the room and saw Zhan surrounded by so many doctors, and for a man, that could have everlasting effects in hi life just like it did to him. It was then he also decided that no sacrifice is too great as long as he gets to save Zhan.

He had secretly made it his mission to make sure he was happy and well taken care of ever since then. He would inspect Zhan's being made, since it was made separately from others due to his allergies to so many things. He had also hacked his phone and made sure that all then unknown emails, messages and calls gets through him first before he personally transferes then to Zhan. He was second best when it came to computer stuff, the first being Larry, so he had accurate and complete knowledge of those things.

No one knew about that, not even Zhan of Yibo new his much access Baba had on Zhan's phone. But even though he had complete access to Zhan's phone, he had left out contacts that he knew out. This meant that all calls messages and emails from Zhan's parents, there team as well as Yibo's, were left unseen and unread. He didn't want to invade too much of his privacy, whatever that meant. As he sat down, he felt his head hurt from all the things that were going in his mind. He then finally understood it, he understood everything and that made him feel guilty. 

He realised that he had always been quick to judge, not only Yibo, but Larry as well. He saw how he had always been the one to expect more from others and gotten upset if things were fine different to what he had in mind. He realised all his mistakes even before he met Larry, he had always felt like he was not being taken seriously. He realised how everyone had always gone out of their way to accomodate him, Alex included who he had walked into his life as a new boyfriend.

When Alex wanted what he should get as his boyfriend, he had Larry in his mind and he couldn't perform the duties he had been missioned for properly until Zhan changed his mind while laying helplessly in that cold room. How Alex had been patient with him all the time and not trying to push him to have sex with him. He saw himself selfish because he then understood that there was no way Yibo would let Zhan suffer the way he did in the hands of some girl they just met.

It didn't matter if Yibo knew her from before. He just knew that when it came to Zhan, Yibo doesnt compromise. With all that awakening coming to him at that time, he felt scared of Yibo. Not that he was scared that Yibo would do something to him, even though he knew he was capable...thanks to Zhan who came into his life that he changed his ways of punishment. He was scared for the girl sitting with him at the dining table, having his dinner like his love of his life isn't laying in the hospital because of the one next to him.

How can he be so calm after what had happened during the day and even a few minutes ago when he told off his people. He actually bece scared for the girl that they might be woken up at night to go dispose of her body after Yibo cut off her body, piece by piece. Well...he smiled thinking how glad he would feel if that were to happen that he didn't realise he was actually smiling like a maniac. When he finally realised his surroundings, both Barry and Larry were gone from his sight.

He stood up and went to their house only to find them watching the video where the girl had intentionally provoked Zhan. The whole things was captured on camera and each of the three bodyguards felt their stomachs churn from watching it. After a few minutes of watching, Baba who was emotional from watching, bowed ninety degrees and apologized for his actions.

"Barry gē, Larry..I'm sorry for always doing whatever I want and for action recklessly all this time. I just realised how you were always there for me when I didn't think you cared. Thank you for always sticking by me and for showing me the way patiently. From now on, I will try to be a better bodyguards for both boss and Zhan, a better dìdì for you get , as well as a better lover for you bǎo bèi."

Those words were enough for Barry and Larry when they stood up and hugged Baba. It was true that he had made a  lot of mistakes, but he was still young and still learning. Barry was not upset at him cause he knew that especially Baba, just like Yibo, relied on him. He sometimes wondered if Baba was hit headed with Yibo because he wanted the attention given to Yibo to be split for him as well. But Barry knew he could only reach a certain level with Baba because he already had Larry to take care of him and give him all the love he needed. He had realised too late that Baba was so greedy for attention and wanted the same amount of live given to Yibo to be given to him as well.

It was bed time and when Yibo had finished his dinner, silently, he went to finish his work in the study before going upstairs to rest. He walked up the stairs with each step heavier than the last, dragging himself up when he had no will to do so. He wanted so bad to just take the car keys and go drive around town without knowing where he was going. He looked at the time on his phone and it was such minutes after ten. He opened the door and didn't switch on the lights which were off for some reason.

