The Unnecessary Alliance

By authorkayyyy

3.1M 185K 28.8K

BOOK 1 IN THE UNNECESSARY SERIES Aadish Arya never needed her, nor wanted her. But his father made this pact... More

WEDDING ALBUM (pictures)


70.9K 3.7K 434
By authorkayyyy

(Make sure to add it to your reading lists)


I hold her closer to my chest, as her breath evenly falls on my skin. I swiftly move my hand in her hair, tucking them behind her ear. Slowly removing her arm from my waist, I get up and move towards the washroom. Taking some warm water in the tub, I take a washcloth as I walk back towards her. She is sprawled across the bed, with her wild hair spread over her pillow. I stand there taking in the sight of her beautiful and naked body. She looks ethereal in the dim light of the bedroom. I am so fucking lucky to have her and knowing I just took her virginity tonight fills my chest with this weird sensation. I feel like a caveman, I want to keep her all to myself in this room all the time.

Walking towards her, I soak the towel in the tub and squeeze it before slowly moving it on the length of her thighs. Her thighs are covered with dried cum and a little blood. I press gentle kisses on her body as I clean her. She is mine, all fucking mine, in every way possible.

Covering her with the duvet, I tuck her in the bed, grabbing a hair tie from the bedside I tie her loose hair. Pressing a kiss on her temples I slowly pull up from the bed, as I place away the tub and the washcloth.

After I am done cleaning her and placing things away, I slowly slide in the bed next to her. Putting my arm around her waist I pull her in. She moves a little in her sleep, but then her hand grabs mine as she holds it closer to her chest.

My entire chest fills with emotions. Leaning a little more towards her, I press a kiss in her hair as I slowly whisper, "I love you so much baby. You are the centre of my universe. I don't think I can ever live without you."

I stay still, breathing her scent and just like that my eyes close and everything fades.

I wake up to the loud buzzing sound of the alarm. Roses groans in my hold as she hits my arm, asking me to turn the alarm off. I struggle a little with half my body pressed under her body weight. She is practically lying on top of me. Her hand hits my arm again as she groans louder.

God, she is violent.

I reach for the digital clock with my left hand and tap it on the top, making it stop. My eyes fall on the woman lying on top of me. Her mouth open, eyes closed as she sleeps without a care in the world. A smile instinctively covers my whole face, just watching her exist. That's how much she means to me.

It's currently 7:00 AM, normally she would be running out of the bed, getting ready for school, but she has an off today. So, I make sure to not disturb her or startle her awake, especially not when she looks so calm and relaxed. Slowly rolling her down, I press a soft kiss on the corner of her lips. I don't want to leave, but I have obligations to my company. I pick my phone up from the nightstand. I skim through the notifications, most of them are emails from our clients located out of India, and some are messages from Avinash. I have a meeting at 9:00 AM with one of our top investors and I can't afford to be late.

I push myself up from the bed, as I get out of the bed. Her phone pings with multiple notifications. Must be Daadi. Putting my shorts on, I take one last look at her and walk towards the washroom to shower.

Once I am done showering, I tie a towel around my waist as I step out, using another towel for drying my hair. Droplets of water run down my naked torso. The moment I step into the room, I hear Roses giggling. My eyes find her, sitting in the bed, wearing my t-shirt and typing hastily on her phone. This can't be Daadi. Who the hell is she talking to at 7:00 in the morning?

"Who are you talking to?"

She raises her head and her eyes fall on my naked torso, darkening immediately. I smirk. She shakes her head as she brings her focus to my eyes. She looks flustered. "Umm..just my cousin," she says.

What cousin?

And why the hell is that cousin texting her so early in the morning. Doesn't he have something better to do?

"The cousin doesn't have a name?" I question.

"Oh, the cousin does have a name. Ishani Mehta, tho I like calling her Terraxia."

"Terraxia?" I question.

"Yeah! As a kid she was a Thanos supporter and wanted him to end half of the population, like a madwoman. So, I named her after his wife."

She smiles and goes back to typing on her phone. She giggles after reading the texts, completely ignoring me. At least it's a female cousin.

"I didn't see her at the engagement." I state. She seems to be quite close to this Ishani Mehta, and considering they share a surname they must be closely linked, then why wasn't she at the engagement?

