Zodiac Street

By lunarella-

214K 4.6K 28.4K

Surely, you heard of those many zodiac stories about living in mansions and having countless adventures, have... More

1|| The New Neighbours
2|| A party to remember
3|| New Years
4|| Where are the Lights?
5|| School
6|| Kids these days
7|| The Shipping Squad (.....RUN)
8|| Aika's Birthday
9|| Slumber Parties and Crashers
10|| Shopping!!!!! (*sigh* WHY.)
11|| On the way!
12|| Truths unfold
13|| Love U?
14|| Broken Hearts
15|| Giselle needs a job....like seriously
16|| Dinner Party
17|| House 1 Vs Dogs
18|| A (random) texting chapter
19|| Grocery races
20|| A Cliché school day
21|| Something suspicious is going on with the Fire and Earth signs.... (Pt 1)
22|| Something suspicious is going on with the Fire and Earth signs (Pt 2)
23|| Something suspicious is going on with the fire and earth signs (Pt 3)
24|| Blind date
25|| Zodiacs, a zoo and not to mention Sienna's cat children
26|| Hot pink aprons (cause yes)
27|| "Can't Sleep"
28|| Nature Vacay (NV) #1: From street to woods
29|| Nature Vacay #2: Sabrina's diary
30|| Nature Vacay #3: Unicorns are normal
31|| Nature Vacay #4: "Lionesses don't have manes"
32|| Nature Vacay #5: From woods back home
33|| When the Earth Signs are away (Part 1)
34|| When the Earth Signs are away (Part 2)
35|| The author didn't know what to name this chapter.
36|| Is he lying?
37|| The Crazy Club
38|| Trampolines
39|| Uh oh (Part 1)
40|| Uh oh (Part 2)
41|| Girls Day Out (+ everyone loves to ruin text messages)
42|| Boys Day Out (+ Leo's mini him)
43|| Can you paint with emotions? Yes.
44|| And the author didn't know what to name this chapter (GOOD JOB AUTHOR)
45|| Hot day
46|| NOT AGAIN! (Part 1)
47|| NOT AGAIN! (Part 2)
48|| Countryside Holiday #1: WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP-
49|| Countryside Holiday #2: Chores
50|| Countryside Holiday #3: Q+A!!! (Part 1)
51|| Countryside Holiday #3: Q+A (Part 2)
52|| Countryside Holiday #4: Pretty princesses
53|| Countryside Holiday #5: On the way home!
54|| Another chaotic situation, what can you expect? (Part 1)
55|| Another chaotic situation, what can you expect? (Part 2)
56|| Another chaotic situation, what can you expect?(Part 3)
57|| Spooky time! [ZS Halloween Special]
58|| Vincent and Vivian's idea
59|| The Water Round
60|| Oh god, again??? (Part 1)
61|| Oh god, again??? (Part 2)
62|| Oh god, again? (Part 3)
63|| Ice Skating
64|| Christmas Eve
65|| Fancy restaurant (+ texting)
66|| The Best Vacay Ever #1: Another roadtrip! :D
67|| The Best Vacay Ever #2: The Beachhouse
68|| The Best Vacay Ever #3: Confession
69|| The Best Vacay Ever #4: WHY SO MANY WHITEBOARDS??
70|| The Best Vacay Ever #5: "OoH sPiCylIcIouS"
71|| The Best Vacay Ever #6: Twists
72|| The Best Vacay Ever #7: Tahlia's advice
73|| Another chapter, what else? (Part 1)
74|| Another chapter, what else? (Part 2)
75|| The Writer
76|| Changes
So, um.. hi
77|| Alastor's break (Interlude chapter)
78|| We meet again
79|| Shapes and Colours
An incorrect quotes chapter because uni is almost here plus you are all the best
Another incorrect quotes chapter
80|| Technical difficulties
81|| No Earth Sign Day
82|| Cinema
83|| Everyone shares one braincell
84|| We love you Vincent!
85|| The author drew a blank on this chapter
86|| Slides Night 1
87|| Slides Night 2
88|| Slides Night 3
89|| Slides Night 4
91|| The price of loyalty
92|| Vivian 2.0
93|| Birthday
94|| Gilbert's request
95|| You are perfect
96|| What an interesting artifact
97|| The Zodiac Street Conduct
98|| Insominac girlfriends
99|| What are they plotting?
100|| Speech! Speech! Speech!