He didn't care to think what the reason could be, he just thought that maybe the timer in which was responsible for switching on the light when it gets dark was broken. He was tired from work and he was tired mentally, he calculated the time and saw that his parents would be arriving before he came back from work the following day. It wasn't what he wanted but, be couldn't skip work no matter what, he didn't want to skip work and go see Zhan.

He reached the bed and opened the bed sheets and laid on the bed with his back in the mattress. He was so tired that he closed his eyes too a deep breath, trying to welcome sleep as he needed it. He put his phone on the charger and finally looked at the time. It was like time was mocking him cause the clock had moved for only five minutes from the time he previously saw.  Retreating his hand back from the night stand, he felt something on his chest, it was warm, very warm.

He closed his eyes for a bit and his mind took him back to the person who had always slept beside him. His breath hitched as he started thinking about Zhan, touching him the way the hand was, that was until the hand did something Zhan would never do, no matter how needy he was...and that was to reach below, way...way....lower than he usually did. With his eyes widened by shock, Yibo quickly caught the hand and he realised that the hand had long nails, he then started to concentrate on the smell next to him.

The scent was new to him, Zhan has never smelled so feminine before. The smell was too strong that he felt as if he was going to vomit. It was a shame that his guest had sprayed on some perfume after freshening up and wore very sexy night gown. After all that, he went and waited for Yibo in his room, I side the sheets where Yibo always slept with Zhan. Upon realising what a terrible mistake he was about to do, all because he was too emotional and missed Zhan so much.

He quickly sat up from the bed and switched on the lights and there she was. She was sitting with her legs open for Yibo to see what she was showing him. She had nothing but lace panties on, even they didn't hide anything important since they were see through. But what can be said, it was doing exactly as they were intended to. The oversized Tshirt which she wore as a pyjama was not long but rather too shirt and when the one wearing it was to lift up their legs, everything would be shown to light, or in this case....dark.

She had a mischievous smile on when she saw Yibo looking away from her. She understood that she had finally gotten into him, him looking away meant she had given him a reaction which he was trying so hard to hide from her. She slid closer to Yibo and touched his chest, running his long nails down from his tight chest. She went from his chest and all the way down his abdomen where she would've gotten to. Yes...she was reaching for Yibo's junior, and just an inch away from Yibo's junior, Yibo quickly grabbed her hand again, tighter this time that she hissed a little. The. She started complaining.

"Wang Yibo...are you human..? How can you even turn me down..? You know how many guys would live to have me..? Huh..? But I kept myself for you all these years. Now you're acting like this, look, I'm a woman, I also have needs and if you can't give me what I need who do you expect to do it for you..?"

"Laura..go sleep in the guest room, you can pick one and sleep. I'm tired today and I have an early photoshoot too, I don't wanna look like a mule tomorrow at the shoot. So..please leave."

"Wang Yibo...! How can you say that..? I can see by your reaction that you need me. Well...I need you too."

"Laura...I think you misunderstood me, you should go sleep in another room right now please. I wasn't asking you , I was telling you to do so."

"Wang can your treat me like this..? I have Ben waiting all these years and this is how you treat me..? Wow...I can't wait to hear what mom and aunty will say about this. (Scoff)"

"I don't care what they say or think, lase leave my room.!"

"Are you chasing me out..? And what if I don't want to leave here..?  What will you do if I chose to sleep here and take what's rightfully mi–"

"Laura..!! Don't force me to say and do things that are not right for someone as fragile as you.!"

"Who told you I'm fragile..? have not said a word to me since you walked in this afternoon. Yiu just started talking to me right now and I understood that you had to work and that is why I didn't want to disturb you. But now that you're done working, and you treat me like this...what's your excuse..?"

