Chapter 30: Training Begins

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After gathering the last of the volunteers in Hateno Link and Zelda along with their new apprentices made their way to Lookout Landing. While Link and Zelda were gone Captain Hoz and Purah had been working on getting the weapons and armor to equip the volunteers with. When they finally reached Lookout Landing Link told the volunteers to rest, they would begin training early in the morning, but Link wasn't idle. Getting a scouting report from the Monster Controle Crew Link noticed the monsters had been behaving more organized than typical and remembering the landslide trap Link started to get concerned. Link sent the Monster Controle Crew out again to do observations on the larger groups of monsters but under no circumstances were they to attack. Zelda asked Link what he thought was happening but he didn't know for sure but believed it was concerning. The next day Link was atop Castle Town's main gate watching as volunteers gathered. Link began with the basics of stance and striking to get an idea of what everyone's capabilities were. The volunteers were a little disappointed they wouldn't get to use swords yet they followed Link's instructions. While Link was busy training the volunteers, Zelda showed Karin the basics of leadership and diplomacy.

Zelda: So as you are now aware there is a war that does not involve us, how should we respond?
Karin: We don't get physically involved but we can help.
Zelda: In what way?
Karin: By taking in the scattered refugees.
Zelda: A good idea morally speaking but you still have your own people to tend to.
Karin: Then we take care of both, though that's easier said than done.
Zelda: So you understand the situation, good. 
Karin: Princess, how are we going to take care of both?
Zelda: With the combined efforts of Hudson Construction and skilled farmhands fields are almost ready to grow crops even during winter and because of the Igneo Talus hearts the fisheries maintained by us and the Zora will be able to remain active.
Karin: That provides food and Castle Town provides shelter.
Zelda: Not just Castle Town. Hateno, Lurelin, and Tarrey Town are expanding all be it slowly. And to add to it many of the refugees are starting shops so there is also economic growth.
Karin: So before bringing in the refugees you ensured there would be resources to take care of them and Hyrule.
Zelda: Before I do anything I must consider how it affects my people and allies. I knew this time it would benefit everyone but in the future, I would have to hold myself back. An important thing to remember is you have the option to help others but you must take care of your own. There are times when you have to let others lead, you can't be an expert in everything so you need to build a group of trusted individuals you can follow. For me, I have the other sages, Puarh, and Altaira who are all of great help.

Zelda continued to show Karin the responsibilities of a leader and everything that goes into her decisions. Back with the volunteers, Link was making progress though he was still hesitant to give them real weapons. Most of the volunteers were still clumsy with their movements but there was one who stood out, Azu. Link was impressed with his natural talent attributing it to Azu training himself. Dismissing the volunteers for the day Link took Azu aside to continue working.

Link: I know what it is like to be a kid training with adults, that's where I got my start.
Azu: You became a soldier as a kid?
Link: I was stationed in the training camps longer since I was still a child but as soon as I hit a suitable age I was placed into the Royal Guard because of my skill and possessing the Master Sword.
Azu: Then you became a champion right? I remember this from the history lesson.
Link: Correct. I see the same fire in you that I had those many years ago.
Azu: You do? Do you still have that "fire"?
Link: I do but it has changed as my life has. We are the product of your choices and though I have struggled and suffered I regret nothing, some things were meant to be. That inner fire is what drives you forward when things go wrong, when the world is falling apart that fire will light your way.
Azu: So this inner fire is a source of strength.
Link: Yes but a good sword helps too. Also, you can't fight everything alone, believe me, I tried. You have to be able to work with others and combine your strengths to cover your weaknesses.
Azu: When will we train with real swords? Soon I hope.
Link: Be patient, when you have the basics down I will give you a sword. I have one specific in mind for you, the White Sword of the Sky. It's a replica of the sword wielded by the first hero and was given to me by the goddess statue as thanks for my aid and now I'm going to give it to you.
Horn blast
Azu: What was that?
Link: Nothing good.

As the sun was setting a horn blast echoed out across Hyrule field. Silloets of monsters could be seen and a small group of hylians racing ahead. The hylians were being led by Captain Hoz who informed Link that the monsters spotted them and launched an attack on Castle Town. By this time the volunteers had gathered, some more anxious than others. Seeing this as a teaching opportunity both Link and Zelda stepped forward commanding everyone to stand back. For Link, this was to teach the volunteers the importance of mastering the basics. As Link and Zelda walked forward to meet the monster horde Zelda smirked telling Link she had a little surprise for him, she had been practicing a new trick. Uncovering a satchel of throwing knives Zelda explained she wasn't going to let Link do all the work again so she learned how to use throwing knives in secret. Link was impressed but didn't have time to express it as the monsters drew closer. Link charged forward using nothing but his sword and shield. Keeping her distance Zelda picked off any monsters that escaped Link's onslaught. Watching on from a distance the volunteers began to understand why Link was hammering in the basics. Azu and Karin watched as their mentors worked in unison perfectly understanding what their words meant. Karin could see just as Link followed Zelda's lead in political matters Zelda followed Link's lead in combat. Azu Saw the trust Link had in Zelda, combining their strength to cover each other. After the fight Link and Zelda were welcomed back with cries of praise. quieting everyone down Link immediately went to Captain Hoz to get more details of what happened before the attack. The Captain said the monsters were gathering but with no clear leadership structure. Zelda guessed that they were following Ganondorf's last command, attack Hyrule, but with the monster forces weakened they wouldn't be able to mount an attack any time soon. With everyone settling back down Link and Zelda walked off to get some well-earned rest, but not before some one-on-one time.

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