90|| Boring day

347 10 109
By lunarella-

The next morning, Phoebe awoke to the sound of Tyler tapping away on his keyboard. She yawned and groggily sat up on her boyfriend's bed.

She noticed Tyler had paused what he doing and swirled his gaming chair in her direction. He smiled and made his way over, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You're awake. Good morning, my queen."

"Morning Tyler..." Phoebe smiled tiredly. She rubbed her eyes. "How long was I asleep for."

"Well it is nine-twenty right now... and you slept at eleven something. I don't know the time. Uh..." Tyler knitted his brows together. "Ten hours."


"Yeah. You have a healthy sleep schedule. Meanwhile, I could not sleep that well. The sleeping bag was uncomfortable."

"Oh," Phoebe reached forward, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, don't apologise! It's not your fault."

"But it's my sleeping bag..."

"And it's not your fault."

"But-" Before she continued, she felt his soft lips brush against hers. She embraced back before they broke apart, their foreheads touching.

"No buts. You're banned from saying the word 'but' only for today."


"Phoebe..." warned Tyler. He brushed a hand through her long silky hair.

"Ok, sorry! It almost slipped out of my mouth. I'll avoid saying it." Phoebe smiled before she brought him in for another kiss. And another. And another. And another.

"Ahem." Tyler and Phoebe turned to find Cameron at the door. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Nope!" the two called out before Tyler scooted away to the end of his bed.

Cameron raised an eyebrow. "Sure." He turned to Tyler who fixed his hair. "Are ya winning, son?" (oh my go-)

"CAMERON!" Tyler yelled, his face turning pink.

"Sorry, sorry! I had to say it."

"Cameron..." Tyler got up from his spot and stood near the front door. "Why are you here? In my room? Is it something important?"

"Well yeah."



".....Well, what is it?"

"I am here to remind Phoebe and you that your breakfast is ready and is getting cold. It's pikelets. Vincent made them." Cameron crossed his arms. "Also everyone is waiting for you in the sunroom. So you two better hurry up if you don't want your pikelets to run out."

"Got it, thanks Dad." Tyler waved his hand. Cameron took it as a sign and left.

"'Dad'?" Phoebe raised an eyebrow. She hopped out of the bed and gathered her sleeping bag and her backpack.

"Inside joke. It only applies here. I call Cameron 'dad' and I call Vincent 'mother'. I'm their teenage son."

"I thought you were Vivian's kid. It was in the old family tree."

"That is completely inaccurate and needs a redo. A lot has changed after that long."

"That is true..." Phoebe smiled. "Alright, I'm gonna get changed. Can you save a plate of pikelets for me? I don't mind how many. I'll worry about the toppings later."

"Got it. I'll make sure you get some."

"Thanks, Tyler. I love you."

"I love me too." Tyler flipped his brunette curls before he noticed Phoebe's mouth dropped open. "I'm joking, I'm joking. I love you too."

"That's what I wanted to hear." Phoebe stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Alright.." She patted his chest. "I'm going to get ready. I'll meet you downstairs!"

"See you later Phoebe," he smiled and watched her go before he closed the door shut.

-= ⭐️ ⭐️ =-
(Bob decides to spend a day with his best friend, Jay.)

Meanwhile, the rest of the group sat in the sunroom, finishing off their pikelets. The group had their eyes focused on the projector which played a romantic comedy show on the screen. So far, the group is on the third episode of the second season.

Gilbert frowned when the credits played. "I don't get this show. Why is it so hyped up?"

"It's because of the love triangle, Gilberta." Lizzy, who suggested the show, sighed. "People watch this show to pick between Team Jacob or Team Harry."

"It's so stupid though!" Gilbert sat up straighter and gestured to the screen. "What's the point of having a show with a stupid love triangle? Love triangles are a stupid trope!"

"Gilbert, you and Giselle were in a love triangle too." Sabrina rolled her eyes. "With me."