"Do I need an excuse to refuse you..? I said I'm tired and need sleep. What part in that sentence dot you understand..?"

"Do you know how many guys would die to have me in their beds.? But I have been keeping myself for you all these years, how can you act like this.?

Yibo sighed and looked away, he didn't have enough energy to keep arguing with her. He was seriously exhausted, both mentally and physically. Not getting the kind go reaction she needed, Laura roughly opened the sheets and got off the bed. She stumped her feet on the floor as she walked out of Yibo's bedroom. Leaving Yibo to lay back down and sleep, within a couple of minutes, he was light snoring as the night counted him in for another good rest before the start of a very busy day tomorrow.

The next morning, Yibo woke up very early and too a shower, getting ready for the photoshoot at nine am. He had woken up earlier as he had things he wanted to do, or rather somewhere he wanted to do. An hour later, he was opening the door and went inside. He opened it very slowly lie he was waiting to be surprised, by a beautiful smile or arms help out for a hug, like how it was previously, just a a day ago. To his disappointment, he found his beloved still sleeping, without knowing if he had woken up since yesterday when he left and just sleeping or not.

His heart ached even more as he sat down and held Zhan's hand in his, kissed it and placed his other hand ontoo of it and said....

"Zhan gē, how can you be laying here like this when you should be awake, rushing around and  giving me a headache. You should get better soon cause there someone I would like you to meet. I didn't tell you about that person sooner because I didn't know how to explain it, or I guess I didn't think it was important before, but's very important that you meet."

Yibo was still lost in his thoughts when his alarm rang. He had a busy day scheduled and he also had to come back later and meet his parents. He felt completely drained when he stood up and kissed Zhan's forehead before saying goodbye and left. Right when he closed the door and left, Zhan opened his eyes. He had been listening to Yibo all this time and the reason why he didn't want him to know that he was awake was that he was scared, thinking that he had already lost the baby. He didn't dare make a sound, even though his heart was  the loudest.

He put his hand on his stomach and a tear fell down, he had seriously thought he had a miscarriage, again. He had promised himself to not let anything happen and to take better care of himself for the baby, but things turned upside down. He turned the other way, his back facing the door and he cried, he was holding his stomach and his cried so hard and so silently that he felt like he couldn't breath. He was not ready see Yibo's face after loosing yet another one of his children, he felt like Yibo wouldn't believe that it was just an accident that it happened. That he would still be hurt and disappointed no matter what reasons he gave. It was his last shot, his last chance to make it up to Yibo and show him how much he appreciates him, but even that ruined.

Later in the afternoon, Yibo came back from work. He had gone straight to the hospital to see Zhan  before heading home to the stressful environment. To his surprise , Zhan wasn't there, the nurse had told him that Zhan was discharged and was taken home by Jake. Yibo panicked, he knew what was waiting at home and Zhan being there at that time without him being there was not a very good thing.  He raced home and rushed inside  where everyone was having tea, the atmosphere was rather stiff and suffocating. He took slow unrushed steps towards the living room table, he threw his backpack down and the whole time, his eyes were on Zhan.

Trying to catch even a slight reaction, a friend would also be better, so he could know what had happened before his arrival. He became nervous for unknown reasons and his eyes refused to look anywhere else but where Zhan was. It felt like forever, Yibo still looking at Zhan and was awakened by a throat clear, and where it came from, Yibo didn't know but he was thankful it brought him back to the reality he wanted to face,one step at time. It's not like he didn't want what was happening to happen, he did, very much, but the problem was timing. Now how was he going to face the whole thing when things were the way they were at the moment.?

Hi guys, sorry for the delay and thank you for wanting for the update up until this point. I cannot tell you how stressful it had been not being able to update when I wanted to. I just hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise to give another one sooner to make up for lost time .

I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if it is boring I will improve myself in the future. Let me know what you think in the comments.❤️🤗😘🥰

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