Learning to Love

By Amanda904040

213K 6.4K 544

My name is Rose, at least that's what I've always been called in school, at least for the last two years that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 59

1.2K 55 8
By Amanda904040

Mommy opened a big door, and a little bell went off. "Hi, Welcome to Hair Roses's, how are you doing Mrs. King? And who is this little cutie with you?" "Hi Greg, doing good, here to get this little one's hair trimmed, Cali can you say Hi?" I buried my face in mommies' shoulder, I don't think I wanted to say hi to anyone right now. Mommy patted my back, "Sorry Greg, she is a little shy." "Oh no problem, I bet I can get her to say hi to me before she leaves today. I'll go let Vanessa know you are here." "Thanks Greg!" I felt Mommy sit down and she started adjusting me so that I was sitting on her lap, I looked up at Mommy, "Why we sit here?" "Well, we need to wait until Ms. Vanessa is ready for us, she could be cutting someone else's hair right now, or she could be eating her lunch." I nodded, that made sense, I guess. We only had to sit for like five whole minutes before someone came rushing from the back of the place, "Oh Mrs. King, How are you today, I'm so glad I was able to get you in last minute darling!"

I turned into mommy; this lady was loud! She must have noticed me though, "And who is this cutie?! Was this the reason why you called last minute?" Mommy laughed, "Hi Vanessa, this is Cali, yes this the reason why I called last minute, Cali desperately needs her hair trimmed." "Oh, no problem at all, we will get this cutie all dolled up! Come, come, let's get started." Mommy stood up and adjusted me back onto her hip, I clutched cotton candy and buried my face back into mommies' shoulder. She started walking and before I knew I was being sat down, I let out a little whimper and looked up at mommy, she smiled at me, "Your okay sweetie, look I'm going to stand right next to you the whole time, okay?" My bottom lip started to tremble, and I felt tears gather in my eyes. "Shhh, it's okay, look do you want to watch Ms. Vanessa? She is going to spray some water on your hair and then cut just the ends to make your hair healthier so it can grow!" I looked in the mirror and saw Ms. Vanessa coming back with what looked like a spray bottle and a comb, I looked at mommy and then back to the mirror. "Alright, look at this cool cape you get to wear, sweetie?" Something was thrown over my head and started falling right on top of me, my eyes got really big and I flinched, I was getting ready to really freak out, when I noticed that I could still see, Ms. Vanessa had paused and was just holding the cape, and mommy was looking at me with wide eyes, "I'm sorry I should have warned you sweetie, you're okay though, Mrs. Vanessa is going to put this really cool princess cape on you so that your pretty dress is protected from the water of the spray bottle, and cotton candy won't get wet either." oh that made me feel better, okay then I could handle that I guess, I relaxed and nodded, I squeezed cotton candy really close to me and shut my eyes while Ms. Vanessa snapped the cape into place, it was a pretty pink with a crown on it, so I guess it was pretty nice. "Alright little lady, thank you for letting me put a cape on you, so I'm going to spray your hair with this spray bottle, it only has water in it, then I'm going to trim your hair with these scissors, just enough to get the split ends gone, Are you okay with that?" I nodded a little bit, but I looked over at mommy just to make sure she was still there as well.

Once my hair was cut, I will not confirm or deny that I may or may not have whimpered when she pulled out the scissors and made the first cut, the princess cape was taken off and Mommy picked me up, "Thank you so much, her hair looks so much better." "No problem, honey, I can't wait to cut her hair again, she has lovely hair, must take after you hun!" Mommy smiled and rubbed my back, then started walking towards the front, she stopped right at the counter and Greg gave me a big smile, I gave a shy smile back and waved. Greg literally beamed, "Hi cutie, you were so good getting your hair cut, I have a special surprise for you, you can pick a sticker and a lollipop out!" He showed me a basket of lollipops and a basket that had stickers in it, I smiled really really big and looked up at mommy, she nodded, and I picked out a strawberry lollipop and a sticker of a rainbow cat! I looked up at Greg, "Thank you" I said quietly, all the new things today were overwhelming me. "Awww, I got a thank you! You are so welcome cutie, you come back soon, okay?" I nodded and looked up at Mommy, she smiled at me, "Thank you Greg, we will be back soon" Mommy turned and walked out the door and settled me in my car seat, I was clutching cotton candy in one hand and my lollipop and sticker in the other, I had such a fun day out with mommy, I wonder what else we were going to do, I've run out of mama's, and daddies, and papas, and mommies now.

Hi everyone! thanks for your patience and understanding while I was off for awhile, I have big news! My little sister is now married!!!!!!   :)  we had a lot of family and friends come spend time with us over the last two weeks, but wedding is over with, and a great time was had by all! 

I hope everyone is doing okay! 

I want to say thank you so much to all my readers, this story has been viewed over 100K times! thank you so much you all! I had no idea when I started writing that anyone would want to read my story and I am so honored that you chose my story!

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