"'s a little complicated. My father and her father are actually siblings and both of them had a falling out. Her father got separated from the company and went on his own path." She shrugs her shoulders. "My father won't invite him and she couldn't come because it would have made her father upset."

"Are you two close?" I ask.

She smiles. "Yes. Daadi made sure that we connected. She would arrange play dates and outings for us."

She sounds hopeful and optimistic when she speaks of her. They must have a pretty strong bond for her to react like this. But, it's my time with her. I only get to see her before work and after work, which is not enough. I walk towards her and slowly snatch her phone away.

"Hey!" She hits my arm. "That's my phone. Give it back." She pouts.

"What if I don't?" I tease.

She folds her arms over her chest and her frown deepens. "I won't talk to you."

A deep laughter erupts from my chest and I bend forward and a place a kiss on her forehead.

"I love it when my day begins with you and ends with you. Please don't take this little pleasure away from me." I whisper against her forehead.

Her cheeks turn the brightest shade of pink. "I love that too," she whispers back.

Slowing lifting her chin up, I take her lips into mine. They are soft, like the clouds, and the feeling of kissing her is very similar to being in the clouds. It's like being free and ecstatic. I can never get enough of her. The more I taste her, the more I crave her. But I have a fucking company to run, employees to be responsible for.

It takes every cell in my body, to finally pull away from her. "I have an urgent meeting today, so, I need to leave early, but I am gonna take extra time devouring you tonight." I slowly smack her ass, "c'mon let's eat together." Pulling her up, I push her towards the restroom, to freshen up, while I head towards the closet.

It takes me 15 minutes to dress up. I picked a basic outfit. A black suit with a white shirt. I walk out of the closet, only to find her dressed in my t-shirt and her shorts. My body heats at the sight of her moving around in my clothes. My blood rushes down and I feel the pants shrinking. No. I shake my head. It's not the right time.

"Let's go eat. I am famished," she says. She loves breakfast, it's kind of like her favourite meal of the day. I love watching her get excited about what she is having for breakfast like a little kid. Yesterday, the cook served her Aloo Puri, and the woman was on the ninth cloud.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, distracting me from my woman. I bring my phone out. 7 messages from Avinash and 20 from our security head officer. I frown. What the hell is going on?

Before I can read the messages, Roses tugs on my arm, "seriously, seriously Aadi, you snatched my phone because you wanted to spend time with me and here you are scrolling on yours." I immediately feel  guilty for doing it. Without sparing my phone another glance, I lock it and put it back in my pocket. Whatever it is, it can wait. The whole hell can break loose and I still focus solely on her.



Since the day I moved in, it was my first time being home alone. And it was awkward. I was walking on eggshells around the house-helps. Aadi's house-helps are not at all friendly. I tried making conversations with them at multiple occasions, but all I got in return were very formal replies. None of them is full time. Aadi doesn't like it when people are in his space, so all of them are instructed to come at specific timing and leave as soon as their work is finished. This was my first interaction with them without Aadi.

It's currently 4:00 PM and I am bored out of my mind. It still 4 more hours to 8:00, when Aadi will come home. I haven't even spoken much today and I swear to God it feels like I have lost my voice. I tried calling Aadi, but he was busy and sounded a little stressed. He has been working really hard lately, and I try telling him to take a break but he refuses to. He says he is not only responsible for himself and his company but is also responsible for every employee working for him, or for anyone even slightly linked to his work, even if it's a mailman.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when the doorbell rings. "Please be someone I can talk to," I slowly mutter to myself. Pushing myself up the couch, I turn the TV off and walk towards the door.

The intercom beeps and a robotic voice speaks, "not identified." I frown.

We have never had any visitors, since the day I moved in. It has only been Avinash and Daadi, and both of them are already included in the system.

I tap on the screen, as the camera shows a tall, lean woman dressed in black, her hair in a high ponytail standing in front of the door. She does not face the camera, rather her back is pointed towards the door while her face stares downwards. Excitation fills me and a huge smile pulls up on my face as I jump in excitement. Sidya. I don't need to see her face to know it's her.