"Yeah, but I ended up winning. Giselle has Arlen now."

"Who also was in a love triangle with Levin and Lily. But theirs was much worse." Sienna pointed out. "Also just realised. All three House three members have some connection to a love triangle."

"Can we get back on the topic?" Gilbert waved a hand. "In the end love triangles are stupid. They just put people against each other."

"For drama," Lizzy stated. "It'll get the audiences watching and talking."

"For a show. Not for real life." Gilbert shook his head. "Would be better if everyone could be in a relationship together. It'll work wonders."

"You..." Skyler popped an eyebrow upwards. "You do realise that for that to work, all the people involved must consent to it, right?"

"Of course, I know that! Duh! But either way, love triangles are horrible." Gilbert raised his voice, matter of factly. "It would be better if everyone dates each other or the one involved pulls a reverse card or something. Love triangles are the worst romance trope I have ever laid my eyes on."

"Gilbert, love triangles are nothing compared to several others. There are worse tropes than that. Ones that I cannot name because it is horrible." Vincent shivered at the thought.

"I know exactly what you are talking about and I hate those too. Oh look there's Tyler and Phoebe. Hey, you two!"

"Hey!" Tyler and Phoebe entered the sunroom holding their paper plates with a small stack of pikelets. Tyler's stack had butter and golden syrup that oozed down from top to bottom. Phoebe's plate also had golden syrup but hers was accompanied by raspberries and blueberries. The two took their spots behind the couch.

"Hey Tyler and Phoebe, how was your time together?" Alyssa smirked. "Heard that you two slept in the same room."

Vivian ended up smacking her paperback book on her best friend's forehead. "Don't ask questions like that!"

"Ow! OK, I'll stop asking those questions."

"Wait what?" Pete turned to the couple. "Aren't you together for five or six months?"

"Five or six?" Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. They got together on Christmas and it's May now. But either way isn't that rushing things?"

Alex scrunched their nose. "You are all so weird. How are you talking about this conversation so casually??"

"Because it's not surprising, Alex. This group is judgemental, rude and weird." Sam answered.

"I would say somewhat rude." Giselle commented.

"Yeah but mostly judgemental and weird."

"Guys." Tyler groaned. "I slept in her sleeping bag. She slept on my bed. That's all!"

"But I saw you both k-"

"Cameron shut up. You are not helping."

Lizzy groaned. "Can you all please zip it with that conversation? I am trying to listen to this show!"

Phoebe gasped. "I love this show!" she exclaimed. "I already watched all of seasons one, two and three! Now I'm on season four."

"Who are you rooting for, Phoebe? Harry or Jacob?" Giselle turned to her friend. Phoebe had rolled her eyes

"Harry. He has known Sara longer."

"I am on Team Harry too!"

"Harry fans unite!" Then Phoebe and Giselle high-fived.

"Jacob is better. He is good-looking and plays the saxophone!" Lizzy interrupted the moment. "Plus it is enemies to lovers! How can you say no to that?"

"Yeah, but Harry is kinder and he works at an animal shelter." Giselle twirled a strand of her dark hair.

"Yeah, but he drags the show too much. Jacob is perfect."

"Jacob's not that great either!"

"That's the problem with these shows," Gilbert whispered to Sabrina and Skyler next to him. "There will always be arguments."

"Either way!" Lizzy waved her hand out. "Can we all just shut up? Need to listen to the show."

Then everyone went silent. All is peaceful.

Until Colin spoke. "I like apples." Everyone else but Lizzy slowly turned to him.

"Me too bro, me too." Skyler nodded. Lizzy sighed and paused the show.

"At this rate, I may as well watch this at home."

"Good. Cause I am not pleased at this show." Gilbert nodded. "Anyways, I'm bored. Does anyone have any ideas?"

Alyssa joked, "We could commit a cri-"

"No one's gonna commit a crime, Alyssa." Vivian looked up from the book she was reading.

"Why not? I wasn't serious about the idea. Also, what on earth are you reading?"

Vivian refused to look up from the page she was reading. "A book."

"I know that genius, but what's it about?"

