Chapter 26: Bon Voyage

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Over the coming days, Link aided Hudson Construction in building the harbor at Rist peninsula. During this time Zelda had finished the flags for the ships and had begun a new task. Knowing the refugees would need medicinal aid Zelda was busily preparing elixirs following one of Link's recipes. Link maintained a good-sized stockpile of ingredients for elixirs but hearty lizards were hard to find and he had limited stock. As luck would have it the traveling merchant Beedle was passing by with a good number of lizards and Zelda was able to acquire a few more but supplies were lower than she would have liked. The concern of whether they would be able to help all the refugees coming lay heavily on Zelda's mind, so much so that it disturbed her sleep something Link took notice of. One morning after a restless night Zelda found herself in an empty bed as Link had left early to help at the harbor. Zelda could smell something and walking down the stairs she saw a plate of eggs that were still hot. next to the eggs was a large basket of elixirs and a note from Link.

Link: My darling Zelda, I thought I would prepare you a little breakfast, I hope the eggs are still warm. As promised I left you a letter of affection, I may not be able to speak what I would like to say but I can write the words down. I noticed you have not been sleeping well recently, I'm guessing it's because you are concerned about whether we are prepared to aid the refugees. I took the liberty of preparing a couple of batches of elixirs, including some of my own. I would rather they go to the injured or sick refugees than sit unused by me. I also wanted to take some of the burden off of you, you have worked hard but could do with some time to clear your head. Your concern for the hurt and scared is admirable and I love you all the more for it, but take some time for yourself. They are heavy on my mind too, we will be there to help them it's only a matter of time before they arrive. A messenger from Lookout Landing arrived early this morning with a message from Altaira saying her father, King Darmuth, had made a clear path to their docks for those wishing to come to Hyrule. With the ships arriving soon all the pieces will be in place, we will get them here and we will help them, together. The sun is rising and I need to be at the harbor, moorings for larger vessels are being placed today. Be at peace my love, we are almost there.
Zelda: How sweet of him. Perhaps I should take some time for myself, though I don't like the idea of doing nothing while he works. I could prepare a lesson for the kids for when we return to Hateno, maybe a research assignment. It would be good to see if any of the kids have a knack for research.

Zelda diligently worked on a lesson, only stopping to feed and play with Midna. Before she knew it the sun was setting and Link had returned. Zelda thanked Link for the note and the push to take a day for herself. Link informed her that the harbor was finished and ready to receive ships which should be arriving in a few days. After a hearty meal, they retired to their bed both getting a good night's rest. The next few days Zelda helped Link prepare the last of the supplies for the voyage which consisted of food, water, and bandages. When the ships arrived Link loaded the cargo when Zelda approached him with an idea.

Zelda: Link, do you think it would be a good idea for one of us to go meet the refugees?
Link: It would be good for their morale given they are fleeing from a war. Where you go I will follow, if you want.
Zelda: Do you think it would be wise for both of us to leave? I know we can count on the other sages to look after things in their regions and Purah and Altaira can handle anything that comes up in Lookout Landing. But is it really okay for us to just shove responsibilities off on them and go sailing, seems kind of rude.
Link: If we asked them what do you think they would say? 
Zelda: Riju and Sidon would encourage us to do what we thought was right, Purah and Altaira would probably say we should go, and Tulin and Yunobo probably wouldn't fully understand but would back up our decision.
Link: If it helps you I can stay and watch over things.
Zelda: I want to go, but I don't want to force you to stay if you don't want to, that wouldn't be fair for you either.
Link: I agree one of us should go, as princess seeing you would show how much you care for them. Don't worry about me, I will be looking for your return every day.
Zelda hugs Link
Zelda: Thank you, I owe you one.
Link: Nonsince. you better tell the captain, it looks like they will be shoving off soon.

Zelda thanked Link again before speaking to the captain who gladly welcomed her aboard. Before they set sail Zelda herself raised the new flag of Hyrule, something that sent a surge of pride through the crew of both ships. Link returned to Lookout Landing where Purhar was concerned about Zelda's absence. Link explained she wished to go in person to meet with the refugees and that he stayed behind to help look after things. With a sigh of relief, Purah gave Link a briefing about what happened while they were out. The Talus heart experiments showed promising results and it was determined that they would be suitable for keeping the fisheries water warm enough for the fish. As for the farm domes, it was decided that instead of covering the existing farmland new fields would be plowed and sowed in Romani Plains. Hudson had been experimenting with making large glass domes back in Tarrey Town, perfecting the process. A few young farmhands had already moved into Castle Town and begun to work the fields. Not wishing to stand by and do nothing Link went to meet with them. The farmhands were shocked that Link, the legendary swordsman and husband of the princess, would come to help them but they were glad to have a hand in preparing the ground. It was hard work but Link was glad to have something to occupy his mind. Every day since Zelda left Link missed her, still wishing he had gone with her. But Link knew he was needed here and the work he was doing was proof of that. During the next few weeks, Link spent his time either helping others, playing with Midna, or training himself and the monster control crew. Link decided when Zelda returned he would discuss the reforming of the guard starting with the monster control crew. Till that time came Link continued to work sunrise to sunset but his thoughts lingered on Zelda.

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