Why him? | Skins Cook

By sk1nscook_xoxo

9.5K 211 80

A skins Cook fanfic. (Cook x oc) Turns out Freddie has another sister besides Karen, a twin sister, Olivia M... More

1 - a girl
2 - new and familiar people
3 - girls like idiots apparently
4 - cook's b day
5 - crashing an engagement party
6 - relief and slight suspicions
7 - my own person
8 - underground rave
9 - never
10 - trouble
11 - playing with feelings
12 - more than pissed off
13 - fuck him
14 - i'm jealous?
15 - naive
16 - mess of friends
17 - complications
19 - secrets
20 - delusional??
21 - it's hard to open up
author's note
summer extra - fancy date??

18 - gobblers end

303 7 1
By sk1nscook_xoxo

This is the outfit she is wearing

I was sat in shotgun next to Daniel with JJ, Emily and Naomi in the back. Effy was driving the other car who was in front of us with Katie next to her with the map and Freddie, Pandora and Thomas in the backseats. 

I still had Cook on the back of my mind though. However much I didn't like him at the moment I still sort of missed his presence and what he said that night when he was on JJ's pills was heart breaking. Also, it's never nice to be left out of the group, especially if it seems like there's a new member (Daniel) 'replacing' you.

''Poor Thomas.'' JJ murmured. 

''You talking about Pandora?'' I asked him and he nodded. 

''What happened?'' Emily asked. 

''Cook was so out of it the other night that he admitted he slept with Pandora to Thomas.'' JJ said. 

''Hold up.'' Naomi said. ''What?''

''Cook fucks everyone, I don't see how it's much of a surprise really.'' I said rather bitterly without trying to. ''The question is, did he carry on fucking her or was it just that time at her birthday sleepover, when she wasn't really with Thomas.''

''We missed a lot didn't we?'' Naomi said to Emily. 

''I didn't know this either actually.'' JJ admitted. 

''And I'm just finding this all out now.'' Daniel laughed. 

''Wait JJ, does she know that he knows?'' I asked him and he gave me a confused look. ''Pandora and Thomas.''

''No, he hasn't told her.'' JJ said. 

''That's weird, I'd just wanna get it over with and break up with them.'' Emily shrugged. 

''I mean, I'm kind of interested what it's like in the other car, the mood's gonna be tense with all that's happening.'' I said. 

''What? Except for Pandora and Thomas?'' Emily asked. 

Naomi looked at me knowingly and smiled slightly as I smiled back at her because of that conversation we had with Effy the other day but we decided not to say anything. 

''This map's so confusing.'' I said. 

''You sure it's the map's fault?'' Daniel asked and I pushed his head away whilst smiling. 

''Yeah, it's completely the map's fault, not mine at all.'' I said. ''No but seriously, can someone help me here?''

''Here, let me have a look.'' Naomi said as I passed it to her and her and Emily looked at it but they seemed to be as confused as I was so they passed it over to JJ. 

''I don't get what way we're supposed to go.'' He said. 

''Well if JJ doesn't know then it is the map's fault.'' I said. ''Do you think the others might know? Maybe we could just try to follow them?''

''Well they probably don't know either.'' Naomi pointed at Effy's car which had just drove into a gas station so we decided to stop there as well. 

''Let me have a look.'' Daniel said as JJ passed him the map. 

''What, you think you'll know?'' I teased him. 

''Course.'' He said ignoring me. 

''Bollocks.'' I said. 

''Yeah, you're right.'' He laughed, putting the map down after only looking at it for a few seconds. 

Me and Daniel got out the car and so did Freddie and Katie from the other car. 

''Map confusing you lot as well?'' I asked them. 

''Yeah.'' Freddie said. 

''Well, what now?'' Katie asked. 

''I guess we could just wait for someone to come and ask them.'' I shrugged. 

Only about ten seconds later, a jeep pulled up beside us. Some men came out but they didn't look particularly friendly, maybe it was best to see if there was anyone in the shop...

''Hi.'' Katie introduced herself to the men confidently. ''Could you tell us how to get to Gobblers End?''

''Well, I wouldn't start from here love!'' One of the men scoffed. ''No, I reckon I could show you.''