"A heist. Now shut up, I'm trying to focus on my book."

"So you are fine with reading heist books bu not-"

"Because its unlawful! Plus reading about them is interesting! Books are magical for this reason. Now shut up I am reading."

"Enough on the book!" Gilbert interrupted. "Does anyone at least have an idea of what to do?"

"Nope." the rest of the group shook their head.

"I mean there is cleaning up the sunroom..." Vincent suggested.

"Be honest Vincent. No one wants to do that. Who would want to do that?" Cleo asked.

Tahlia, Carol, Vincent, Skyler and Aika slowly raised their hands.

"Of course," Sienna muttered.

"It's a nice thing to do! Plus you can make a game out of it. Such as making planes out of paper plates. Like....this!" Carol folded her empty paper plate into a makeshift plane. "And try to throw it in the bin. Which we don't have around here. But we can throw it like this." She threw the plate plane and it plummeted to the hardwood floor. Carol picked up her plane. "Uh."

"So today's gonna be one of those days, right?!" Alyssa threw her hands out. "A boring day."

"A boring day is much needed anyway." Everyone turned to Lily who pondered aloud. "We have spent last week and yesterday with slides night, so a calm day of doing nothing would balance it out."

"But Lillian, that's not fun."

"I know but we can relax at our pace."

"Still not fun. But I get your point." Alyssa folded her paper plate and fanned herself with it. "So what do we do now?"

"Well, you have two options." Cameron stood in front of the projector screen. He held one of his hands out. "One. You can stay back and help us clean. Or two," he held up the other hand, "head back home. The slides night slumber party is over, after all."

"Think a lot of us would pick the second option." Arlen folded his plate. Gilbert noticed this and smirked.

"Geez wolf boy. Don't show your antics to a paper plate."

Arlen snarled..... like a wolf. Hah haha ha.

Sorry. Back to the chapter.

"Can you quit calling me a wolf, Gilberta?" Arlen whipped his head to his housemate. "It's getting annoying."

"I will only stop if you admit to everyone here that you are a wolf. An alpha wolf, on top of that. Say it, Arlen."

"I WILL NEVER CALL MYSELF THAT." Arlen raised his voice, annoyed.

"You know Arlen, the more you yell, the more I see you as a wolf. An alpha one that is. An alpha wolf who is a massive si-"

"GILBERT-." Arlen sighed and turned to Levin, Skyler and Giselle who were near each other. "Levin, Sky, Ellie. Please tell him off."

"Wait, why is Skyler involved in this?" Alex wanted to know.

"We go to the gym together. Plus I consider Arlen to be my best friend." Skyler explained. He turned to Arlen. "Sorry Arlen, but all the evidence is against you."

"And you have been proving it more and more," Levin added.

"Plus the name 'wolf boy' is cute." Giselle finished.

"It's only cute when you say it. Because I allowed you to." Arlen pointed out. His housemate, Gilbert, gasped.


"Says you! You stated that only Sabrina can call you Gilberta and now look."

"Yeah, 'cause I embraced the name. If I can love the name 'Gilberta' then you can surely embrace your name 'wolf boy'."

"You're being a hypocrite, Gilbe-"

"OKAY!" Vincent yelled out to ease the tension arising. "Slumber Party is over! Thank you everyone for coming but now we have to clean up."

-= ⭐⭐=-
(Bob and Jay decide to go skating at the skatepark)

After everyone else had left the party (including Cameron who decided to spend time with his friends and Tyler who isolated himself in his room), Vincent, Tahlia, Skyler, Aika and Carol stayed back to clean up the sunroom.

Well, that was partially a lie. Tahlia, Vincent, Aika and Skyler focused on cleaning the sunroom. Carol helped earlier with moving the furniture before she sat on the couch, her eyes glued to the phone. She had something going on in her mind.

Lila's text.

It kept Carol thinking throughout the rest of the Slides Night as she and her friends finished presenting the final batch. It kept Carol thinking throughout dinner as her friends (except Lizzy) laughed and chattered away as they enjoyed their dinner. It kept Carol thinking as she slept.

