Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend

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The next day Zelda woke up to a warm fire and a hot pot of tea prepared by Link who was standing by the sanctum door looking out over Lookout Landing and Hyrule field. Link noticed Zelda waking up and turned back to wish her a good morning. After a quick breakfast, they made their way back to get an update from Purah. It was apparent that Purah had stayed up late trying to fulfill Zelda and Link's responsibilities on top of her own. 

Purah: (yawn) According to recent reports most of the Yiga's activity was concealed in the depths which is why we have had a problem finding them. Hudson has begun work on the goddess statue and has sent a group of his people to start on the harbor at Rist Peninsula.
Zelda: That's all good news but...have you had any sleep?
Purah: Maybe an hour. Don't look so worried, it's fine, I'm fine.
Link: How many fingers am I holding up?
Purah: Uhhhh, ten.
Link: You are seeing double, maybe you took too much on at once. 
Zelda: Link and I have done enough wedding plans for now, we can pick up where you left off.
Purah: Are you sure?
Link: Yes, now go get some well-earned rest.

Link and Zelda took Purah's notes and got to work. In Purah's exhaustion, she forgot to mention that the construction workers at Rist Peninsula had sent an urgent message saying a horde of monsters had taken up residence there. Link was confused as nearly all monsters had been eradicated till one of the guards said there had been a blood moon the previous night. Worried Zelda began to question if Ganondorf was truly gone while Link tried to reassure her he was dead. Sky, seeing the confusion, summoned himself to both Link and Zelda's surprise. Sky explained the blood moon wasn't a product of Ganondorf but was the result of Demise's curse. Luckily the stronger monsters like the Gleeok did not return but the weaker enemies do in smaller numbers and not as often. Zelda sighed a breath of relief before asking how Sky knew all this and why he hadn't said this before. Sky reminded her how old his spirit was saying he had plenty of time to learn and understand the ins and outs of the curse that plagues them. He also pointed out he forced his summoning, something that took much effort, to clear up the confusion. Zelda apologized before looking back at the message to see if Sidon on Yunobo had been alerted. Disappointedly Zelda had discovered that either the construction workers hadn't followed the new procedures or they didn't know, either way, neither Sidon nor Yunobo had been alerted to the situation. Link readied his gear and set out while Zelda stayed behind to look out after Lookout Landing with Sky. Riding hard the whole day Link arrived at the house he had purchased in Tarrey Town where he left his horse so he could have a more stealthy approach. Using the same technique he had used to find the Yiga spy Link took count of every monster going as far as to determine what kind. Though it had taken a great toll on him Link charged into the fray. There was an assortment of Bokoblins, Moblins, and Lizalofs being led by a Boss Bokoblin, but it meant little as they all fell before the moon was at its peak. Tiered from the use of his ability and the fight Link made his way back to his house but along the way, he could tell he was being followed. Reaching the house Link looked back to see a pair of green eyes looking at him. The next day Link could feel the same eyes watching him from a distance but he was unable to get a good look at what what was following him. Stopping at Thims Bridge Link looked back and finally got a glimpse at what was following him. A few meters back stood a starved wolf with black fur and an injured leg. Something in Link spurred him to help the poor creature behind him. Link walked a little closer before dropping to one knee and offering a portion of meat. The wolf inched closer cautiously unable to resist the food offering. As the wolf ate the meat Link placed his hand on its head feeling its pain and fear. Doing what he could Link treated its wounds and tried to ease the wolf's pain. Using one of the healing elixirs he had Link coated another portion of meat with results becoming apparent soon after the wolf consumed it. Link remounted his horse and continued riding back to Lookout Landing but the wolf continued to follow only a little closer now. Zelda met Link and the gate welcoming him back and asked how things went.

Link: The monsters weren't hard to clear out, though I need to practice more with my sensing abilities.
Zelda: It still drains you?
Link: Not as bad, if I keep practicing hopefully the effects will be more manageable.
Zelda noticed the wolf that was keeping its distance again
Link: So you noticed the wolf, it has been following me ever since I finished off those monsters.
Zelda: Has it attacked you? Actually scratch that, if the wolf had attacked it wouldn't be standing there.
Link: True, it was injured and starved, and probably still is.
Zelda: Poor thing. Since you said "was" I assume you tried to treat its injuries.
Link: I did with a fair amount of success.
Zelda: I wonder if it trusts you.
Link: Perhaps, wolves normally flee if they are already injured but this one followed me.
Link and Zelda walk up to the wolf
Zelda: It's okay little one, I'm not going to hurt you.
Link: I wonder what happened to him.
Zelda: I don't but judging by the markings SHE is young, can't be more than two years old if that.
Link: I stand corrected, still I wonder what happened to her. Wait do you see that on her injured leg, I can't believe I didn't notice it before. Gloom marks, and look there are bight marks around it.
Zelda: Poor girl must have gotten too close to a gloom pool.
Link: The others must have attacked and forced her out of the pack.
Zelda: We can't just leave her, a wolf without a pack probably won't survive.
Link: I agree.
Zelda: I know it isn't wise to bring in a wild animal...wait what did you say?
Link: I agree, we can't abandon her. We have been on the bad end of fate twice but we kept fighting like this poor creature has. I relate too much to turn her away.
Wolf walks up to them and nuzzles Zelda
Link: Well that settles it, she likes you. However, it will take time for her to get acclimated and for the people in Lookout Landing to accept her.

Over the coming days Link and Zelda would bring the wolf something each time a little closer to the gate. Link spoke with everyone telling them the black wolf is not a threat and that he and Princess Zelda are trying to get her used to people. Purah thought it was cute, Link and Zelda trying to tame a wolf, even going as far as to make a collar that would show up on the Purah Pad for them. After a few weeks of this, the wolf finally walked inside the fortification cautiously and let Link put the collar on. It wasn't long after when the wolf became more comfortable with the people in Lookout Landing even letting them pet her, preferably scratches behind his ears. Zelda began to question what they should call her not wanting to use normal dog names. Jokingly Link suggested asking Sky for advice but Zelda thought it was a wonderful idea so they summoned him. Since the wolf fur was pitch black with a pale grey underbelly Sky suggested the name Midna for the Princess of the Twili and friend to previous heroes. A peace of Link found it both amusing and heartwarming though he didn't know why.

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