Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea

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The time came for the sages to gather again to share information and come up with a strategy to deal with the Yiga. Unfortunately, the weather delayed Tulin's arrival by a couple of days. Previously the sages had met in lookout landing but for the first time, they gathered in Hyrule Castle. Yunobo was a little standoffish with Midna which Link to be a trait passed down from Daruk. Riju on the other hand fawned all over Midna instantly finding her favorite scratching spot. After a couple of days passed Tulin finally showed up apologizing for the delay. Zelda briefed everyone on the current situation with the Harbor construction and the Yiga.

Zelda: Currently work is underway on the dock at Rist Peninsula though they ran into trouble with monsters.
Link: It would seem blood moons can still happen just not as often and not to as large of an effect as when the calamity or Ganondorf was active.
Sidon: We were unaware monsters had attacked the workers.
Zelda: Yes it would seem the construction workers had not heard the new procedure, which has been corrected.
Sidon: If monsters are still able to return it might be a good idea for us to leave a few guards.
Yunobo: I agree with Sidon, a few Goron a few Zora and they don't stand a chance.
Zelda: Good, this brings us to the Yiga. Most of the surface caves have been explored and there have only been a few hideouts located meaning there are more in the depths.
Riju: And what of the mole?
Link: It's one of the researchers at Lookout Landing.
Tulin: So that's why we are meeting here and not in Lookout Landing.
Zelda: Partly, yes it would be harder for someone to gather information unnoticed as Sky is watching the perimeter.
Riju: And the other reason?
Link: To revive the symbol Hyrule Castle represented in the past.
Zelda: The rebuilding of Castle Town and the use of the castle will send a message...and hinder the painful memories it dredges up.
Sidon: Sooo, how do we deal with the Yiga?
Zelda: I think the more accurate question is how do we deal with the idea of the Yiga?
Tulin: What do you mean by "idea of the Yiga"?
Link: The Yiga are more than a group, they are a movement. So how do we stop something intangible?
Sidon: You make it to fade into obscurity!
Zelda: Exactly, but first we have to remove their ability to be a threat so they can't cause widespread chaos.
Tulin: Then what, do we ignore them like they don't exist?
Link: Essentially yes, but we have to get them to fade from people's minds.
Yunobo: So the question is how do we do that?
Zelda: We can start by removing the scares they have left so there are no reminders. As for how we fade them from people's minds I'm unsure.
Riju: Well the announcement of Castle Town's reconstruction being finished would be big.
Zelda: Yes that could work, but will it stay in their minds long enough?
Sidon: Here's a thought, what if we lined up multiple events and flooded everyone's mind with good news? Start with the Castel Town announcement and shortly after announce something else big, like your wedding.
Zelda: Sidon, that's brilliant!

Link raised his hand to pause everyone saying someone was listening in, the spy had shown up. In a blur Link rushed out trying to catch up to Darius who was fleeing from Sky followed by the sages. Darius tried to outrun Link but quickly found out a determined hero is not someone to challenge. In no time Link caught up to Darius trapping him in the second gatehouse. Cornered by a very aggravated Link, a disappointed Zelda, and a group of sages varying from confused to livid, Darius broke down shouting it over repeatedly.

Link: This seems off. Yiga don't react like this when cornered, they would just teleport out.
Zelda: I think I know what is going on, and I have a very bad feeling about it.
Riju: Whatever it is, this traitor better has a good excuse!
Link: Darius, what is wrong? Who is going to die?
Riju: How can we trust his word?
Link: This isn't the first time the Yiga have done this and the Yiga are too egotistical to put up this kind of an act. Darius, where are-
Link: Darius, Listen to me! Where are they keeping your family?
Darius: In a cave somewhere near here, one of their hideouts, but I don't know which.
Sidon: Even if he's being honest, this sounds like a trap.
Link: It is most certainly a trap but I don't want to take a chance on if he's telling the truth. I located one of their hideouts near here, that could be the one.
Yunobo: What should we do then?
Link: I can handle the hideout, but they have had their eye on Lookout Landing.
Riju: We can keep watch here, but what is to be done about this Voe?
Darius: I don't care what happens to me, just save my family before it's too late.

Just as Link took off he noticed a group of suspicious individuals leaving Lookout Landing on horseback. Arriving at the cave Link could hear laughter coming from deep inside. Rushing in Link found a Yiga assassin taunting people he assumed to be Darius's wife and kids with a sword. There were four assassins in the hideout which surprised Link as he expected more but now wasn't the time. Link Burst out of the shadows, secret stone glowing, and ravaged the three assassins at the entrance. Before the assassin could turn his blade Link sunk an arrow through the assassin's mask. Link untied the wife and kids asking if they were okay. The wife and kids hugged Link thanking him for rescuing them from the Yiga. It was early the next morning when Link returned with the wife and kids who were relieved to see Darius again. Zelda came up pleased to see a little of the Yiga's damage undone. Darius expected to be punished for betraying the Princess but Zelda surprised him. 

Zelda: I'm sending word to Tauro, you will no longer be working in the Zonai Survey Team.
Darius: I figured my actions would catch up with-
Zelda: I'm transferring you to the newly established Zonai Research Team. The team is based here in Castle Town and will be tasked with analyzing Zonai artifacts and texts found by the Survey Team. Housing will be provided to members who wish to reside in Castle Town so no more damp emergency shelter.
Darius: But I-
Zelda: I am well aware of what you did. You put your life and freedom on the line to try and keep your family alive. Your betrayal I blame on the Yiga, but there are consequences to your actions.
Link: Our trust in you has been destroyed but you will have plenty of chances to earn it back. From now till we can trust you again you will be watched.
Zelda: Now go be with your family, you start in the research team tomorrow.

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