High On Heroism (BNHA/MHA OC)

By FlameKingWarrior

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A girl and a teacher walk into a bar- Yeah, sounds like the start to a very bad joke. And yet, that's how Hok... More

Smoke 'em Out!
Puppet Strings
Test Of Will
Family Isn't Everything
Sports Festival: Students Of Eraserhead
Sports Festival: I Have The High Ground!
Sports Festival: Hack-Me-Not
Sports Festival: Explosive Will
Sports Festival: Claws Out
Sports Festival: Arts And Time
Sports Festival: Smoke Is Thicker Than Blood
Sports Festival: Eight To Go
Hero Names
Pick Your Villains Wise, Pick Your Heroes Wiser
To Quell The Carnage Pt 1
To Quell The Carnage Pt 2
To Quell The Carnage Pt 3
Bakugo And Koi
Exam Day
Smoke And Traitors
Mistakes Were Made
Family Drama
Love Is A Rough And Complex Thing
Tenya Iida: The Glorified Getaway Car!
Villainous Love
Bells Of Challenge: Part 1
Intermission 1: Cigarettes And Cuts
Intermission 2: Living Arrangements
Intermission 3: Hero Description - Daichi Masaaki
Bells Of Challenge: Part 2
The (Not So Much) Hellish Todoroki Family
Romantic Highs
Chasing Dragons
Abused (Yukika Yamabi)
Abused (Hoka Morikaga)
Handling Endeavor(s)
Highway To Hell
Bell Test
War Part 1
War Part 2
Final Smoke
Part 2????

Sports Festival: Finale

505 16 0
By FlameKingWarrior

Hoka stretched, looking across the arena at Yukiko.

"Hoka Morikaga Vs Yukiko Yaseiji!" Present Mic announced.

Hoka and Yukiko both stared each other down. Yukiko wouldn't be able to even touch her.


Hoka instantly released her smoke, saying "Bet you didn't see that coming."

Yukiko took the attack, already feeling the effects of the smoke.... And then, it happened. Her fur and hair stood on end, her tail whipped around behind her with vigor, her claws came out, sharpening to a point, and her pupils shrunk into slits. She growled, going down on all fours.

"Um.... Yukiko? You alright?" Hoka asked, taking a step back.

Yukiko lunged at her, forcing her to dodge. Okay, hold up- Yukiko is actually hunting her?!

"SHIT! THE SMOKE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!" Hoka panicked, running away from the feral teenager.

"Her instincts!" Daichi shouted from the stands.


"Your smoke is messing with her instincts! She sees you as prey!" He shouted.

Hoka ducked underneath a pounce, shouting "WELL THEN HOW THE FUCK DO I FIX THAT?!"

Did he just shrug? Daichi just shrugged. Oh, this little fucker.

Yukiko pounced on her, the girl's teeth sinking into her arm. Hoka let out a slew of curses as she tried to pry her off.

"Get off!" Hoka demanded, punching the girl.

Yukiko let go, liking her lips, a snarl escaping her.

"Don't let her near your neck!" Toki warned.

"I fucking noticed!" Hoka retorted, dodging the claws of the girl.

Yukiko's tail wrapped around her neck, effectively strangling the girl.

'Oh lord please let this work!' Hoka thought.

She grabbed a rock, some rubble from the earlier fighting, using her smoke to give it the scent of raw meat. Yukiko paused, sniffing the air, releasing Hoka.

"H- hey kitty! Easy there! All I'm going to do is-"

Hoka threw the rock out of the boundary line, throwing up a wave of smoke. Yukiko, following her instincts, leapt towards the thing, or but out of bounds. The smoke invaded her lungs, snapping her out of her craze.

"Ow...." She groaned. She then remembered what happened, saying "Hoka I'm so sorry!"

Hoka gave a shaky thumbs up, mentally thanking her guardian angel (who most likely needs a raise at this point).


Bouran and Toki's match didn't even happen, Toki having to leave due to personal issues....