And it kept Carol thinking as she sat on the red couch, her eyes looking through the messages. She remained on the couch as she listened to Skyler and Tahlia picking up rubbish from the ground, Vincent removing the fairy lights and Aika vacuuming the entire place spotless.

Carol heard the vacuum machine stop. She heard Aika's voice afterwards. "Carol, you've been focusing on your phone all this time." Carol looked up and noticed her friend looking down, her eyebrows furrowed. "What's up? Is something the matter?"

Carol shook her head. She wondered if it would be best if she told her friend what happened or to simply hide it. She was worried that her friend would give her the stink-eye and would avoid her at all costs.

No, she needs to stop overthinking it. Aika would find out one way or another. She always does. She does have the reputation of acting as an unofficial leader, always checking in and understanding all sides. Carol wondered why Aika is not the official leader.

Her friend took a seat next to her. "You sure?" she asked softly, "You look like something is on your mind. You can tell me."

Carol sighed. It appeared that she would have to tell her, one way or another. "Promise you won't judge? Something came up."

"Carol, I'm not going to judge you." her friend smiled warmly, "What's up?"

Carol passed her phone to her friend. "Read yesterday's message."

Her friend raised an eyebrow and received the phone. Carol watched as her friend scanned through the texts, her brows knitted together as she focused on the text in front of her. Then she raised her eyebrows, her eyes wide.

"That's strange..." Aika passed her phone back. "Who is it from?"


"Lila?" Aika repeated. Her brows knitted together in a frown. "As in, Lila from school? The one everyone doesn't like?"

"Yes. That's her texts."

"Why does she have your number?" Aika tilted her head to the side.

"You remember that last trip we went right?"

"How could I forget? What about it?"

"Well, Lila texted me inviting us over. Joel gave her the number. They dated before pretty sure. You can scroll up to read her message."

"Mhm..." Aika scrolled up to read the first message before she scrolled down to the most recent one. "That's... odd."

"Right? I'm trying to figure out what is going on." Carol hugged her knees. "Which leads to the question. If you got a text like that, what would you do?"

"I would think about it. But that's not helpful for you." Aika fixed her low double buns.

"Yeah, that's not helpful."

"Another option would be to ask the others. Maybe ask Sabrina or Phoebe. Or Skyler, maybe they would know."

"I heard my name, what's up?" The two girls turned to find Skyler behind the couch.

Carol passed her phone to him. "Can you read through this text and tell me if it's weird or not? It's from Lila."

"Lila?" Skyler received the phone. He scanned through the text before his eyebrows shot up. "Huh. Strange. Why is Lila being nice all of a sudden?" He took a seat next to Carol.

"That's what me and Carol have been wondering as well. It's all a bit weird." Aika frowned. "We're trying to figure out the next step to go from here."

"I got a suggestion." The three turned in their spot and noticed Tahlia had made her way over. Next to her was Vincent. "Apologies, by the way, we both overheard what happened and we wanted to help."

"You're talking about Lila unexpectedly being nice, aren't you?" Vincent questioned.

The three on the couch shared a look. "How did you know?" asked Carol, her eyes wide.

"We heard Skyler." Vincent pointed to the Scorpio. "He was a bit loud."

"Oops." Skyler covered his mouth.

"Well now that everyone has some understanding of what happened, do you have any ideas of what to do next? Me and Aika couldn't think of anything."

"Have you tried texting, Lila? She could want something?" Tahlia leaned forward onto the couch and rested a hand on her cheek.

"But what if she tricks Carol? We never know what her intentions are," said Vincent after thinking. Tahlia raised her eyebrow.

"Or she could want a redemption. I dunno?"

"I got a suggestion. It may not be helpful to  you but I usually move on." Skyler fiddled with his thumbs. "But wanting to know context is good too. It's a tricky topic."

Carol pressed her lips together and hunched forward in her seat. She furrowed her brows. "I think I should ask her what her message is on."

"You do that." Aika nodded after she shared a look with Skyler and Vincent.

Carol tapped out her response and sent it.

(hello, sorry this is carol from school. just want to know about yesterday's message)>

She noticed a thought bubble had appeared.

