Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend

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Over the coming weeks, things were put back in order and some of the lost progress had been rectified. True to his word King Darmuth sent aid in the form of expert architects and master stonemasons. Accompanying the architects and stonemasons was a liaison to King Darmuth, his daughter Altaira who was the historian and diplomate of the Tamrle royal family.

Zelda: I'm surprised King Darmuth has another child.
Link: And that they would send you as a liaison.
Altaira: Between my brickhead brothers and glory-hungry father I'm the reasonable one. I advised him not to attack Hyrule, I tried to explain to them that not only was it morally reprehensible but with word of your return it was said that the Master Sword had been pulled meaning there was a hero with unsurpassable skill.
Zelda: You are well informed, (looks at Link) though you missed the part about my appointed knight returning as the hero.
Altaira: That part was left out, I assume this knight would be you. If half the legends are true it's no wonder my brothers lost to you, and I have many questions in regards to you and your stones.
Link: Well I'm not sure.
Altaira: I know, "I'm not sure we can trust you yet", I understand given what my father did. In time I hope we can trust each other especially if I'm to be a liaison between our two Kingdoms.
Link: Actually I was going to say I'm not sure how much we can tell you, not much is known about them.
Altaira: You would trust me despite everything?
Link: A fighter must rely on their instincts to survive, my instincts tell me you can be trusted but I would caution you not everyone echoes this sentiment.
Altaira: Sounds like I have work to do then.
Zelda: It would be good if you met the other leaders, you know get acquainted with them.
Altaira: Yes, that's something I had planned on doing, but this is my first time being a liaison, and well...I'm a little nervous.
Link: I thought you said you were the diplomate of your family.
Altaira: I am, but it's always been letter correspondence I haven't had to do this face-to-face before.
Zelda: Well there is a simple solution, we will go with you.

As they left Lookout Landing Link gave Altaira one of his horses to keep as a welcome gift. It wasn't one of his best but it was a fine steed. First up was the Gorons, who in their usual calm friendly demeanor welcomed Altaira. They understood she was there to represent Tamrle though they didn't know what "liaison" meant. Next up was the Zora whose elders weren't too happy about seeing another royal from Tamrle. Link expected as much but he knew even the most stubborn elder would come around in time. Sidon and Yona seeing the difference between Altaira and the rest of her family, welcomed Altaira. The next day the trio arrived in Gerudo Town where Altaira was surprised to learn Link was the only exception to the Gerudo Town's rule of no men. Like the others, Riju was welcoming taking them to the Noble Canteen but her curious nature got the better of her, and she began to inquire about Altaira's past. Altaira spoke about how she was a bit of an outcast in her glory-hungry family, preferring the dusty books in the library to the sword. Zelda could relate to this telling Altaira and Riju about the strained relationship she had with her father something that took Riju by surprise despite having become good friends with Zelda. After a good night's rest, the trio departed for Rito Village, reuniting with their horses at the entrance to the desert. When they arrived they found Rito Village bustling as an archery contest was being held. Teba welcomed the trio and invited them to watch, though Tulin demanded Link be able to participate. After thinking about it Teba agreed it would be good for the younger Rito to have someone to look up to. Gathering at the flight range the young Rito warriors put up an impressive display with Tulin leading up the scoreboard. As a finally Link stepped up and smashed the record set that day, only Teba, Tulin, and Zelda were unsurprised being keenly aware of Link's ability. After a night back at Lookout Landing Link and Zelda prepared to return to Hateno and to introduce Altaira to one more leader and friend. It wasn't long before they arrived in Kakariko where they ran into Paya and a visiting Tauro. During the events of the upheaval, Tauro and Paya had become friends over their shared interest in the ancient ruins. The interaction was brief as Paya was in the middle of something and Zelda was eager to return to Hateno. The sun was setting when they arrived in Hateno, despite this the village was busy setting up for the festival. Zelda took Altaira to the house while Link arranged a room at the inn for Altaira.

Altaira: Well this has been an interesting couple of days, I didn't expect a friendly welcome.
Zelda: I understand the feeling. When I first returned I thought I would be blamed for the champion's deaths, I had already blamed myself. But they didn't, they accepted me for who I was and helped me move past the guilt.
Altaira: You have supportive friends, especially in Link. I have learned much about you, but your friend Link doesn't speak of his past. I don't mean to pry but it piqued my curiosity.
Zelda: That's a bit more complicated, see he doesn't remember much of his past. It was a side effect of the shrine he was placed in. In exchange for being healed, his memory was wiped. Luckily he was able to recover bits and pieces but there were still gaps.
Altaira: How awful. How does he keep a friendly demeanor?
Zelda: He told me once he laments not being able to remember his past but is content to make new memories. I confess sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head if he is really alright. But this topic is dark and I don't relish discussing it.
Altaira: How about a more positive question, how did you come across this house, it's so quaint and peaceful. 
Zelda: Well actually it's Link's house but we have been staying together for years now. He purchased the house when it was being demolished. At first, he was just going to give me the house but I refused to take it from him. Nightmares plagued me after the Calamity, but I found sleeping next to Link chased those dreams away, I feel so safe with him.
Altaira: So would you say Link is more than a friend? Sorry, I have a bad habit of asking too many questions.
Zelda: It's okay. From the outside, it might look like it but we haven't talked about it, it just felt so natural, like it was meant to be. Though Link has been acting differently after the upheaval, he's more...caring. I suspect he has been working on something but I don't want to spoil all the work he has done so I have not looked into what he's been doing. 

Zelda and Altaira talked about Hyrule's history and some of the research Zelda had done on the ruins. It wasn't long before Link returned saying Altaira had a bed rented in the inn as long as she was staying in Hateno. Zelda was astonished Link could make any arrangements with the autumn festival being so close.

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