Chapter 28: Prince

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As the group was passing by the parade ground ruins a sudden rockslide blocked the way, but this was no natural slide. With a loud horn blast a group of bokoblins being led by a boss bokoblin charged. Jumping into action Link and Zelda rushed forward putting themselves between the monsters and the refugees. Using recall Zelda forced the boss bokoblin back while Link made short work of the lesser bokoblins before going after the boss. As Link turned to deal with the landslide the familiar roar of a lynel rang out from the ruins. Link didn't know if this was a coordinated attack involving a lynel or if it simply heard the disturbance and at the moment it didn't matter. Activating his secret stone Link launched himself at the lynel with fury and courage showing no monster was his match. Finishing off the lynel, Link with his stone still active walked past the refugees to the landslide. Zelda walking in front of Link stretched her arms out and began to recall the rocks back up. Holding his hand out link channeled his stone's energy to Zelda boosting her bower and ensuring she could hold the stones in place while the refuges moved past. It was sunset when Link and Zelda arrived back at Lookout Landing where everyone was shown to the available housing in Castle Town. Luckily there was enough room for everyone with some to spare. As Hyrule Castle was now a construction zone it was unsafe but it didn't bother Link or Zelda who took up temporary residence in an empty house. Having some privacy they talked about everything they did in each other absence.

Link: I got the results from the Talus heart experiments they look good, it looks like we can farm fish throughout the winter.
Zelda: That's great news. I noticed a couple of circular fields have been plowed in Romani Plains, I assume those are for the covered fields.
Link: Correct, I spent many hours helping them. We received word from Hudson saying he can begin work on the domes soon.
Zelda: Good, at least that will be one more concern dealt with. I was able to learn some unpleasant things about the refugees. Their kings turned them away, leaving them to wander the wilderness unprotected and uncared for. There is a silver lining though, it allowed them to band together and form a bond with each other.
Link: And judging by the looks I think we made quite the impression. Zelda...I need to know why you stopped me from correcting them calling me "prince"? I may be a hero but I'm not from royalty.
Zelda smiles
Zelda: It's simple really. I wanted you to be seen as my equal because in the grand scheme of things you are. I couldn't stop Calamity Ganon or Ganondorf alone, I needed you just as you needed me. You are just as important as I am and I want others to recognize it.
Link: You know I don't seek recognition, you are enough for me.
Zelda: I know darling, I know, and you are all I need. But whether you seek it or not you deserve recognition. Don't let humbleness get between you and what you deserve.
Link: I'm not from a royal family or from a line of nobles, it feels...dishonest.
Zelda: Have you forgotten you are still a champion, you may not be from a noble lineage but you were given the recognition of a noble. When fighting Ganondorf, in whose place did you stand, who did you fill in for? At that moment you were Rauru, leading the sages and protecting Hyrule at all costs.
Link: You really think it is okay?
Zelda: Yes.
Link: Then I will gladly and graciously accept the title.
Zelda: Excellent, I'm sure word will spread quickly, it usually does. But there is still much to do for our people.
Link: Yes speaking of which, with the recent conflict with Tamrle and the current war between Farmith and Darul I think it would be wise to begin rebuilding Hyrule's military.
Zelda: Yes it would be wise, and because of the blood moons, monsters are still going to be a problem. Perhaps we could post a volunteer notice around Castle Town and Hateno.
Link: I suspect we will be hearing from that kid in Hatino, he was eager to train then and is probably eager to do so now.
Zelda: Yes we probably will, do you still want to take him on as a pupil?
Link: Yes, I feel we could both grow from taking on an apprentice.
Zelda: That sounds interesting, maybe one of the kids would like to become my apprentice. But that is for a future time. It's getting late and I could use some sleep, I didn't realize how homesick I would get, especially for you.
Link kisses Zelda
Link: I missed you too.

The next day Zelda was up early busily helping their new people, working with Purah to delegate jobs. With Link's help, they erected a notice board showing what work was available. The first notice was from Link who was starting the search for volunteers. Link wasn't sure how many he would get but he knew even a few good arms would not go amiss. Catching the Monster Controle Crew before they left to clear out the Necluda region Link asked them to post the volunteer notice around Hateno, something Captain Hoz was more than happy to do. Having a moment to himself Link began to run through his usual drills but his head was still spinning from his conversation the previous night. He accepted the title of prince because he knew Zelda wanted him to have it but it didn't feel right. Zelda having noticed Link's uneasiness decided to show him something she had kept secret, a journal from King Rhoam. Leaving the journal and a note somewhere Link would notice Zelda hid to see how Link would react.

Link: What is this? The King's Journal, what is this doing here?!
Note: read pages thirteen, twenty-one, and twenty-eight.
Link: Okay, this is a little weird.
Journal: A fresh batch of young soldiers has been selected to begin training, an impressive lot, but there is one who is more so. A young lad named Link, the son of a Captain of the Royal Guard. Despite being little more than a child he is more skilled than some of our seasoned knights. Though his father is skilled it is no coincidence that this boy has emerged so soon after the seer's warning. I see something promising in that boy, his adventurous nature reminds me of a younger me, and there is something I want to test. The Sword that Seals the Darkness has yet to be drawn and not for a lack of trying, many have given it their all. Legend has it the sword will call to its master, I believe Link will be the one to draw the Master Sword. Time will tell, as it always does, I can only hope there is enough time for Zelda to awaken her powers.
Link: I reminded the King of his younger self. Let's see what is on these other pages.
Journal: The decision of who would become the Hylian champion was a simple task. It has to be Link, there can be no other. The search for the other champions continues, with some promising candidates, but not even the great Chief Urbosa has Link's level of skill. It's for his skill that I will make Link Zelda's appointed knight. Though she has something against him and may not like this decision, I trust Link with her protection. Zelda will have to learn to work with Link just as her predecessor worked with previous heroes. Should we prevail I intend to make the title of champion a noble title second only to the royal titles.
Link: King Rhoam was going to make us nobles, I had no clue.
Journal: I have failed as a king and as a father. The calamity was too strong and knew how to counter us, but not all hope is lost. Though Link was mortally wounded he will recover in time and Zelda has gone to buy Link that time. My dear daughter, I am proud of you and I failed you as a father. I see my error now, I pushed you too hard as king instead of being there for you and loving you as a father should. Though I am limited in what I can do I will try to aid in any way I can. Link will probably awaken confused and lost, I will do what I can to rectify that. Link should you find this journal please look after my daughter and the people of this broken kingdom, they will need you. Even though you feel in combat know you are still the pride of our people, if I had a son I would want him to be like you.
Link: I don't know what to make of this.
Zelda: My father was fond of you and was already planning on making you a noble.
Link: Zelda, you placed the King's journal here?
Zelda: Yes. I saw you were still conflicted about being called "prince", and I apologize for pushing you to accept the title. But knowing how my father felt about you, does taking the title of prince still feel dishonest?
Link: Not as much.
Zelda: Good I need your head clear. We already have a small group of volunteers, it would seem some of the refugees want to become fighters and they will need your guidance. Again, Link, I'm sorry for pressuring you last night.

With renewed clarity, Link met with the first set of volunteers. Link started with names and backgrounds starting with himself. Link told them of the calamity and the demon king, of his defeat and victory. The volunteer, though they didn't have as dramatic of a background, told their story proudly. There was an assortment of people with varied backgrounds but Link quickly realized few could handle a blade without severing their own fingers. Knowing the refugees still needed time to settle in, Link told them to meet him at Castle Town's main gate in a week's time so they could get adjusted. 

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