<(oh i just wanted to wish you good luck thats all)
<(is something wrong with it)

Carol stared at the message before she texted.

(no no! nthing wrong w/ it)>
(just got me off guard since it was different from what you texted for the first message)>

It wasn't long until she got a message back

<(i see)
<(to be honest i wanted to text you)
<(what i did in tbe past kept haunting me and i wanted to talk to everyone after what happened)

Carol blinked. She showed the message to her friends.

"What does she mean by that?" Vincent muttered.

Carol shrugged and texted her response.

(sorry wdym by that?)>

Her eyes widened at the next message.

<(i want to apologise)

-= ⭐⭐ =-
(Jay and Bob have a break and eat chips)

"I'm so excited for Sunday!" Gilbert announced as he skipped down the sidewalk with the crazy club. Well, majority of the crazy club. Sienna didn't want to come.

The group had just dined out at a milkshake spot and were on the lookout for something to do.

"Wait what's happening on Sunday?" Alyssa stopped in her tracks. It wasn't long until the others stopped in their tracks as well.

"Guess." Gilbert leaned forward in his spot and smiled at his friend. He pointed a finger at Sabrina, "Brina, you can't answer."

"Why not?" his girlfriend, who lingered at the back of the group, crossed her arms.

"You may give it away. You know what it is. You have been texting me about it lately." he turned to the others, "Any guesses?"

"It's the weekend?" Colin answered.

"You're right but not the answer I'm looking forward!" Gilbert pointed to the others. "Anyone else?"

"Supermoon?" Pete asked. "It's happening this week."

"Also not related."

"Imagine if it happened on Sunday, though!" Colin gasped.

"That would be a neat coincidence!" Gilbert extended his arms. "Come on y'all. May twenty-second! What happens on that day? Related to me?"

"It's your birthday!" Leo answered.

"Bingo! You know me so well."

"How could I forget?" Leo smiled. He always remembered. Every single year. He considered Gilbert to be his best friend.

'Keep him close. He is a nice boy' Leo's mother would tell him. He kept that promise. Everywhere Gilbert goes, Leo would follow. It was as if they were both tied together by an invisible string.

But lately, it felt like he was invisible to him some of the time. He and Alyssa have been spending more time together. But it's not like it would hurt him, right? The invisible string may be breaking but it won't snap, right?

"Wait isn't Giselle's birthday also coming up?" Cameron asked. "Next week?"

"Yes. Twenty-sixth of May. Next week." Gilbert nodded. "But this isn't about her. This is about me!"

Sabrina made her way over and held his hand. "Is there anything you want to do in particular for your birthday?"

"I was thinking something fun. Maybe bowling. Thought that would be fun!" Gilbert squeezed her hand. "Is there a reason why you asked?"

"No reason." Sabrina shook her head. "Just curious to know." This was a lie. There was a reason why she asked. She let go of his hand and lingered back, immediately fishing out her phone and tapping on it. Gilbert stared before he shrugged. She does that a lot. (why do these two remind me of the golden retriever and black cat dynamic)

"Oh, okay."

"Bowling! It's been a while! And by while I meant one month." Alyssa stepped forward. "I am a professional in bowling. I even won to Vivian who weeped and threw a tantrum."

"I was there. She bet you. And you threw a fit." Cameron crossed his arms. The Aries girl shushed him.

"I won, Cam. I am a professional."

"Yes, yes." Cameron nodded. "You're a striking professional bowler. Do you get it? Striking?"

"Did you use a pun to compliment me?" Alyssa raised a brow. "I mean I'm honoured! But spare the jokes."

"Don't take my job of puns away from me! That's my lane!"

"Guys shut up about the puns." Gilbert rolled his eyes.

Cameron shook his head. "No Gilberta, we are gonna continue. It keeps us out of the gutter."

"Either way!" Gilbert called out. "I see an empty playground right there. No one's around. We should go there!"

"We?" Sabrina looked up from her phone. "Do we have to?"

"Yes! It's worth it Brina." Gilbert held his hand out. "Join us!"

Sabrina smiled contently and held on his hand. "Alright..." She let out a yelp followed by laughter when he ran to the playground with her following behind.

