Chapter 35: Dark Crystal

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After weeks of searching Link and Zelda had discovered nothing about who was directing the monster hordes. Believing a change in scenery might help Zelda and Link went for a walk with no location in mind. The sages had sent word that they too hadn't discovered anything which disappointed Zelda but she was confident they would uncover something. As they walked Link proposed ideas of what could be affecting the monster. He suggested that the Boss Bokoblins were evolving, becoming more intelligent. While it was a good idea Zelda didn't think the Boss Bokoblins were becoming more intelligent. Zelda had sent Captain Hoz to find out where the monsters were encamped, but early reports were not promising.

Zelda: It's like the monster's camps have just vanished, only appearing to attack.
Link: If they are not getting smarter then they must be getting orders from someone. 
Zelda: Must be someone who has it out for Hyrule.
Link: Would it be possible for the Yiga to control the monsters?
Zelda: They haven't done so before but they are a cunning bunch and they could have found a way.
Link: The Yiga don't know when to stop, if it is them we must stop them. Wait, is that? (whisper) Get down.
Link, while crouched, lunged forward
Zelda: What is it?
Link: Interesting, the patterns are different.
Zelda: Link?
Link: It's a frog, a Hot Footed Frog I think.
Zelda: Ooo Let me see, yes the patterns are different I wonder if its effects are more potent.
Link notices two figures approaching
Link: (Whisper) Hide.
Disguised Yiga: It looks like the monsters are not having the effect we were hoping for.
Disguised Yiga Blademaster: We will have to use more gloom crystals.
Disguised Yiga: Brother not here, the swordsman, the so-called prince, has ears everywhere. The surface is unsafe for such discussion we should return to the depths soon.

After the Yiga passed Link and Zelda came out from behind cover. Though they had their answer as to who was controlling the monsters they were left with more questions than answers. Returning to Castle Town Zelda dropped off the frog into a container Link found and met with Purah to brainstorm what gloom crystals were and how they could let the Yiga control the monsters. While Zelda was busy Link informed the representative who in turn sent word to Riju, Sidon, Yunobo, and Teba. After speaking with the representatives, Link told Captain Hoz that the Yiga were active again and instructed him to pay close attention to caves and chasms. Racking his brain Link went back and forth about how the Yiga could control the monsters. Though they were on the same side the monsters had never before taken orders from the Yiga. While brushing out Midna's fur Link thought back on the path he had taken, every enemy he had faced, then something hit him. Rushing back to Lookout Landing Link busted in on Zelda and Purah.

Link: I've got it!
Zelda: Got what, what did you find?
Link: Ganondorf was able to take control of the Devine Beasts and one of Mineru's constructs using malice and gloom. Gloom is an extinction of his power and will and allows him to spread his influence including monsters. I think they corrupted energized crystals with gloom and are using some Zonai or Sheikah tech to control the monsters.
Purah: In some of the notes we uncovered from the Yiga hideouts they talked about an Ancient Helm they recovered from Robbie's lab. They modified it somehow but didn't write about what it did.
Zelda: That has to be it but how do we counter it, could we somehow block out their influence?
Link: I am unsure but I sent word to our friends that the Yiga are behind this and to be on the lookout for them.
Purah: Ever a pain in our side aren't they, suppose we should deal with them sooner rather than later.
Zelda: It seems like no matter what we do they always come back.
Link: We need to find them before-.

Loudly storming through the door Azu appeared out of breath. After gathering himself Azu told them monsters made a coordinated attack on travelers on the road and raided their packs or carts. While this had happened in the past they weren't as coordinated or destructive. Link was confident the Yiga remained in the depths sculking in the darkness, ever plotting against Hyrule. Gathering his stuff Link went to investigate the depths again when Zelda stopped him wishing to go with him. Link didn't think it was a good idea because of the Yiga's advantage, asking Zelda to remain in Castle Town while he dealt with the Yiga. Frustrated and concerned Zelda went to remind Link she could fight now and that he didn't have to do everything alone. Link wouldn't budge on this matter, he wouldn't take the risk. After a deep sigh, Zelda conceded asking Link to come home safe. Taking a few soldiers Link descended the nearest chasm and began to track down the Yiga hideout. Only stopping periodically, Link pushed the group forward eventually discovering the Yiga hideout in an abandoned mine. Leading the charge Link rushed in only to be surprised by the lack of resistance. Grabbing a Yiga assassin Link interrogated them on where the rest of the clan was hiding. Cackling madly the Yiga assassin only said Link was too late before stabbing himself with a hidden knife. Contemplating what this could mean Link was struck with a sudden realization, this was a setup to get him away from Zelda and Castle Town. Hastley Link and the soldiers returned to the surface where they saw Castle Town under siege by monsters and Yiga. Breaking through the siege Link sprinted forward seeing Azu putting himself between Zelda and a Yiga Blademaster who was wearing an odd helm. As the blade master struck Zelda pulled Azu back catching the the Yiga's blade across her abdomen. Though it was a glancing blow Zelda cried out in pain holding the wound tightly. In rage and pain, Link launched the trident Sidon had gifted him so hard it punched through the blademaster.

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