War Part 2

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Shinobu woke in a void, the ground beneath her feet looking close to crumbling.

"You.... Traitor...."

She looked up, covering her mouth in shock as she saw All For One appear to be bulging out of Shigaraki's body.

"Shinobu Shinso!" The villain said happily. "Or is it Shinobu Todoroki? Ah, details! I suppose I should say congratulations...."

Shinobu grit her teeth, saying "You.... Your minds.... Your taking over his. Like a damn parasite."

Shinobu closed her eyes, focusing on her quirk.

"I can feel it.... It's so strong now. You're minds are becoming one because of that quirk...." She said.

She then reopened her eyes, glaring.

"I won't let you!"


From outside her body, Hitoshi was standing over her, panicking.

"How bad is it?" Endeavor asked, staring down at the two.

"Bad." Hitoshi answered. "Right now, Shinobu's fighting Shigaraki inside the 'Mindscape' as we call it."

"What happens if she loses?" Endeavor questioned.

"With a quirk like All For One? I don't want to know...."

Hitoshi then grabbed her hand, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm gonna have to go in and help...."

"Hold on!"

Izuku and Katsuki both came over, looking determined.

"Me and Deku got a score to settle with hand fucker!" Katsuki said.

Hitoshi nodded.

"Alright, on three...." He said, taking a deep breath. "One.... Two.... Fuck it, THREE!"

Reality felt as if it shifted, everything going dark as it simultaneously went into zero gravity.

"What the actual shit?!" Katsuki yelled.

Gravity shifted once more, the three falling down onto a hard surface. A straining noise was heard, the three looking up to see Shinobu's hair floating up, appearing to be trying to pull apart All For One and Shigaraki.

"Little help?!" She shouted.

Immediately, Katsuki and Izuku each grabbed one of the villain's arms, Hitoshi racing over.

"How do we do this?!" Hitoshi questioned.

"I don't know!" Shinobu responded.

"I have an idea, but it's insane!" Izuku said.

Izuku summoned Blackwhip, wrapping it around All For One.

"Alright, now I think if I just-"

Izuku pulled.


The group was suddenly forced back into their bodies, Shigaraki snapping awake. He appeared disoriented, unmoving.

"Shigaraki!" A voice shouted.

Hoka pinned the man to the ground, breathing heavily. Shigaraki stared up at her, not moving a muscle.

".... Sensei's voice...." He finally mumbled. "It's.... Silent."

Then, with a breath of air, Tomura Shigaraki fell unconscious.


Akane woke up in the hospital, groaning.

"You're an idiot."

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