Their five friends watched as the couple made their way to the top of the orange spiral slide and squealed as they slid down to the playground's bark. Cameron turned to the lot, "Do we join them?"

"It doesn't hurt to join them!" Colin answered. Pete, next to him, nodded in agreement.

"Obviously! You gotta enjoy life young while it lasts!" Alyssa cupped her hands and called out. "Hey, lovebirds! Wait for us!" She ran to the playground's zipline with Colin and Pete following after her.

Cameron laughed as he watched his friends run off. He nudged Leo next to him. "You joining them?"

"Nah. I'll sit this one out." Leo shook his head. "You can join them."

His friend looked back. He shrugged. "Okay." He ran to the swingsets to join Gilbert and Sabrina.

Leo's lips pulled into a small smile as he watched his friends laugh and squeal on the playground. They are enjoying themselves, and he is aware of that. He would join them.

But his mind is reminding him to stay.

-= ⭐⭐=-
(Jay uses the moment to come out to Bob as biromantic asexual)

Lily wondered how a person like Levin came to be. For every time she spent time with him, she couldn't help but notice his ethereal beauty. Long silky light blonde hair that cascaded like waterfalls past his shoulders. Warm brown eyes always welcoming her in. Even the vanilla scent that followed him was an admirable feature.

She viewed him as a sweet prince; kind, sensitive, quiet, soft-spoken and observant. She wondered how she managed someone that level got to know her and stayed in a neighbourhood with the most chaos.

And now he is in her kitchen, making brownies. Levin had recommended a recipe online which he had used plenty of times. She trusted him, of course. The brownies he makes always taste good.

"So what's the next step?" Lily looked up after she stirred the melted chocolate along with the sugars, eggs, salt and vanilla essence.

Levin looked down at Lily's laptop, his French braid over his cream sweater. He tapped the keyboard and played through the video. He paused after a while. "Put half a cup of all-purpose flour and a quarter of a cup of cocoa powder in a sifter. And sift them together."

"Ah, where is that sift?" Lily scanned the kitchen island. She turned to the counters, opened one of the bottom cabinets and fished out a flour sifter with a handle and two hooks. "Found it." She kicked the door shut and rested the sifter on the bowl, its hooks connecting to the metal edges.

While his girlfriend searched for the sifter, Levin had prepared the cups of flour and cocoa powder. "I got the cups ready. Just put them on the sifter and sift."

Lily dumped the cups of flour and cocoa powder on the sifter. She picked up the sifter and repeatedly smacked her hand on the edge, combining the two dry ingredients with the rest. "You know, throughout this recipe, I did most of the work."

"That's not true. I melted the chocolate and read through the recipe."

"And I did the rest, Levin. So that doesn't balance out." She felt his arms around her waist, his head on her shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Being an emotional support."

"That ain't part of the recipe!"

"Nooo it's not but, it is part of the recipe of making Lily happy."

"And what's the next step of that?" Lily finished off the sifting.

He traced his thumb over her lips. "We'll have to find out."


"Either way!" Levin looked away, bashful. "You finished sifting! Now we have to fold the ingredients together. I can take over the rest. You go rest."

"But I want to help and learn too!" Lily passed the spatula to Levin. She watched as Levin gently folded the dry ingredients with the rest until combined.

"Then in that case. Can you check what comes after the folding?"

"Uh." Lily checked the video and then paused it. "Pour the brownie batter into a tray and gently shake and tap it until it's smooth. And once that's done we can put it in the oven for thirty minutes on one-hundred and eighty degrees Celsius or three-hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Luckily our oven is preheated."

Levin clicked his tongue. "Gotcha. Thanks Lils." He slid the tray over and carefully poured the batter in before he made sure it was even. Lily, however, stood to the side and watched as Levin opened the oven door, carefully slid the tray in, and closed it shut. She knew the oven was baking due to the glow inside. "Now we wait."

"For thirty minutes." Lily nodded. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Sienna making her way over. She wondered why Sienna decided to stay back instead of joining the crazy club. It left Lily confused. "Hey, Sienna."

