A New Day (Book 2)

By nothing347

21.1K 758 190

Sequel to Another Day. Read before this, then again you do you. After the Avengers being taken by Hydra, it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Halloween special!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Christams p.t. 1
Christmas specail p.t. 2
Christmas special p.t. 3
Christmas special p.t. 4

Chapter 30

354 12 3
By nothing347

Last time as a memory I promise!!!

Bucky's pov

  Watching Y/n side of taking care of these kids is quite nice to see. I haven't really wanted to watch after what happened with Y/n and Peter. Mostly because after that it was just the Red Soldier, and the Winter Soldier. Things I know that the both of us wanted to forget. Once Morgan was down Peter and Y/n started talking. "Y/n? Can I ask you a question?" Peter asks. "Just one," She responds. Tony leans forward in his chair. "How did you find out about this place?" He asks. "This was my fathers hunting cabin. Then once they died, and after I was done missions. I would spend a night here. Hydra never knew about this place. Every time I was out I would restock on food and clean it," she responds. "What's a Hat?" Peter asks. "I beg your pardon?" Peter stands up and walks over to me.

He points to the stone where it says HaT. "Ohhh, it's Nat," She tell him. I forgot about that. When I took her here we would play tic tac toe. Then she made me get a deck of cards." "Wait, like Natasha?" He asks, confused. "Yes, but I knew her as Natalia. She was моја мала плесаче," She tell him. "Meaning?" "My little dancer." "And what did you say to Morgan earlier?" He asks. "My little rose." We all sit/stand with our mouths gaped open. "How did she know you?!" Tony asks confused. "She taught me. We skipped over that part, but she taught me everything I know," Natasha responds. Eventually she makes Peter go to bed and she stays up, guarding the door.

  Come morning, Y/n goes hunting and once she comes back the kids are standing at the door, waiting for her. They both run up to her and hug her. They seemed to be in some sort of fight, but because of how drained Wanda is she kinda skips over it. "Wait what happened?" Tony asks. "We didn't like the fact that she just left us so I made that very clear," Peter says. Tony sighs, Y/n is splitting wood when Peter yells from inside.

  "The Wakandan's! They were expecting you right? So what if we contact them and they can help us out!" Peter says in excitement. "How would we contact them?" Y/n ask him. "Is there a town nearby?" "Yes but its about a fifteen mile hike. What time is it?" She asks. "8:30," he says looking at his watch. "Ok, I'll leave. I need you to watch over Morgan while I'm gone. Once the meat is done, put out the fire and hide yourselves. I know you want to come but I need you to save your strength for tomorrow." "Ok." Y/n goes outside and brings in the firewood and bury's the in the snow. Y/n then goes inside and tells the kids to bored up the house once she's gone. Once she leaves, she's hiking literally the entire day. She stops by the town but doesn't find anything that can help her.

  "Where is she going now?" Steve asks. Then it hits me. "There's a red room base not to far, that must be where she's headed," I answer. She ends up getting there and grabs an old looking computer. She grabs a bag a puts it in and makes her way back to the cabin. Once she get's back they end up getting into the computer. While Peter's typing, Y/n ends up falling asleep. And that's hen Y/n ended up seeing me. She ends up waking up and hitting her head. They go on a meeting with the King. Once their done Y/n forces the kids to take a nap.

  While their sleeping Y/n cleans the place up and eventually they leave. Once the get past the village, a twig snaps. Their being ambushed. Y/n hands Morgan over to Peter and they go up into the trees. Y/n ends up fighting off all the soldiers. Someone ends up getting Peter and Morgan. She instantly kills the man and checks up on the kids. Once their down she ends up getting shot, even so, she takes the man down. Once they make it to the red room base, she sets the stuff down and they start looking for candles. "Are we good?" Wanda asks. "Yes," Tony says. Wanda let's go and the people arching from the other room come in. Vision instantly goes to Wanda's side, along with Steve.

  She's drained. Morgan ends up coming in as well. Tony picks her up and hugs her. Y/ ends up waking up. Her eye's shoot open and she tries to sit up but the restraints keep her down. "Woah, i's ok Y/n," I comfort. Right as I'm about to undo the restraint, both Shuri and Wanda stop me. "Hold on," Shuri says. "What?" Y/n asks frantically. "There's one more thing that we need to do. Will the rest of you leave?" Shuri adds. We all leave and wait outside the door. "Tony, what are you thinking?" Steve asks. He's holding his daughter, I know that he was scared for her, I understand. He was talking to me about it at Hydra.

  "I don't know what to think. The killer that murdered my parents is in that room and has been living in my tower for the past four months, not even. Not only that but she was with Peter and Morgan. Nothing happened, but what if she lost it like she did her own brother?" Tony expresses. "What about me Tony?" I ask. "I killed your father. Yet you let me stay with you, you welcomed me in your home once I came back from Wakanda. I've killed, just like her," I remind him. "But you had Steve, not only that but you weren't as broken as she was. As she IS. I'm great full for what she's done for Morgan and Peter. I great full that she let them eat when she didn't, and I'm great full that she took a literal bullied for them," Tony pauses. "She did kill," then Steve stops. "Tony, I don't think Morgan should be in this conversation," Steve suggests. Clint and Sam take Morgan into another room.

  "She did kill her brother," Steve finishes. "Oh come on Steve," I roll my eyes. Everyone just looks at me. "Your all literally standing in a room filled with murderer!" I exclaim. "Natasha was a literal assassin, same with Clint. Sam was in the military, Steve you have killed Nazi's. Tony, you have killed people too. Need I must remind you all of Sokovia? Even Bruce has killed people. Yes Y/n has killed innocent people, but she also killed Hydra agents, Wanda didn't go over this but she literally killed Hitler!" I pause needing to catch my breath. "She may have killed more people, but the only person who hasn't killed anyone is Peter," I finish.

  They all look down in defeat, they all know that I'm right. Whether they want to admit it or not. "But no of us have killed our own family member. Besides, Bucky you weren't this broken. I was able to break through to you. I knew who you where before Hydra took you," Steve says. "Steve, I love ya man, but you have no idea how messed up they made me," I tell him. "What do you mean?" Steve asks.

  "I literally fell from a train and lost my arm. I was taken by Russians, where it was kill or be killed. My mind was all messed up and scrambled. You left and weren't coming back, when I realized that you weren't coming that was part of how they got through to me. I literally have a voice that would tell me to kill people. I almost killed you Steve! Your my brother man, how is that different?" I ask. They all sigh, knowing that I'm right.

Well, we are finally done with that part of the book. Phew 😮‍💨. That was looonnnngggg lol. Have a blessed week y'all!!!

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