Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes

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Link and Zelda met up with the sages who were coordinating the pushback. Their forces were holding the Tamrle back but they couldn't keep this up. To no one's surprise, Link said he would break the line though they were surprised to hear what else he had planned. Leading the charge Link and Zelda would push their way to the King and open his eyes to reality forcing a surrender. Link explained the sages needed to keep the line from reforming once Link broke through. To ensure this Link would spread his power out as much as he could sustain, though even Link didn't know what his new limits were. Before taking her position Riju quickly and secretively gave Link the rings saying she picked them up before leaving Gerudo Town. Link thanked her and rushed to his position ready to give the signal. Despite how subtle Riju was Zelda noticed and asked Link what Riju gave him. Link was honest but wanted to keep the surprise saying it was a little something for later. Taking a deep breath Link activated his secret stone engulfing his body in green light. Instead of fighting his fear Link embraced it and balanced it with courage, going further than he had before. Link's body was coated in armor made from his will, his fear coated his sword in a red aura and his courage formed a shield. Zelda could feel Link's strength grow and looking over saw his iris had taken the form of perfect spirals of green energy burning like wildfire. Taking the lead, Link calmly moved forward shattering the line and pushing the Tamrle forces back. The weak-willed gave way and cowered while the strong-minded charged to little effect. Link skillfully moved in between the soldiers making a path forward for unified Hyrule forces who were strengthened and filled with courage by Link's power. Sidon, Yunobo, Tulin, and Riju took the shoreline cutting off the Tamrle's escape. Calmly and strategically Link and Zelda made their way to the Akkala Citadel ruins where King Darmuth had set up his command camp. Where Link walked a feeling of fear overcame the Tamrle followed by a feeling of peace that radiated from Zelda. The Tamrle didn't dare to follow after Link and Zelda nor try to stop them from climbing the stairs leading to the top of the citadel. Reaching the top Link and Zelda confronted King Darmuth and his four sons who were regretting their choices, but they had a plan.

King Darmuth: You're good, I'll give you that, but you are a coward for hiding behind that stone. Yes, I figured out your source of strength, that cloak of yours always starts from that stone on your forehead.
Link: You don't know what the source of my strength is. The last person to attack Hyrule didn't meet a good end, don't push your luck.
Zelda: It would be in your best interest to surrender now.
King Darmuth: Silence girl! Boy, stop hiding behind your stone and face me and my sons like a warrior.
Link smirks and deactivates his secret stone
Link: You pushed it.

Before Zelda could stop him Link rushed forward colliding with Darmuth's sons. They were good but nowhere near as skilled as Link which quickly became evident. Weaving in between his opponents Link dodged every strike but he did not counter. Link wanted to show the egotistical king what true strength was. Moreover, Link wanted to push himself as it had been too long since he challenged himself without assistance. Disarming them Link pined them down with their weapons before drawing his sword and closing in on the king who had stumbled to the ground. Link stood in front of him seeing the extreme fear and regret in his eyes. Link was satisfied he had scared the king enough and sheathed his sword and motioned that it was safe for Zelda to approach. Zelda walked up asking if the king would surrender now to which the beaten king surrendered. Zelda tried to pull a tough disapproving look but seeing the beaten king's shame and fear she couldn't do it.  Despite what had happened Zelda didn't ask for any reparation just that the King spread the word that Hyrule was still strong and wasn't to be messed with. The king was taken aback by this expecting to have to pay some kind of reparations or worse be executed. King Darmuth vowed he would do one better and proposed an alliance between Hyrule and Tamrle. The Kingdom of Tamrle would safeguard Hyrule's northern border and send aid in rebuilding. Zelda was a little surprised by this offer but reasoned seeing his "unbeatable" sons defeated by one person all at once was a wake-up call. With initial terms quickly set both King Darmuth and Zelda called for their forces to cease. The sages joined Link and Zelda as a treaty was drawn up and signed. A liaison would be sent with aid for rebuilding and as a show of support. As the Kingdom of Tamrle lies to the north they would protect the northern border as well as open trade roads. After the injured were treated and the fallen collected the Tamrle left Hyrule having been humbled. 

Zelda: Well that was...different.
Riju: In what way?
Zelda: I had become accustomed to fighting off a great evil, seeing another human look at me in fear is a little unsettling.
Link: We did what we had to, I'm glad we could keep the casualties low.
Sidon: Yes, in total we lost a handful of our people. Considering we were outnumbered thirty to one we were fortunate.
Riju: Very fortunate but our survival is largely due to you, Link. 
Link: Come again?
Riju: I can't speak for the others but I know the Gerudo would have been in serious trouble had you not intervened.
Sidon: The same goes for us, I don't want to fathom what would have happened if not for you. 
Tulin: You always knew the right time to show up.
Yunobo: Your help was appreciated goro.
Link: Standing by as others fight isn't my thing.
Riju: Still you took a risk leaving the castle underdefended. I mean no offense Zelda, but I saw the numbers that attacked the castle.
Zelda: No offense taken, I'm aware I'm not the fighter Link is. But we were not defenseless when Link left.
Summons Link's avatar
Zelda: Link gave me access to his spirit avatar before he left.
Sidon: Why does he-?
Sky: Hello everyone!
Sages: AHH!!

Link explained who Sky was and to the best of his ability why Link's avatar could speak when the other sages couldn't, though much was still unknown. The sages were surprised and had more questions but everyone was ready to return home. Link and Zelda returned to Lookout Landing where things were being put back together. Zelda was the first to hit the bed while Link was too active and alert to rest. Looking out over Hyrule Field Link fumbled with the rings and thought about how he would purpose. Suddenly it hit Link, a special event taking place in Hateno that would make for a perfect setting, the autumn festival.

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