"Hey." Sienna breathed out. She took a seat on one of the red stools and turned to Lily. "Woman to woman, I need a girl talk. It's-" Sienna noticed Levin. "Excuse me, what the actual f*** are you doing in my house?"

"Sienna, I invited him over."

"Oh. What for?"

"We were baking some brownies," Levin answered. Sienna looked around.

"I don't see them."

"They're in the oven."

"Oh. Anyways," Sienna turned to her housemate, "I need a girl talk. But seeing as Levin is here."

"I can join!" Levin interrupted, "I get mistaken for a girl anyway."

"But you're not a girl. You know what, whatever. You can join in the conversation."


"So you want to talk..." Lily leaned forward in her spot. "Spill."

"I want some pet cats! Not the online ones but actual cats." Sienna sighed. Her housemate furrowed her brows.

"So you're saying that you wanted pet cats, is that correct?"


"Well Sienna, cats are a huge responsibility."

"That won't affect me."

"And if we do get cats, we need to be careful with them for the sake of Alyssa's bird."

"Sweety," Sienna remembered.

"Yes, Sweety. Also Sienna, how many cats are you looking for?"

"Uh... five?"

Lily's eyes widened. "No! We can't have five cats! What about one cat?"

"That's not enough! How about four?"

"That's too much. Two cats."

"Three? We can each have a cat."

Her housemate sighed. "Two."

"Fine. Two it is." Sienna placed her hands on her hips. "So are we getting the cats?"

"We need to discuss this with Alyssa first. We need to be ready for having two more pets. Also, you need help and guidance on taking care of a cat. I don't want you to lose interest."

"You're talking to one of the two cat lovers here." Sienna flipped her braided ponytail. "I'm sure I can manage taking care of a cat."

Her housemate rolled her eyes and got out her phone.

"So... you two are getting a cat?" Levin leaned forward onto the counter.

"Might. We need to talk to Alyssa about this for further details." Lily noticed a notification. "Oh, Sabrina texted earlier."

"What did she say?"

Lily checked the notification which led to her direct messages with Sabrina. She noticed an invitation to a server named 'The Gemini party plan- pls don't invite the Geminis'.

"It's a server invite," Lily mumbled. "Did any of you get the message?"

Levin and Sienna checked their phones. "Yes."

"Hold on there is another message." Lily noticed the message below the invite:

Hey! Sorry for the invite but I'm planning a surprise birthday on Sunday for Gilbert and Giselle seeing as their birthdays are almost here. Pls join the server to help out the planning. Ty!

"Sabrina is planning a birthday!" Lily blinked. "For the Geminis."

"Hey! She is taking over my job!" Sienna pouted. "When is it?"

"Sunday. This Sunday."

"That's Gilbert's birthday!" Levin pointed out. "The twenty-second of May!"

"Yep, and Sabrina needs our help planning something for Gilbert and Giselle." Lily smiled to herself. "Well, looks like we know what to do for the rest of the week! This would be a fun experience."

-= ⭐⭐ =-
(Bob and Jay hug. Bob is proud of his best friend)

Every time I make a new chapter, I always get anxious about the chapter number. Like this chapter is chapter 90 but it's actually chapter 97, which is honestly crazy. Also scary cause this app has a limit of 200 chapters and I don't know if I can fit everything by the limit.

Also, my head is telling me to publish the new wip (which has a name btw that I can't say) but I am a bit nervous about its fate. Mainly cause I see the wip as a little sibling to Zodiac Street, both being character-driven and are somewhat similar. The only difference is one of the sister books is improved and has a planned-out plot, while the other showcased my journey as a writer and a person- if that made sense.

Either way, the end message is, I want to publish it but I am a bit nervous that it would be overshadowed by their older sibling and would be less enjoyable to read. Mainly cause Zodiac Street was written during my youth. And wip is planned and written in a more mature and observant lens which is similar to my current style in post-interval (seriously if you look at a pre-interval chapter and a post-interval chapter, you can see what I meant).

Now I'm just overthinking it. But that's something to note about me. I overthink too much and I focus less on myself and more on others.

Anyway, I am back on from a quick break. Honestly would recommend it. I was tired during the last chapters but now things are getting better.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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