Chapter 16: Preparations

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As preparation for the autumn festival continued Zelda introduced Altaira to Cece the eccentric fashion designer. Altaira adored the dress and lamented to herself that she hadn't packed anything festive. Zelda saw the look of dismay on Altaira's face and asked Cece if she could make a similar dress before the festival. Cece agreed to make a second dress saying it would be a squeeze but she could do it. When asked if it was for her, Zelda said no and that it was for Altaira. Zelda left for the school house telling Altaira to meet her there after her measurements. After a while, Altaira left the shop and followed the signs to the school. Zelda welcomed her in and introduced her to the students. Zelda had a lesson on the history of Hyrule ready but she ended up setting it aside when the kids asked Zelda about the glowing stone around her neck. Zelda explained it was called a secret stone and it amplified her special powers. Zelda thought of a simple way of explaining her powers.

Zelda: Among other things, I'm what's called a sage, you have met the other five sages already. As for my power, I can reverse an object backward in time.
Kids: Really, can you show us ?!
Zelda focuses on a stick of chalk
Zelda: Let us see what was last written on the board. It would seem to be your mathematics lesson.
Kids: That's so cool. What can the other sages do?
Zelda: Well Chief Riju of the Gerudo is the sage of lightning, King Sidon of the Zora is the sage of water, Tulin the best young warrior of the Rito is the sage of wind, President Yunobo of the Gorons is the sage of fire, and the Hero Link is the sage of spirit.
Kids: Mr. Link is a sage, when did that happen?
Zelda: Not too long ago the spirit of the previous spirit sage reached out to Link passing her secret stone to him. Perhaps he can demonstrate his abilities later, for now, let's return to the lesson.

While Zelda was busy at the school Link was helping with the feast preparations. the chef who normally prepares the feast had fallen ill and a cooking challenge had been issued that morning to find a fill-in chef, which Link handily won. While experimenting with dishes Link also prepared his outfit for the festival. Link was feeling nostalgic and as he was planning on proposing the night of the festival he decided to wear something he hadn't worn in a long time. Link was experimenting with an assortment of dishes from steamed fruit to curry. While Link was in the middle of taste testing, the mayor walked up congratulating Link on winning and seeing how things were going.

Mayor: So how is it going? Good, I presume I could smell the wonderful aroma from my house.
Link: No duds so far but I still have a few more recipes to try before I settle on what I make for the festival. If I remember correctly this will be a banquet setting, so I'll have to make sure to prepare plenty.
Mayor: Do you have a partner for the festival dance?
Link: Why so curious?
Mayor: It's just I haven't seen you with anyone at the festival before.
Link: Well, I'm coming with Zelda.
Mayor: You are accompanying the Princess to the festival, you are a lucky man.
Link: (thought) More than you know.
Mayor: I'm probably distracting you, I will leave you to your work.

It was later in the day when Link finished testing his recipes. Link had decided to make an assortment of skewers and soups as appetizers, and an assortment of meat and seafood dishes for the main course. It took Link longer to decide on dessert but Link decided on simmered fruit, fruitcake, and various pies. Link had just taken his apron off and was heading into his house when the Hateno School kids swarmed him asking all at once to see his spirit powers. Zelda apologized saying her lesson got sidetracked by her secret stone and a quick lesson on who the other sages were followed. Link's stone flared to life covering his body in a green cloak. When Link stretched his hand out the kids felt a surge of strength and courage pass over them. Link deactivated his secret stone and explained how his spirit powers were different from his predecessor's due to how the secret stone interacted with his spirit. 

Kids: But Mr. Link what's different about your spirit?
Link: A simple question with a complicated answer. My spirit is technically thousands of years old, older than the Kingdom of Hyrule.
Kids: But how could that be possible?
Link: Millennia ago a hero faced down the embodiment of evil called Demise. Though he was able to defeat it, a curse was placed on the spirit of the hero and the blood of the goddess to fight Demise's hatred forever.
Kids: Where did you learn all this?
Link summons Sky
Link: From the first hero.
Sky: So you need me for a history lesson, I usually slept through those.
Zelda: You're not exactly setting the best example by saying things like that.
Sky: Sorry, I always preferred flying on my bird than sitting behind a desk.
Kids: You flew on birds, how, they are so small?
Sky: Long ago there were giant birds called Loftwings and they were our loyal companions. Sadly it would seem they have vanished from both the world and the history books.
Link: That's all we have time for at the moment, I'm sure your parents have things for you to do in preparation for the festival.
Zelda: Don't worry there is no class tomorrow but I'm sure we will see each other throughout the day.
Kids: Goodbye Mss. Zelda, Mr. Link!

Even after the kids had left Altaira was still in shock, she didn't fully believe the stories her siblings told her thinking they were trying to make excuses for their hubris. Link found her reaction odd but not unwarranted, he had been feeling the same thing since he obtained his secret stone. After letting Altaira come back down from her excitement Link offered a plate of food to both her and Zelda saying this was one of the dishes he had perfected. They thanked him and happily ate and discussed plans for the coming days.

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