Unexpected Love (Markiplier X...

By SilverGemini

147K 5.5K 3.2K

While running an errand for your mom, you purchase a lotto ticket on a whim and your life changes rather quic... More

The Move
I'm A Potato
Author Note
Going For It
Getting Started
He Knows
The Collab
Figuring It Out
Date Night
A Discovery
The Fall
A Trip
Killing Time
The Fans
Sexy Times
The Panel
Excuse Me
My Light
Meeting Mama
Cast Off
The Best Medicine
Author's Note
Another Surprise
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Harmless Fun
Author Note
Fun & Games
Tomato Soup
Author's Note

The Morning After

4.2K 169 60
By SilverGemini

A/N: I'm not sure what's going on with the formatting of these last few chapters. I've tried fixing it but wattpad seems to not want to work with me. Anyway, enjoy. Thanks for hanging around this long. This one is a bit shorter, but that's okay, right?


My mind kept going and going, trying to

piece together the bits and pieces of the night before that slowly

came to me. The first thing I recalled was the kinda sorta kiss at

the fridge. The one we both promptly ignored as if it didn't happen.

My lips tingled at the thought and I groan faintly, I couldn't be

falling for him, no we were friends, nothing more. Ever since my last

relationship, I refused to let myself fall for anyone. I couldn't be

hurt like that again, it'd tear me apart even more than before.

A groan sounding next to me pulls me

from my thoughts and I slowly peak from cocoon of blankets to see

Mark waking up. It had to be the most adorable yet sexy thing ever,

internally I groan and curl up trying to get any possibly dirty

thoughts from my mind.

"Morning..." A gruff but sleep

voice sounds next to me.

"Morning..." I manage back,

slightly muffled.

"You're not going to be some sort of

weird butterfly woman thing when you emerg from there are you?"

Mark says, a smile evident in his voice. I couldn't help but give

him a chuckle.

"No.." I pope my head out. "Just

a pantless woman." I chuckle and blush just slightly.

"Well, as I like to say. Home is

where the pants aren't." He give a soft chuckle and I couldn't help

but laugh at that.

"I'd have to agree with you on that.

I only had pants on because I was expecting company." I half joke,

though looking back a bit, I did quiet often have no pants on when I

was alone. I hear a chuckle from Mark, pulling me from my thoughts

once more. He had sat up now and was putting on his shirt, I barely

caught a glimpse of a scar on his stomach and quietly wondered what

it was from. I didn't let my eyes linger too long, the last thing I

wanted was to scare of my new guy friend with my probably very lusty


"I'll let you do your thing and meet

you down stairs." He says kindly and I nod in agreement.

"Good idea." I chuckle and once he

was gone I got up and did my thing.

Twenty minutes later I arrive down

stairs to the smell of coffee, and a bowl of cereal. Mark sat at the

kitchen island, eating a bow of cereal himself. "Awe, thanks." I

say with a grin and fix my coffee how I like it.

"No problem, I'm not much of a cook,

so I figured cereal would be the best choice here." He chuckles


"That's not a problem at all. Cereal

is my favorite breakfast, fast and easy." I chuckles and join him

at the island.

We enjoy a bit of small talk as we ate

and slowly woke up a bit more. We joke about some stupid things we

did the night before, and the few hours of drunken Mario Cart we had

played. I hadn't remembered it until he brought it up. After a bit,

Mark glances at the time on his phone and sighs a little.

"I hate to run, but I've got some

things to take care of today, mainly work." He says and gives a

cute lopsided smile.

"Oh, no problem. I should probably

try and find a couch or something today." I give a little chuckle.

"Make sure it's extra fluffy." He

says as he washes the bowl he used despite me giving a protesting

look. "In case I ever pass out here again." He adds.

"I will try." I chuckle a bit. I

knew it was a good idea, I'd pass out on it from time to time as

well, that was for sure.

After a few more minutes of small talk

we say our goodbyes and I walk him out to the gate.

"See ya later, (y/n)" he says with

grin and gets into his car, which I noted to tell him to park inside

the gate next time.

I give a wave and watch him drive off

before retreating back into my yard.

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