Chapter 13: Subdued Fear

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Over the coming days Link assisted by the other sages forced the Tamrle army out of the Faron region, burning their ships in the process. Unfortunately, they still held on the the Akkala region stubbornly and King Darmuth was too stubborn to see his situation was futile, too embarrassed to admit that a small group had beaten him. All attacks made on Hateno failed leaving Tamrle's forces weakened. Zelda and Link leading a united Hyrule set up camp just behind the frontlines ready to force peace. Link wanted to turn Darmuth's plan against him by capturing him and his sons, Zelda didn't disagree but cautioned against starting a cycle of violence. Zelda wanted to end this peacefully by opening King Darmuth's eyes to reason. The sages reported that the Tamrle line was dug in and would not relent.

Riju: Bad news they have figured out how to counter our forces and have dug in, good news they lack the strength to push us back.
Sidon: Our people are strong but they have their limits.
Zelda: Link, you have been reluctant as of late to use your stone. Why?
Link: When the Tamrles attacked the castle I lost it and felt afraid...I was afraid of my own strength.
Tulin: Why would you be afraid of your strength?
Riju: Not fearing your own power leads to mistakes. Link possesses greater strength than anyone else here he has every reason to be cautious.
Tulin: You can say the same about fearing your power too much.
Link: Yes but you don't have countless centuries of accumulated strength and knowledge.
Yunobo: What do you mean goro?
Zelda: Link's spirit is that of the heroes from the past, it's older than even the Great Deku Tree. When he uses his secret stone he taps into that power. From what I learned from Sky, the first hero, it would seem the more he uses their strength the more power he can draw on later.
Link: Ganondorf was drunk on power, and having tasted this power I can feel how intoxicating it is.
Sidon: You fear turning into him?
Link: I do, very much.
Zelda: Maybe it would help to speak with your past lives, they could give you insight.
Link: Perhaps, but they have admitted this is the first time they have done something like this. (sigh) Okay...I'll do it, I will talk to them.
Link isolates himself and meditates
Link: Is anybody there?
Time: Depends on if you are ready to listen and change.
Twilight: You fear your power, you fear losing yourself to it?
Link: Yes, is that irrational?
Sky: No, that's not irrational. You have seen what happens when a secret stone is misused and don't wish to make those same mistakes. Link do not let fear control you, master it and use it.
Link: Use fear? I'm already failing at being courageous how can I master fear?
Twilight: Courage isn't the lack of fear but the ability to fight despite it.
Time: Fear is a powerful emotion, it's natural to feel it.
Sky: There is something more, something deeper, something more fractured.
Link: I died once and my mind was fractured in the process of healing. As a result of this, my personality changed and most of my memory is lost forever. When I use my spirit power I can feel that fractured part of me take over, I begin to feel unhinged. The last time I used it I was barely able to regain control.
Twilight: I see, perhaps there is a way we can make that more bearable.
Time: You are not suggesting he do THAT?!
Link: Do what?
Time: Right now we are in your mind, what Twilight is suggesting is to enter your mind in your mind. You would be walking a fine line, one misstep and you are trapped in your head forever.
Sky: With great risk comes great reward, I say he should do it. If he can bring the fractured part under control he will be able to use his power to its fullest.
Twilight: He has to conquer his fear first, but that should be simple for a hero. Focus on what you fear, let it wash over you but do not let it hold you down. Focus on a powerful memory one that fills you with happiness and joy, this will act as your life line keeping you above the tides of fear.

Link let go of the fear he had been holding back, doing as Twilight said. Link could feel every bad memory, everything he feared, this was the culmination of his pain. Focusing on happy memories, Link found a balance within the fear and no longer felt held down by it. Upon conquering his fear Link was led to an enormous fractured sphere. Sky explained this was the manifestation of his memory and he needed to stabilize it but if he fails he will be stuck in his head forever. Unrestrained by fear Link stepped up to the sphere immediately feeling himself being torn in two with his feelings for Zelda being the only thing holding him together. Twilight, Time, and Sky stood with Link providing support and instructing him on what to do next. Link stretched his hands out pulling the shards closer, though some pieces were missing. Through much strain Link reassembled the pieces of his mind and where there was a gap he filled it with new memories, happy memories. After a moment of the sphere trying to pull itself apart it became unmoving, stabilized at last. Link felt at peace though he knew he had to return to conciseness and end this war. but before he left Sky brought him before the other heroes saying if he was going to use their strength he should know them. Link received the blessing from his past lives before he faded back to reality. Waking up Link found Zelda sitting next to him waiting for him to wake. Zelda asked how things went with his past lives and if they were able to help him overcome his fear. Link told Zelda about most of what happened but was interrupted by Purah who rushed in informing them that their united forces required assistance. The line was about to give way and they needed help. Link stood and left for the fight accompanied by Zelda who wanted to go to battle with Link. At first, Link opposed the idea only to be reminded of how she fought off the Yiga assassin in the depths and that she had better control over her time powers.

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