I open the door, she turns around at the sound of my squeal and raises her face to meet mine. I don't give her chance to say a word and throw myself at her. My arms snake around her neck tightly, cutting a little of her air supply. "Stop Vanie," she groans. She tries to remove my arms from around her neck but I don't budge. It's been so long since she met me. She was furious at me for moving in.

After a good few minutes, I finally pull back. "God! I missed you," I tell her. She just stares blankly at my face. Her expressions dark and tense. Is she still mad? It's really hard, reading her emotions. Like now, she could be just bored or planning to hit someone in the face. You never know.

"Look, if you are here to tell me to move out, Aadi is a monster, then please don't. The man has been a treat to live with and I value both of you so much, so please just loosen up a bit." I gently hit her shoulders asking her to relax and be my friend once again, the friend who would always hype me up whenever I would talk about Aadi.

"Yeah we are gonna see about that," she presses her lips in a thin line as she continues, "remember you asked to me keep my mouth shut till the time I didn't have a proof?" I nod hesitantly. One of her hand dips into the pocket of her jeans and she pulls out a pen-drive. "The fucking proof," she says with clenched teeth.

I stare at her in confusion. "The man is a monster, one that doesn't fucking deserves an angel like you. You are so naive Vanie, how could you just walk into his trap?" She waves her arms in the air out of frustration.

Her words shake something inside me. Naive? Why would she talk to me like this? The blood rushes away from my head, and my heart thumps hard in my chest. "Wh-what do you mean?" I ask. The expressions on her face darken, her eyes red with anger. She hand over the pen-drive to me. "I will make sure he regrets every word he spoke. If it was upto me you would never even have to hear it. But you are so delusional, you need the reality check." My heart lodges in my throat. I don't know what she is talking about but it can't be good. "I will never willingly step a foot in his territory, in his space. Take this pen drive and watch what type of person your fiancé actually is."

She walks away, leaving me on the door confused. I rush inside without a second thought and insert the pen drive in the TV. The black screen lits and Aadi's office comes into the view. The time stamp reads 6 Aug 2023, a day after the engagement announcement. It was the day we went cycling for the first time.

Aadi types something on the keyboard when the door to his office opens. A man in navy suit walks in. His hair gelled back, his back towards the camera. "Where the fuck were you today morning?" A strong voice questions. Avinash. Avinash Kapoor.

"None of your business." Aadi says in a cool tone. He continues typing, without even sparing a glance to the furious visitor in his office.

"Why did I just receive the pictures of you carrying Vanie Mehta?"

"I am marrying her. Did you not the read the news? Did my father not send you the contract?" Aadi raises a brow, as he leans back into his chair, annoyance blooming in his features.

"Exactly. I remember being told it was a business deal and not a real marriage" He runs his hand in his hair. "Why would you go cycling Aadi, if it's just a business deal?"

Aadi stays silent for a few seconds, probably thinking. "Because we need to have public appearances," he justifies.

"And yet I don't see you or anyone sending out a press note, if it was just a public appearance," Avinash retorts.

Aadi's jaw ticks. He presses his clenched fists on the table as he pushes himself up from the chair. "I have a company to run. I will have Sehfali send out the press note. And who are you to fucking question me? The last time I checked I am your employer and not the other way around." The air tenses and Avinash gets up too. Both of them stare at each other with anger in their eyes.

"I am the friend who is here to keep a check on your actions, to make sure that you don't mislead the woman and make the scenario worst. Her family is not the right one to meddle with. I don't even know why would you sign a business deal, but now that you have signed it, I need you to treat it as such and not make things complex for yourself and her."

"I am not making it complex, rather I am making it simple. She could have never pretended to be this lost in me, had she known it was a setup for the media, for the public. She doesn't have a deadpan face like you and me." Aadi moves towards Avinash as he continues, "she needed to believe it was genuine and it's best for the deal that she continues to do so, continue to think that it's a normal relationship."

"So, you are going to keep her in the dark, a woman who is nothing but innocent, you are going to hurt her." Avinash accuses.

"No. It's a business deal. She knew it when she signed the contract. For me she is nothing but an unnecessary wife, a burden for life. She is just something complementary with the fucking deal with her father."

