Chapter 8: A Friends Advice

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 A few months after the destruction of the Yiga Clan Link and Zelda made a trip to Zora's Domain on urgent business. Across Hyrule there was a problem, the population had exploded in number. This would be a good thing but it creating a shortage of food. For weeks Zelda had eaten very little opting to give her portions to others, Link had eaten nothing giving his rations to Zelda. Sidon had approached Link and Zelda about making a joint Hylian and Zora fish farm, this was why they found themselves making their way to Zora's Domain. As things stood there would be enough rations to last the year but things were uncertain. Arriving they were greeted by Sidon and Yona who were glad to see their friends. Secretly Link hoped he could get advice from Yona about purposing.

Sidon: My friends it's good to see you two again!
Link: Yes, it has been some time hasn't it?
Sidon: Indeed, but we have all been busy.
Yona: But hopefully we will be able to solve our present problem.
Zelda: Yes, I have come up with a few plans but need your input.
Sidon: Excellent, I have asked our best fisherman to meet with us.
Zelda walks ahead of Link next to Sidon while Link walks next to Yona
Link whispers: Yona, this may not be the best time, but I need your advice and I need Zelda not to hear.
Yona: I see, do you still have the Zora armor?
Link: Yes.
Yona: Good, I will use it to make an excuse to get us some privacy, but I need you to ask me about checking the armor.

Meeting in the throne room Zelda showed her plans for a hatchery in Lanayru Wetlands. The Zora fisherman agreed it was a prime location but recommended the use of Hyrule Bass. These bass have a short growing period, reaching full size in two to three weeks. Hudson Construction would handle to building but the Zelda needed the Zora's help in catching the first batch of bass. It was at this moment Link asked Yona about checking the Zora armor and they both left Sidon and Zelda to continue planning.

Yona: Okay Link we are alone, now what did you want to ask me?
Link uncomfortably: Well, I need advice on purposing and I know it's custom for the Zora women to purpose.
Yona: I see why you didn't want Zelda to hear, so you are finally going to do it.
Link: How did you know?
Yona: Everyone sees it, except you and Zelda it seems. But yes, I can give you some advice. Be yourself, it's who Zelda is in love with, and it wouldn't hurt to do it in a romantic location. Also, don't purpose with others around, it kind of spoils the moment.
Link: I see, thank you for the advice.
Yona: Now I have some questions for you.
Link: Yes?
Yona: What is the item Hylians use to purpose, the Zora have special items of clothing like armor.
Link: It's not too dissimilar, a simple pair of rings, one for each of us.
Yona: Like what you have on your hand now?
Link: Yes, but on the wrong finger.
Yona: I see, so have you made these rings?
Link: No, but I have been gathering materials and I have an idea of what I want them to look like. 
Yona: Do you mind sharing?
Link: Sure, the ring for Zelda will be a Zonaite band with a sapphire in the center, my ring will be similar but with a luminous stone instead of a sapphire.
Yona: Interesting, but why a sapphire and a luminous stone?
Link: Blue is the color of wisdom and sapphire possesses a cooling magic symbolizing Zelda's calm nature. Luminous stones glow green when surrounded by darkness, symbolizing courage and when it's at its greatest.
Yona: Let me guess, courage represents you, very fitting. But who will make the jewelry, you don't strike me as a jeweler.
Link: At Riju's request Isha, the Gerudo jeweler, agreed to make the rings, though she seemed excited about making a custom set of rings and didn't need much convincing.
Yona: So when did you plan on telling Sidon, he is your best friend after all?
Link: I was hoping to tell him before we left, but I have to get him alone first.
Sidon walks in
Sidon: Well we are not quite alone but I think you can tell me now.
Link: Ah, you're here, how long have you been standing there?
Sidon: Long enough for me to be boiling over with excitement, I'm so happy you have decided to pop the question on Zelda!
Link: Well it will be some time before I ask her, it doesn't feel appropriate with Hyrule still in shambles and we are in the middle of a crisis.
Sidon: Well hopefully for not much longer, we finalized the plans for a hatchery.
Link: this is good news, but where is Zelda?
Sidon: she is discussing what the next step should be with our fishing expert.
Link: I should be getting back before she gets suspicious.
Yona: Yes you don't want Zelda catching on.

Returning Zelda asked if everything was okay with the Zora armor to which Link confirmed everything was good. Link got caught up on everything he missed while speaking with Yona. It was agreed that the hatchery would hold both Hyrule Bass and Hearty Bass. After everything was settled Link and Zelda stayed the night there in Zora's Domain. Early the next day Link and Zelda departed from the Domain returning to Lookout Landing where they shared good news. Construction began shortly after, the project was personally handled by Hudson who made quick work of the task. The Zora made good on their end providing the first fish to be placed in the hatchery. The next few weeks everyone was anxious to see if the hatchery would pay off, and pay off it did. Within two months the number of fish tripled ending the food shortage. During this time Link spent contemplating on what Yona had told him and began formulating a plan of his own. He already knew what he wanted the rings to look like he just had to get the recourses to the jeweler without Zelda catching on.

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