*Where Toki is*


Tensei Iida, Ingenium, the now hospitalized hero. He was now receiving a tongue lashing from Toki.

Tenya, who was standing next to her, said "P- perhaps we should think about this in a more positive note?"

Tensei and Toki both gave him a look.

"Right. Sorry. Bad timing." He quickly said. "She is right though! The hero killer Tensei, really?! I'd expect this sort of thing from a ruffian like Bakugo, but not you of all heroes!"

Tensei internally and physically winced at that.

"Okay, so maybe I should've ran and called for back up instead of trying to handle things myself, but in my defense-"

"Tensei, that defense better be a good enough reason for you to be forced to retire from being a pro hero." Toki threatened.

".... I have no defense." Tensei said.

The two groaned.

"Oh come on! It's the hero killer! I couldn't just walk away!" Tensei stated.

"Oh, thank you Tensei, that makes you almost losing your life so much better!" Tenya remarked.

"Oh yes! Let's have a sleepover and braid each others hair!" Toki added with an equal level of sarcasm.

Tensei winced at that. Then he remembered something.

"I.... I did see something odd." He stated.

The two students gained confused looks.

"Maybe it was just the light playing tricks on me, but.... I could've sworn.... No. It's nothing."

"Tensei, what is it?" Tenya pressed.

".... I thought I saw a former student of Shouta's.... It's been years, but I remember working on a case with Shouta and a student of his. I don't remember her name, but her hero name at the time was Hypnos. She was in her first year at the time. We had been working on a case together. There was an.... Incident with the villain. Shouta and her had this huge fight.... Last I heard, she quit UA. Shouta would be able to tell you more, that's as far as my knowledge on the situation goes."

After his explanation, the two were left with more questions than answers.

*Back at the Sports Festival....*

Hoka took a deep breath, her and Bouran staring each other down.

"The carnage queen vs the smoking moth! The final match for the Sports Festival!" Mic announced.

Bouran sighed, her eyes becoming a crimson shade of red.


Bouran sighed.

"Special Move:" she began.

Her skin bled into a maroon red color, the whites of her eyes turning black. She licked her lips, that of which being a lighter shade of red, making them stand out more. Two black horns sprouted from her head, curving upwards. Her nails sharpened, turning longer and larger, darkening to a near void black color, becoming more live large sickle-like blades. And to and it off, her teeth sharpened, and she grinned, her power forming a pair of black shades over her eyes.

"Absolute Chaos!" She said.

Hoka laughed nervously. Okay, so maybe this fight just got exceptionally harder within the span of a few minutes, but who cares?

Bouran practically vanished from her view, and Hoka barely managed to duck in time to avoid her claws.

She laughed maniacally, saying "What's wrong, Morikaga? Afraid of a little carnage?"

She continued laughing, Hoka turning to her.

"What's so funny?! Why are you laughing?! There is nothing funny!" Hoka shrieked, avoiding the next few attacks.

Bouran used her speed, rushing at her to grab her by her throat, throwing her against the ground. She then kicked her side, Hoka coughing as the air was forced from her lungs.

"Give up yet, Morikaga?" Bouran taunted.

Hoka winced. Yeah, she's toying with her at this point.


Hoka took a deep breath.... She then released a powerful wave of smoke, the hallucinogenic stuff filling Bouran's lungs.

"Hehe.... That stuff.... This dose is supposed to show you what you hate most...."

Hoka coughed, standing up.... Then something unexpected happened. Bouran glared at Hoka, and that's when her skin began to fade into a near black color.

Oh. Fuck.

She just sent Bouran into her Chaos Mode.

The girl glared at Hoka, saying "You.... I'm going to kill you!"

Hoka then did the only thing she could think of: run as fast as she could towards the boundary line. She only got six feet before Bouran tackled her.

"Fuck!" Hoka hissed.

Good news: she went over the boundary line! Bad news: Bouran was still in her chaos mode. The girl was ready to strike her, before-


The girl froze. Correction: she paused.