Aadi places his hand on Avinash's shoulder and squeezes it lightly. "I don't even like her. In fact I have never liked her. You know it. I could barely stand her presence—-."

I turn the TV off. I can't ...I can't hear any more of this. I look at the remote in my hand and throw it away like a ticking bomb and a scream leaves my lips. A guttural scream, a sound filled with agony, a voice so not like mine. What did I just hear? I-I....he called me unnecessary. My throat constricts as emotions overpower me.

My ears ring and I can barely feel anything other than this strong feeling of my heart pounding, palpitating. Air...there is no air in this room.

My blood turns ice, and my body feels too heavy for my legs to carry. It's hard.....all of it.....the's just too hard. She knew. She knew it from day one, but she decides to show me the video today.

How long has she known? How long has everyone known?

My mind goes numb. The room spins, my heart beats in my ears and a shooting pain in my heart makes me groan.

I look down at my hand, everything blury, probably from the tears clouding my eyes. My entire body trembles like a leaf, and it keeps getting harder to breathe.

The walls threaten to close on me. My legs finally give up, refusing to carry my weight, my burden. Just like I am a burden for Aadi, a business deal, a wife he never needed. I was something complementary, he didn't have the choice.

His words echo in my brain.

You are my field of roses.

You are the only one I have ever loved.

I love it when my day begins with you and ends with you.

You have had my heart since we were kids.

He lied. He lied. All of it was a lie. He never loved me. It was all a play.


My chest feels heavy, like it bears the weight of entire planet. I loved him, I loved him so much. And I actually thought that for once someone would love me, really love me, not because I was a showpiece they could show around and throw away when not needed. But that's exactly what  I was for him, a showpiece. I was a chore for him, which is why he pretended to love me.

How stupid was I? How stupid am I?

I pull my hair as I scream. After the intial few drops, no tears fall down. My chin trembles and there is this feeling of eternal emptiness, hollowness. What have I gotten myself into?

I should have listened to Sidya, I should have known my luck. I am the person everyone abandons, everyone pushes to the side when not needed.

My mind goes back to last night, the way he kissed me, devoured me. He never actually loved me, it was all a play. A play set to fool me.

I fold my arms around my abdomen as I place my head down on the floor. I lie down and stare blankly at the wall. I don't want to feel. I don't want this.

I think back to the moments we have spent together. The efforts he would put, were all just a facade. He is just like my parents, like everyone else in my life. My hands get clammy, and the my body shivers. There isn't enough air in my lungs. I hit my chest, breathe vanie, breathe. But wouldn't it be better if it just stopped, the breathing? At least I won't feel this pain, this pressure in my eyes.

My mind fills with fog making it harder to focus. I was blind, it all happened in front of my eyes and I was always too blind to see. The hug outside the school, that made it to the newspapers, that was planned too.

I lie on the cold floor, holding my knees to my chest. This is just a dream. Just a dream. I slap myself across the face, trying to wake myself up but the sting of my palm touching my face makes me ache, but the ache is nothing like the one I am feeling. And this is when a loud cry escapes me. Tears fall down my eyes and I barely have any control over my emotions. I wail for the loss of something I never actually had. Hot, warm tears cover my face.

I lie there for what feels like an eternity. My eyes have run out of tears to shed, but my heart still hasn't run out of the beats or the pain it's harbouring. The only audible sound in the entire house is the sound of the clock ticking. I wonder how much time has passed.

I raise my head, but a shooting pain pulls me down, making me groan. I struggle hard, holding the arm of the couch as I pull myself up. I take a look at the clock, it's 6:00 PM. My head throbs, it feels like someone is hitting me with a hammer in the head.

I do not have it in my limbs to walk, so I sit down on the couch. My legs tremble. And I sit there trying to gather the courage to get up and move but I fail. I sit there trying to process it, trying to get over it. But I don't, how is it even possible? It's not the truth. It's not the truth.

My body feels weaker and then my eyes close and the entire world fades to darkness.


Make sure to listen to the song attached to this chapter. It's the complete vibe of today's chapter.😭

- God
- all of you
- mean gujju kid🤧


Instagram:- @authoravnie
Pinterest:- @authoravnie

Thank you for reading💗

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