Freddie then lay out the map on Effy's car so they could direct us and he listened in as well as Daniel. 

''I'll go pay.'' I told Daniel , and wandered into the shop. 

The shop seemed empty. 

''Hello?'' I said. 

I saw a small bowl on the counter with a little handwritten note saying 'honesty please' and found it safe to assume that the shop was unoccupied. I considered not putting any money in for a second but remembered that whoever owned the place probably wasn't making much to start with so I put the money in the bowl and turned to leave. 

Just then, the door went, and it was one of the men from the car. I could see then that they were weirdly dressed. Typical farmer clothes and a thick farmer accent in my opinion. He looked sleazy. 

''Are you leaving something for me, lovely?'' He winked, and my heart started thudding and I felt uncomfortable. My discomfort turned to fear when he blocked the door with his arm. 

''How about you move, yeah?'' I said trying to act confident but my voice was shaking. My breath started to get uneven and I felt panicked. I edged towards the door. I wish Cook was here. I need him to be here.

''Come on sweetheart, you know you want it.'' He said, as he grabbed one of my arms and pulled me towards him. 

''Get off me! Get off me you fucking hopeless perv!'' I shouted. 

After a few seconds of debilitating fear, I managed to pull the door open and run outside. ''Freddie!'' I called my brother's name out of instinct. 

I had tears in my eyes and was gasping for breath. 

And that's when I noticed the scene. One of the men from the car was stood with a shotgun that he'd just shot. He slowly walked over to me until he was uncomfortably close. ''You made me miss. I've never missed before.'' He snarled. 

Freddie thankfully stepped in. ''That's it!'' He ordered. ''That's enough. Leave her alone.''

Daniel then grabbed my shaking body and pulled it away from them and back towards the car, stroking my hair as we walked. 

''Go! Just beware the moon!'' The pair of men chuckled between themselves as we got in the cars. 

''Whatever.'' Effy said casually. ''Freak.'' She added before getting in as well. 

''Oh my god.'' I said suddenly after getting in the car. 

''Are you okay?'' Emily asked me. 

''Yeah, thanks, I'm fine, let's just get out of here.'' I said. Daniel pulled me in for a second kissing me on the top of my head before letting go of me and putting his foot down on the pedal, driving off after Effy's car. 

''Did you see the fucking size of that gun?'' Naomi asked us all. We'd drove a minute down the road before JJ spoke.

''Um, Liv...'' He said quietly. 

''It's them! It's them Daniel!'' Naomi shouted. 

I glanced in Daniel's rear-view mirror and could see the jeep coming after us, flashing their headlights and making gestures. 

''Fuck fuck fuck!'' I shouted. 

''Stay calm. Stay calm.'' Daniel said. 

''Yeah, you're right. It's probably nothing.'' I said. 

But they were coming up within a feet behind the car  and flashing their lights and blaring their horn, and my adrenaline had never been so high. But it got worse. They pulled alongside Effy's car now so they were driving side by side. He held a shotgun in his hand pointed at the window and kept shrieking, ''roll that window down.''

I looked into Effy's car and it seemed like everyone was shouting at her, probably trying to get her to stop from the looks of it but she was looking straight ahead with her foot still down on the pedal. Then the jeep suddenly pulled in front of Effy's car and abruptly stopped, causing Effy to slam on the brakes and so did Daniel. 

Shit. That was close. 

The whole car went silent. All we could hear was the sound of the rumbling engine and everyone's anxious breathing. I tensed up as I watched one of the men stick his arm out of the car window but then I watched him flick what looked like the end of a cigarette out. 

They then did a fast U-Turn before heading back down the direction we'd came from, laughing to themselves. Everyone watched in silence as they drove off. 

''Have they gone?'' I asked in disbelief. 

''Yeah.'' Daniel nodded slowly. ''We're all good.''

Gobbler's end wasn't actually far off and it was only another five minutes drive. We'd now pulled up and parked as we piled out the cars with out bags and tents. 

''It's this way, right?''Effy asked Freddie and he nodded, still held in the clutch of Katie's hand. 