Hoka looked up, seeing Toki using her quirk to keep her restrained.

*A few minutes earlier....*

Toki had just returned to the Sports Festival arena, seeing the other 2A students looking nervous.

"Is everything-"

A dark figure caught her eye, sending her into a mild panic. Bouran. Her Bouran. She was in her chaos mode. Crap. She saw her pin down Hoka, and despite her headache, did the only thing she could think of:


An instant headache was felt, Toki barely able to stand.

"Tsuyoshi, use your special move!" She ordered.

Tsuyoshi nodded, jumping down into the arena, instantly going into his dragon form. Bouran unfroze, Tsuyoshi's hands flashing around her, his claws slightly spread apart.

"Dragon Talon Prison!" He shouted, restraining the girl.

Midnight took that as her opportunity to use her quirk, putting the raging girl to sleep.

*30 minutes later....*

Bouran shot awake, being greeted with the sight of a very annoyed Toki Suzuki.

".... Before you get mad-"


"It wasn't-"

"Go on!"


"Do you have any idea how worried I was?! What if you actually killed someone?!  You could've gotten hurt! And then what?!"

Bouran almost wanted to cry. Toki was furious. She knew she should've taken out Hoka sooner, she just.... She.... Damn it, she wasn't thinking!

"You know what?..."

She crossed her arms.

"Bouran Shinano, I hereby give you Suzuki punishment number five!"

Bouran froze.

"You wouldn't dare." Bouran stated.

Toki simply turned around to walk out of the room, saying "Come on, the Awards Ceremony is starting soon. Come along, Shinano."

"Come on, Toki! You can't be serious!" Bouran all but begged. 'She only uses my last name when she's really pissed!' The Carnage quirk user thought, letting out a groan.


The students walked up onto their respective podiums. Toki and Yukiko in third place, Hoka in second place, and Bouran at third place.

"Now for the rewards to be handed out! This year, we have a special hero who loves to make an entrance! You may have heard of him, the Shockwave Hero-"

Before she could finish, a form landed in the center of the Sports Festival arena, yellow shockwaves of energy thumping into the ground. He wore a black and red announcers outfit, speakers lining his belt. He also wore a spiked leather jacket, as well as thick black boots, steel toed at the ends of them. He currently wore a black mask that covered all of his face, the lenses for the eyes being a crimson red.

"WOO HOO!" He shouted, energy in his voice. "AFTERSHOCK IS IN THE BUILDING!"

Midnight laughed, Aftershock pausing.


He ran up to her, giving her a massive hug.

"You're like a child sometimes! It's nice to see you too, Kyoaku!" She said.

He huffed, saying "Well I would if- wait a minute...." He turned to the announcers booth, waving "HI SHOUTA! HI MIC!"

Shouta chuckled, waving back at him, unable to help the smile on his face. Hizashi on the other hand turned away, feeling embarrassed at the younger man's antics.

"Anyways," Aftershock said.

He went over to them, grabbing the medals.

"Yukiko Yaseiji, despite having a not so powerful sounding quirk, you've got an amazing amount of strength! Keep working hard!"

He handed her the medal, and everyone who was close enough could hear her purring.

"Toki Suzuki.... You're a lot more disciplined and orderly than most second year students. I certainly hope you don't disappoint in the future!"

Toki nodded, adjusting her glasses, gladly accepting the medal.

"Hoka Morikaga, Eraserhead's favorite!"

"NO SHE'S NOT!" Shouta shrieked.

"Don't listen to him, he's a fucking liar," Aftershock commented. "Anyways- congratulations! Not many can win their way to second place, so don't stop!"

He handed her the second place medal, Hoka letting a smug grin cover her face.

"And last bit not least.... Bouran Shinano."

Bouran straightened, staring intently.

"You have a lot of power.... Keep it under control, and don't let it go to your head, okay?"

She nodded, gladly accepting her medal.

Aftershock turned to the crowd, saying "These are just some of our future heroes! Say it with me now:"


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