Chapter 31: Powers from the Past

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Over the coming months Link and Zelda continued their work in rebuilding Hyrule and teaching their apprentices. Just as Link said he handed down the White Sword of the Sky to Azu once he had acquired adequate skill. During Zelda's monthly meetings with the sages, she had Karin present so she could meet the other leaders and people of importance. When Karin wasn't learning from Zelda, she followed and observed Altaira, who found it amusing. One day Link was deep in meditation speaking with his past lives seeking advice for training the volunteers and Azu when a voice he hadn't heard before called out to him. It was no more than a whisper but it stood out from the other voices. The other heroes acknowledged the voice telling Link it was from the hero before him who rarely communicated with the rest of them. Link followed the voice to a corner of his mind he had not visited before. There was what looked like a Zonai structure with smooth white pillars with intricate carvings around the base. Inside Link encountered a being who appeared half Hylian half Zonai.

Ralow: Greetings Link, My name is Ralow Link Hyrule. I and my sister turned the calamity back once before, the same calamity you and Zelda destroyed.
Link: So you are the one depicted on the canvas. Wait, your last name is Hyrule, but that would mean.
Ralow: Yes, I was a member of the royal family as well as the previous holder of the spirit of the hero though I do not speak much with the others.
Link: Why is that?
Ralow: I prefer my isolation, it's nice and quiet and the other heroes are nice enough to leave me be. In life, I preferred the library to a ballroom.
Link: So, why did you break your silence now, did you just feel like chatting?
Ralow: Of course not, I wish to help you reawaken something, something given to you by old friends of yours. The champion's powers still reside deep inside you but as the champions have moved on those powers have gone dormant.
Link: Okay then, how do I awaken them?
Ralow: You can not but I can. I too, have spirit abilities and can awaken one champion ability, you only have to decide which power gets awakened. I would suggest consulting with Zelda, it is better to have more than one opinion on this matter.

Link stirred from his meditation having more questions than answers searched for Zelda finding her settling a trade dispute. A foreign merchant was trying to overcharge a chef for a crate of spices. An unamused Zelda was giving the merchant an earful telling him the other merchants wouldn't do business with him if he kept on scamming them. Stepping away Zelda breathed a frustrated sigh of relief. Seeing Zelda's frustration, Link wrapped his arms around her and kissed her before asking if she wanted to talk about her frustration. Link listened to Zelda vent about scummy merchants trying to scam their people. Zelda had received word from the sages saying they too were having problems with these same merchants cheating their people, which only added to her frustrations. After ranting a little Zelda calmed down again and thanked Link for hearing her out.

Zelda: So what's up, did you need me for something?
Link: Do I need a reason to see my beautiful wife, but yes there is something I wanted to talk to you about.
Zelda: It must be important if you stopped your teaching and meditation.
Link: While I was meditating I spoke with the hero who faced the calamity before us, the one depicted on the canvas in Kakariko. He says he can awaken one of the champion abilities, I just have to decide which one.
Zelda: And You want my input?
Link: Yes, this decision is too big for me to make alone.
Zelda: Well Urbosa's Fury would be useful but is outclassed by your power, Revali's Gale would give you more mobility but you can summon a flying machine with the gauntlet Purah made, Daruk's Protection is a great defense but again is outclassed by your power, Mipha's Grace would let you heal yourself and possibly others. They all have potential but I think Mipha's Grace would be the best option. You have power, defense, and mobility so having the power to heal would be more useful.
Link: I was thinking that too. The time for fighting has passed, we need healing now.
Zelda: Then you have your answer. Funny, we know more about the other heroes but the one preceding you we know little about.
Link: Perhaps he will be in a talkative mood but I don't know how much more he will tell me. I did learn one thing though, he is related to you.
Zelda: He is, how interesting.
Link: Apparently the other figure shown on the canvas was his sister.
Zelda: I'll have to make sure to write that down, let me know if he tells you anything else.

Zelda kissed Link again before returning to her duties. Returning to his meditation Link again entered his mind and spoke with Ralow. Warning Link that there was no changing his decision Ralow plunged his hand into Link. Feeling an intense pain in his chest LInk almost awakened from his meditation but he endured it. With a sudden release Link felt a familiar calm and peaceful feeling flow over him blocking out the pain. It was the same feeling Link felt when Mipha healed him before but more internalized like it was becoming a part of him. After what felt like hours Ralow released Link congratulating him on his endurance though he admitted he wasn't surprised. As Link began to fade back to reality Ralow thanked him for his caring not only for Zelda but for Hyrule as a whole. Awakening Link got back to work with the volunteers who were practicing a new technique. Link had been teaching them the earthwake technique but encountered a problem he hadn't expected. Most of the volunteers lacked the stamina to properly use the technique, something Link was correcting. Out of all of them, Azu was using himself the hardest determined to be as fast and strong as Link. Unfortunately, while Link was meditating Azu injured himself. When Link checked the injuries he discovered Azu had sprained his ankle and broken his arm. Closing his eyes Link focused on the injuries but found it harder than he expected, then something clicked in his mind. Instead of focusing on the injuries Link focused on the things he cared about, the people he cared about. Link focused on the love and care he had for his students, friends, and most importantly his love for Zelda. Link opened his eyes again and to his surprise, a blue light was emanating from his hand. Azu had a look of shock on his face as well as everyone around them. It wasn't long after Link had healed Azu's injuries that he was back at his training though with more supervision. 

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