We made our way to the campsite, everyone walking in pairs and chatting. I was talking to Daniel though I couldn't help but eavesdrop on a few other conversations. Like, Thomas and JJ's for example. JJ was questioning Thomas on why he hadn't talked to Pandora yet but Thomas seemed pissed off and like he didn't want to talk about it. 

I have a bad feeling about tonight. 

The camping area was basic but everyone was ecstatic to have gotten there in one piece. After everyone had finished setting up the tents Freddie got to work and started grilling sausages on a shop-bought barbeque. I decided to go over to him. 

''Hey Freds.'' I greeted him. ''How's Katie?''

''She's great.'' He said. 

''How's Effy?'' I asked him. 

''And how's your extremely new boyfriend?'' He asked me. 

''You're avoiding the subject.'' I said. 

''Yeah, I fucking well am, just give me a break will you sis?'' Freddie said. 

''Fine.'' I said. ''Just don't screw this up. Also I don't know if he's my boyfriend yet.''

''I'm joking, I like the guy. I'd much rather you date him than someone like Cook for example.'' Freddie said. 

''Cook? You're joking.'' I said. 

''Yeah. That's why I said 'for example.'' He said and then was mid turning a sausage when he looked around. ''Hey, where's Effy?''

''I don't know, didn't even realise she was gone.'' I shrugged. ''But of course you did.''

''Just fucking, leave me alone, will you?'' Freddie said. 

''Look, I'm not actually trying to torment you on purpose, I'm just saying, even if I don't particularly like Katie or anything, I don't think this is fair.'' I said and he didn't reply so I left him be. 

Effy then appeared and I saw her sit down next to Pandora on the floor with her coat wrapped in her arms. ''Look what I found.'' I heard Effy say as she unfolded her coat and revealed what was inside. I was curious and went to take a look, sitting down next to her.  ''Shrooms.''

''Good find.'' I grinned at her and she smiled back at me. 

''Are they the funny ones?'' Questioned Pandora. 

''Yeah.'' Effy told her. 

As we discussed the shrooms on our hands, Katie walked over, anger on her face, she looked at each of us after seeing the shrooms on display. 

''Found some shrooms, want some?'' Effy offered to her. 

Katie stomped her foot down. ''No! How'd you know they're not poisonous? I don't want you ruining my party by-like-vomming blood! And this isn't supposed to be that kind of party, Eff! Just drinks and sausages, no mushrooms!''

I titled my head, slowly bending over, picking up a good handful of them. ''Aw, that's a shame.'' I said to Katie, she stared me down as I tossed them in my mouth and chewed them down, smacking my lips once I swallowed them. ''Pandora also didn't want her mum drugged at her birthday so...'' I shrugged innocently. 

She deserved this in a way, I mean, hopefully she'll realise what a fucking hypocrite she is after what I said about what her and Effy did at Pandora's sleepover. Yeah, I don't like Katie, I think I'm making it pretty fucking clear but it's still not fair on her to date someone (Freddie) who's in love with someone else (Effy.) 

Freddie walked over. ''Woah! Mushrooms! Who's got mushrooms? Give me some!'' He saw the display of them and smiled as he grabbed some. 

''Freddie!'' Katie gasped in disapproval. 

''What? Chill out.'' Freddie said. Nice way to treat your girlfriend. 

Emily and Naomi walked over as well. ''Did I hear mushroom?'' Emily asked. 

''Emily! Don't you fucking dare!'' Katie continued to do her best to boss everyone around, but failed every time. 

''Don't listen to her Ems.'' Naomi said picking up some mushrooms as well. Naomi's right, Emily doesn't need to get told what to do by her sister all the time. 

''Come on Panda, live a little.'' Effy said to Pandora. 

Pandora looked at Thomas. ''No thanks! Love is our drug!'' Awkward. 

After she said this, Thomas grabbed some of the mushrooms. ''Sometimes you need a little more sugar in your bowl though...C'est vrai ca, ma jolie?'' He said to her before he ate some of them. Even more awkward. 

Pandora seemed hurt and distraught after this. ''Come on Panda.'' Effy offered her some again and this time she ate some. 

''Eurgh.'' Pandora made a face and we all chuckled at her. Katie walked away, sitting down away from us all. Pandora leaned her head back. ''How long till it kicks in Eff?''

''Not long.'' Effy smiled. 

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