After The Tears

By OtherworldlyScribble

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The story is over, the kingdom is saved. But what of our brave hero with an unbreakable will, or our determin... More

Chapter 1: What Remains
Chapter 2: Hidden Blades at Nightfall
Chapter 3: The Sword And The Pedestal
Chapter 4: Danger In The Depths
Chapter 5: A Day Of Remembering
Chapter 6: A Swordsman Made Whole
Chapter 7: End Of The Shadow
Chapter 8: A Friends Advice
Chapter 9: Desert in Turmoil
Chapter 10: Falling Castle
Chapter 11: The Approaching Storm
Chapter 12: Stand or Fall
Chapter 13: Subdued Fear
Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes
Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend
Chapter 16: Preparations
Chapter 17: A Night to be Remembered
Chapter 18: Long Expected News
Chapter 19: In Plain Sight
Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend
Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea
Chapter 22: Letter to the Past
Chapter 24: Distant Conflict
Chapter 25: Sky's Request
Chapter 26: Bon Voyage
Chapter 27: Sails of Hope
Chapter 28: Prince
Chapter 29: Royal Apprentices
Chapter 30: Training Begins
Chapter 31: Powers from the Past
Chapter 32: Garden of the Fallen
Chapter 33: Shattered Crown
Chapter 34: Emissary from the Land of Honor
Chapter 35: Dark Crystal
Chapter 36: Wounds
Chapter 37: The Hunt Ends
Chapter 38: A Pleasant Little Surprise
Chapter 39: Pain and Joy
Chapter 40: A Servant's Throne

Chapter 23: A Day to be Remembered

97 1 0
By OtherworldlyScribble

The time came for Link and Zelda to announce their wedding but still not wanting to be full of themselves let it discreetly slip knowing word would travel. And travel it did because soon came an inpouring of congratulations and gifts, so much so it was a little uncomfortable for both. Secretly Riju, Sidon, Tulin, and Yunobo gathered to discuss what to get Link and Zelda. Though they had already decided on individual gifts they wanted to give something as a group. 

Riju: Sidon I'm curious, what are you getting them?
Sidon: I'm getting Link a custom-made opal-infused trident so it has a constant power boost. 
Riju: I'm sure Link will like that, sometimes I forget he likes things to have practical use, it's a good thing I remembered this time.
Tulin: What did you get Zelda?
Sidon: I wasn't really sure what to give her at first but Yona gave me an idea. I'm giving Zelda a medallion which is a replica of the one given to a previous hero by the Zora Princess Ruto.
Riju: Interesting. Recently I uncovered a design of an armband that was said to be worn by the goddess. Looks like Yona and I were on the same page, Zelda will definitely appreciate something that has a history to it.
Yunobo: What about Link?
Riju: A pair of earrings like what he has now but they are entirely made of sapphire and are engraved with a congratulatory message. Something nice but useful. What about you Tulin, Yunobo?
Tulin: I'm giving them a honeymoon, I negotiated a deal with Selmie for the use of her cabin. We are having a mild Autumn so Hebra Mountain is a nice place to visit right now.
Sidon: That sounds amazing, they do say experiences are the best gifts. Well Yunobo, it's your turn to share.
Yunobo: Hudson and I teamed up to set up their wedding, he built things and I gave the materials.
Riju: So now that we know what each other is gifting individually what do we give as a group?
Tulin: It's hard to know what to get them, we kind of covered everything with our personal gifts.
Sidon: This is going to sound weird but we could simply be there for them as their friends. I know they are both thinking about the friends and family they lost. We can't bring the champions back, but we can be there for them not as leaders or warriors but as friends.
Riju: It's a nice thought, I like it.

The day of the wedding came and everything was going to plan for once. The chef who normally cooked for the festivals in Hateno was grateful to Link for filling in and as thanks was providing the catering. Zelda was planning on wearing the dress given to her by Sonia, though with some dyeing and cleaning. While Zelda was getting into her dress she began to think about the family she had lost. The thought of having to walk down the aisle alone, no matter how happy the future, was saddening. But Zelda hardened herself not going to falter to sadness again knowing it was part of life, part of love, to feel sorrow. For Link, he too was thinking about the family he had lost in more ways than one. They were dead but so too were the memories, he didn't know who his mother was and only remembered sparse details about his father. What he did know was they would be proud of him not just for marrying the princess but for stepping up to fulfill his role as a hero. Coming out of his thoughts Link finished getting dressed. Link was wearing a white variation of the royal guard uniform with a circlet all designed and made by Cece. As Link and Zelda were finishing up the guests began to show up in Central Square and so did their gifts which began to pile up. Finally, the moment came, when Link was standing beneath the statue of Rauru, almost symbolic of what he was stepping into. As Zelda stepped forward a malady began to play from atop the goddess statue. Glancing up she saw Sky sitting atop the goddess statue playing a harp. Even at this moment, her academic mind was trying to place what the song was, then she realized what Sky was playing. He was playing the ballade of the goddess, a song Zelda's mother used to play for her as a child. It was all Zelda could do to hold back tears both of joy and sadness as she took her place beneath the statue of Sonia. Kapson officiated the marriage but stopped at the vows as Link and Zelda had decided to make their own.

Kapson: Now it would seem the couple have made their own vows, if you would, speak that we may hear your declaration.
Zelda: I have borne witness to your unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity, but it is your kindness that won my heart. Here before the statue of the goddess and the first King and Queen, I vow to love and support you as my husband.
Link: Whether I'm Skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight, I will always love you. You have grace and beauty but it is your gentle, caring heart that entranced me. Here before the statue of the goddess and the first King and Queen, I vow to love and support you as my wife.
Kapson: If there are those who would oppose this union speak now.
Heads turn but no one speaks
Kapson: Then I declare you husband and wife.
Link and Zelda kiss as Sky starts playing again
Zelda: I have dreamed of this moment for so long
Link: As have I, now let's enjoy ourselves.

After the ceremony, everyone gathered for the reception where food almost as good as Link's was served. Link and Zelda sat together with their friends and listened as they presented their gifts. Link examined the trident presented by Sidon feeling its sharpness before smiling clearly liking it. As for the earrings Link gave the same thoughtful care examining them, feeling the engraving before putting them on and thanking both Sidon and Riju. The instant Zelda saw the armbands and medallion she got excited having some knowledge of their history. Putting on both Zelda thanked them trying not to retell the history they already knew. After Tulin told them about his gift they thanked him saying if it wasn't for his gift they wouldn't have taken a honeymoon. After a nice meal Link and Zelda stood and started to dance, soon accompanied by Sidon and Yona along with other couples. The night soon came to a close and space was made in the houses in Castle Town though most were unfurnished. Link and Zelda had walked up to the castle looking out over everything before going to bed themselves. The next day Link and Zelda departed for their honeymoon leaving Midna with Purah who promised not to spoil her.

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